

Lets start,1st of all talk about my parents.My grandfather was so rich & he earn a lot of respect during his whole life and have only one child and he is my father.

My father did work hard in his whole life and also earn respect,he always think about our selves i mean me and my brother & sister for better life,for better education,for bright future.

Mostly parents do like this as i said before everyone have his own story.

My father safe us from wrong persons,wrong weather,wrong companies.

when i was a child i remember my grand father was go with me when i went for school & he catch up on his sholder & also catch my bag in hand.

Everyone of my family loves me because i am little child in my family all are my elders.

My father was always want if his single son get high education but my elder brother was not interested in high study and at the end only i was left in everyone eyes😁

So luckyley i graduate and everyone was so happy specially my father.then i start the job because that time my father's income was not enough for all things.That's why i suggest myself for do a job.

I start job in textile and in printing department where my goal is to stand on my own feet and then i'm work very hard and in a short time i was achieving my goals and this all happen with my family support,with my leader,with my colleagues.A big hand for all✋

Some things are irritate there specially politics and my breath go away to hell on like this places.that time my parents advise me to left the job from there and he said me for take some rest from job life,now when m remember i feel cry and always pray for them.but in short time i was feel if that was not good.

i have to decide for do my job continue with my leader support.because i was see if i left job then when i will start again i will start again from zero and if i do any other job there also will same issues.So i decide to face that.

After some time i get a great opportunity from my leader in other city but out of province and when i tell to my father he not give me permission🙁 because that place was not safe,but i was want to go there,then my elder brother was help me out and he talk with parents and gave me approval from them🥰