
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 35: World of Pirates

Soren had come back home and noticed a fluctuation in energy, and upon investigating its source, Soren found out that both Gine and Kouki were training under Mark in how to go Super Saiyan, as even though Mark isn't a Saiyan, he was the most knowledgeable one there in the transformation, so going to Mark was the only option.

[You guys aren't doing it right!... The Super Saiyan transformation relies on anger and grief… You can't achieve it unless you either have the knack for it, or unlock it through rage and anger]: mark

Soren watched as Mark began trying to explain the transformation, and in sense it was right, but Mark was trying to get them to use force to unlock it, rather than use the S-Cell to transform.

[Dad, Can't you remember anything?... You can unlock the transformation with just using the power in their S-Cells, and anger isn't needed… All they need to do is feel the power on a cellular level and focus it into their backs… Like Caba explained]: soren

Upon hearing Soren's words, Gine and Kouki were happy to see him, while Mark was not only happy to see his son, but also had a face of euphoria as he remembered that in Dragonball Super, the Universe 6 Saiyans did use the same why Soren had talked about.

[Oh yeah… I forgot about that… Hehehe… Ever since coming here, I've done nothing but play on my childhood fantasies… So, when will we go to Dragonball?... I can't wait to stop Frieza's ass]: mark

[We'll go back soon, but I don't know if Frieza is still alive… The time is different here compared to there… That means that 1 day here could in fact be 10 years there, but last I checked, only a year or so has passed, so the Androids should be making their entrance]: soren

Soren had checked with Ava and found out that ever since he left Dragonball with Gine, only a little over a year had passed there, meaning Soren could still have some fun upon going back.

[Anyway… I can see that your progress has gone through leaps and bounds… Gine, you could slap Frieza to death now… And Kouki, you are just a bit ahead of your mother]: soren

Soren was happy to see his family growing more powerful, as it would be needed for the world's Soren planned to travel to later, and while Soren decided to take a small break to spend time with his family, Soren began telling them about what happened in the upper realms, while he also found out that Song Shuang had decided to ascend, and right now he was currently exploring the Heavenly Way Immortal Realm, and would give updates every now and then through his phone that had been universally tethered, as even though these Realms are universes on their own, they are all still tethered in 1 universe. After a few days of relaxing, Soren brought up taking to the seas, as he needed to get a new power, and when Mark heard these keywords, he shot up as he shouted with a smile on his face.

[Am I going to be the Pirate King!?]: mark

When Soren heard his fathers words, he quickly whacked him over the head as he spoke.

[No, you idiot!... And if anything, I would be the Pirate King… You can just be the Pirate King's father]: soren

Upon getting beaten by Soren, and hearing that he wouldn't get to be Pirate King, Mark walked over to the corner of the room and crouched down as he began drawing circles in the carpet, while a gloomy expression covered his face, and a imaginary dark storm cloud was raining on his head as if to put out his fiery ego.

[Anyway… I need to spend a few weeks there, and if you guys wish to come, we could stay a bit longer and explore the sea]: soren

[I'll go… Will there be anyone strong there?]: gine

[Yes, and no… They are strong for someone around Master Roshi's level, but for us, they would be nothing but ants waiting to be squashed]: soren

[Then why do you even want to go there, dad?]: kouki

[Because I nee-]: soren

[For Haki, of course!... It's the strongest thing in the Universe! And it ca-... Oww! Fuck!]: mark

Soren stood over Mark with his hand smoking, while Mark was cowering while covering the bump on his head, while Soren seemed a little angry, and then Mark shouted at him.

[Why the hell would you do that to your old man!?]: mark

[Because I wanted to explain it!...]: soren

Now it was Soren's turn to go over to the corner and start drawing circles, leaving Mark in a world of pain as he was rolling on the floor, trying anything to ease the pain he felt. This left both Gine and Kouki to look at the father son duo and laugh a bit before Soren stopped his sulking and came back to sit on the couch, while Mark had disappeared to go find some ice for his head.

[Now… Since you know I want to go there for Haki, I'll explain what Haki is… There are 3 types of Haki, but one of them is rare to have, while the other two are quite common… First is Observation Haki, it lets you perceive attacks as they are closing in on you, making them easy to avoid, but if they are faster than you can perceive, then you can still get hit, while you can further advance this type of Haki with battling, and attain a precognition ability that lets you see a few seconds into the future, and only someone who has the same ability to see into the future can fight evenly with you… Now, for the second type of Haki, it's known as Armament Haki, and it takes your will power and covers parts of your body in a type of armor that is harder than steel, and no need to mention that as your will grows, more of your body can be covered as once, while the longer you practice and train this Haki, the darker and harder this armor will get, and then you can transfer this hardening to objects like swords, or rocks making them harder and sharper, while being almost unbreakable… And finally, there is Conqueror's Haki, or Color of King's Haki… Only those who are destined to be a King above all can use this Haki, and they are naturally born with it, as it's not something you can train to attain, and it just appears naturally… It takes your will, and uses it to pressure people into submission, and if it's strong enough, you can kill people with the pressure from your will alone]: soren

[Awesome!... I want to get this ability!]: kouki

[It sounds useful… So when do we leave?]: gine

[Since I know dad will want to go, we'll wait for him and mom to get here, then I'll teleport us all there]: soren

Soon, Mark came back into the living room with an ice bag strapped to the top of his head, while Serah was just shaking her head in disappointment towards Soren, making him wonder what his father had told her, knowing that it would be a totally one sided story to make him look like the bad guy.

[Alright, everyone is here… Mom, do you want to go with us as well?]: soren

[Sorry hunny, your father already told me where you're going, and I don't like the sea, as I get sick real easy, and I think that going to such a world would be boring, and a bit overkill… Don't worry, I'll be here with Lady Soft Feather, as she invited me to go shopping with her this weekend… But enjoy your time on the seas… If your father tries to hit on any women, give him a good smack for me, hehehe]: serah

Hearing his mother, Soren gave her a big hug before he walked back towards his group, and then they teleported away with a flash of golden light, leaving Serah with a smile on her face as she went to go get some money for shopping. Once Soren and the rest of his family appeared, they were quite high in the sky as they all began free falling, but that stopped shortly after they all began to float in the air, with Gine and Kouki using Ki to fly, while Soren and Mark used the Profound floating technique.

[That could have been dangerous]: mark

Soren just looked at him with a deadpan look, as he was 100% sure that Mark could fall from such a height and get up without even a single scratch. Soren then led everyone down towards the ground and noticed that he was on some abandoned island with no inhabitants, except for the animals and monsters that resided there, and looking over at the shore, Soren noticed that there seemed to be nove waves or current, as everything was still.

[Looks like we landed on an island in the calm belt, but on what side… Is this Paradise, or the New World?]: soren

Mark seemed excited, while Soren decided to scan the entire world with a single wave of his energy, and upon doing so, Soren alerted quite a bit of strong people who could feel his energy, but they were all sweating buckets as they were hoping whoever released such an energy would just leave or disappear.

[Seems like we're right on the outside of the East Blue… Not too far away, either… You guys wanna fly, or sail?]: soren

Without a second thought everyone said a single word.

[Sail!]: everyone

Soren gave a sigh before using 1 million points to buy a big and sturdy boat that would never be damaged by wood rot, or even cannon attacks, meaning that Mihawk couldn't even split this boat. Soren then took the boat out from his inventory, and watched as a 20m tall by 35m wide by 150m long ship began floating in the water, and just the size itself was quite intimidating, as it was probably the biggest ship ever seen in the East Blue, while the size was around the same size of Whitebeard's ship, but different in shape. The ship's hull was black in color, while the keel was made of a red oak, leaving the main deck to have red accents while the deck floor was just average brown wood, along with the 3 masts that had red and black sails, with the main sail holding a gigantic image of the jolly roger being a picture of a skull with Soren's binding crown around its forehead while the background was of an orange lotus. This was to signify that this was Soren's crew, and they were cultivators, but they wouldn't openly call themselves that, as nobody would know what they meant.

[Perfect!... Just how I imagined]: soren

Soren then turned to see Gine, Mark, and Kouki staring in awe at the size of the ship, and upon hearing Soren try to gather their attention, they snapped out of their shocked expressions.

[Yo… Why are you guys dozing off?]: soren

[Son… What the hell do you need this big of a ship for?]: mark

[For us, and anyone I deem worthy enough to join us in future]: soren

[But aren't we only staying here for a few weeks?]: gine

[A few weeks… A few months… It doesn't matter… If I pick up anyone, I'm going to have them world hop with us]: soren

After Soren explained his reasoning, nobody could refute it, as it would just lead to arguments, so without further question, everyone got onto the ship, and Soren began trying to sail it, but remembered there was no wind, nor was there a current, so he sighed before resigning himself to push the big boat back to the East Blue. After an hour of pushing, and numerous encounters with the sea kings, Soren had finally pushed the ship back into sailing waters, and then he hopped back on the ship and began sailing while ne also noticed that he was wearing his red and black robe, while Mark, Gine, and Kouki were all earring modern day clothing.

[Alright everyone… Gather around, as I'm going to make some clothes for us]: soren

Soren had an innate skill that he had never used before, as he never thought about using it, but he tried it out over the last couple of days when he needed a sheath for his Zanpakuto, and found that he could use his profound energy to create things like clothes, weapons, and much more, so Soren decided that he could create Pirate clothes for everyone, along with a weapon for his father, while Gine and Kouki preferred using their fists to fight. Soren made some black t-shirts for Gine, Mark, and Kouki, along with some blue jeans, and a red bandana that wrapped around Kouki's head, Mark's left arm, and Gine's neck, while Soren wore a black t-shirt with some blue jeans and a red captains coat.

[Simple… I like it… Now, dad… Do you want a katana?]: soren

Seeing his son's question, Mark perked up as the look in his eyes begged for a katana, and with a wave of his hand, a simple sleek black katana appeared in Soren's hand. The handle was black, along with the guard, while the sheath had a lacquered black finish, and upon drawing the blade, it had a nice silver edge that glistened in the sun, while in the night, this would be a perfect weapon for assassination, as nobody would see it coming until it reflected the moon light from the blade. Soren then made one for himself, as he felt using his Zanpakuto was overkill in this world, so he made an all red katana with the same silver blade that reflected the sun's brightness, and after a few days of sailing in the East Blue waters, Soren noticed a news coo flying over head, so upon calling it down and paying for a paper with fake money he created, Soren read the paper and noticed a stupid looking face with a big smile and a straw hat on the front.

[So Luffy has just received his first bounty… This means that they should be finishing up at Cocoyashi village, and heading towards Loguetown]: soren

Soren decided to head to Loguetown first, as he want to see Luffy in real life, before he heads to Sabaody to learn Haki from Rayleigh, and after a few days of waiting around Loguetown, Soren recognised a familiar ship with the figurine of a ram on the bow of the ship, meaning Luffy had arrived. Soren then followed the crew secretly with his clones that he can use from the Monkey King's legacy. Soren then watched as everything played out, and even watched as Luffy was almost executed, only to be saved by the world will, who struck down with lightning, and when Soren noticed this, he looked up to the sky, and noticed that there was a fear present from the world itself.

'Hmm… Does the world fear me?... I wouldn't be surprised, since I can blow up this entire universe with a wave of my hand': soren

Soren then went back to his ship and began sailing towards the Grand Line, as he wanted to experience what it's like taking reverse mountain up, and into the grand line. Soren and Mark were both enjoying the ride, while both Gine and Kouki were working to protect the ship from crashing into the wall, as Soren never told them that the ship was indestructible, and they didn't want such a nice ship to get destroyed with all their stuff inside. Soon, Soren's ship came up from the top, and began sailing back down, and into the first half of the Grand Line, but it seems that Laboon was not there currently, as there was no obstruction stopping them from sailing on through, as Soren pinpointed Sabaody through the use of his energy, and began setting sail to Sabaody.