
Exercise Your Right

Here is what happened last time on Licensed To Kill.

Captain Taylor is busy explaining to me why the higher-up couldn't keep my job for me. Then, he tells me about how he can recommend me for a job as an investigator at the district attorney's office. Madison is getting hungry, so I drive us to the Blue Addicts restaurant to get something to eat. While we are still eating, Charlotte calls Madison and asks that we need to come back home urgently. We drive back home and find Daniel standing at the front door, trying to talk to Charlotte.

I tell Daniel;

"Come on, Daniel, do not make a scene. Please leave the property."

He looks at me and says;

"I will press charges against you for assault."

I smile and point towards the camera and tell him;

"Just remember that the camera will not lie for you in court."

"It is my right to talk to Charlotte."