
Life of a Black Man in America

To Ko Be survival was only meant for a select few. Not that he was a fatalist, but more pragmatic in his views. Statistics are statistics for a reason, they are numbers that nerds have compiled and crunched over a variety of subjects. Being a nerd himself, he understands the importance of carefully cataloging empirical data. Even when the data is only the whitewashed history won by gunpowder and disease. Ko Be was a firm believer that in every lie there were three truths and in every truth three lies. This line of thinking has forced him into a self-imposed exile from society. Seeing the hypocrisy and blatant misinformation of the masses led him to believe most people don't wish to wake from the dream they are in. Nevertheless he stilled held hope that one day he himself would make a change that would impact generations and not just through martyrdom. Little did he know he would unconsciously manifested exactly that.

Keyz_Hardy · Juegos
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5 Chs

Chapter x 4 x PRETTY AND PETTY

[Quest Update- Woo The Wu's Coquettish Receptionists. Reward will be an increase in faction points as well as 900 XP. Good Luck.]

Something tells me that this will not be as simple as getting a girls number but fuck it. Who am I to turn down a chance to level up and level out some cheeks? With that on my mind I do a quick breath check. Pass. Put check. Pass. Applying a tad bit of Carmax to repair the damage the windy winter weather to my lips. Looking down to check and see if I was wrinkled. Ready Player One.

"Nigga, who is you tryna get cute for my guy."

"You'll see, just sit back and observe a magician pull a hat trick."

The interior of the WU betrays the modesty of its exterior. It gave off a sense of decadence, with its a halls filled with artwork from various cultures. Each piece worth increasing as you delve deeper building. The cheapest of these would be a decade's worth of labor. Underneath your feet fucking marble floors! The environment provided was to teach yet another lesson, money makes money.

Passing by one of the rec rooms used by the workers between jobs, Shakka spots a vending machine.

"Yo Ko lemme hold a dollar."

"I'll do you one better and let you hold these nuts. Haha Gottem"

As I'm handing Shakka and almond granola bar from my pocket I hear a ding.

[50 XP gained for breaking bread with the crew.]

[50 XP gained for witty use of appropriately timed pun.]

Seems like whoever created this system has a sense of humor.

Fate has a helluva sense of humor as well. As I'm coming down from the high my childish cracks at my friend got me. I see from the corner of my eyes the silhouette of an angel. Standing 5'6 with cakes so thick Jesus would've hit. Cocoa skin graced a face the appeared innocent. Her eyes tell a different story quite entirely. She seemed to be able to command attention and repel your gaze just at how awkward she makes you feel. That radiance was blinding.

Realizing that we both stop laughing upon her arrival and were staring at her. We averted our gaze to the artwork surrounding us. Appearing to appraise the art, I mustered the balls to approach this angel.

"Su what do you think of this piece?"

"Ko, are we gone gloss over the fact you just offered to let Shakka hold your nuts. Yo cheesy ass even went and brought that old ass gottem shit back. That died with our great-grandparents my guy. Ole vintage vinyl head ass lil boys. Don't ask me about no art that you can't afford. You need to go to the Job Board and get to the bag. Period. Pooh!"

Damn she just went dafuq off on me. For why though? I guess she wouldn't be the unattainable Su from the Wu, that's famous in Queen's Quarters for her lightening fast wit as well a jab that has left a few harassing men and women sleep. The scariest thing about this exceptional woman. Her relations. She happens to be the sister of Big Dro.

It's time to see what these 4 points in charisma will do against an opponent of her caliber, who's been pursued by the whole city in order to curry favor with Big Dro.

"Su why you gotta thug me like that? We used to be so close back in the gap. I wonder what happened to make your perception of me change so drastically?"

At this point I know that I'm grasping at straws. I know full damn well the reason she has an attitude. Su is what you call a swan surrounded by ducks. Childhood was rough on this young lady, who wasn't the most attractive during her formative years. Karma is real and the "Glow Up" was realer. At the age of 14, the seedling that was nourished deep within a concrete jungle started to blossom. And,Oh did it blossom. The transformation, was one of a koi swimming upstream a waterfall, upon the end of it's journey the scales shown were not of the humble fish but of a mighty dragon. That dragon named Su upon seeing her reflection in the lake that held her peers. Felt that they weren't worth any energy unless it was too feed on them for sustenance.

I seemed to always fall prey to this beautiful savage. Even when she was an ugly duckling,so to say, she bullied me mercilessly. Knowing that her teasing me came from a place of hurt I often took it with a smile or an expression of pure stoicism.

"Back in the gap you didn't smell like disappointment. Nor did you associate with dusty bums."

The side glance she gave Shakka was filled with scorn. Shakka on a many occasions believed he had the skills necessary to bag Su since she's gotten older, each encounter left his pride in shambles. Truth be told she needs to be put in her place after all of the years of torture. No better time then now, screw the quest.

"Su you could do well to treat people better. Just because your a percentage of cute doesn't mean you have the authority to be a big ole... Shakka what's the word I'm looking for?"

On time and on cue Shakka said with a little too much force.


Seeing that we were fully with the shits left Su in awe. Time to finish what I started before she retorts with her world class wit.

"Now I see that being a gentleman doesn't really work, with dealing with the likes of you. If you must bring out the savage in me, just make sure that you are prepared to deal with it. Otherwise keep it cool and keep it pushing. I came here to work not be verbally abused by a product of hood nepotism. I have to work hard to support myself, unlike others who choose to work off the coattails of others. We all know that you only got this job because your brother does business with the Board. If you tryna impress me with your mouth. Shut it!"

With those words I left her in a daze. Not knowing if this was the same Ko who used to walk her to school in middle school. The same Ko that did whatever Su asked of him. The same Ko that ate all of the abuse she dished out, sometimes with a grin or even a compliment in return.

The only thing Su could think about as she so Ko's back, was when did this mofo get so manly? He spoke in a way that changed her entire image of him. Even her own family doesn't use aggressive tones with her. She's always been the princess even during her less beautiful stages in life.

Who does this dude think he is?

We shall see if he keeps the same energy later when the shock of what just happened evaporates.

Why was her heart beating so fast?

[Quest Update- Woo The Wu's Coquettish Receptionists. Reward will be an increase in faction points as well as 900 XP. Complete Good Job Host.

3 skill points have been added due to level increase.]

With a smug smirk and feeling of satisfaction I finally making it to the job board. To my dismay absolutely nothing was posted. The opposite side of the job board, the hunters section, was filled to the brim.

Maybe it's time to step out of my shell. Reaching for a 1-star bounty Shakka slaps my hands away.

"Bro what are you doing? Did you wake up with a death wish! Did you bring an invisible strap or learn magic over night because my black ass ain't leaving the ward with just my hands and feet!"

Reaching again towards the board and grabbing one I immediately head to the Bounty Counter to register today's hunt.

Thankfully Su wasn't the receptionist of the Bounty Counter. This position was occupied currently by Red Light. Given the name from the way people should think twice before crossing him.