
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Cómic
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502 Chs

[38] Duel!

When the two arrived at the practice field, they noticed a sizable crowd had already assembled.

This wasn't surprising; Saeko possessed a striking beauty, a graceful figure, and a personality akin to a Yamato Nadeshiko.

Combine these traits with her exceptional kendo skills, and her popularity within the kendo club was unquestionable.

In contrast, Hachiman was a newcomer, a relative unknown in the Kendo Club.

As he set foot on the training ground, it was only natural that the gathered members below began buzzing with chatter.

"Who's this guy? I've never seen him before."

"I'm not sure, maybe he's a new member who recently joined the Kendo Club."

"Come on, are you joking? A newcomer challenging the president right after joining?"

"True, it's highly unlikely. Even us older members who haven't faced the president's tough training would think twice before challenging."

"You make a good point."

"So, who could he be then?"

"Perhaps he's one of those hidden talents the president recruited from elsewhere."

As the vice president, Shuji Fujita furrowed his brow while listening to the discussions among the members nearby.

Seeing Hachiman's familiar face, Fujita Shuji vividly recalled personally welcoming him on the day he had joined the club.

This confirmed that Hachiman was indeed a genuine newcomer.

Fujita couldn't help but be surprised that a newcomer would have the audacity to challenge President Busujima in kendo.

It was unclear whether this newcomer was simply fearless or if he possessed some hidden skill in the art of kendo.

Before long, Saeko, now dressed in her kendo attire, made her appearance on the training ground.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, Hikigaya-kun," Saeko Busujima stated with a nod, standing across from Hachiman.

Hachiman waved off the delay, replying, "No worries. Since I agreed to this competition with Busujima senpai, I'll gladly wait until you're ready."

Saeko couldn't help but narrow her eyes at Hachiman's response. "It seems like Hikigaya-kun is quite confident."

Hachiman shrugged, saying, "I wouldn't say I'm overly confident, but I do want to test myself and see where I stand compared to Busujima-senpai."

"Since I joined the kendo club, I've often heard senior members praise Busujima-senpai's exceptional kendo skills.

Today presents a rare opportunity for me to witness it firsthand, and I hope you'll go easy on me, senpai," Hachiman spoke earnestly.

His words ignited a flurry of discussions among those gathered below.

"What? This guy is a new member who just joined this year, and he dares to challenge the president?"

"Yeah, he seems completely oblivious. Even Vice President Fujita wouldn't stand a chance against the president, let alone him."

"Exactly, I'd be surprised if he lasts more than fifty moves."

"Fifty moves? I think the president will wrap it up in thirty."

Listening to the discussions around them, Kotonoha frowned, clearly displeased with how they were underestimating Hachiman.

As a sparring partner, she had a good sense of Hachiman's kendo skills.

Although it was challenging to determine whether he was stronger than Vice President Fujita Shuji, he was certainly not as inexperienced as they were suggesting.

"Alright, Hikigaya-kun, let's not waste any more time. We should start," Saeko declared, handing him a new wooden sword.

"This is the wooden sword I usually use for practice. I believe Hikigaya-kun will find it suitable."

Hachiman accepted the wooden sword and noticed it was crafted from white oak, considerably heavier than the compressed bamboo he was accustomed to in practice.

"No problem, it feels good. Let's begin, Busujima-senpai," Hachiman said, making a few practice swings and then nodding in satisfaction.

He held the wooden sword with both hands, indicating that she could initiate the attack.

Seeing that Hachiman wasn't taking the initiative to attack, Saeko decided not to hold back.

She took a confident stride forward, swiftly raising her wooden sword and launching a powerful strike towards Hachiman.

Observing Saeko's sudden attack, Hachiman raised his eyebrows, swiftly raising his own wooden sword with his right hand to parry the blow.


The two wooden swords collided with a heavier sound than before.

Saeko, undeterred, quickly shook her wrist and unleashed a flurry of continuous strikes with the wooden sword.

*Bang bang bang bang—*

Hachiman skillfully blocked each successive attack, but his brow furrowed in contemplation.

Something wasn't quite right.

While Saeko's attacks were sharp and swift, they lacked the power he had anticipated.

Saeko had indeed clinched the championship of the Inter-High Kendo Championship in the women's division, establishing herself as one of the top kendo practitioners among all high school students in Japan.

Yet, Hachiman's exceptional strength was no mere illusion. His current physique far exceeded that of the average person, making it a challenge for anyone to contend with the strength he wielded so effortlessly.

"Is that so?"

As Saeko's every move met a swift blockade, she couldn't help but reflect silently.

A contented smile graced her lips, while a glint of fanaticism shone in her eyes as she continued to study Hachiman with fascination.

Indeed, Saeko had been holding back her true strength.

Even with her current speed and power, no one in the Kendo Club could match her. It had been a while since she had unleashed her full potential.

"Come on, Hikigaya-kun, indulge me," she playfully remarked.

Hearing her intriguing words, Hachiman couldn't help but quip, "Don't worry, senpai, I'm quite resilient."

As their exchange continued, with each attack blocked, Saeko's expression grew increasingly exhilarated.

She leaned in and whispered, "Hikigaya-kun, be prepared. I won't hold back this time."

As soon as Saeko finished speaking, Hachiman noticed a sudden increase in the speed at which she drew her wooden sword, accompanied by a surge in the force behind her strikes.

Even her seemingly straightforward movements had transformed into tricky maneuvers.

Hachiman silently pondered, "Is this what they mean by the 'Busujima flow'?"

Despite the challenging nature of her kendo techniques, Hachiman believed he could still keep up, thanks to his enhanced vision and reflexes.

Hachiman continued to display his skills, while Saeko's expression grew increasingly exhilarated, and her attacks intensified, resembling a relentless storm.

In less than ten minutes, they had already exchanged dozens of moves.

Observing this fierce battle between the two, the spectators below were in awe and couldn't contain their excitement.

"Ah, this..."

"It's so impressive..."

"I didn't anticipate a newcomer could hold their own against the president with such skill."

"Could this kendo level be on par with Vice President Fujita?"

Meanwhile, Vice President Fujita Shuji observed the intense battle between the two with a solemn expression.