
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
505 Chs

[187] Argument

Chapter 187: Argument

Sobu High School, Class 2F.

Lunchtime had arrived, and students gathered in groups to have their meals. However, some chose to eat in the classroom. Yumiko and Hayama led a group of classmates, and after spending over two weeks together, they had become quite familiar with each other.

Yumiko, who had developed a subtle liking for the handsome and sunny Hayama, said, "Today, there's a special offer for buying double scoops of ice cream after school. Will you join me, Hayato?"

Apologetically, Hayama replied, "I'm sorry, Yumiko, but I have a club activity after school today."

Though he maintained his usual friendly smile, Hachiman sensed a hint of refusal in his tone.

Yumiko was determined and said, "Well, missing one day won't hurt, and I really want to have chocolate and caramel today."

Hayama chuckled, "Haha, they're basically the same thing. Besides, you'll regret it if you eat too much, Yumiko."

"And I'm sorry, but I really can't make it today. The club has something important going on," Hayama continued to decline the invitation.

Yumiko replied, "Fine, let's forget about it for today. Besides, I won't gain weight no matter how much I eat."

"Yes, Yumiko has a great figure, especially those legs. Compared to me, I feel..."

Yui chimed in, but she appeared somewhat distracted. She held her lunchbox behind her and occasionally glanced at the classroom door, her expression indecisive.

Before she could say anything, Yumiko continued, "By the way, that girl we met last time, Yukinoshita, is pretty nice, too. She's from our school, isn't she?"

Yui smiled and nodded, "Yukino-chan has a good figure."

"Yukino-chan?" Yumiko looked puzzled upon hearing the name.

Yui tried to change the conversation, saying, "Oh, it's nothing. Yumiko has better taste and a more fashionable style."

Yumiko responded, "Of course, but aren't you going to have your meal, Yui?"

Yumiko had noticed the lunchbox that Yui was hiding behind her back, and she knew her friend well enough to understand that if she didn't speak up, Yui might keep agreeing with her.

Yui happily replied, "Well, I'll go have my meal now."

But before Yui left, Yumiko raised the issue of the drink request again, saying, "Oh, and when you come back, Yui, could you bring me a bottle of drink?"

Yui's face displayed a troubled expression upon hearing Yumiko's request.

"Ah, this... I have to go somewhere during lunch, so I'm afraid I can't bring a drink for you, Yumiko."

"Eh, Yui, where are you going?" Yumiko furrowed her brow.

"Uh, well... I'm sorry, Yumiko, but I really can't bring you a drink." Yui hesitated and didn't want to explain.

"See, you shouldn't just apologize. You should tell me where you're going. We're friends, right?"

"Uh, this... this..."

Yui continued to stammer without revealing her plans.

"Come on, this is just how you are. Can't you be more straightforward? If you have something to say, just say it." Yumiko sighed in disappointment and covered her head.

Yumiko did want to help Yui become more assertive and less accommodating, but her well-intentioned efforts came off as somewhat domineering due to her personality.


"I told you not to keep apologizing. Tell me what's going on."

"Hey, Yumiko, your tone is a bit too much," Hachiman stood up and spoke.

Although he understood the girl's good intentions, her tone did seem a bit forceful.

Seeing Hachiman defend her, Yui's face brightened with happiness.

But in the next moment, Yumiko shot Hachiman a glare.

"Hachiman, don't interfere in this matter. We need to make sure Yui changes her personality today."

It has to be said that the empress-like Yumiko has a commanding presence, and the entire classroom fell silent.

"I'm sorry..."

However, in the face of Yumiko's assertiveness, Yui continued to apologize.

Just as the situation became a standstill, someone entered the classroom through the door.

"You're apologizing to the wrong person, Yuigahama."

With her waist-length black hair and exquisitely refined face, it could only be Yukino. The young girl stood with her arms crossed, her tone cool.

"Yuigahama, you invited me to have lunch together, but you never showed up. That's not very considerate. If you had other commitments, you should have at least let me know."

"Sorry, Yukino, I didn't have your phone number, so..."

Upon seeing Yukino's presence, Yui hurried over with a apologetic look on her face.

"Is that so? Well, I can't blame you for that. Let's forget about it this time. We can have lunch together now."

"Hold on, Yui and I haven't finished our conversation yet." Seeing the two about to leave, Yumiko stood up quickly.

However, Yukino interrupted her directly, saying, "Conversation? Do you think what you were doing just now could be called a conversation?"

"In my view, you were just one-sidedly trying to impose your opinions on Yui."

"I apologize for not realizing it earlier."

"Because I'm not very familiar with your ecosystem, I accidentally treated it like a threat from apes."

"Even though it's your right to act like the king of the jungle and puff yourself up, please don't do it outside your territory. Your tiger stripes, just like your makeup, can easily wear off."

The young girl playfully spoke with a rather sharp tongue.


Upon hearing her sharp remarks, Hachiman couldn't help but laugh, but the next moment, Yumiko glared at him, and even Yukino turned her icy gaze in his direction, which made him quickly stifle his laughter.

Hachiman can't be blamed, as in his previous life, watching schoolyard fights and arguments was quite entertaining.

"Haha, what on earth have you been saying, you enigmatic person?" Yumiko was about to respond, but the amiable Hayama stepped in to defuse the situation.

"Alright, alright, Yukinoshita, that's enough," Hayama suggested, trying to maintain the peace.

Yukino turned her head away, seemingly uninterested in engaging further with the conversation. Hayama then turned his attention to Yumiko.

"Yumiko, let's call it a day on this matter," he advised.

Yumiko, albeit reluctantly, made a disapproving sound and returned to her seat. The situation gradually cooled down, and the classroom was filled with an air of normalcy.

Once the tension had dissipated, Yukino turned her gaze to Yui and calmly stated, "Yuigahama, I'll be waiting for you outside."

Yui responded with a warm smile, "Sure, I'll be there in a moment."

With that, Yukino nodded and gracefully exited the classroom. The other students present gradually recognized that it was time to disperse and left the room.

Hachiman, not one to flee from awkward situations like some of his classmates, exited the classroom as well, intending to give Yui the space to express herself.

Now, only Yui and Yumiko remained in the classroom, the atmosphere still somewhat charged.