
You Told Me To Unbutton

Last time on Licensed To Kill...

Woodi tries to interrogate the first suspect, but he just keeps quiet and says nothing to him. Woodi tells me that this is not going to work. I tell him to stop worrying and he and Madison need to talk to the other suspect. Everything works out great and according to plan. Madison's flirting with the suspect helps him to open up. The suspect tells us everything we want to know. Madison and I then decide to drive to the crime scene to be there when they find the murder weapon.

As we arrive, we see the Crime Scene Investigator climbing down the ladder. We walk up to him and ask;

"Is that the murder weapon?"

He holds up the bag so that we can see and say;

"I can assure you that it is not a hamburger. I do not know how it got up there or what it is doing there"

I smile and say;

"Do not worry, I had the same questions"

He asks;

"Who cleared you to be here on the scene anyway?"