
Life as a Smart Kid

Life as a smart kid could get really stressful. Why? Many people try to cheat off of your test, bully you, and betray you. If you want to know how life as a smart kid is like, then read this.

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A New Beginning...

"So, what'd you do during summer, Cyrus?" Jennifer asked.

"We pretty much just did the same stuff that we did last summer, and I got to read my favorite novels," I replied casually. Jennifer -my best friend- and I are walking to our new middle school together. We're both in the sixth grade this year because since we did so well in fourth grade, we got to skip fifth. I'm honestly not really sure how middle school will be yet. I looked down at the ground as I walked. Several questions went through my head. What if we get bullied? What if I can't do as well in school as I did last year? What if-

"Oh, okay. I went camping with my family for the first time! It was a wild adventure," she exclaimed. I stared at her, wondering if she was as nervous as I was. But, she didn't appear to be worried about going to middle school at all.

We continued walking, and before I knew it, we were walking through the gates of our new school.

"Oh my goodness, we're here!"

"Yeah. It's so...huge." The school seemed to be twice as large as my old one. The auditorium was to our right, and just from looking at it, I could tell that it could seat a lot of people.

We walked over to the rosters to see which homeroom classes we would have. Jennifer quickly skimmed through them and said excitedly, "Yay, we have the same homeroom!"

Well, at least we have homeroom together. Homeroom shouldn't be too bad, right? Yeah, it's not even a core class, I thought.

"Great!" I replied.

Jennifer led the way as we walked over to room 17, our homeroom class. The teacher said, "You don't have to come into the classroom yet, but you are welcome to stay in here until the bell rings."

Oh no! School hasn't even started yet and we've already embarrassed ourselves!

"In that case, we'd like to stay in here for now, please." Jennifer insisted. She stood up straight and her voice sounded confident as she said it. I stared in admiration as she did this.

The teacher let us stay in the classroom in the meantime. Eventually, he asked, "How do you like this school so far?" I wasn't sure what I should say to him, since I was way too nervous to pay much attention to our new school.

"It's wonderful! We've never been to a school as vast as this one before, right?" Jennifer nudged my shoulder. I guess she could tell that I was nervous.

"Right!" I blurted.

For the rest of the time that we were in the classroom, we were all silent as the teacher wrote something on the whiteboard.

RING! The bell rung. It's time for homeroom! Several students were walking through the hallways, on their way to their homeroom classrooms.

It's been a while since I last wrote! I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for me to write some more! I hope you liked this chapter though!

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