
Late-Night Sex

Woodi and I have just left the grocery store. As we are leaving, we realize we need to get a place to sleep for the night. We can not go to a motel in the area, because local law enforcement will find us there, so we need a place that they will not look for us. I decide to go back to the garage owner, maybe he can help us.

We pull up to the garage and watch from a distance. Just to make sure that no one is following us or that they are watching the garage. I look around and ask Woodi;

"Do you see anything?"

"Nope, you?"

"Nothing. But my car sticks out like a sore thumb in this town. You can not only see it from a mile away, but you can also hear it from two miles away"

Woodi looks at me sarcastically and says;

"You wanted to drive, I would have taken an unmarked"

"Woodi, you can spot an unmarked unit also from a mile away. If you wanted to blend in, we should have gotten a pickup truck"

"Touché. Okay, so what are we going to do?"