
Life in I want to eat your pancreas

Well, I am writing this for fun as the movie ending was very painful, also i have almost zero experience in writing. HENCE, YOU ARE WARNED! There will be PLOT-HOLES, BAD SENTENCE STRUCTURES, ETC. But i will try to write a romance fanfic (obviously no harem) Thank You~

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Cómic
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65 Chs

Chapter 43-Masquerade Ball

He went straight to his room and laid down, 'Ah, today was such a nice day, I need to talk to old man also, yeah and complete the things for the coming Sunday haha~'

Then a knock was heard on his door, he opened the door and found his father with a smile on his face, he asked, "What is it dad?"

Two people were sitting face to face,

Asher said while leaning at his back and looking towards the ceiling, "So, a party is going to be organised on the occassion of 15th anniversary of michell industries?"

Kageyama nodded his head as he said, "Yeah, that's why you need to attend and if possible then arrange a female date for the party for, you know, to show people about your sexuality haha~"

Asher snorted as he said looking at his father, "Hmpf that's why i stopped going to these baseless banquets and parties after 10, the pestering of snobbers and sl*ts increased very much, it was a pain in the a**."

Kageyama chuckled and then said seriously, "But, you have to be careful if you wanna show Sakura, it would brought too much attention and moreover right now many people also have forgotten you due to your low-key all these around 8 years without attending any high-class gatherings."

Asher nodded as he knew the moment he will tell about Sakura, he did not know how many people will start to target her although he is more than confident in his abilities, but its not the right time, he want to be atleast official fiance of her or the time when he will tell people about his identity as CEO of A.S.H.

He also would step down from underworld after all things are settled by handling it to one of his most loyal men.

He also know that being the CEO is very busy and tiresome job but ultimately he is the main boss, he would hire people for all jobs by grinding them and taking their utmost loyalty.

Well whatever he would think about these issues in future, for now he had to handle this upcoming party.

Then suddenly a thought clicked in his mind, what if they had masquerade ball?

He said to his father, "Dad, we should have masquerade ball, it would solve the problem of identity."

Kageyama thought for a minute then nodded with a smile, "Yeah nice idea, it would also be something new."

Asher just smiled, then Kageyama said, "Now, get ready your Sakura also, it would take place day after tomorrow, be ready till then, you lovestruck boy."

Asher smirked as he mumbled under his breath, "Says the one who is a M."

Kageyama shivered for a second as he thought, 'NO WAY! did someone knew about my greatest secret?'

Then he shook his head as he seriously thought, 'All sound barriers are regularly checked then they would have stopped my mewls right? Asher certainly wouldn't know right? Well whatever i am proud of who i am.'

Asher was laughing inwardly looking at his father as he stood up and patted his shoulder, "Every man has his day dad, you will also have."

Kageyama subconciously nodded his head, but then immediately shook his head but by this time Asher was not in his room, he facepalmed himself and sighed.

Asher went to his room and again laid down on his bed, he opened his phone and started to message Sakura

ASHER: *winking* hey baby you awake?

SAKURA: *snorting* what is it big bad baby?

ASHER: I want to take you for shopping tomorrow for a masquerade ball, day after tomorrow for anniversary of my dad's company.

SAKURA: *O-shaped mouth* Oh, hmpf you didn't even asked me formally as to accompany your date.*angry*

ASHER: *bowing head* My lady will you accompany this lowly one as my date on masquerade ball?(How is it Sakura hehe~)

SAKURA: *raising head haughtily* Being magnanimous as am i, I will accompany you to the ball.(It was so-so)

ASHER: *smirking* Even if it was so-so, you agreed so it doesn't matter haha~

SAKURA: *rolling eyes* shameless!

ASHER: Then we will go for shopping after the school?

SAKURA: Hmm, okay.

ASHER: *smiling* then its decided.

ASHER: I miss you Sakura.

On another side *thump* *thump* sound can be heard, Sakura's heart was thumping loudly at the sudden comment, her face turned slight red, 'You b*stard, you someday will had me heart attack.'

SAKURA: It has been only 2 hours since our meeting.

Her face turned red as she recalled what they were doing in their supposed 'meeting/training'.

ASHER: I know *sigh* but it can't be helped, I just can't stand you not being with me.

Sakura was shouting in her mind, 'Stop you idiot, I also f*cking miss you but what could i do? tell that i miss you so much that its hard for even a minute?, this boyfriend of mine doing constant attack at my fragile heart.'

SAKURA: I miss you goddammit, then what? what could i do? hmm? Just always doing your attacks at this defenseless girl, aren't you ashamed?

ASHER: -_- ?


ASHER: ...g.o.o.d.n.i.g.h.t...

Asher.exe started malfunctioning, 'What the hell was that? what did i even did? argh well whatever i will see about it tomorrow, women are really complicated' *sigh*

He went to his study table to overview the company, he saw that all things are going at good pace, he signed some papers, he occassionaly give some ideas about mangas or animes to the respective departments.

Then he searched about how much his dear Sakura has gained as a author, what he saw made him flabbergasted and then happy as he became proud, 'Haha~ My Sakura is really something, her novel crossed the 100k mark for sold copies and it was the fastest time in history, his publication sector is overflowing.'

He then also worked on his 'secret project' which was really important, after working on it, he stretched his arms as he yawned, he looked over time and then decided to sleep.

He went to the bed and laid down and a silly smile plastered on his face as he remembered today's 'training' with Sakura, he even secretly took some pictures of her shooting with concentration, looking at her badass figure urged him to f*ck her silly right now.

She was just too hot, too sexy, too irresistable for him, *sigh* what would he do even in life without her, he would lose all the purpose, all the things he had done so far, all the hardships he went to, all the wait he had done was finally paying off which made him smile as he thought, 'ALL WAS WORTH IT!!'

While he was in his thoughts of what would he do if Sakura was not with him, at the same time a brown-haired beauty was closing her eyes while thinking, 'What if Asher had not come in my dark life? What if he had not feelings for me? What if he did not loved me? would i even be alive? would i even be able to see my birthday? would i even be able to pursue my dreams? would i even be able to be happy? excited? afraid? anticipation? giddiness? thumping of heart? butterflies in stomach?'

'Would i even be able to experience these emotions?' *sigh*

Both the people who are madly in love with each other thought with a warm smile at the same time,

'''It doesn't matter, none of it matters, now i am with her/him, he/she is with me, and this is all that matters'''

{A/N: Hello~~| I tried okay? not my fault if you are cringed, I will also be cringed if i would read |~~}

(Next Day)

(In Asher's classroom)

Asher was leaning on window while on another desk hachiman was staring at things with his 'dead' fish like eyes.

They looked at each other and talked with their eyes as Hachiman do not want to waste energy, Asher said deadpanning at him, "Bro, you can talk okay? I cannot understand by your dead-fish eyes, also wouldn't energy be wasted if you keep your eyes opened? After all it brain will have to convert the signals to images? huh?"

Asher facepalmed himself as he looked his 'best friend' closing eyes while giving a nod of appreciation.

Asher said as his eyes twitched, "You are weird."

Then hachiman's voice came, "You are my friend."(roasted)

Yeah that was the blow that went deep into Asher, he understood that hachiman meant to say is that 'you are friend of weird guy who is your only friend, you are pathetic.'

Asher then placed his head on the desk while muttering, "It is unfair..."

(In Sakura's classroom)

Kyoko was jumping around Sakura while whispering in her ear, "Did you did 'it'? How was it? heavenly right? When i did with one of my boyfriend he fainted in 3 minutes, hah~ pathetic."

Sakura's eyes were twitching as her face was red, she shouted at her making all the class alarm, "We did not! Okay? Just making-out!"

Then she realised that she had alarmed all the people which embarrassed her to death, she sat down on desk and placed her head on it.

Both Asher and Sakura at the same time {A/N: Okay i overused it but whatever}

**SIGH** '''What a tough life...'''

(At meeting place)

Asher was standing against his car with a casual wear of t-shirt and pants, he was looking fresh and youthful (Well he is around 18 btw).

Then he saw Sakura coming wearing a turtleneck sweatshirt with black jeans, although the clothes were somewhat baggy, it didn't diminish her curves or goddess face, rather she was looking untainted.

Asher smiled at her and complimented her, 'Its one of the most important thing before going anywhere with your girlfriend' "You are looking beautiful as always."

Sakura also cheekily smiled and said, "And you are looking handsome as always."

Asher then held her hand without any hesitation as he asked, "Lets go?"

Sakura smiled as she also held his hand and said, "Lets go!"

Asher led her to the car and then buckled her seatbelt as he sit down on other side and buckled his seatbelt, he started the engine and started accelerating.

Sakura then said after some time, "I will buy your clothes with my money, no discussion."

Asher smiled and kissed her forehead as he tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, "Okay, just wait when i make you my wife, would i let you say 'my' rather than 'our'."

Without waiting for reply, he brought out a gold card and gave it to her as he said, "This is the money gained from your novel."

Sakura became surprised as she took the card but then suspiciously looked at Asher as she asked, "It only have money that i gained from novel?"

Asher nervously chuckled and coughed as he said, "Haha~ yeah yeah what more could it be hmm"

Sakura knew that he must also have placed money but she did not refused any longer but rather smiled sweetly as she shook her head, 'This dummy~'

After some time they reached the place, Asher unbuckled his seatbelt and helped Sakura to unbuckle it, then he opened the door and went to her, he helped her to get out and then they put hand-in-hand.

He locked his car, and started walking towards the country's biggest shop in selling clothes for parties and balls.

Many eyes inadvertently turned towards them as they went to daze, after all its not everyday you can see people more handsome and beautiful than those models with layer and layers of plastic surgeries and make-up.


{A/N: *ahem*}

If possible then leave a review also, cause 40+ chapters have done, thank you!~

Ayanokoji_Kiyoponcreators' thoughts