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12 Chs

Chapter 6

So sorry that I've not been updating guys . I had serious writers block but I'm better now . I promise to update more.

After what happened with my cousin I tried to make jokes from time to time to get everyone off my back . Just because I rooted for him doesn't mean I knew about the things . He had planned . But it's Jss3 now and this is the last junior year of Secondary school . I was tired of everyone's shit and the seniors were tired of mine and my classmate's'.

We were going to be seniors soon so they probably felt threatened like they still won't treat us the same smh. I fought with the proprietress's son . I fought a lot in my junior years . He was annoying and pompous and he slapped me after an altercation that was a literally joke . And I didn't take it likely I couldn't, I would be the butt of jokes if everyone heard that a boy slapped me and I did nothing . So I fought and somehow I ended up under him and as he was winning the fight there one thing left to do , I put my freaking canines to use and but his thigh . A bit close to his penis but he was fine . And when we're separated all people could talk about was the bite and how it would hurt him , penis even made jokes that I almost bit the real thing . But I stood up for myself and that's what matters.

I fought two boys that day and this other one , we were friends for a minute and enemies another . In our junior years he loved to fight , it didn't matter if he got beaten . He was reckless and stupid and stubborn and everyone treated him like and idiot cause he had no respect for himself, the boys in our class would bully him for years and most of the time he deserved it but he was a person like them .

I never understood why he liked to fight me , he had a crush all of secondary school. Everyone knew that and he would admit to it once in a while . But if there was one thing about him that everyone admired was his talent to turned everything into something. He did torchlights and bulbs and so much stuff. Create his things but our school never really gave him the chance to show that part of him , so he was only seen as a destroyer .

But that was the least of my problems the seniors were shit to everyone . Punishing and beating us for no reason. We once got beaten on our butts a hundred times and some more for something we didn't do .. why?. Cause another senior did it and wanted to punish us . I mean the wickedness was top notch. Not two mention of my female classmates that were a pain in the ass and one of them I had a soft spot for once in a while and the other I felt like killing her everyday and after our last exams in junior year. The two girls were being moved to a new school, the we're friends being moved to same school must have been fun but it wasn't cause we later heard that the worst one among the two of them didn't want to associate anymore with the other .

It was funny to hear all these bad people were getting what was coming to them . And the worst one among the two girls was a sister to the seniors I told you guys about . The one that dated my cousin and hated me for no reason . Damn like sister like sister and did I mention that she used to bully me as a nine and ten year old in school when I peed on the bed while she was 16 peeing and not washing her bedsheets until the day her own classmates brought them out and kept them in front of her bag to see if she would pick them up to wash in front everyone . Well she did and she was also a thief let me just put that there . And imagine being all these and still trying to make someone's life bad .

Jss3 was over and the wicked girls were gone and I thought life would be better but the devil brought a bitch that was worse and oh my . Did my life get worse…