
Ask Her Softly

After speaking to Captain Taylor about what just happened. He says that we need to guard the crime scene till backup arrives at any cost. I drive as quickly as possible back to the ranch. I pull over to the back of the R.V. and park. I call Woodi again;

"Hey man, where are you?"

"I am almost there, you should be able to hear the A.T.V. soon"

"Great, I am back at the ranch behind the R.V. I called Captain Taylor, he is sending backup and he will take Aerial-01, they should be here in fourth five min. We need to guard the crime scene"

"That is great news, I am on my way"

I can hear the A.T.V. in the distance. I am so happy that I have atleast Woodi here for backup. As Woodi arrives, he parks close to my car. He walks up to me with a smile on his face he says;

"We got him man, we got the Sheriff"

I look at Woodi and say;

"I am going to set up emergency tape, to block off the scene and so that we do not contaminate anything"