
Life Game In Other World

[Do you find life dull?] [Do you want to experience a different life in another world?] [We have an array of roles for you to experience: tycoons, assassins, hunters, beggars, and countless other random identities.] [Would you like to start the game now?] [Yes][No] Laughable. How could I, a law-abiding good citizen, find life dull? He Ao sneered and chose [Yes] [Initializing system...] [Loading game.] [Welcome to the Copy World game] [Loading beginner tasks, currently matching you with a random life role.] [Match successful] —— This is the story of a law-abiding good citizen embarking on countless lives in the chaotic and mad Copy World. (Confirmed)

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514 Chs

Chapter 465: You're Back So Soon (Large Chapter, Asking for Monthly Votes)

The piercing alarm echoed throughout the entire Research Institute as one after another, doctors in surgical attire began hurrying towards the first floor.

Teams of fully armed mercenaries were advancing orderly towards the underground.

A black jeep approached from the distance and, in the moment it was about to reach the entrance of the Research Institute, the vehicle swerved suddenly, slamming on the brakes, and the pitch-black tires screeched against the ground.

A dense cloud of dust spread over the stairs in front of the entrance of the Research Institute.

A man dressed in a mercenary uniform jumped down from the vehicle.

Following closely, a fully armed mercenary came to meet him.

"What happened?"

This man was none other than Zadi, an officer among the mercenaries. He had just departed from the Research Institute when the alarm called him back.

"Enemy attack. The alarm was triggered by Lord Reid, but we can't get in touch with him now," the mercenary replied quickly.