
Life of a Villain in The Naruto World (Completed)

From an outsider’s perspective, Yuto Hyuga is considered a and traditional genius of the Hyuga clan: tenacious, powerful, gentle, and calm—a reliable partner at all times. However, no one knows that on countless silent nights, this young branch family genius strokes the cursed seal of the caged bird on his forehead, falling asleep with sharp needles clenched between his teeth, fearing he might voice the madness and anger buried deep in his heart in his dreams— “If Itachi Uchiha can do it, why can’t I, Yuto Hyuga?” —AU Naruto World. -------------x---------------- This is a Translation. Original Title: 从火影开始的反派生活 Author: Yun Sixie Novel cover by 당고ᴰᴬᴺᴳᴼ on Twitter -------------x----------------

IHaveNoNamingSense · Cómic
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264 Chs

Chapter 127: Thunder Beast, Senile Monkey, Lone Lion, Princess

Silver arcs of lightning from the Lightning Release technique cut through the earthen wall formed by an Earth Release jutsu, smashing the Iwagakure ninja behind it. In a single strike, the chest of this Chunin exploded, and he died instantly, without even a scream.

A turned expressionlessly, flicking the charred blood off his hands. His feet were planted firmly on the ground, unmovable.

He couldn't remember how many Iwagakure ninjas he had killed.

Was it the ninetieth? The one hundred and ninetieth? The four hundred and ninetieth?

The first hour? The second hour? The fifth hour?

Countless corpses piled at his feet, each with different expressions—some with fear, others still roaring defiantly, and some completely numb from the horrors of war.

But regardless of their last thoughts or life experiences, they all died under A's hands.

However, even for someone of A's caliber, killing so many ninjas took a toll on him. Every ninja had chakra, and with each kill, A expended a corresponding amount of energy and stamina.

Still, A knew he had to stand firm like a mountain, blocking all Iwagakure ninjas until his subordinates could safely retreat, even if it meant losing consciousness and getting decapitated by Onoki's Dust Release.

This is the fate of a Kage.

If asked why... A couldn't explain.

Even if he could, he wouldn't want to.

The Yotsuki clan, which bore the name of the Kage, never bothered with lofty speeches—if it meant dying, so be it. Why bother with words?

What did Tobirama Senju and Yagura Karatachi think before they died? A didn't know, but he believed that those two Kages must have felt a sense of relief in their final moments.

Just like he did at this very moment.

Lightning arced as A laughed loudly, roaring like a Thunder Beast.

In the sky, Onoki watched the pile of Iwagakure corpses below, his brows furrowing uncontrollably.

He hadn't expected that even after being injured by the Moon God, A still maintained such fierce fighting spirit. A cornered beast is the most dangerous, drawing strength from the edge of death!

Onoki had thought A was just a hawkish, warrior-type leader who excelled at charging ahead with loud shouts, possessing nothing but peak-level taijutsu...

Now he realized, A truly lived up to the title of "Kage."

"However, A, you've caused enough chaos. Your stamina and chakra must be running low." Onoki sighed, standing up in mid-air.

Just then, a massive staff, as thick as a leg, suddenly appeared in the midst of the battlefield.

It stretched thirty meters long, one end held tightly by a small man wearing a sacred robe.


Like a rolling millstone, the adamantine staff swept across, crushing all Iwagakure ninjas in the area.

A lion-like roar echoed simultaneously, as a boy with white eyes wrapped in black bandages began his charge, combining monstrous strength and Gentle Fist techniques in a perfect harmony of high temperature, wind pressure, and water pressure.

He charged through the outer layer of the Iwagakure army, killing his way through in the blink of an eye, leaving a two-meter-wide trail of blood behind him. Every Iwagakure ninja in his path was dead.

"Heavenly Foot of Pain!"

A woman's voice rang sharply, and with a stomp of her foot, the ground collapsed and cracked, as if a divine hand pressed down. Countless Iwagakure ninjas fell into the fissures, and even those who avoided the gaps were struck by flying debris, dying instantly.

Simultaneously, various jutsus lit up on the periphery of the Iwagakure forces. Konoha ninjas in green armor appeared, charging forward, catching the Iwagakure off guard and causing their formation to collapse.

"Hiruzen, Yuto Hyuga, Tsunade Senju..." Onoki's face changed, his eyes fixed on the Third Hokage wielding the adamantine staff.

"Onoki!" Hiruzen raised the staff with one hand, pointing it at the Third Tsuchikage from afar.

"I heard you want to test if my Enma can withstand your Dust Release? Come on!" He laughed heartily.

"I'm right here!"

"Hiruzen..." At this moment, A spoke suddenly, his expression complex.

"Konoha saved me. What price must Kumogakure pay?"

The Third Hokage was taken aback, not turning his head but replying.

"Raikage, you may appear rough, but you're quite thoughtful... We'll discuss that later. But no matter what, you must survive." He paused, his tone very solemn.

"To die for your subordinates is the duty of a Kage."

"To live for your subordinates is also the duty of a Kage."

A closed his eyes. No one knew what he was thinking. When he reopened them, he walked forward and stood beside Hiruzen without a word.

Onoki's face shifted slightly. Opposite him were four top-tier fighters and a thousand Konoha ninjas. Even if they could be defeated, it wouldn't be quick, and with slugs and Tsunade's medical ninjutsu, it was unclear who would wear down whom.

Moreover, Hiruzen was cautious. Since he was here, more Konoha reinforcements would surely follow. Given the distance from Land of the Waterfall to the Konoha frontline, the main forces would arrive in about three hours?

Onoki tugged at his already thinning hair and cast a jutsu into the sky.

A non-lethal but distinct Earth Release signal appeared in the sky, signaling retreat. After a brief commotion, the Iwagakure forces began moving towards their territory.

If no advantage could be gained, there was no need for unnecessary sacrifice.

Onoki took a deep look at the people below, then turned and left.


A exhaled heavily, supporting himself with one hand as he knelt, blood flowing profusely.

"Is this... a wound from the Moon God?" Hiruzen stared at the bloody hole in the Raikage's left chest, frowning.

"Yes." A panted, not hiding anything since Konoha had just saved his life.

"It was initially treated, but it reopened during the fight with Iwagakure. The Moon God's strike contained both repulsive and attractive forces, constantly tearing and biting, severely damaging the surrounding muscle tissue. The actual injury is worse than it looks."

"The Moon God, huh." Hiruzen smiled bitterly, his good mood from the successful rescue plan shattered.

"He's indeed a troublesome figure. A, take some time to recuperate."

"Alright, I'll return to my village. Our Kumogakure frontline headquarters is there." A stood up, speaking seriously.

"I swear on the honor of the Yotsuki clan, during this war, unless Konoha attacks first, Kumogakure will not infringe upon the Fire Country's interests."

In their words, the two Kages had decided to halt the conflict between the Fire and Lightning countries. It seemed abrupt, but for Kumogakure, which had temporarily lost the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, the survival of the Third Raikage was crucial, and forming an alliance was the best way to repay Konoha's goodwill.

"Thank you." Hiruzen sighed in relief.

"Actually... there's no need for this war to continue, not just for Konoha and Kumogakure."

A remained silent, shaking his head. After a long pause, Hiruzen sighed and took out his pipe.

The Third Raikage was indeed a rough warrior. He reached out for the pipe from Hiruzen, and the two smoked together, enveloped in a cloud of smoke.

A avoided Hiruzen's suggestion to end the ninja world war, and Hiruzen didn't press the matter.

They both knew that until enough pain and suffering accumulated, the war wouldn't stop.

TN: Welp... My country just heated up some oil in a wok and jumped into it.

(End of Chapter)

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