
Chapter 13: Forgot The Less Important Things

Knowing the odds are mostly against him. Venture begins to think when the best time to use his traps on the remaining living enemies. Then, his instinct told Venture not to for some reason; nonetheless, Venture stops thinking about using his traps and just continue shooting below him, where he is surprised with all the kills he's getting so far.

At this point, Venture wonders, maybe this is why he didn't need to use his traps at all since his handgun alone is enough to kill these people from the [Poison Fang Faction]. Something he wonders how would he compared to facing them if he never evolved his knowledge of the master assassin and master illusionist would be. Either way, that thought left Venture quickly as he resumes avoiding being stabbed by the wooden spears below him.

Venture wonder if this is all the enemy could do at this point. Trying their luck at landing a hit through sheer luck or maybe the [Solitary of Silent] is that amazing, to make someone like Venture, who is still completely an amateur and untrained in combat of life and death. Into someone who could easily kill others without even trying, but right now, Venture is doing his absolute best to survive this whole thing while making sure to be the one doing the killing instead of the one being killed.

Venture's eyes widen in surprise as the last shot from his handgun killed another and while reloading a new magazine. He detected something dangerous about to happen soon, that will for sure kill him if he doesn't act quickly. So, Venture did exactly that by jumping down the stairs to the second floor as he finished loading a new magazine, then pull out his second handgun and begin rapidly shooting down all the remaining enemies. Where Venture fire with precise accuracy by landing one bullet per head, instantly killing most of the weaker ones. While the tougher ones that blocked the bullets earned themselves an extra bullet to their kneecaps. Bring them down temporarily before dying after a second later from having their heads shot once again. And this time, they couldn't block it in time.

Venture pants heavily, as he realized how many there are and the looks on these corpses' faces would make Venture have nightmares for a while. Unless his [Solitary of Silent] would prevent such a thing from happening. But, Venture would doubt it unless he could use his original [Unique Skill: Everything Is A Gamble] to prevent himself from having nightmares.

With a swift reload to both handguns; Venture is once again ready to shoot any incoming enemy climbing up the stairs. But, that didn't stop Venture from praying that Cope has taken care of the remaining ones by now and not have more come over to Venture to deal with. Because Venture seriously debating on sticking around with the [Dark Star Faction] after this or not, and just risk it on finding somewhere else to live for the rest of his life in this city.

Though, Venture knew deep in his heart, that the chance of him not being involved in life-risking battles in the future any more isn't something would happen at all unless he is lucky enough to win the gamble for such a thing to happen. It would take a miracle for that to happen and not worth taking such gamble at all.

"1. 2. 3. 4... 16?!" Venture shouted in a whisper level tone of voice due to him killing 16 people all by himself after counting the dead bodies and among them is the guy who wielded the wooden spear. Out of curiosity, Venture went over to pick it up to get a closer look, but his instinct says otherwise, making Venture push one of the corpses near him and make their hand touch the wooden spear. To Venture's horror, the hand of the corpse he used to touch the wooden spear caused the hand itself to wither away like a planet and soon spread to the rest of the corpse's body until it turns into a dried-up of skin and bone.

Venture pause for a moment, "Can I hear myself?" Upon hearing his own voice. Venture mentally sighed in relief due to the fact, that there were no more people to kill. Therefore, no one among the dead bodies around Venture is faking their deaths. Otherwise, Venture wouldn't be able to talk at all due to the [Solitary of Silent] require him being temporary mute until either the assassination is a success, or the target has escaped Venture's range of attacks. Then again, Venture's range of attack is actually limitless due to his [Everything Is A Gamble] that affect anything and in all ranges. So at the very least, Venture knows when his enemy/target is dead or not with the help of [Solitary of Silent]'s price to let him know.

After a while; Venture walks back up the stairs and stays on the third floor since he was told to make sure none of the [Poison Fang Faction]'s members enter this floor at all. Something Venture still hasn't found out what is behind the door on the third floor still. As this is the only floor Venture hasn't entered yet. Of course, there's the rooftop, but Venture has no idea if there any point of going up there or not, to check if there something placed on the rooftop that's worth noting.

So for the time being, Venture will just wait for more enemies to come, and maybe they will avoid the stairs after seeing their dead comrades' bodies on the second floor. Hopefully, they will aim for a different route than the stairs, that way Venture won't have to deal with them.

However, if they do and are too strong for Venture to handle with just with his handguns alone; well, there are those traps he set beforehand and should be able to deal with those people that are trying to kill him. If those traps don't work, then Venture will have to risk it and use his [No Explanation] or [Everything Is A Gamble] in order to survive. Revealing his secret or not. As it doesn't matter if he ends up dead, so better to be reveal something meant to be kept as a secret than being dead.


Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Hidden Titles: {Visible}

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 31/100%

Mental Fatigue: 32/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Hidden Unique Skills: {Visible}

For what felt like a long time. It has exactly only been 3 hours after checking the time on Venture's wristwatch and much to his relief. There wasn't any new enemy coming up the stairs throughout these 3 hours. Also, both his physical fatigue and mental fatigue still at a good percentage. He should be good for another battle or two before he has to retreat to rest. Other than that, Venture is currently guarding the stairs on the third floor still.

During those 3 hours. Venture wasn't idle around and begin to use [No Explanation] in a manner, that shouldn't give him away to others. Nor would it allow Cope to detect it, something he has no idea if she could detect illusions being made inside the apartment, but better be safe than sorry. Therefore, Venture has been using [No Explanation] mostly on himself, to see what being under an illusion feels like and try to build up a resistance towards illusions. So, when he faces illusionists in the future. Venture won't be caught off guard and should be able to break the illusions himself.

If not out of pure willpower, then Venture has a backup, where he has already set up a few illusions, where it will trigger on their own the moment someone tries to use illusions on Venture, then the [Illusion Reflection] will activate. Sending the illusions back against the users. Right now, Venture has just finished setting up a 5th layer of [Illusion Reflections], because if he can do [Stacked Illusions], then there should be other people with an [Illusion-Type Skills] that can stack illusions as well, even with limitations placed on it.

Just as Venture was about to start creating his 6th layer of [Illusion Reflections]. He notices the sound of the fighting on the ground floor became silent. Making Venture wonder if the fight is over and if he should head downstairs or just stay where he is and wait for someone from the [Dark Star Faction] to come to inform him everything is done and no longer has to guard the third floor.

At this point, Venture wonders if he should have got himself a phone as well, but he doesn't even know if these phones are special devices met for factions only or for public usage. If it's the former, then it will be near impossible for Venture to get his hands on one for a while, but if it's the latter, then Venture will have to shorten his time in the library and resume his search of the city. To find a shop that sells phones or anyone that sells phones really.

But, then Venture suddenly gained a new problem if he wanted a phone. The main problem is that he is flat broke, with only a single bronze coin to his name at the moment.

After obtaining a place to sleep and food to eat. Venture forgot about other things he will need in his life. Among them is that he needs new clothes once he realized how dirty it is and there are some tears.

"Great... I still need to find a job to provide me enough money for my daily needs." Venture mumble to himself, where he just realized he hasn't taken a bath since he came into this world. Something he wonders if there is even a bath in this world since he has no idea where people take their bath or how to clean themselves, because in the bedroom he has slept in for the entire time has no bathroom at all. Of course, Venture knows there are bath or a place for everyone to clean themselves. Otherwise, he would have seen many people being much dirtier than him on the first day here.

Maybe there is a public bath, that Venture just hasn't found one yet.

Venture glance at the door on the third floor, wondering if this is where everyone in the [Dark Star Faction] comes, to take a bath. If so, Venture wonder how come no one told him since he joined the [Dark Star Faction]? He would love to have a nice relaxing bath.

However, if what's behind the door on the third floor isn't a place to bath, then he really hopes there is a public bath nearby, after gathering some money to pay for the fee to use it, and hopefully soon after this first job that is assigned to Venture as a member, who is still on probation, of the [Dark Star Faction].

"You know what, I will just ask them about it later." Venture mumble to himself while wondering why he hasn't thought about this days ago.

"Hey, Venture. We're good for a few hours before the next wave comes!" Bout shouted from the sixth floor, causing Venture to sigh in relief that this is over, for now.

"Alright!" Venture shouted back, then look around the area, where there are still the traps he placed down hours ago and debate on putting them away or just leave them here. But, after remembering how Venture and the others will stay in this apartment for a long time. He decides to just leave the traps where they are. Plus, they are remote control too, making it much safer in Venture's opinion and less of a chance of friendly triggering it by accident.


After everyone regroups up on the sixth floor. Venture can say, that literally everyone, not including Bout since it looks like he hasn't fought with anyone yet, that no one has a scratch on them. Not even Cope has a single injury nor any sign of her being in a fight at all. This just made Venture curious how strong Cope is and hoping he never finds out the hard way by facing her himself.

"I must say, I had expected one or two to bypass you, Venture and Bout would have to deal with them. But, from what Bout told me before. None has managed to pass you at all. Nice work~!" Gat give Venture a thumb up, for his outstanding performance.

"Thanks?" Venture wasn't completely sure if he wanted to be praised by Gat or not. But, just left it as it is. "Anyway, I have been a little curious and instead of just entering without permission to find out myself. What is on the third floor?" Venture may as well get this out of the way before his curiosity gets the better of him.

"It's the [Dark Star Faction]'s private bathrooms, where it includes anything you may need to open a public bath. I'm surprised no one told you about it. Did no one tell you this?" Gat looks at Venture, who looks back at her with a blank facial expression as his answer to Gat's question. "Seriously? No one here at all has told Venture here about what's on the third floor?" Gat look at Bout, then at Cope and finally at Edify before looking back at Bout, since she expected him to give Venture the tour of the place.

"Leader, you explained to us before, that only members of the [Dark Star Faction] are allowed to use the private bathrooms. Venture here is still on probation and not truly a real member of the [Dark Star Faction] yet." Bout calmly explains to his leader about why Venture hasn't learned about the private bathrooms, even he can tell Venture must have been searching for a public bath outside the apartment for a while, but with no luck. Then again, Bout would be surprised if Venture manages to find one so close to the apartment or maybe he did and just don't have the money to pay for it. Bout wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, because that happens a lot to many.

"I did?" Gat looks at Bout in surprise, then looks at Cope and Edify to see if what he said is true.

Both Cope and Edify nod their heads at Gat, that Bout speaks the truth.

"Huh." Gat blinks her eyes. "How long do is the probation anyway?"

Venture begins to think, that maybe Gat is a figurehead or just one of those leaders that are better at leading others in combats related while outside of combat. They are not that great in leading others at all.

"Well, at least a month from what everyone agreed on." Bout answered Gat's question.

"Oh, then if we're unlucky if the job extends to a month. Venture here should be a real member then." Gat nods her head, then looks at Venture. "You'll just have to wait for a while. But, I'm willing to allow you to use private bathrooms; however, don't do anything stupid, because we will know." Gat grin at Venture, daring him to do something that worth being called stupid.

Venture nods his head, where he knew right away how in the world Gat and the others will know if he does something that would cause a problem. "Message received."

"Great! Now, with the first wave over with. I'm going to head to bed." Gat got up from her seat and head to the door. "Cope, make sure to contact me if any new enemy begins to show up!"

"Got it." Cope nods her head at her leader before narrowing her eyes at Venture, then said nothing else and just head over to where the coffee machine is, to get herself a cup to drink.

"Before you ask." Edify spoke up the moment she noticed Venture opening his mouth, where she guess he was about to ask. "Everyone in the [Dark Star Faction] sleeps in the basement and don't even bother going there, to check it out. Since you're not a real member yet to gain permission to enter the basement." What Edify left unsaid is how Cope will know right away and will deal with Venture before he knew what would happen.

Venture closes his mouth, then begin to think about anything else for him to ask now. This only took him a couple of seconds before he got something, "Do I get paid for this job, because I need new clothes and any other daily needs or am I able to pick out new jobs after this one, that will pay me?"

"Of course, you'll be paid. But, not the same amount as everyone else due to being on probation. At the very least, you're getting money instead of being working for free." Edify answered, "As for other jobs after this. You just need to speak with my sister since she the one that holds all the jobs available for members to take and the one that speaks with the clients. But, if you can't find Cope, then find the leader or Bout. Either those two will help you out." Edify knew that her sister will make it a little hard on Venture until he gains her trust, but at least she gave him other options to get new jobs from.