

Every day is the same, wake up to my crazy family ,go to school... it's all okay because I always get what I want,things always go my way so no worries but now...no one's giving me what I want... everything is going to hell

Mizumi_Nagasaki · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Miraihai Academy


"I'm going to need you to please fill out your names and ages plus family members on the scripts at your tables. Once you're finished, hand them in over to me and commence your self-study session.'' Miss Rory announced to the class

 "I'm 100% sure my name is Mizumi Nagasaki , I also believe I'm 17 years old. My dad's name is Kyosuke Nagasaki ,mom is Akira Nozomu Nagasaki" I said as I filled out the scripts until I got to the part of siblings. "Excuse me Miss Rory ?" I asked

"Is there a problem Nagasaki?" Miss Rory asked.

"The part of siblings, why are there numbers ?" I replied.

"That part requires you to name your siblings in terms of their positions at birth." She answered.

Miss Rory has always been my best teacher , her character and looks are on point. She has silver colored hair that reaches her waist ,her eyes are a nice shade of light red and her voice is that of an angel. In our high school, Haven, she's always been top most lovable teacher. The school staff also likes her so much and who wouldn't, even our grumpy Math teacher found a spot for her, basically because of her decency. Her outfit for office look is always maroon or a black  coat and skirt with a white shirt, topped with maroon heels but her height isn't an issue. It's all for the fashion. her casual outfit is a white t-shirt, silver flat shoes and a combo of black leggings with a pink skirt which  obviously doesn't make it to her knees. That's a little insight on our Assistant Homeroom Teacher.

"Back to my script that I was filling out, my elder sister Konoha Nagasaki and finally my little brother Kotaro Nagasaki. My family comprises of 5 people who aren't my definition of normal. My sister, Konoha would happily watch me die but claims I'm her salvation. My brother,Kotaro,  uses his looks to make girls in his middle school fall in love with him but I'm sure he doesn't even know their names. My father, Kyosuke, finds it very difficult to wear a suit, much-less tie a tie and he has a job where he ranks as boss. My mom... well,she has no major issue except marrying my dad.

"Hikaki, help hand this in." I asked a friend of mine but I can't really accept him as that. I spend most of my time with him because I have to but we're not close. After self-study was over, my mind went off and next thing I knew school was over. My usual routine had to proceed. The next thing was a maid cafe with the name 'Young Master's Palace'.

"Welcome young master, how may I serve you?" A maid asked as she walked beside me to a table.

"I'd like to have the usual." I replied. She immediately left to retrieve my order per my request though she looked a bit confused.

A little insight on this specific maid cafe, as you all know, the maids in maid cafes wear cute maid outfits that match their personality and their main objective is to lure in more and more customers with their beauty. Their regular customers are highschool boys ,sometimes business and in a few incidences married men who are just unhappy. Specifically, this maid cafe only hires highschool girls with the love for cosplay. Their cosplay is very limited to some sort of servant to a certain master as the name of the cafe states. It could be a demon, angel, warrior, wizard, prince, samurai or any kind of ancient master and the servant should dress in a way that shows what kind of master they serve. All in all, their cosplay is accurate.

"Lord." She placed my order on the table.

"Kei?What happened to the girl i saw before?What's with the look?" i asked almost losing words.

"Firstly I already said not to call me Kei in here, call me Rokuta. Secondly that girl was a newbie she had no freakin' idea what the usual was so I had to personally step in. Lastly, this look is demon servant except the lack of horns and tail. I got the idea from a  manga ,some girl with white hair, red piercing eyes, no joke on her chest and the outfit was leggings with the part of the legging on her right foot shortened to halfway down her thigh. She wore a lock on her left foot around the ankle and one on her neck. Her boobs were covered at the teats and the rest was locked up with chains and a padlock at the intersection.

"It's crazy but hot right?" She asked with a smug look on her face.

"No. It's utterly exposing." I answered.

"I'm supposed to believe a guy who is nosebleeding with excitement at the sight of me. You should know better, I guess I've finally found the cosplay you're into."

"You're so annoying you know that?" I said but my words had no concrete meaning to them. They were just to get her to stop bugging me and it worked."

 After I was done with the maid cafe, I left and headed home. When I got home, no one bothered to even give me a 'welcome home' because they're all too busy following their routine as well.


"Oh my word! This brings a whole new meaning to my life. My darling Zophia is alive. Thank you so much Tomika and you too Nana's former boyfriend."You might be guessing what I'm talking about, it's an advanced dating sim and it's super popular. It's name is Golden Memories. It specifically has only cute girls or busty babes that you would kill to have as RL girlfriends. I love this game because it really helps me forget ugly girls exist plus I've played it for as long as I can remember but gaming has always been my thing so yeah.  I specify myself to only dating sims and I loathe MMOs. I'm sure by now you can say 'this guy's life is so awesome', even

I've played it for as long as I can remember but gaming has always been my thing so yeah.  I specify myself to only dating sims and I loathe MMOs. I'm sure by now you can say 'this guy's life is so awesome', even I'd say that if I wasn't me but that all changed when I was becoming a second year highschooler.

"Special announcement everyone, Akira, Kotaro and I will be going on a trip that will take about a year." My Dad announced at dinner.

 "Okay safe journey." I replied.

  "You could at-least pretend you're jealous, anyway, we can't leave the house to both Konoha and you." He specified me for some reason.

"I agree, Konoha should go live with Ms.Suki." I suggested and began drinking water.

"Actually Mizumi, you're going to boarding. "I almost choked but i managed to send it back out.

"Disgusting Mizumi!" Kotaro said looking at me with disgust but I could tell he was laughing deep down.

"Pardon?!" I asked.

"Konoha said it'd be a good idea if you tried boarding." My Dad said.

"I already have friends at Haven and I'm settled in so I'll have to pass on the boarding issue." I said, concluding the matter.

 "Oh please! You don't have friends at that school, you consider everyone there an acquaintance and nothing more." Konoha interfered.

"How would you know?" I barked but she immediately shot me down.                       

"Unlike you I have friends, besides, I spent most of my highschool in boarding so putting you there is no big deal and you might actually get some real friends if you join boarding because the more time you spend with people, the closer and better you know them." She answered.

"Well thank you but unlike you I don't need a shoulder to cry on because Mom isn't close by." I turned the tables on her.

"You ungrateful brat!" She barked.

"So I'm ungrateful? I bet you can't even bring yourself to say 'thankyou'." I replied.

"I really wish you'd fall in a ditch one day, I'll gladly watch you beg for my helping hand."

"As if I'd be stupid enough to take it. I bet you'd stab me at the touch of how righteous my hand will feel." I said looking at her fuming while I held on a cocky smirk feeling very accomplished.

"Okay enough... I knew you'd refuse so bribery should work." Dad offered and Konoha was so pissed she could've died.

"I'm listening." My Dad had just peaked my interest.

"Two million yen allowance, vacation to a place of your choice when the school year is done and any school you'd like if this one fails...but of course you'll have to last the school year."

"But why do I have to wait the whole school year."

"Time will tell if you like the school not one day."

"How about breaks?"

"You report on April 10th and come back on December 10th,so the break is 5 months."

"So I'm in jail for over 8 months."

"Its not that bad...I think? Well its mixed so you could bring us another daughter."

"Like any girl would fall for him." Konoha interfered.




"Freakshow." It was all out war at that point.

"Okay quit with the insults, Kotaro's hearing." Mum intervened.

"He already knows those words!" We replied in unison.

"Konoha, you'll be in charge of dropping him off, monitoring his stay and updating us."Dad said.

"How can you put Her in charge of ME?!"

"She's older and her capability  isundoubtable." Dad said.

"Good grief Dad, she has zero responsibility in her stupid head."

"Neither do you so id rather trust the age difference."

"So now you're on her side?"

"There are no sides."

"Says the guy who just picked a side."

"Come on Mizumi."

"Any way, I don't want to stay in the same house as that man eating gorilla cyclops. I'd be better off among humans. Thank you for the meal." I got up and left.


"I cant believe they're actually doing this to me." I said as I lay on my bed facing the ceiling till a knock interrupted the silence.

"Come in if you're not Dad, Konoha or Kotaro?"

"Way to be specific." Mum said as she walked in and sat next to me on my bed.

"So you really don't want me here?"

"Honestly if we could I'd take you but you have to stay here and study. Plus this trip isn't just a vacation."

"So my suspicions were right."

"Could we change subjects here?"

"You can't keep running away but I'll let you be for now."

"So I gave it some thought-"

"You actually thought?" I laughed.

"Now you're just being mean." She laughed then continued. "I convinced your Dad to choose Miraihai because last I heard your aunt was working there."

"Who knew you even had siblings?"

"Well you'd know if you'd ever bothered to ask."

"So what's her name?"

"Her name is-"

"AKKKKIIIIRRRRAAAAA!!!!!!!!" My Dad screamed all of a sudden.

"Be right back." She got up and hurried out.

"And she's not coming back." I said  as I watched her hurry away. Afterwards I fell asleep.


"Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked Konoha who was half asleep almost falling down as she shut the door.

"They left early since their journey had to start early."

"But it's not even morning yet. "

"Just apologize for last night okay."

"No way." I replied as I walked back upstairs.

"All you have to do is apologize for last night."

"I don't really feel obligated to doing that."

"Just reminding you that I have...that I have your allowance."

"Konoha, I'll tell Dad about this."

"Go ahead, you're free to even use my phone." That's when I knew she was now fully awake.

"You're a bitch!"

"At least I'm not an idiot."

"Fine I'm sorry."

"I don't find much remorse in that."

"Seriously." I was at my breaking point.

"I bet I could get every sort of jewelry in all this money." She might act bitchy at times but like every human in this family, she's not immune to clingy people.

"Please Konoha, I'm honestly begging you please."

"Let go of me!"

"Please, if I have no money I'll starve to death and then my life would be over. I'd probably drown in some ditch in misery due to starvation so please!"

"Let me go you degenerate!" She kept trying to push me away like a germ but like gum I refused to let go.

"Fine!  Have your stupid money." She rubbed the money in my face and I let her go then she began struggling for breathe.

"Sheesh! It's not like I was strangling you so stop lying there like you're dying. Anyway I'll be in my room playing golden memories.

"I hope you suffer in life you degenerate." I just ignored her and walked up to my room. After I got to my room naturally I searched for my games and other equipment I use.

"Wait....this can't be right.....that bitch!" I walked to her room after grabbing Dad's baseball bat and I found her coming out of the shower. I swung the bat at her on instinct because I personally would never want to kill my dear sister.

"What the devil is wrong with you?! Wasn't clinging to me like a bug enough for you?!"

"Where are my games?"She successfully dodged but the wall wasn't so lucky."

"Check the damn store you idiot!"

"Oh yeah! Guess I didn't think of that." I dropped the bat and headed to the store. I found a box labelled 'Mizumi's weirdo crap'. I fell to my knees and an endless stream of tears flowed like I had laid my eyes on heaven. After that I carried the box to my room.

"Look what you did to the house you degenerate."

"I'd help but I have to pack, thanks a bunch."

"You're such a pain." I left her to clean up and it probably took all night because I found her lying wasted on the floor in the morning.


"Are you alive?" I poked her with a fork.

"Uggggghhhhh" She sounded tired, raspy and looked sleep deprived.

"Do you want breakfast?"

"I'm dying."

"No you're not, you're just tired."

"Uncle, have you come to take me to heaven?"

"Just shut your eyes and sleep because I won't be dropped off by a sleep deprived freak." I had breakfast and decided to take a stroll around the place, found a grand piano in some abandoned place and decided why not play it for a while, so I did then went back home.

"Where have you been? We're so gonna be late, get in the car, no wait it's still in the garage. Why didn't you wake me up?  Are you packed? And what the hell is in that bag?" She was panicking as she wore her shoes. She was clad in a hoodie, short skirt and leggings, all black. Her hair was all jammed into the hoodie and she was wearing flat shoes. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her car keys then ran to the garage.

 I, on the other hand, was dressed in a white short sleeved shirt, black trousers and red & white  air jordans. I t was  a more or less casual-formal look. All I was taking were three bags of clothes, 5 pairs of shoes, laptop, phone, headphones and Golden Memories for boredom...not too much for a boy right?

"Get in the car and put everything you need because I won't drop by unless Dad tells me and you can count on my word that he won't say a thing." I just put everything in and sat then the journey began.

"What's in the bag?"

"Snacks and apples."

"Pass me an apple."

"Did you get your ID and driver's license?"

"Nice try but I won't fall for that diversion." She abruptly stopped the car.

"I saw them on the stand next to the TV." I said sounding uninterested. She ran out an came back in record time then I passed her an apple and we proceeded.

"What are you eating now?"


"What are you listening to?"


"Could you please stop it?"

"Stop what?"


"I'm minding my own business and I advise you do the same."




"Gorilla cyclops-" The insults went on and on till words got done and silence hit.

 "This is the school, Miraihai Academy. I went here for my highschool because of Mom and you should know the second year is the best so count yourself lucky."

"Didn't ask."

There was a guard at the entrance. His face was a bit too serious, his eyes weree intense and his voice was so deep. He was fairly tall and his skin was chocolate but a lighter kind. He had blue hair.

"Good evening, ma'am."

"Good evening, Sir."

"I take it you're Miss Konoha Nagasaki?"

"Yes Sir."

"We received word you'd be dropping off a transfer student, Mizumi Nagasaki if I'm not mistaken."

"Hey, how come she got a title added to her name and I didn't?" I just wanted to stir up some trouble.

"I'm sorry about him but could I get a parking spot,please?"

"Sure Miss,one moment. Hey Karelly! Show this lady a parking spot!" The guard commanded and some lady arrived immediately.

The lady wasn't that old, infact, she was hot. Her eyes were sharp blue and she was blond, perfect combo. It's so awesome. If I stood next to her she probably be about 2 or 1 inches shorter and her body was on the mark.

"You creep."

"Shut up Konoha!"


"Wow you noticed...of course and isn't it obvious, that lady could grab way more guys than you so of course I'd be staring. She might look a bit scary but the heat she emits takes the crown and I mean sure she'd make more if a gorilla than you but hard truth is she's hit and you're plain cute. You have no chance in hell against her." Is said that with pride and began laughing but the air began to change and I couldn't tell the look on Konoha's face because I was at the backseat.

"Could you excuse us for a sec?" She began closing the windows. "Get out! You can carry your stupid bags yourself dumbass and I hope you due you jerk!" She threw my bags at me an drove away.

"Nagasaki? Are you okay?" Karelly asked, concerned I think?

"Yeah I'm fine, these are just scratches."

"You're nose bleeding idiot."

"Thus is fine but can you believe the nerve of that girl? Then she calls herself my sister,she's a maniac with a mind and body if an ogre."


In the end, I shocked Karelly so much she went dumb for a while 10 minutes. The other guard was called Karmain,or so he told me...anyway,he got a few people to move my stuff and show me to the dorm and around school. All this was after Karmain had rushed me to the infirmary because I couldn't stop nose bleeding.

***30 minutes earlier***

"Oh my goodness,you're lucky it wasn't a concussion,boy. So I take it you're the new intern, Nagasaki right?" The infirmary man asked.

He gave out this suspicious aura and looked and acted sketchy. He had white long ahir and I'd say he was roughly thirty years old. His eye was dark, a complete void of nothing. His other side was covered with an eye patch. He wore casual clothes with a lab coat on top and his shoes were baseball boots.

"Yeah. What's it to you old man?"

"Old man?"

"Yeah. All that white hair gives off a vibe of a weathering old tree."

"Don't you think that's a little rude?"

"If it were, you wouldn't be smiling in that chair, you freak."

"Okay, I shall bestow upon myself the right to call you Mizumi and ofcourse call me as you wish, by all means."

"The hell, how can you smoke in the infirmary?!"

"Oh relax, you kids these days. I'm sure you've also smoked once or drank alcohol, so don't act like all saint like with me, okay?" This guy is good.


"Mikato Arariyo, it'll be fun working with you, Mizumi."


"One question though,how can your sister hit you so hard,it almost seemed like you were hit by a hammer?"

"I don't think you want to know what Konoha is capable of."


'Music should help,even in hell you have to be entertained.' I put on my earphones and scrolled through my phone looking at pictures Dad had sent me and I commented at the end,'these look more like vacation pictures rather than,'looking for mom's cure' pictures.'

"Hey there newbie."

"Just ignore the fly and it'll buzz off." I said trying to sound calm myself.

This guy  that just walked in as tall but not extremely. He had grey-white hair and fierce red eyes with vamps, he kinda came off as a demon. He was dressed in grey-white pants and a hoodie. He also wore snickers.

The nerve he had, to come and grab me by the collar is something even Konoha can't do,she knows how much I hate people messing with my neck or anything attached to it.

"Listen to me newbie,we might be in the same class an roughly the same age but I'm Vice Prez of the student council,Mika Nozomu. So if you know what's best for you you'll listen to what I say and obey like a good dog ,okay?"

"Let go of me."

"Didn't you hear what I said? Maybe I need to beat it into you."

"Just let go of me and walk away."

"You know what I think I want to do? It's to leave you with a few bruises."


"That's gonna leave a mark,why'd you have to bleed all over the place and on my clothes,do you know when I got this shirt an pants, it was in mother's day you jerk." I said as I dragged his body out the room. "You doing okay buddy?So where's your room?I'm a nice guy so I won't let you die in a hallway, I'll take you to your room." I began trying to lift him.

"Get your hands off me, jerk." He slapped my hands away.

"Fine. Have it your way." I let go of him and walked away.

I'll go for a walk. The ungratefulness of people these days. I said as I walked but I really felt like I should've gone easy in him, I wonder if it's against the rules here.Navk at Haven, it was against the rules for two reasons,one was because our headmaster was a nun. Second, was because of the name Haven, it means' a place where people and animals feel and are safe' so the school literally embodied the meaning. With that anyone caught was expelled instantly.

"You shouldn't be continuing that way."



Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me because I'm not even 15years old yet...this is just a dream I'm working on.

Mizumi_Nagasakicreators' thoughts