
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

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67 Chs

Meeting of major figures of the anti-satan faction

Petra looked at Serafall with a calm face, informing her about the current situation of the aid forces led by Sirzechs. "Well, at least they managed to win after being faced by many parties."

"Hah!? Ambushed!" Lady Sitri reacted in confusion. What did the mage mean by 'ambushed'? Are they currently surrounded? If so, the situation must be dire. However, this man said they won the battle. How is that possible?

"Of course, you're curious how I knew... Besides, I spread my familiar as my eyes and ears," Petra said, summoning an owl as evidence for Serafall.

At least Lady Sitri could breathe a sigh of relief because they were safe and even won the battle.

"Hmm... I'm quite curious how the others react to this. Maybe Zekram will call for me later?" the mage murmured, audible to Fallen Angel Governor Azazel, who became intrigued by it.

After dealing with Asmodeus, the only remaining issue was Damaidos' younger brother, who was no longer a threat. Furthermore, Asmodeus' followers would not acknowledge him as the next lord. The rest would proceed as per Canon.


After the battle, Grayfia regained consciousness three days later. It took her quite some time to recover her depleted magical energy. Although Petra believed she was incredibly adept at Soul Synchronization, having only used Snegurochka Snowy for the first time in battle.

As expected of a genius, they didn't mess around with skills and strong mentality. Even though Petra was the creator of these objects or artifacts, they still considered Grayfia's synchronization procedures carefully, ensuring they didn't bypass any established procedures, hence the outcome. If this happened to an ordinary person, death would be the only result after Soul Synchronization.

So what happened next? The mage was summoned by Zekram after destroying Asmodeus' residence upon investigating how Damaidos knew about the Outer God, information even the mage himself had little knowledge about. After investigation, it turned out that Demon King Asmodeus had previously known or learned about it from the great war. And his research notes were left in the castle's library. Of course, Damaidos, consumed by the ambition to kill Petra who had greatly insulted him, sought any means to eradicate the mage, resorting to such actions if all else failed.

With Petra, the notes were taken from Asmodeus' castle, the remaining followers of Damaidos were killed, the last surviving descendant of Asmodeus, Damaidos' younger brother, who was currently very weak, was kicked aside. Lastly, the entire castle was destroyed with nuclear-level explosion magic.

Then, Petra was summoned by Zekram not to question why the mage destroyed the Asmodeus clan but to introduce himself to other allies. The old demon was undoubtedly pressed by other clans to reveal who was behind the recent chaos.

However, Petra refused to reveal his identity to those flatterers. As a result, Zekram puzzled over the best solution to this problem. Instead, the mage had to explain to the four main powers of the anti-Satan faction who would eventually take over the demon king's throne in the future.


In the Bael mansion, a closed room was inhabited by several people, including Zekram Bael along with four others.

Sirzech Gremory, Ajuka Astaroth, Falbium Glasya-Labolas, Serafall Sitri.

These four young demons were the main forces of the faction, and they were naturally curious about the identity of their ally who had provided significant assistance by destroying Damaidos and the Asmodeus clan a few days earlier.

However, Serafall chose to remain silent about Petra's identity, enjoying the surprised reactions of her three companions.

Due to the silence and tension that pervaded the room, one of them opened their mouth to ease the situation.

"Why hasn't he arrived yet?" Sirzechs impatiently asked.

The old demon sitting next to him massaged his temple, restraining himself to remain patient with the youths before him. "Wait a moment, Sirzechs. Don't force the man if you don't want to incur losses," Zekram replied.

Young Lord Gremory gritted his teeth. His dislike for Petra even before meeting him stemmed from the man flirting with his crush, Grayfia. That's what Sirzechs thought about.

"Relax, Sirzechs. We're the ones who asked him to come, so we must be patient waiting for him," Ajuka said.

Young Lord Astaroth glanced briefly at Sirzechs, still focusing on reading the book in his hands. Well, this demon was truly a bookworm in the demon world.

"Ajuka-tan is right! We shouldn't rush the man's arrival since we're the ones who asked him to meet us!" Serafall said.

Lady Sitri nodded in agreement with Ajuka's earlier statement.

Meanwhile, Falbium... Well, who knows, maybe he was sleeping?

Falbium Glasya-Labolas sat in his chair with closed eyes, his body leaning slightly forward, and his breathing steady. It seemed he was dozing off, as if this meeting wasn't interesting enough for him.

Sirzechs Gremory, on the other hand, continued to suppress his anxiety. He couldn't wait any longer. "But we can't wait too long, can we? We need swift action."

Ajuka Astaroth nodded, placing his book on the table. "Of course, but we also have to understand that the man has his own priorities. We must give him space to act according to his will."

Zekram Bael added, "We can give him a little more time before we assess the situation. What's important is that we remain prepared with alternative plans if needed."

Meanwhile, Serafall Sitri tried to calm Sirzechs. "We must be patient, Sirzechs. The man will surely come when the time is right. We all want answers, but we must also respect his process."

Sirzechs took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Although difficult, he knew Serafall was right. They had to be patient, even if it felt torturous.

"Ah, am I the last one to arrive, huh?" Suddenly, Petra appeared behind Sirzechs, surprising everyone as no one felt his presence when he entered the room.

Zekram could only sigh deeply, saying, "You do like to surprise people, Petra."

"Hehe, that's one of my charms," the mage replied, then turned to see everyone staring at him with shocked expressions, except for Zekram and Serafall.

Especially Ajuka, who was truly surprised to see Petra's presence in the room. Immediately, he stood up, startling the mage as Lord Astaroth approached him with a book.

"Please give me your autograph, Lord Petra!" he said respectfully, extending the book to Petra with shining eyes.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

From the Author "It's a good thing to keep adapting to circumstances😁"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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