
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Chapter 39: The Villain

I wake up to the warmth of the sun on face, the coolness of my lovers back plastered against my chest, and… a weird sensation on my arm?…

I crack open an eye against the strong sunlight. I squint for second, before I could finally take the sight in front of me.


was biting and sucking on my forearm that was under his head.

Did my host/lover turn into canabiliatic over the night???

I snuggle into Minjoon's neck and hug him tighter, pulling his waist towards me.

" What are you doing?" I question in a husky morning voice.

" …. Nothing." He mumbles half awake, peeking back to see my reaction, yet still not letting go of my arm. In fact, he pulls it closer to him.

I keep a soft, yet teasing smile on my lips. I hold his hand and connect my fingers with his.

" Really?"

" … I was hungry." He turns shoving his face into his pillow as he groaned in embarrassment.

" You're so cute. What were you eating in your dream?" I chuckle, and litter soft kisses across his face and jaw line.

He turns over to snuggle into my embrace before answering my question.

" Chocolate cake." He licked his lips at the mere mention of it.

Pft- No, hold it in! I bite my lower lip before asking, " And what does that have to do with my arm?"

" You look like chocolate."

" Hahaha! You're so fucking adorable!"


" You have some cream on your lip."

I grin as I watch Minjoon eat his chocolate chip pancakes, slowly savoring each bite. His face remained cold and neutral just like it's previous owner. Those cold features, however, softened to a degree causing its current owner, Minjoon, to adopt a detached yet lazy look, suiting an arrogant cat. One I wanted to keep on my lap and in my arms 24/7.

He ignores me, still mad I "hysterically laughed" at him, as he said.

I chuckle at his pettiness and reach forward to wipe off the whipped cream with my thumb. He pouts at me, then continues to stab his food being all grouchy.

" Any plans brewing in that pretty head of yours?"

" Hn." A one sound syllable answer is all I get.

I scratch my cheek at how quick he cut off the conversation.

My baby tends to hold grudges. First, I'll wait till he's done eating then apologize and pamper him.

I patiently waited until he finished before I scooped him up in my arms and sat us down on the couch in the living room, placing him on my lap.

" Now, let's get down to business, okay?" I brush his hair back to kiss his forehead as my arm behind his back rubs his waist to relieve some soreness he felt.

" Okay." He nods, amicably before he starts laying out his plan for me. " I'll pick on this world's darling and save the original souls sister."

He's still mad. The corner of my lips twitch as I don't know whether to laugh or cry. As his system, I need to know how he wants to go about the mission so I can help him. As his lover... I just want to hear him talk.

" Minjoon-ah, joon, please elaborate." I whine into his neck as I rub my face on his smooth shoulder as the shirt slipped. He was currently wear one of my large t-shirts and only an underwear. He looked extremely delectable.

Ow. He pinched my hand that was starting to wander inside his shirt on his waist.

" The protagonist can worry about saving the world, I'm only here to be the villain. However, since the original soul's wishes are contradictory, I'm gonna be more like a petty, not-so-bad villain, that has a pitiful backstory, so that I don't get killed off. After all, the original soul also wants to live a long life watching over his sister."

" I see. That works."

The mission in this world is based on a Soul's wishes. The soul being the 'villain' in this plotline. Of course, like any villain, he clashed against the protagonist many times and schemed against him. The protagonist grew with every failed attempt of the villain. Then he got strong enough to kill the villain. That's basically what happened in this plot line.

The villain, though cold and rarely interacted with his younger sister, dearly cared for her, his only family left in the world. Jiyoon too cared for her brother but was too shy and awkward to approach him first. She was lonely, as her parents died and her brother was always too busy handling his guild, that ranked 8th in the 'Top Ten Guilds of Korea'. That's why she joined his guild, to see her brother more often, since they didn't live together. But then the protagonist showed her so much kindness, that she fell in love with him. He, however did not like her back, Myong Eun-Soo had a crush on another girl in their guild.

The Villain used to bully the protagonist, Myong Eun-Soo, because he rejected his dear sister, Hwang Ji-Yoon, and then broke her heart when he fell in love with someone else. Jiyoon got too clingy to Eunsoo, and so she became a cannon fodder for that couple. The brother and sister pair became stepping stones in the early chapters of protagonist's life.

The villain had so much built up resentment and regret, that even after he died his soul continued to linger. He only had three wishes.

"One, continue to bully Myong Eun-Soo.

Two, fix his relationship with his sister Jiyoon and watch over her for the rest of her life.

Three, don't let that bastard Myong Eun-Soo hurt Jiyoon."

-Is what the villain had requested.