
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


"My daughter is getting prettier, what's her secret?" Auntie asked Rinka who was eating.

"Secret" Auntie snapped and looked at me who was playing chess with Uncle.

"Check" Uncle saluted me for his defeat, I saluted him too.

"Thank you for taking care of my favorite daughter, I wonder how you managed to make my daughter more beautiful than even her own mother" I looked at uncle by giving him the code to look at auntie who was smiling fiercely.

Uncle swallowed, and looked at me who was covering my face.

"You're welcome uncle, Rinka likes the treatment I give her" Auntie then got up and came over to me, she then gave me a full facial.

"Give it to me" I looked at Rinka who smiled at me, I looked at uncle who gave me the code, "Dont do it, Dont do it, you will regret it".

"Umm, Auntie. The treatment has been used by Rinka, I apologize because the raw materials for this treatment need special stimulants so it's hard to get" Auntie then clicked her mouth and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

"Good job kiddo, you saved my account" I laughed innocently, Rinka gave me a thumbs up. We chatted for a while and I excused myself as I had some important business to attend to.

I gave Rinka a quick peck and left, I went to a Shinjuku internet cafe.

Comic Cafe Freedom!!! is the cheapest cafe in Shinjuku, despite their lack of clerk and some updated comics, they keep their priority of cheapest price.

That is why there is a lot of Queue in this cafe, looks like new Comic or eroge has been released.

I parked my bike, and went inside. Seeing the atmosphere of the internet cafe is really comfortable with the commotion of the enthusiasts.

I picked up a few books and read them briefly and quickly. Then went to see that this long queue was not running yet.

"Sir, can I ask why the Queue is not moving?" A kind man saw me and sighed in disappointment.

"Even though it's cheap here, there's a lack of service staff, I feel sorry for the lady at the counter." I looked at the lady who was a little panicked because of the number of comic enthusiasts.

I walked over to the counter and saw this woman who was exhausted, I then helped her pick up the new box of comics from the warehouse and helped her sell these new comics at the new cashier.

It does sound presumptuous and forbidden but I have to help because this queue is quite uncomfortable when viewed from the outside, I multitask by reading this comic, serving customers and also removing comic products from the cardboard.

My queue finished faster, I also interacted with customers asking their opinions about Eroge and Visual Novel for reference as a user or player.

Some answered by prioritizing Story, Engagement of Character and How to use proper choice of character development, Well some of them actually want to hear women moan, Boys be boys after all.

I finished serving all the enthusiasts and helped clean up the cafe, the woman returned from the staff room and saw that the queue had left.

"I'm sorry about violating your cafe's standard operating procedures, I'm doing this voluntarily" The woman bowed as well as me.

"Thank you for your hard work" Although this woman is a bit out of her own world at least she is a hard working girl.

<Helpful work>

[Sports Skill, Take?]

[Asset Freedom!!, Take?]

[Dual Handgun, Take?]

[Singing Skill, Take?]

Asset. Sports, Singing? Looking at this woman it seems like she needs someone who can help her with this job if there is a new release of comics or Eroge here.

I just take the Asset, I then organize all the systems here and some upgrades in the security system or building maintenance that need to be changed here.

"Here do the overhaul, and get a new employee or a manager here, I see you're a bit overwhelmed" This woman saw me giving her a paper of the progress I had made on this Cafe.

"Sir, you actually don't need to do a complete overhaul because our manager has left, I as a senior employee should be responsible for taking care of this cafe in place of my manager" I nodded, I understand what you mean because this cafe is your only source of income.

"I understand, that's why I have prepared for it on the job site. If you need any help just contact me. This is my phone number" I gave her my phone number, then I left, she bowed and I started to go to my main destination, the park near shinjuku which was said to have many interesting sights.

I arrived at Shinjuku Gyoen and parked my bike in the parking lot near the park, I grabbed my jacket and took out some comics and some illustration designs that I wanted to develop myself, without any reference it can make ideas disappear instantly.

I sat down on a park bench and started reading these 4 books one by one, there were some I needed to emphasize on the illustrations and comics which were quite imbalance for me.

"Excuse me, is the place next to you empty?" I looked at this girl who smiled at me.

"Please" This girl sat down and saw me focusing on reading an illustration book, she smiled like a naughty girl.

"Do you like reading eroge illustrations?" I closed the book and looked at this girl.

"Sure, I want to try drawing illustrations as a hobby" This girl then took out a sketch paper and gave it to me.

"Try to illustrate my face" I took two pencils, I drew with two hands, I drew this girl with long brown hair and green eyes, I drew her with various styles and clothes that fit her filling the sketch paper completely.

"Please" This girl was mesmerized even my illustration came to life, This girl put down the illustration then gripped my hand.

"My name is Takao Sana, I like your illustrations. Do you want to teach me?" I nodded and began to teach Sana gently and slowly.

"How?" I looked at Sana's messed up illustration, I just giggled and looked at Sana.

"Good, a little improvisation and it will be perfect" Sana was very happy even though I admit her art is mediocore but I must respect her genuine hard work.

<Appreciate people's work>

[Singing Skill, Take?]

[Playground Asset, Take?]

[Water Specialized Vehicle, Take?]

[Island Asset Upgrade, Take?]

I took the island asset, I checked it from the super computer. The image of my island was clearly visible from the satellite.

My island was now not a static wilderness, but there was a large and spacious mansion, plus a flower garden that spread out to a collection of wisteria and cherry blossom trees, the whole natural beauty was very complete.

"It's a computer isn't it?" I nodded and closed my super computer.

"My name is Tatsuo Soga, sorry for the late introduction" Sana and I looked at each other then Sana pulled me around the park.

"Are you still in school?" I followed Sana by her side around the water pond.

"Right, I'm still in the first grade of Ichisakura High School" Sana then turned around and looked at me with a surprised face.

"Ichisakura? Isn't that a school for talented students? No wonder you're so talented" I felt flattered by Sana's praise but I didn't want to get big-headed about it.

"Thank you for the compliment, everyone has their own talents not affected by the place of education" Sana nodded and invited me to sit by the pool.

"Tatsuo, do you have a girlfriend?" Scumbag mode or White prince mode? I'm being honest because I have nothing to lose.

"Unfortunately I already have a girlfriend" then Sana unexpectedly took my hand and gripped it.

"Can we go on a date for today? I have no problem with you refusing to be my boyfriend just think of it as an introductory date" I looked into Sana's eyes with a slightly doubtful look, because I felt something else as if I was a playboy.

"Alright, Let's go" Duality of me, admitting to having a girlfriend and agreeing to date someone other than Rinka, sigh.

Sana and I wandered around the park discussing various good illustrations, especially the many visitors in this park making good objects in sketch illustrations.

"Tatsuo try illustrating this?" Sana did a very unique pose where she leaned against a tree and posed like she was waiting for someone with her legs swinging.

I remembered that and started drawing with Sana's paper, although the design is only black and white but it's enough for a preliminary sketch but I guess it's not a preliminary sketch but a non-colorized version of art.

Many people who saw my painting were amazed and some even took pictures of it even though it wasn't finished yet, I added the last touches such as some backgrounds and shading touches to make this fantastic Black and White art.

" I did it" Sana ran to me and saw the painting which was very impressed, Sana was wide-eyed and kept gaping at my illustration.

"Amazing, this is Amazing!" Sana was so excited that she even continued to flatter and praise me.

"okay, stop it. you making me blush" Sana looked at me who had a very flat face.

"You're teasing me" I laughed and we continued our date casually until we went home with me dropping Sana off at her house.

<Making someone happy>

[Singing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Dual Handgun, Take?]

[Body Specialty, Take?]

I took the Singing skill only, I can sing any song I want and even remember all the songs in my old world. Plus the music skill might be an overkill.

I can make my voice melodious or like a death metal singer, depending on the music I play.

"Thank you" Sana turned her body around and smiled at me, I nodded and waved my hand and started my bike again.

"You're welcome, this date was quite fun" Sana laughed and pinched my nose gently.

"Tatsuo, what are your goals?" I thought for a moment, what are my goals? Honestly in my previous life I wanted to be a financially stable man, pay taxes, have a house that is comfortable and big enough to raise a family and have my own garden either in the village or the city for food if I'm lazy to buy at the supermarket. In this life, instead of getting all that, what do I want to be? Become an investor? To be a boss or Ceo? Ceo only.

"Chief Executive Officer in normal investor company" Sana smiled happily and she waved to me and went into her house.

"hehehe, i got you" A woman who was hiding then went somewhere.

I arrived home and heard Nene watching television, I parked my bike and entered.

"I'm home" Nene didn't answer, I put my shoes on and then put my clothes in the temporary room.

I went to the living room and saw Nene asleep on a soft pillow with the television on.

I turned off the television and then carried Nene to sleep in her room, I put Nene's body on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

I then used Shunpo to create 20 images of myself, cleaning the entire house, feeding the koi and birds here. Cleaning up my room on the mountain, tidying up the fallen leaves and putting them in a large plastic bag, I threw this bag in the trash on the street.

Then I cleaned up the front yard quickly, when I was done I went in and locked all the entrances here.

I went to the dojo and did my usual workouts but since I had been lazy for the past 5 days, I put on the weight bracelet and did my workouts.

After I wore this bracelet, I didn't realize that it increased the weight of the user. I'm already 8x a normal human so obviously the weight is over 1 ton.

Suzumori might be up to tens of kilos, but I pray that she doesn't receive too much weight like me.

I was covered in sweat even though I was using Ripple and solar breathing, my body had started to get used to this load and even started to increase again naturally.

I then practiced Systema with my own clone, for a detailed understanding of Systema, Sparring with myself was quite fun as it turned out.

Then I tried Silat with Aura Asura and Ripple, I used the Tiger Style. Behind me appeared like a roaring Byakko Head.

So this is the effect I combined, if I add Shinsu, the Byakko behind me becomes alive and walks around me and focuses its gaze on where my gaze is.

I began to make offensive movements, my scratches were followed by Byakko's more fatal scratches, I attacked faster and faster and Byakko attacked quickly like a cat fighting here.

I took a stance and Byakko let out a roar that shook the Dojo slightly.

I'm satisfied with this result, if I use another style the effect will definitely be different, later if I seriously fight.

I look at Rinka's message that I haven't read yet, she sent me a photo with her wearing Linggerie. I gave her a thumbs up and a heart.

I then looked at the other messages from the Teachers that I had dialed, nothing, good.

I cleaned this Dojo and then went to take a shower, then I got a message from Nogami who took a picture of me on a date with Sana.

I smiled and told her that I didn't care about her threats.

While on the other hand, Nogami looked at her phone with my message already sent.

"I don't care about your threats, sooner or later you'll know why" Nogami clicked her mouth and threw her phone away.

I bathed in the hot spring and looked at the stars in the sky, it was really nice.

I then prayed for the gratitude I got right now, at least I could enjoy my youth that was hindered in my old world.

Okay, this is it folks.

Sauce was this.

Mankitsu Happening in this chapter.

Suzumori is from Netokano, Do not watch it because it has Ugly Bastard, NTR, and you know the rest. but the art 9/10 this why reality often disappointing.

while those three on Waterpark, from Ijirare : Fukushuu Saimin. those trio gal i want to add in harem but after reconsideration and some major breaking point (i just don't want this fanfic turn into Heroine gathering and turn them into fuck buddy every single chapter, despite have ntr), i will add them in next year of school. need build up first.

While Onoura, The class president is from kutsujoku 2 she appear briefly in cultured video but the teacher matsura anjuu is from Kutsujoku, check it out its great to be honest

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts