A lost guy trying to figure out this new life he was thrust into. think Pocahontas meets avatar
An: still trying to figure out which time period I want to go with. Pretty sure the dance. I still haven't even posted a chapter yet, just getting some in excess.
I like this approach. It will let these relationships build up until we eventually somehow meet the Targaryens.
Julius Pov
My senses pick up the cell door opening again. I raise my head and see the man I saw with the head dress and the two men I fought behind him. The one I hurt is glaring daggers at me.
At first I was ashamed but then I remembered my current position. I was the one who was kidnapped. I had every right to fight for escape.
I looked right back into the coal black eyes of the giant man. Saying without words that if these chains weren't holding me here and he didn't have a backup in his equally giant friend our fight would've ended with his death.
I decided when I regained my senses and learned the gravity of my situation, if I was gonna die one of them was going with me.
Beside the red eyed man in the head dress is the girl I spoke to earlier. Putting two and two together I can see the similarities between them. Father and daughter then.
'Great, I scared her and she went to get dad. Nice one Julius,' I berated myself in my mind while the door was unlocked.
Finally the last two were visible. Everyone but the red eyed head dress wearing man and the face painted tiger guy from earlier stayed outside the cell.
They make the slow walk towards me.
This is my first time being so close to the red eyed man. While his daughter may be beautiful, this man was equally as scary.
His gaze alone felt like it was going through me. Seeing me down to my very essence. He spoke the language I didn't understand to the white painted man who I assume is a witchdoctor based on my limited knowledge.
Said witchdoctor answers and gives a slight chuckle before speaking to me.
"Julius, meet King Zeno. I believe the two you met before briefly." He spoke to me not in English but it sounded like it to my brain.
I answered keeping my eyes away from the penetrating gaze of the king. I'd already guessed that's who I was standing in front of, but actually having it confirmed seemed to increase the weight I felt by 10.
"I Would say it's a pleasure to meet you all. But we both know that'd be a lie. I'm not a liar." I say deciding to at least keep some of my dignity in front of this man who literally held my life in his hands.
The man I spoke to laughs heartily before speaking in that foreign language to the king. I'd expected some reaction. Maybe not humor but anger at least.
Instead he remains stone faced. Continuing to stare through me. If I knew it'd end any other way than my tongue being taken out I'd tell Zeno where to shove it.
The witchdoctor speaks again. "Forgive me for not introducing myself in our last meeting. I am Chike."
I nod. "Nice to put a name to a face." I say trying to be cordial with my captors.
He smiles as if reading my mind and replies, "perhaps you'd like to stretch your legs a bit?"
As soon as he said that images of me running through this green hell and swimming to the island of naath came to mind. If I remember right naath was where missandei was from. Not a bad place to stay in a world like this.
I nod almost too eagerly but Chike shakes his head while pulling out a very thin blade and a container.
Instantly my guard is up. I know what happened last time I was stuck with something by these folks. I slept for so long and the hangover from such a thing was worse than any alcohol I've ever ingested.
The witchdoctor sees my defenses begin to kick and and moves towards me fast. Before I know it a slight pain in my right arm makes me aware I'm about to be powerless again.
My last words seem to hit the mark I was aiming for, "you…..will pay….for that," I say with venom in my voice as the darkness begins closing in on me from the very edges of my vision closing in like a tunnel.
My last view before the darkness takes over completely is the red eyes of the princess outside the cage. She looks at me with pity and something else I can't name. I don't get time to ponder on it either as the darkness finally wins and I feel my control over my neck muscles wane.
Chike Pov
"You…will pay…for that" says Julius. The anger in his voice is unmistakable and understandable. What really shocks me are his eyes. They went from sun colored to glowing yellow orbs filled with so many emotions even I couldn't decipher them.
I see him look behind us, I need not turn my head to know who it is he's looking at. Princess Anya. The whole reason the boy is here in the first place. I begin to think about that. Maybe she's the key to the rituals. That's a problem though. To get zeno to agree to allow her to be close with Julius will be almost impossible.
I sigh and begin to prepare for an uphill battle. Thankfully, Zeno has agreed to let me take him home with me to see if I can do the rituals on my own.
We see his head finally lol down and I feel under his jaw for the slow but steady rhythm of his heart.
I look to King Zeno and speak, "thank you king zeno for the custody of young Julius here. I shall begin immediate preparations for the rituals to find out his past and future."
After speaking I begin to unchain the boy. The sooner I get him into my little out of the way hovel the better. Many are weary of outsiders and being so close to the royal family has and will continue to cause unrest.
This is something that cannot be afforded with the Basa clan moving more and more in the direction of war. This was the selling point that allowed me to take Julius with me in the first place.
Zeno speaks while I put Julius onto Kavuli's back and tie a cloth around them both to keep him secure.
"Chike, I need this solved soon. Should he prove unwilling to provide what we need for the rituals he will be given to the earth."
With that he turned on his heel and walked out followed by the Kubwa. Princess Anya opened her mouth to speak but Zeno's voice cut through the silence of the area, "Anya, come. We must prepare!"
I watch her look at the sleeping intruder before turning around and starting after her father to prepare for the inevitable clash between east and west.
I on the other hand motion for Kavuli to bring our new house guest along. Instead of the public way, my companions and I make our way through the tunnels and passageways only those of the royal family know of.
Not too long after we reach my small abode amidst a clearing in the jungle. After entering and setting Julius down I tie his hands and feet to ensure he doesn't attack me when he awakens.
I may need to build trust with him, but I don't forget what he told me when I stuck him with sleeping venom.
I begin to set up a ritual that will put him in a state where he'll answer my questions without reservation. If what Jabari said about the sleep venom becoming ineffective I must use more severe methods.
While I'm preparing my station Kavuli lays his head on Julius' chest. I've never seen such a thing. Aside from myself Kavuli is incredibly aloof to others.
I begin to watch Kavuli interact with him more. Maybe this can give me some insight. My tiger begins to rub his head all over young Caesar before finding a suitable spot right in the crook of his neck.
The big feline even put some of his body over the young pale man like a blanket. I shake my head and return to prepping. While I'm doing so I send a small wish to the ones who got me here.
'Ancestors, please allow this to work. You wouldn't let an outsider this far inland without truly good reason. Please, while I have no qualms about doing so should I need I don't WANT to kill this boy. Help me convince Zeno.'
I close my eyes to finish my call to those who came before. Upon finishing I hear the rustling telling me my young houseguest has awoken.
Julius Pov
I wake up slowly, confirming my last memories of Chike the witch doctor sticking me with something in the arm.
The next thing to register is the massive weight on my chest. I look downward and see the massive tiger from earlier cuddled up to me like a house cat on a rainy day. I lock eyes with it and slowly raise my hand to pet him. I also vaguely notice they're still tied together.
My hand patting the large feline results in the chuffing noise tigers from my last life are known for being released from the massive one in front of me.
Am I scared? Obviously. I can't believe this is happening. But after realizing where I am I decided death by tiger wouldn't be so bad.
My finding of clues around me is stopped when I hear chike's voice come from my left.
"Hello Julius. Forgive me for sticking you earlier. It's apart of our law." He says before turning to me in a crisscross position.
I resist the urge to scoff. I honestly don't know what to do. I feel so lost. Not only am I in an environment I don't know much about, but I'm in a completely different world.
My entire time in this world thus far has been a mix of confusion and terror. My muscles feel tight and my stomach feels like it's tied in knots. I take a deep breath and speak to Chike.
"Why am I here?" I don't know why I asked him that or what I truly mean. That's just the biggest question I've had since understanding the depth of my situation.
He looks at me in pity. Sighing he responds after a minute or so getting his thoughts in order, "I was able to convince King Zeno to allow you to stay here while I decide whether or not you get to leave here."
I feel a shiver go down my spine looking into his light blue eyes. I close my own and begin to try and think of how to pass whatever test the throw at me.
After regaining my nerve I ask, "How am I supposed to do that?"
This time he smiles. That same on he gave me in the cell. I still feel uneasy about it. Maybe I can chalk that up to being uneasy about my entire life at the moment.
"First, tell me who you are," he starts and I go to cut him off. About to explain I already told him my ironic name. Julius Caesar. My mom's favorite historical figure. As an only child she gave me my own name to start my own legacy like the conqueror. I just thought it was an annoyance.
Chike continued, "Not your name. Where you're from. How you arrived on the shores of the motherland."
I sigh. Deciding to be truthful would at least give me something to stand on, "I don't know."
The witch doctor before me looks puzzled by what I said. If this situation weren't so serious I'd have chuckled. Then he regains his focus and asks another question.
"Can I have some of your blood?" He says without preamble. Had there not been a cat that weighed a couple hundread pounds and was under the complete control of the man in front of me I'd have leapt back and began to run.
I also know how powerful blood can be in this world of GRRM.
I ask a return question, "why do you need it?"
He speaks without waiting for me to even close my mouth, "beacuse I'm trying to save your life. Blood is the only way I'll be able to see if you speak the truth or not for myself. If I'm convinced, it will greatly increase your chances of surviving King Zeno."
I sigh. Deciding I might as well take the only true opportunity I have to escape, I hand him my arm.
A small cut and a few seconds of dripping my blood into a chalice type thing is all it takes on my part. I watch Chike make his way back to the fire pit to my left and watch him throw powder into the fire to make it raise quickly.
He begins taking different other powders and pouring them into the cup with my blood all while speaking a strange language.
Finally, Chike takes a vial of glowing green liquid and pours it into the chalice. A quick stir and he shoots it down in one go. When he turns toward me I see his normally blue eyes have been turned completely white with a green tint and he slowly falls to his knees and then onto his face.
I look to the tiger still enjoying my smell and speak, "is he gonna be alright?"
I get no answer except a long lick up the side of my face.
As that Happens an idea hit me, now would be the time to escape.
Such dreams are dashed however when I see my ankles tied together. Damn it.
Chike Pov
I slowly sink into the sea of souls. Not dead, but not Alive either. It's like a state in between. It allows me to see things that have happened.
Around me are all my ancestors from the beginning of time. I see them all pointed toward the front of a clearing in the Forrest. I make my way past them in an attempt to see what's going on.
After a few moments of walking my answers are found. Surrounded by my ancestors is a sleeping Julius. Many of the women are running fingers through the young man's silvery hair while the men whisper too quietly for me to hear.
When I reach the center of the area all eyes turn to me. My father comes forward and after a moment of boyish elation I school my features. Now is not the time for a reunion.
He speaks in his deep voice, "Chike it is time to see."
I nod and while moving toward him the women take their fingers from his hair while the men step around him in a circle.
I reach Julius Caesar and reach downward to touch his forehead and see what he knows. Right before I make contact with him my father speaks, "beware, you are about to have your world open up. It is far bigger than this island we live upon. Maybe you will see why we protect it so fiercely."
I take a moment to really let those words settle in before nodding and continuing my movements until I come into contact with Julius' Forehead.
My father was right. The world is huge. Huge and dangerous.
All around me I can see only flames.
All around me all I can hear is screams.
I begin looking at the unfamiliar environment and see something shocking, a wyvern bigger than any I've ever seen swoops down over a battlefield and spits fire. Destroying the sizeable force with ease.
The scene shifts to a silver headed, violet eyed woman in the bed obviously trying to give birth. A man in grey robes speaks to a man with a crown and silvery hair of his own.
"Your Grace, you must choose." I almost vomit at the insinuation I get from the old bastards words. The man I assume to be the king of a foreign land must choose to save his son or his wife.
I get the answer when people begin flooding the room to cut her from hip to hip. I don't even want to be here anymore. Such callousness from your husband must truly break a spirit. That is not something I would watch.
Next I see a red and green fire wyvern fighting above a misty lake with a towering structure below them. The surroundings looks like a large eye. I see a silver headed man jump from the skinny red beast with his sword Drawn and stab the man atop the large green behemoth.
They both fall down and down and down into the unforgiving depths below.
I quickly come out of it to see I'm back in my cabin with Kavuli and Julius.
I speak words that I know are unneeded. I know I must convince Zeno to allow him to live. "Thank you for showing me this ancestors. I will try to make Zeno understand. I may need your direct intervention should such things prove less than useful."
With that I begin to make dinner for the three of us. Tomorrow is another day of getting to know Julis before I start trying to convince the King I helped bring into the world to spare him.
Princess Anya
My father goes on and on about the Basa clan. And while I would usually be the one most paying heed to his words but all I can think about is the silver haired yellow eyed man who spoke the royal tongue.
I heard he even took Koba down when my father ordered them to put him in real chains. Judging by the sour look on the face of said Kubwa, I think those rumors are true.
Finally I hear my father ask me a question, "Anya, anything to add?" I shake my head and reply, "no father. Let us pick this up tomorrow. I find myself more tired than I thought when arriving back home."
The look on his face tells me he's seen through my lie. But he wouldn't oppose me in public. He gives his consent for me to take my leave and I all but fly out of the room.
I see it's almost dark outside. Looking at the beautiful pink and deep blue sky I decide it's time.
I'm going to talk to the pale man.
An: hey guys. Just wanted to get the chapters I had in storage out. Whether or not this continues depends on my feelings after reading it myself.
Appreciate any who read. Have a good day.