
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Cómic
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504 Chs

[86] Utaha officially entered the battlefield


"I'm sorry, guys, I'm late. I went to sleep early because I was tired."


With her entire body pressed against Hachiman's chest, enveloped by his formidable presence, Utaha's heart raced, and a crimson hue adorned her cheeks.

The inexperienced girl, unaccustomed to such close proximity with a boy, felt a momentary fluster, uncertain of her response.

Upon hearing Hachiman's words, she swiftly composed herself, stepping back to establish a comfortable distance. Although a faint blush still lingered, she elegantly brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, reverting to her sharp-witted demeanor.

"Tsk, Hachiman, are you content now? It seems the unexpected has occurred. You must be relishing this new sensation in this dimly lit ambiance, I presume?"

"Hey, Hachiman, is my touch as gentle as you anticipated?"

Why pretend to be the victim? It's evident you willingly allowed this closeness.

In the face of Hachiman's silence, Utaha persisted with her sardonic remarks.

"Don't tell me you're savoring the memory of holding me just moments ago? You truly are a deviant, Hachiman."

That's enough; if you continue, I might lose my composure.

"Tsk, I wonder how those two girls who prepared your lunch would react if they knew..."

Suddenly, a startled cry pierced the air, and Utaha gazed in astonishment at Hachiman's hand.

Feeling the tenderness within his grasp, Hachiman spoke calmly, "I didn't have a clear sense earlier, so I thought I'd give it another try."

He gently squeezed his hand and remarked, "It's soft, rather pleasant."

Utaha stood there in stunned silence for a moment. She never anticipated that Hachiman, who appeared sincere, would dare to take such liberties. What's more, he had the audacity to comment on his experience!

"Damn it," she thought, "No boy has ever dared to treat me like this." In school, she was the "unattainable flower," admired from afar but never touched. Today, Hachiman had breached that unspoken barrier.

Utaha's usual grace and elegance vanished entirely. Her face displayed a mix of anger, shock, and grievance, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

Witnessing her reaction, Hachiman merely shrugged, sounding rather smug. "You know, today you're my girlfriend, right? I can pinch my girlfriend's cheek as much as I want. Don't you agree, Utaha?"

Lowering his arms, he offered a faint smile. Utaha was left momentarily speechless, realizing that she had, in essence, set herself up for this.

"Hmph, I'll let it slide this time," she retorted, "but if you dare try it again..."

She shot him a fierce glare. "I'll make sure to chop off your hands."

Hachiman couldn't help but entertain his own thoughts, reflecting, "Oh, you think you can slash me with that knife? If you dare to come at me with that blade, I'll disarm you in a flash, and then some unspeakable things will happen."

As his gaze briefly flickered toward Utaha's towering chest, he inwardly nodded. This place was indeed suitable not only for concealing a knife but also for hiding other things.

Shaking off those musings, Hachiman focused on Utaha, who had returned to her usual demeanor.

"Let's go, Utaha. We should keep moving."


Utaha nodded without displaying any emotion. They had already gone through the haunted house experience, and there was no reason to linger any longer.

Exiting the haunted house, they navigated the path without flinching at the ghosts and monsters along the way, a stark contrast to the couples who were screaming and clutching their chests with excitement.

"I need to use the bathroom," Utaha mentioned.

"Sure, go ahead," Hachiman replied.

With the sun nearing its zenith, the temperature was steadily rising. Hachiman felt a touch of thirst and casually inquired, "I'll get some drinks. What would you like, Utaha?"

"Juice will do," she responded with a casual wave before heading towards the restroom.

Hachiman located a refreshment stand, procured two cups of fruit juice, and then settled on an empty bench. Picking up one of the cups, he took a sip, savoring the moment.

The cool liquid flowed smoothly down Hachiman's throat, prompting him to close his eyes in contentment.

Soon, Utaha emerged from the restroom. A gentle breeze danced with her sky-blue dress, occasionally revealing glimpses of her shapely legs clad in black stockings, drawing admiring gazes from passersby. However, as they noticed her accompanied by a male companion, their expressions shifted to disappointment.

They settled together on the bench, and Utaha graciously accepted the fruit juice Hachiman offered, offering a warm smile.

"Thank you, Hachiman."

"No problem. Today, you're my girlfriend, and this is what a boyfriend should do," Hachiman replied with a casual shrug.

"So, have you thought about where you'd like to gather material next?"

"What's next?" Utaha pondered for a moment, biting her lower lip. "Hachiman, do you have any good recommendations? You know, as my boyfriend, you should help me decide."

Hachiman couldn't help but think, "Now you remember that I'm your boyfriend? Weren't you just threatening to chop off my hand earlier? Hmph, women."

"To be honest," he replied, "I don't have many female friends, and I have even less experience with dating, so we should stick to some of the more popular activities."

Hachiman activated his Level 3 acting skills, embodying the guise of a sincere and innocent young man.

Observing his seemingly innocent facade, Utaha couldn't help but inwardly scoff. "Few female friends?" she thought. "Then who were those two girls who brought you lunch last time? And you seemed quite skilled when you pinched my cheek just now. It's clear you've done this kind of thing before."

"Then we'll go with your choice, Hachiman," she said aloud.

Although her inner thoughts were filled with grumbles, Utaha maintained a pleasant smile on the surface.

With their decision made, the two embarked on their journey to gather material within the amusement park. Roller coasters, pirate ships, spinning teacups, and sightseeing trains—each popular attraction was experienced in turn.

As the hours passed and the sky gradually darkened, they arrived at the final amusement park attraction: the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel was practically a rite of passage for couples. In its relatively confined space with only the two of them and no one else to intrude, it was an ideal moment for both men and women to express their emotions.

Moreover, there was a legend associated with Ferris wheels. When the Ferris wheel reached its highest point, if you kissed your loved one, then the two of you would be together forever. Legend had it that each "carriage" of the Ferris wheel was filled with happiness.

As their carriage ascended slowly, reaching the peak and coming to a gentle stop, a sense of anticipation filled the air.

Early evening had descended, and the sky was adorned with hues of orange and red as the sun approached the horizon. The setting sun cast even more vibrant colors, transforming the sky into a rapidly shifting tapestry of reds, light blues, and purples—a breathtaking canvas.

"It's so beautiful," Utaha murmured to herself, captivated by the picturesque sky.

Turning her gaze toward Hachiman, she noticed that he, too, was admiring the evening sky. In this moment, she found his sharply defined profile strangely alluring, and to her surprise, her heart quickened.

"What's going on? Could this be what it feels like to have a crush? No, no, he's just a tool to be discarded after today."

Despite her composed exterior, her heart remained anything but calm. Recalling their moments in the haunted house and reflecting on the help he had offered, Utaha felt an unfamiliar emotion swelling within her. Was this what it felt like to genuinely like someone?

"Utaha, is something wrong?" Hachiman inquired, noticing her distant expression.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about some things," she replied, dispelling her complex emotions with his voice.

Detecting his concern in his tone, a faint smile graced her lips.

The Ferris wheel continued its leisurely rotation, and before long, they were back on the ground.

After disembarking from the Ferris wheel, Hachiman turned to the girl beside him and asked with a warm smile, "So, did you gather some good material today, Utaha?"

"Well, today's material gathering can be considered a success. I now have a better understanding of the feelings of love."

Recalling the various amusement park rides they had shared, Utaha's lips curved into a faint smile.

"As long as you got what you needed, does that mean my mission is successfully completed?" Hachiman's tone held a hint of regret.

"Oh? Hachiman, are you so eager to become my real boyfriend?"

Utaha's teasing smile grew wider. "It's not impossible..."

"Let's forget about it. I don't believe I have that much charm to make you, Senpai, fall for me in just one day," Hachiman said with a casual shrug. "Love at first sight is just a fairy tale."

Utaha sighed in exasperation, but Hachiman continued, seemingly unaware.

"Let's go have dinner together, then. It'll be a fitting end to our day."

"Sure, sounds good."

The girl blinked and then extended her hand toward him.

"We agreed that you'd be my boyfriend for a day, and the day isn't over yet. So, your mission isn't complete, Hachiman."

Observing this, Hachiman paused momentarily and then gently took her hand.

"Then allow me to fulfill my duties for the remaining time, my Princess Utaha."

Matching his stride, Utaha's lips formed a contented smile.

Perhaps, your duty isn't over just yet, my knight.

Though it wasn't exactly love at first sight, a budding fondness had found its way into her heart. Now that she had acknowledged her feelings, she wasn't about to give up easily.

Tonight, Utaha officially entered the battlefield.