

So,when me and my friend reach there we were very happy.then when we start job we get a room in company ohhhh what was the room and what was the scene i mean very dirty place we catch our luggage and again put in car then 1month we were live in our leader's home and every day we come and go together.after one month we finally get a home then we shift.

in that company our work was new for them so we did job easily because we know about our work.in first year we chase our target and also make profitable which from our company was going in loss.

After little time our depart increase our company owner buy more new machines.we again did work hard on them and make our company progress better then before.

So many sacrifices was come but we stand with each other stop and work.

All of our seniors were so good and also our company's owner.So much Hunbul personality

Time is not bad because in bad time we teach that life lessons which we can not learn and find in books and also in that time we know about that persons which are help us and which are give us life lesson.

From 7 years we still working in that company😇