
Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Mark Greyson, a boy trying to survive in the hellish city that is Gotham city, his father disappeared when he was younger and it had left his mother distraught and antisocial. He took it upon himself to help support his mother, though in Gotham the only steady pay comes from crime. However one day he learns from his mother who his father actually was, the hero Omni-man who disappeared years ago during a mission with the justice league. I do not own invincible or DC comics

TheManUnderTheBed · Cómic
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53 Chs

The Killing Joke

Mark looked down on Killer Frost who felt utterly intimidated by the Young Viltrumite in front of her, but even so, she couldn't help but feel aroused by the situation something she hadn't felt for a long time. Killer Frost barely blinked before Mark was in front of her his hand around her throat as he pushed himself between her legs, she felt herself voluntarily spreading them for Mark only getting more aroused by her airways being cut off, with a violent thrust Mark was inside of Killer Frost whose scream was silenced by the hand around her throat.

While Killer Frost lay beneath him being pounded at a much faster rate than Harley, Mark was enthralled by the sensations of her pussy 'Nothing burns like the cold,' he couldn't help but remember the old adage as he fucked her, had it not been for his invulnerability he had no doubt his cock would've frozen and shrivelled off but lucky it didn't and right now it was one of the greatest things he'd ever felt and he couldn't help but be rougher and pound her faster.

Letting go of her throat Killer Frost finally let out the cries of pleasure that had been muffled by Mark's hand, her legs were spread wide open now as she accepted everything he had, while every thrust was painful it sent waves of pleasure shooting throughout her body. She was sucking heat from him as well but he was generating so much of it she couldn't keep up, then something weird happened, something that she hadn't experienced since she was Caitlin Snow.

"OHHHHHHHH!!!" She came shooting jets of juice straight out of her pussy. All of her nerves had been severely numbed when she became a heat vampire so no matter how much she played with herself she had never been able to have an orgasm, she had forgotten how good it was. It was even better since Mark didn't stop and throughout her entire orgasm, his dick pushed inside her deeply making her have a second one right there.

Mark wasn't finished however and he grabbed her legs and pushed them by her head before slamming his dick as far in as it could go, Killer Frost could only make grunting sounds as she had become totally incoherent. The sensations she was feeling had completely overwhelmed her as it had been such a long time since she experienced anything like this. Mark reached his peak as well and started sending stream after stream of his cum inside of her, this sent Killer Frost into an uncontrollable chain of orgasms as she was filled with a hot steamy substance that warmed her from the inside.

Killer Frost lay there on the ground as Mark pulled out of her and finally gained some awareness of his actions, though even so, he was still painfully hard 'I suppose having sex with a Kryptonian is a lot more satisfying,' he thought to himself as he looked at his still erect penis. However while he had gained a bit of control back he still wasn't fully himself, and when he saw the very pretty Asian girl dressed in skimpy clothes bent over with her pussy dripping he knew what was about to happen.



Dick coughed up another glob of blood as he pulled himself to Megan, he had to try and wake her up or at least check she was alive. The Joker being here meant nothing good, he didn't want to have to resort to the backup plan but it seemed he wasn't going to have much of a choice, pulling out his communicator from his pouch he tried to get in contact with Batman but it seemed communications were being jammed "Shit!" Dick cursed before he pushed himself up to his feet, he could feel bones shifting in his body and he once again threw up crimson liquid.

He limped over towards Megan before kneeling next to her "Megan..." he said with a hoarse voice. He felt his heart clench in pain as he looked at Megan, she had been beaten behind recognition, he leaned down and put his ear next to her mouth, he breathed a sigh of relief when he could feel her slow breaths tickling his ear.

Though she was in no condition to even move let alone reestablish the mental link, so Dick needed to find a way to bypass the communications jam and he needed to do it before he either passed out or succumbed to his internal injuries.

'Just another day at the office then,' Dick thought with a small chuckle that quickly turned into a violent cough. He had an idea but he needed to get the bag that Megan was carrying with the transponders, he looked around the bag wasn't on Megan's body which was a good thing as it probably wouldn't been crushed when she was being beaten.

Dick looked across the warehouse where he spotted the bag having been flung several dozen feet 'Megan must've thrown it to protect it," Dick thought to himself as he started limping over to the bag. His whole body felt like it was about to crash but he needed to keep going otherwise who knows how many people would get hurt.

As he walked his gaze drifted off down one of the aisles in the warehouse and he spotted a man in a lab coat crying, one that he hadn't seen when he first came in here, gripping one of his escrima sticks in his hand he limped over towards him "Who are you..." he asked in a rough voice, it was difficult to talk as he could barely breathe but he still managed to croak it out.

The man had thinning blonde hair, stubble and glasses, he looked pale and gaunt "Nightwing?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"That's me... who are you?" He asked once more.

"You have to stop him!!! He's crazy!!! What he's about to do is insane!!!" The man said as he stumbled trying to get off the floor and grab Dick by the arm.

"Calm down! What are you talking about!" Dick asked as he stifled a yell of pain at having his fractured arm being pulled.

"T-T-The Joker, he took me from Star l-labs and made me tell him how to use it! I promise I didn't want to I promise!" He said as he wept, tears and snot coming from his face.

"Get a hold of yourself and tell me what did the Joker take!" Dick asked as he pushed the man back.

The man wiped his face on the sleeve though it didn't stop more tears from falling, the guilt that he felt at what he had done was overwhelming and he could barely think of anything else apart from what the Joker could do with the device he had taken from Star labs and what he had shown him how to use.

"H-He took the Ganali Device!"


The auction hall was in mayhem as criminals all fought each other in an attempt to steal everything they could, the richer men in the boxes all got ready to leave with the exception of one man, Lex Luthor wouldn't leave without taking what was rightfully his and so with his bodyguard mercy he left the box and went to go and acquire what he had come here for.

"Hah!!!" Donna yelled as she kicked a man in the chest sending him skidding across the floor, she then caught another man's fist before headbutting him and slamming her knee into his gut before finally bringing down her elbow on the man's spine. She felt as much as she heard the crack as he fell to the ground and so she knew he was incapacitated, she had to make her way to Connor who was somewhere in the crowd. But these criminals weren't making it easy, a lot of them were enhanced and mostly had enhanced bodies or some sort of energy-based ability.

Donna grabbed her nose as she was punched in the face by a large man with grey skin "You're coming with me girlie," he said as he licked his lips. Donna scowled before ducking and sweeping the man's legs from under him she then jumped up delivering a knee strike straight to his chest "You disgusting male!" She growled out before winding her fist back and smashing it into his face. She did so a couple of times before she was grabbed by several males each trying to get their hands on her body.

"GET OFF ME!!!" She screamed as she ripped one of her arms free before elbowing a man in the face, she then spun around flinging the next man off her and did a standing dropkick sending the other flying into a crowd of people "No point hiding myself now," she said to herself before she shot into the air in an attempt to look for Connor.

However as she was scanning the area she was attacked from the side and flung straight into one of the boxes, luckily whoever was in it had vacated so her body didn't squish anyone. She stood up and eyed the villain who had attacked her, a man with the eyes of an insect and dragonfly wins stared at her while licking his lips "You smell strong and fertile, a perfect incubator," he said in a rough croaky voice.

Donna scowled once more before flying towards him with her fist drawn back, only when she reached him he had already moved out of the way and then zoomed back kicking her in the side sending her a dozen feet through the air. He then zoomed towards her again aiming a punch at her face, Donna lifted her head down forcing his fist to connect with it, a loud crunching sound could be heard as the villain's fist shattered when it made contact with her forehead. Donna then grabbed the man by the neck and flew straight down into the ground creating a mini shockwave and sending a few people off their feet 'Where in Tartarus is Connor!' She thought to herself before she continued fighting through the crowd trying to incapacitate everyone.

Meanwhile, Connor was having problems of his own as he was currently being shot at by none other than Deathstroke 'These aren't normal bullets.' Connor thought to himself as he picked out of his arm, it hadn't made its way entirely through his skin but it had gotten through to the muscle. Connor jumped out of cover and rushed towards Deathstroke who was shooting at him, he grabbed a villain and held him up as a shield before throwing him towards Deathstroke.

Deathstroke side-flipped over the criminal being thrown towards him before taking out a throwing knife and tossing it straight at Connor, though Connor easily changed direction before the knife even got close to him.


Deathstroke shot the knife changing its direction and sending it straight at Connor, with his enhanced smell he could tell what metal it was. Promethium could cut him but it wouldn't be able to pierce his muscle 'It's most likely poisoned,' he thought to himself before bringing his hands together and clapping sending a shockwave of sound and wind towards both Deathstroke and the knife.

The knife was thrown off course "You've gotten better boy, no longer charging in and getting all your teammates hurt," Deathstroke taunted as he dropped the magazine from his pistol and reloaded another.

Connor scowled as he felt his blood start to boil he flexed his leg muscles before lunging at Deathstroke at incredible speeds, the mercenary easily rolled out of the way as Connor smashed his previous location with both arms, he then shot at Connor who picked up a silver platter that had been dropped to the ground and threw it like a frisbee "Stop running you coward!!!" Connor shouted as he once again lunged at Deathstroke.

"You think I'm running because I'm scared of you boy?" Deathstroke said with obvious amusement. He then dropped his gun and clenched his fists "I just wanted to give you a chance," he said as he caught Connor's outstretched wrist and flipped him over slamming him to the ground.

Connor growled as he got back up and tried punching Deathstroke once again but the man flowed through every punch he sent, Deathstroke then pivoted on his feet before throwing Connor on the ground once more. No longer able there keep his rage in check Connor pushed himself up from the floor with a huge push, he launched himself into Deathstroke which knocked the older man off balance and then before he got the chance to dodge Connor sent a powerful punch straight to the man's chest sending him across the room and through a wall.

Connor couldn't help but smirk as he saw him on the ground struggling to stand back up. However his distraction cost him as he was stabbed in the shoulder by another criminal, well he would've been stabbed had the knife not shattered on his skin. Connor grabbed him by the throat and tossed him across the room before he started making his way towards Deathstroke.

"A fine move, though I believe it's time to end this farce," he said as he pulled out a peculiar-looking dagger, he twirled it in his hands before showing it to Connor.

"This is a very special dagger, it is called the Inverted Spear of Heaven and it's made for people just like you," he said as he got ready for their next bout.

Connor was too mad to take his words to heart and dismissed them as an empty threat, he rushed towards Deathstroke drawing back his fist for another devastating blow yet Deathstroke easily avoided it and brought up his blade at Connor's outstretched arm.

"AHHH!!!" A feeling of pain rammed through Connor's body as he looked at his arm, it had been cut more than halfway through and was hanging limp. Still reeling in shock Deathstroke took advantage and sliced him across the chest carving through his muscle like butter before spinning around avoiding a wild punch and kicking him in his leg buckling his knee. He then stabbed him in the shoulder and ripped his dagger down dragging him fully to the floor "Almost too easy," Deathstroke said as he twirled his knife in his hand watching Connor lay on the floor in a pool of his blood.

However before he could land the finishing blow Connor's eyes started to glow red and heat vision shot out at Deathstroke, he barely avoided it and had the tip of his helmet burnt and morphed. Connor, when Deathstroke was attacking him had slipped one of his shields on his skin as he knew things were looking pretty dire for him.

'I can't do anything to help in my condition,' Connor thought to himself before shooting up into the air and bursting through the ceiling.


Donna started to tire as she fought man after man hoping that this would bring Dick enough time to finish the mission, she didn't know how much longer she could fight for, she wasn't as strong as her sister was as painful as it was to admit it.

However much to everyone's surprise, the lights in the room started to dim before a spotlight shined down on the stage. Donna's eyes widened as she recognised the man on stage 'The Joker, what is he doing? And what's that device?' She thought to herself.

"HAhAHahAhAhAhAhHah, Hello my lovely little cretins and degenerates, I am your entertainment for this evening, please be gentle it is my first time HaAhahhaahha!!!" The Joker shouted as he made use of the speaker system.

Behind the Joker Bizarro came out with a vial that he handed to the Joker. The Joker's grin became even more menacing as he placed the vial into the machine "Now my lovelies since you've all been such a good audience and not tried to attack me I'll give you one of my best jokes!!!" He shouted as he typed on a keypad on the device.

The device started to spin before Joker turned around to the audience chuckling uncontrollably "Now tell me if you've heard this one before." He said.

"How many Supermen does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"Anyone? No one?"

"I don't know let's find out!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA!!!" He shouted before slamming down on the green button, the device then released a grey sparkling mist into the air. The crowd started to panic as considering it was the Joker it was almost like some form of laughing toxin.

Donna then saw the Joker take a small lump of what looked like metal and swallow it whole "That's all from me folks now have at it!!!" He said with a laugh.

"I do happen to know there are some special guests with us tonight, please make sure to give them a special welcome! Ahahahahahahahahahh." He said before the spotlight turned off him and then turned on Donna.

The normal lights then came on and most of the crowd was now looking at her 'Hera help me!' She thought to herself before she tried launching into the air trying to fly away. But someone grabbed her foot and was able to stop her dead, she then felt herself being slammed into the ground with incredible power.

Shaking off her daze she looked up and saw a few people with their eyes glowing red, while a few others seemed to be floating in an uncontrollable manner "What is going on!" She thought to herself before she caught a punch being directed at her only for her to struggle under its power. She was then punched in the side of the head and sent flying across the room, she flipped midair and landed on her feet only to be shot with a stream of heat vision similar to that of Superman.

Crashing into the bottom of the stage she picked herself up before sending a punch at the closest man, the man was sent flying back a lot further than she imagined he would. She was a lot more powerful than she should be though if it was happening to her then it must be happening to everyone.

Two men rushed at Donna while a third man slammed his fist into the back of her spine making her yell out in pain. The first two men then punched her in the stomach and then kneeed her in the face "Grab her boys!" One of them said as they slammed her to the ground and pinned her.

"Time to have some fun," a man above her said as he started to unbuckle his pants.

Donna's eyes started to glow red as heat vision shot out of her though the two men at her sides both held her head still and shut her eyes "GET OFF!!!" She shouted as she struggled though all three of these men were as strong as her so she couldn't get free.

Donna did the only thing she could to avoid this horrible fate.

"PLEASE HELP!" She shouted in desperation.

(AN: So yeah that's the Joker's plan, release a whole bunch of degenerate supermen across the world why you may ask? Cause he finds it funny. Anyway these Supermen are inferior to actual kryptonians think of them on the level of a weak Viltrumite that has just got his powers. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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