
Old Friend And New Start

Get over here, you scrawny fuck! This is what you get for being so weak. Please stop! Bam! I feel myself jolt awake. Why do I keep dreaming of that? Hearing loud steps moving toward my room, my mom bursts through the door. Jacob, are you ok? I could hear you screaming from my room, please, Mom, I don't want to talk about it, Jacob. When are you going to tell me what's wrong? You haven't been the same since, Mom! ok, but I won't let you go hungry. I will make some breakfast for your first day of school.

Why do I keep having that dream? Am I still that scared of him? Shit, he fucked me up good. Well, I better hurry before I miss the bus. I get out of my bed, grab my clothes and take a quick shower. As I step out, I look in the mirror. I see my black hair, blue eyes, slightly tan skin, and skinny build with a little muscle. also, compared to other people, I'm pretty short; I'm around five foot nine inches. Ever since I started getting my ass handed to me by bullies in middle school, I started working out and watching kickboxing videos on YouTube.

Things won't be like they used to be. I won't be some loner who gets his ass beat by everyone. I run downstairs, grab a piece of bacon, and walk to my bus stop. As i'm walking, I see one of my old friends from elementary school. His name is Madix. We used to be close, but we grew apart when I moved to Illinois.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend Jacob back in town," Madix says.

He looks at me, and I look at him; he has grown a lot since the last time I saw him; now, he is above six foot tall, has dark skin and hair, and is muscular and even good looking, he is completely different than me.

"madix, I haven't seen you since the 4th grade. What have you been up to these days?" I ask.

"Not much, just the star quarterback of the football team," Madix replies with a smirk.

"Still playing football, I should have known. Who do you hang around with these days? Some old jock friends of yours?" I ask.

"Yup, they're the only ones that get me," Madix says with a hint of sadness.

Before I could respond, we saw the bus pulling up and the doors open.

"Hey, ladies, first," Madix jokes.

"Ha ha, very funny," I reply, rolling my eyes.

Stepping onto the bus, I couldn't help but wonder if Jake was happy with his life. Maybe he was putting on a brave face.

As we step onto the bus, a fat boy calls out to Madix to sit with him. he asks me if it is ok, and I tell him to go ahead looking for a open spot, then finding one next to a girl who everyone seems to be avoided; not sure, I sit by her, only glancing at me then turning away totally ignoring me.

Stopping in front of the school, we made our way off the bus

Me, madix, and the fat boy made our way to the school entrance.

"So, guys, are you ready for our first day of high school? madix said," Putting his arms around us, looking at him with a crazy smile, the fat boy said, forget about high school. What about the hotties that are going to be there?

madix quickly removed his arm from around the fat boy's neck and slapped him on the back of the head. Why are you always thinking of girls? Making a comeback, the fat boy said why are you so obsessed with football?

Because I'm good at it, unlike how you are with girls, feeling the burn of Madixes comeback the fat boy walked away following a girl with a short skirt

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Preston_Denniscreators' thoughts