
Life Of A Young Author

Klein, a high schooler who has been locking himself in his room ever since he lost his best friend. His mother never bothered pushing him to go to school. Since he had nothing to do, he started writing novels online. He got a lot of 5 stars reviews but somehow his book is never 5 stars! He needs to look for the comment with no 5 stars! He continued writing until his fifth book was published online. Suddenly, a reader of his reaches out to him and wishes him luck with his new book. It was normal to him but when he checked the person’s account, he saw their past comments. Turns out they had commented a lot on his book and he reads every comment written by them. He was shocked to find the person pointing out his mistake and their opinion on his book. Not a full 5 stars review! Never once he felt hurt by review until this person appears. K: Do you mind if I offer you to be my assistant. K.DMed.ME: O.O? And that...is how Klein made his first friend. ~ Warning: Contain(s): slight bl Not so good English triggering topics ~ Criticism are welcome in the comment section!

ShoRin · Adolescente
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104 Chs


"Hey Klein."

It's been a few days since the incident. Now, Louis is currently standing in front of Klein's house to study together with him. It's been a long time since they studied together. He's glad everything is going back to normal. 

"Hey. Come on, let's go to my room. Han is waiting."

When Louis entered the house, he saw Klein's mother and Mr Ryan watching television. Congratulations to the new couple, they're looking really happy right now. They entered the room and saw Han focusing on his phone.

"Han. Louis is here."

"I have a random question for you guys."

The two guys raise their eyebrows after the guy said so. They take their seat, pull out their book and focus on Han. 

"If you're a writer, would you kill your main character?"

Louis thinks for an answer before giving out the thought.