
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasía
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226 Chs

Gathering Beneath the Storm. (Part 11)

Regretting every decision, swallowing my words with every action, we somehow found ourself surrounded against all opposition... All I could wonder is, how did I get into this situation?

Lost in the crowd wandering in wonders, feeling isolated as I look at the ashen skies like a frog in a well. Time passes by while they gather and it's killing me to know that the longer I linger the higher the chance of being captured.



(It seems I can't communicate with them. And I can't leave without hurting them either if I want to keep my items... All I can say is forgive me).

With the stairs leading to where we entered getting obliterated, no tunnels near, and guards hover above us while foot soldiers encircle.

(Under normal situation if I'm not working for Sis Yuwei I would surrender and let them take me so that I can explain and ask for help but now...)

I summon my halberd and before the winged soldiers open fire, I follow my instincts and summon a huge magic circle beneath us shouting:

"[Ravita Jisurea!]

(I wonder if this is how guts normally work? Decisions and words just pop in your head in split seconds. That's just me, but how do other people use instincts?)

Following my intuitions, I cast my spell and all of the flying enemies got drag down and forcefully crash inside burying themselves to the ground. Seeing the foot soldiers in a panic I dash ahead aiming at who seems to be the commander since she's wearing a more ornate armour than the rest as I plan to finish her in two moves. But to my surprise, the attack that aims to disarm her easily cuts her blade and severe her in half as the soldiers in the range of my halberd got cleave as well which left me in shock as I wonder if people are supposedly so soft.

Gritting my teeth, I start to remember how the rat soldiers during the jaguar sector are also easily cut but... Following my instincts again, I look back seeing Chenlin already behind me, I grab the collar of her chest plate and jump up to the rooftops without looking down.

"Woah! W-W-Wait!"

Hearing her cries, I let her go and look around for some escape route. Seeing that now we're in some sort of downtown slums, I observe the walls and soon found another entrance. The closest tunnel entrance which is ahead of us and is also less guarded. I point at that tunnel shouting:

"We're escaping through that tunnel! You can keep up, right?"


Chenlin answers back and I nod and dash first. Making sure she's close, I look back seeing her lagging. I grab her collar once more and help pull her forward as I jump. Flying soldiers intercepted but with a single swing, they are cleaved in half as if I'm cutting paper. Getting close to the intended tunnel they all assemble on that point with a commander leading them in the centre of it all. Realizing that is their last line of defence, I gather my power and purple light swirls all over my body. Just like the sensation of drowning in qi, I drop Chenlin as I land on the ground and let my instincts take over as another technique pops in my head. I swing my halberd with both my hands thinking,

(Immortal calamity dragon technique and silver tiger god technique combined, Armageddon path: apocalypse squall!)

The purple light in my body turns silver and converges to my halberd's axe while I swing. Creating some chaotic spread shot that ravages everything in front of me. From the ground soldiers, flying sentries, buildings, walls and blockades, it was all turn to rubble and mush and those that still stand looks like those cheese thingy.

My foe's blood drenches my heels as I grit my teeth and march forward with no one blocking my way. The carnage I brought makes me question my powers as if this is really the right way to use it? Or that since seeing how Kiusan manage to survive my attacks over and over again make me underestimate my own power and overestimate my enemies? Walking over their corpses, Chenlin catches up to me and looks at the fallen. I could see her hand trembling as she sticks close.


Before I could leave, someone grabs my feet and I look down to see the commander with most of his limbs missing and torn. I raise my halberd and smash his head to bits with a single strike of my pummel, ending his misery. Feeling someone squeezing my heart, I leave them alone as I finally enter the tunnel.

"We somehow escaped that..."

"Are you okay?"

I look back to ask Chenlin while the light dims.

"H-Huh me? Y-Yes, yes I'm fine!"


I look ahead and walk silently while I try to make sure we're not being followed when Chenlin walks beside me asking:

"Say, Lord Suowa. What do you feel when you kill?"

Deep down knowing that I have to answer that question, I start to wonder myself. I never thought much about it at first, I thought it was just... Normal to hurt someone when protecting yourself and hearing Saya... I now have more questions than before.

"I feel regret and confused."

That's all I can answer, Chenlin who hears me nods replies:

"I see..."

(After all, what if it could've been something different?)


I did not carry much expectation, I did not prepare for the worst, without a sound plan, only conclusions in mind... I truly am not fit to work yet. Like feeling something important inside my heart slowly being pulled away, like a single protruding string on a cloth loosening the whole fabric.

With my halberd still in hand, I march on with my instincts telling me to be wary at all time.

"Um, Lord Suowa?"


I answer back by using my hearing and keeping sure she's close by.

"I just wish to say I'm sorry..."

"Hmm, Why?"

Surprised by her sudden gesture, I look back trying to see her even the darkness and seeing her shaking her head replying:

"I've been nothing but dead weight this whole time. I know, I understand that I'm weak but seeing myself being so useless is so... Infuriating!"

(I think I understand).

"So that's why..."

Chenlin speeds up and stands ahead of me, drumming her chest with her free hand shouting:

"Let me be your shield or do something!"

"I see... Then do as you wish."

I can tell she's smiling wide when she bows her head down replying:

"Thank you!"

"But, if I told you to retreat or that if the enemy is too much, you better fall back alright?"



Just as she responds, something flickers from the distance. An electric current flashes past us through the metal pipes, lighting this place for a few seconds before fading to black again.

*clack* *clack*

Hearing multiple footsteps getting near, Chenlin pulls her shield out and stands in front to protect me. It seems it's even loud it enough to echo along with the electric currents. As if the currents are circling through, it keeps returning to give light to our sights while the footsteps get close. Since there's only one way ahead, I gesture Chenlin to move ahead slowly while I follow behind.

*clack* *clack* *stomp*

Just as I suspected, someone is awaiting ahead of us. Accompanied by guards using both melee and ranged weapons...

(This doesn't look good).

"Hahahaha! Didn't think you would be the one to walk to us. Still, that saved out time... You understand me yes?"

Speaking in runician, she is supposedly the commander? Wearing a more eye-catching armour than the rest who seems to be the same city guards. Through the rotating current, I was able to see her move forward before continuing saying:

"Hey! You mute or something!? I'm asking you a question!"

"Yes, I do."

I answer back as I wonder what to do now. If they can get ahead of us, doesn't that mean we're trapped and surrounded? That doesn't bode well. Her long blue hair sway while she leans forward tapping her shoulders with her long metal staff saying:

"Hehehe! Pretty fancy seeing someone with that clothing as scouts. You must be a hero... Ye?"

(Finally, someone I can speak with, maybe she can hear me out... Hopefully. Wait... If she thinks I'm important, wouldn't she think it's worth it?)

"That's right, it would be wonderful if-"

"Let's test that then!"

With an energetic smile she stands straight and walks forward smashing the end of her staff to the ground shouting:

"Fire volley!"

(Oh schnitzel! What did I expect?)

Before I could react, many flashes of light appear from the front-

*cling* *clang* *clang* *cling* *clang*

Chenlin barely raises her shield in time but she was only able to protect herself, as for me... I touch the part where it hits and realizes,

"It doesn't hurt..."

(It can barely be considered damage compared to Kiusan's thrust which could tear my armour like paper if I let him. Those bullets feel like someone throwing tiny pellets with a single flick, I could barely feel a thing! Armours do this work for me this time, awesome!)

The commander realizes this as well and gestures them to stop firing and decided to take things to her own hands. Twirling her long metal staff with unparalleled speed, her motion pulls in the incoming electric currents like a conductor. The entire huge tunnel lights up in blue as she gathers all the lighting that comes. Her hair floats as she is coated with thunder and lightning while her eyes shine blue...

(That looks so cool! How is she doing that? Is it magic? Can qi do that!? Wait! What am I thinking!? Negotiations over, no mercy...)

I pull Chenlin back and twirl my halberd the same and gather my powers. As she finishes charging up, she slams the staff to the ground and creates a massive electric tidal wave that swallows her surrounding and blind my sight for a while. The moment it dims, she is already swinging a coiling lightning beam and all I could do was raise my halberd to block it. Thin whip-like protrusion curve over and hits me as if it has a mind of its own.

"Aarrgg!" "Aahaua!" "Isauaha!" "Aaargh!" "Hajayya!"

Screams erupted around me while tremendous amount of electricity pours down at me and the entire tunnel lights up bright once again with me as the centre. And yet, with all those grand techniques, spells, and tricks, I didn't feel any shock or sensation of pain, just the fact that my sight is in shambles.

(Is this the armour? Pretty convenient).

Seeing how her lightning beam is solid, and that my weapon can touch or block it. I lock her beam to my weapon and pull her down trying to disarm her. But to my fortune, she doesn't let go and gets drag along, she smashes to the ground before I kneel and slam my palm to her neck choking and pinning her. The lightning current doesn't stick to me very long before travelling back to her beam which is still caught in my halberd.


"Hayw! Hayw!"

"Jausuus hayau!"

Screams broke out from where she comes, her soldiers flee leaving her alone. My foe seeing their acts grabs my hand and tries to break free, moving her legs, feet, arms, and head she's doing anything to escape. Taking a bet, I let go of my halberd and seeing this chance she uses her lightning beam to strike me but to no avail, feeling like someone poking a stick at me I raise my right hand and curl my hand to a fist as I see the despair consuming her and tears swelling in her eyes.

"No, let me go, I-I don't want to die! You! Don't you know who I am-"

"Go to sleep."

(Knowing that the last time I hold back I got hurt so badly, this time. I won't hold anything back in my punches).

Using not only my arm but my whole body to put strength in my blow with a single twist,

*smash* *splash* *crack* *quake* *quake* *quake*

The entire tunnel quake as I feel the ground shatter, the light of her beam slowly fading away. Now with only the periodically moving currents lighting the way, I realize something.

With each turn, I saw my hands bloodied, flesh stuck in between and the combination of the two paint my hand red.

As I stand, I pull my bloodied hands down and finally realize the atrocities that I commit with my own hands.

With her head missing, blood flowing, I can't help but remember my time on the jaguar sector as limbs flew with each swing I take...

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Chaos, panic, confusion rack my mind as this is not what I intended. But something stings my brain like last time, as if something is calming me down I take a deep breath and let it out...

(What is wrong with my body? My mind? My... Sanity?)

I push aside all those thoughts to the corner of my mind and grab my weapon as I continue forth. Leaving her corpse behind in silence. I don't know where I'm going but I'm... Leaving, I will leave, I will get out of here and I will complete my mission, and fulfil my dream.


Looking back, making sure someone's keeping up. I see Chenlin laying down on the floor, probably hurt from that lightning blast previously. Walking back, I shake her shoulders to wake her up saying:

"Hey, we're leaving."

Yet she doesn't respond, thinking she's passed out I shake her again to confirm but still no response. I raise her arm and when I let go it just goes thump with no resistant...

(Don't tell me...)

I force her helmet to open and realize smoke is coming out. My mind seems to realise faster than my own body who is still trying to pry open her helmet. What greeted me was someone I don't recognize, her face is completely burned to a crisp and her hair no longer there.

"Urghp! Gurugh!"

I was about to throw up but something pierces my brain and calms me down before I can grab a better look... What remains is nothing but torn flesh and leaking puss and blood. My chest tightens as I realize it hurts.


That's all I can pull from my lungs while my body freeze for a while before I realize,

"The potion, maybe, that could work, yes it will work..."

I pull the potion out and open the cap, pouring the liquid on to her face and inside her as I can't tell where her mouth is. I keep pouring but I only return when I realize it's futile. The potion does nothing but just dirty her already unrecognised face. I try to use my instincts but all that comes up is just methods to attack, not a single one that could heal a person nor nothing... My arms limp and my body leans on the wall.

(Ow... It hurts... It really hurts... If this... If this happens to someone I barely know... What about... What will... What if...)

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Tears leaks from my eyes when something injects my brain again as I try to calm down. Taking a deep breath, I try to get up, using my halberd for support. Taking a few steps forward I realize that she's not the only one caught in the crossfire. Corpses lay dead on my feet belonging to the guards who accompany the foe I faced. I see smoke rising from their burned body with every turn of the blue light. The path beyond lies open and all I can think off is...

"I want to finish this, I need to finish this."

(How can they stay sane after this? But didn't the Theocracy have the magic to revive people? So why? If no one's talking about it does that mean only special people get revived!? Why am I so afraid!? Why isn't that a thing here too? What is magic!? Why don't potion work!? Why does it not work when I need it! What if this happens to someone I know for a long time!? I... I...!!!)

Something injects my brain again as I try to calm down... I take a deep breath. I continue my travel in silence. With no company to talk to but the darkness and silent steps.


I don't know how long I've been moving. But it thoroughly feels like an eternity with no one to talk to. And It seems I have dispersed my weapon along the way.

*crash* *crash* *crash*


As if I was woken up from a nightmare, what greeted me was the shining sun, rising tidal wave washing my feet, the cries of birds echoing the shores...

(Where am I?)

I look around and realize there are huge carcasses of monsters near me with their shells and scales crushed open and the birds feasting on their guts, broken ships docked to the waterless ports and the huge walls that seem to pierce the heavens behind me... Since they're not disturbing me, I look back at the endless blue in front of me. The vast seas glitter like gems with the shine of the sun and I can't help but open my helmet and take in the ocean winds to my lungs.

*inhale* *exhale*

"The vast seas and endless ocean with no walls in my sight... When was the last time I see this again? 7 years?"

I could feel the warmth of the sun after what seems to be an eternity. I kneel and look at my reflection at the coming waves... Red, yellow and white. That's the major colour that I see on my face. I retract my gauntlets and wash my face as I could feel the sands scratching my face...


The water dies red in blood until it sets and returns anew. Taking the towel out of my bag, I wipe my face and wring the towel before putting it back.

"Could I be outside the city? That's, hahaha... Seriously though, how did I get here?"

I stand and realize that my cape is still alright even after everything. And it seems to be waterproof since when I touch, it doesn't have any moisture.

(Clothes that doesn't get wet? How convenient).

I wear my gauntlets and pull out the pictures of peoples I'm supposed to catch. Memorizing their faces again and realize,

"I wonder if I missed them?"

After saying that, I could hear multiple footsteps on the huge walls behind coming my way. I look back and hear multiple people coming here with haste from one of the many doors lining up on the walls. I put the pictures back inside and wonder who it could be. I could hear voices behind the door but it's returns to silence. Wondering if they have disappeared I look to the seas once again. The shimmering hold that I promise will traverse...

*creak* *thump* *thump*

I could hear the door behind me open and multiple people coming out of it. When they appear, so did the dark omens. Dark clouds gather with the storming winds as they approach me with my back still turned.

"Sensei, I can't sense any qi, prana, aura, Ril, or any alternative power from him! I don't sense him wearing any seals either or any power in him at all, so he has no magic either! Be careful!"

(Hmm? Ril? Aura? I don't know what kind of powers those are but there sure are a lot of things I don't know).

Hearing someone shouting in Eclish, I turn around and a bolt of lightning almost strikes me.

(Dawn rabbit soup, why is it always me!?)

Soft taps of rain, cold patters falls to me while they are protected by the ceiling.



The group of 5 starts talking to each other and I immediately recognize them from the pictures. One is a male who Nicole would call a Mage-Templar in his twenties with long hair, another is a female armoured Templar the same age as him with blonde hair, next is a middle-aged man with contrasting hair and beard of red and blue, a rat-kin girl just a few years younger than me and an injured wolf-kin.

The armoured templar takes a stance and readies for a fight when the Mage-Templar grabs her shoulder to stop her and warns her of something. I let them converse while I think up what to say as well. Seeing the rat-kin girl glaring me, a gem on her hand shines. I took the initiative by saying:

"You know, after so many bloodsheds, I suggest you surrender quietly. I am not someone who wishes to fight a useless battle."

Wondering how I can convince them further, I look at the sheathed bladeless sword in my waist and throw it away saying:

"Please, put your weapons down as well. I have no intention to fight."

Hoping that it will work, begging it will and it seems things don't go my way when she responds,

"I... I won't give up! Just because of some of these minor setbacks! And you think I would believe that sword is even your weapon either?"

(Oh no! How did she know!? I'm pretty sure I didn't have anything on me that's hostile-)

"Everyone, run!"

Before I could think for another plan, she commands the other to escape. Knowing how dire the situation is now, I quickly remember Abe's words and hastily say,

"Does the name Yui, ring a bell?"

With my single question, they all stop moving and they look at me with panic and curiosity in their eyes.

(Great! Let's keep on this pace! Thank you, Abe!)

"What did you do to her!?"

(Oh boy...)

The armoured Templar grips her ornament blade with two hands and points at me.

(Um... Right! Act honestly!)

I sigh remembering what happened yesterday replying:

"It's the opposite, you're supposed to ask what she did to me... The waves behind me, it's pretty loud, isn't it? Anyways, she joined us willingly. And unlike when she's back in your group, I say she's doing so much better now and happy as she even took in an orphan."

I try to lighten the mood and then point at the wounded wolf-kin and gesture them to come closer saying:

"And I suggest you follow me quietly if you want the injured ones behind you to be healed too. I've seen enough death for today, I promise you no one will be hurt if you come quietly."

(Yes, it's better if the same thing doesn't happen again. The first time it happened, I didn't give it much thought since I barely realize they're there so the shame and blame is on me. The second time now happened when I acquainted myself with Chenlin and I didn't know the extent of my opponent's strength so shame on me again. Let's make sure it doesn't dissolve to violence).

Seeing they respond with silence, I walk closer and she looks back at me with determination in her orange eyes shouting:

"Sorry, but I choose my own, path. And that is to escape!"

(Again, What do I expect...?)

She dashes ahead with speed faster than anyone I know, closing our gap before I could even take another step. Remembering that she's one of the strongest living beings in the world who could single-handedly fight armies by themselves, a Templar. And realizing that's a bit too late to mount proper counter, she swings her blade at me.


"[Ieri Morfi]!"

With a single shout, her blade shines beyond bright as everything seems to be swallowed by a grand beam. Raising my weapon to intercept, our blades clash. And just as I expected, I was the one being pushed back. The light fades but my feet got dragged on the sand while I move and she doesn't stop there as she cast magic at me, sending out bright spells that fire off colourful beams that colours the entire place like if it's raining rainbows.

Caught in the defensive, she now shines in golden light as if basking in a golden shower she now looks even more divine with golden wings on her back. Moving faster than I can barely handle, each of her attacks are too much to handle as if I try to parry, her ridiculous attack makes even tiny nicks seem like huge gashes as part of my armour is already being chipped away.

(As expected of a Templar huh?)

I gather all the power I have and let my instincts take over again while I hear something cracks. Purple cyclone surrounds my body and I ready myself for another battle. I summon forth countless magic circles around and try to restrict her movements but she doesn't even heed any of the attacks as she just takes all the incoming attack like it's nothing even when it destroys her armour. I try to avoid a direct clash and dodge her attacks but it seems doing that can only get me so far.

The armoured templar blades shine brighter than ever before and soon she swings it at me with the speed I can see but not react. Her attack strikes at my right shoulder and continues to cuts through even the sand behind as it creates a ravine. Only stopping when it hits my halberd and extreme pain course through my body.

(You gotta be kidding me!)


I try to redirect her blade away through the immense pain so I can counter back but... My limbs soon go numb and I fall to my knees, my vision fades and darkness befell me, my mouth and nose could barely breathe as I try gasping for air through her golden glory, and I realize among the darkness, a golden streak of light is falls like a wishing star.

(What's happening- huh!?)

When the golden light seems to plunge inside the familiar dark water, everything flashes bright... The templar I faced disappeared and something else appears instead. My body froze as I see what's beyond me...

"Mommy? No, she's a bit too young... And she looks a lot like me now."

I see visions of my mother as the light of divinity showers over my body. I saw her in her teenage years, with her long brown hair reaching her lower waist and her dark brown eyes, a part I don't recognize

(Wait, isn't mommy's eyes purple like dad?)

My mother? Trains with a wooden sword in her hand accompanied by another cheerful girl with long ears sitting close to her, with long twin drill blonde hair and mismatch eyes of red and blue. She sits on the field with a thin long white dress, spending time on an open field filled by colourful flowers, chatting happily with the brightest smile I have ever seen.

(Those traits remind me a lot of Ptelophy... And isn't sitting on a grass itchy? Those picture books make it look comfy but it's not. And with a dress that thin too I can only imagine...)

That's when someone approaches from afar accompanied by a Templar wearing different armour that incorporates robes that shows an emblem- Wait... Templar wearing robes? Isn't that a Paladin!? A warrior who is said to be even more powerful than those over-powered Templars if what Nicole said is true?

(What is my mom doing before she met dad!?)

The one who visits them is a lady? Wearing the thick robes Nicole usually wears, she also wears a veil and headdress hiding all her upper body. But still, it can't stop the glowing red eyes from shining through. As the Paladin talk to the two, the lady behind the veil soon looks at me, and I could hear a lady saying:

"Wake up."

I close my eyes from her words and reality finally returns to me.

(W-What did I see?)

The light fades and I am now aware of my senses. The view one of my eyes sees is different as if one is looking through a broken window. Embers of purple light lick the corner of my eyes as the rain steadily drums against my armour, feeling it dripping down my skin while the wind lashes against my unbound hair. My figure towers over the unconscious templar as she falls to her knees weakened and defeated somehow. With the tides rising to wash her knees, the dark skies cracks and flashes with what I see. I hold my halberd on my right and look at my right hand gripping my weapon tightly,

(What the?)

Tasting blood in my mouth and feeling something stuck between my teeth, I wonder what happened and look past my halberd. I see others being either impaled or trapped by huge purple spears as if we're in a cage.

(What magic did I release? Now that I think about it, I'm not so surprised by using magic for a while now... I hope someone can help me with these questions- hold on are they okay?)

I walk to one of the people impaled hoping I didn't kill them. I look down at the one being pierced, they're the unconscious middle-aged man and the mage-templar barely holding it there yet still conscious. I breathe a sigh of relief seeing those two still squirming around.

I then look to the side, the one trapped between the purple spears are the wounded wolf-kin and the young rat-kin where one is already unconscious and the other shivering from the cold rain and raging winds-

*crackle* *boom!*


Loud lightning strikes too close for comfort as I wonder if I'm attracting the thunders...

(I mean, I did almost get hit by another lightning bolt back then... Am I just that unlucky? Anyways, we should leave here).

I try to disperse the glowing weapons with my thoughts and sure enough they fade slowly like sands to the wind. I nod to my success and kneel at the rat-kin kid asking:

"Can you still move?"


My voice is broken and cracked as it tries to mix my voices. Like hearing a gurgled and echoing sounds from underwater, it's very disturbing.

(Is it broken?)

"Sensei... Don't give up!"

She answers back in Eclish that makes me question more and I soon hear someone move behind me.

(Oh boy...)

I stand and swing my halberd with all my might behind me.

*clang* *crack* *smash* *crash*

As I predicted, the unconscious Templar somehow wakes up swinging her blade but already too weak to mount any real resistance. My full-powered attack sends her flying away, shattering her sword and her body crashing to the moistened sands while parts of her armour detach. But it seems that doesn't seem to be the end of my problem.

My gauntlets soon shatter which leaves my hands exposed, my torso armour is also missing a few parts on my sides and there's even a huge opening that shows I've been slashed in half diagonally. My right shoulder and upper body are left exposed as well, leaving the cape to hang only on one shoulder. Even my leg and waist armour is not spared as I could see my sandals and toes sticking out. Also, it seems the chin and parts of my left helmet are destroyed as well leaving many parts of my head exposed.

(My armour keeps getting wrecked. It seems it's still long before I can complete my promise).

I walk to where the armoured Templar is and wonder,

"Hold on... Did I just defeat a Templar? No, no, no! Keep your fantasies in check. She must've already been weakened before I arrive... Still, how lucky of me to meet my targets."

I check my body for a while and then remembered what Saya said...

"Sorry, it seems I kinda didn't follow your warning... In all seriousness, where are they anyway?"

(And how will I get back?)

Pushing those thoughts aside, I grab and lift her. Realizing there's a huge bite wound on her nape, I continue to lift her on my shoulder easily, thinking how light she is.

"Move! Move...! Why are you all so heavy!"

Returning to where they are, I see the little rat-kin screaming and trying to drag them away but she couldn't even move. Probably from the wet clothes, wet sands, and harsh winds weighing them down. With each step I take, she grows even more desperate and frantic. Arriving just a step away as my shadow towers her when the lightning strikes, her arms went limp.

"You can still move, right? I don't want to continue this violence."


She falls, grabbing the mage-templar's cloak and the middle-aged man's sleeve with all her might before shouting:

"Takaki! That monster will take away all that you love! Are you going to just let that happen!"

"H-Hey, I think you're misunderstanding-"



The Mage-Templar shines bright as he opens his eyes. Crimson light covers his body with a heavy cyclone.

(Where do they get their energy!?)

When he sees me carrying the armoured templar, he got consumed in rage. He moves his limbs one by one forcefully as I hear cracking sound with each moves he makes. Soon, crimson sphere pops out from around him and starts shooting at me, chaos ensues and when one of the sphere I dodged touched the sand, it exploded with the light of the sun while shooting red pillars to the sky, leaving behind a giant gaping hole...

(Seriously, where do they get those powers!? Aren't they dying just now?)

With each sphere leaving behind a giant gaping hole and chasm wherever it lands... I throw her to the side to make sure she doesn't get hurt but he levitates her body before it hits the sand and his spheres goes around her to attack me.


The others as well are being lifted off the ground and he raises his arm screaming on top of his lungs.

(Wait, this is my chance!)

When their body shines bright and a bright crimson light flashes before my eyes. I summon a magic circle aiming at him and fire with a spell in my head.


A giant purple beam shoots past him when the light fades... He levitates, with his robe and long hair floating along, power surges in his body and is probably eager to fight while the other bodies has gone missing.

(Wait, did they escape? Oh no...)

I ready for the next battle and make sure this time I capture him for sure. But before the battle even begins, the light in his eyes dims and he falls to the sand. The crimson sphere vanishes with his consciousness. I dash ahead and check for his vitals to make sure...

"Phew, he's still alive. I guess one is better than none... I wonder if Sis will be mad at me? This is a failure right? I better salvage what's left."

I can't help but ask myself and then realize,

"Hold on, didn't Shifu said the one who asks this is Mike? Then again, Mike is like someone very important that Sis need him right? Why didn't I ask about this back then! Stupid me!"

I shout my regrets to the darken skies-

"Wait, what time is it now? The skies are already dark and... Oh no... L-Let's get inside first."


I don't know where I am now but... We ended up in an empty room. A bunker of some sort with a long window showing the beach outside from the floor's view. The rain seems to die down and the stars finally got the time to shine. It seems to be my reward after so many ordeals. My body is now sore and fatigued yet, my eyes heavy-

"I can't sleep! I need to keep a watch on him so he won't escape... If only I still have the owlian steel."

I close the bunker's door and sit close to it. Moonlight shines at the centre as the sea breeze blows my way...

"Urgh! Keep it together!"

*clang* *clang*

I open my helm and seeing how it's broken it just ejects itself. Clapping my cheeks, I feel the burn and my eyes become awake again but only for a moment.

"Urgh, maybe because I'm hungry..."

I sigh and gaze at the stars from the small window. I try to open my bag and check it's content again... Realizing that it's not there I hang my head saying:

"No food, no water and missing supplies..."

My tummy soon makes noises and my throat is parched as well.

"Ah~ I guess I didn't realize how hungry I am all this time. At least..."

I look at my left shoulder and seeing the medal is still there, I sigh a breath of relief since at least I didn't lose anything important.

(I need to use the washroom as well...)

"This sucks..."

Not only is my body feeling multiple needs at once, I don't even have the items of time to do it... My body seems to give in as I lean on the door, sliding down my head touches the floor and my vision disappear...

"No... I can't... But I must..."


*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*

My senses finally returns with the sound of crunching sands. I don't know what time is it but seeing the skies still being dark I try to get up.

*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*

"Can't I get a break?"

Hearing someone getting closer, and multiple murmurs and voices outside. I look at the target still asleep, I ready myself. Summoning my halberd and bracing for battle (not before I try communicating first). I could see the feet of my foe. For one, it's huge and I can only wonder who-

"Sova! Hey! You there! Give us a sign!"


"Hmm? Wait where is that voice coming from?"

Hearing a familiar voice my body moves on its own, getting close to the window shouting:

"Mitsuru! Down here! Look down here!"


She backs away from the window and gets on all four to look down when I finally see her smiling demon face... I can't be happier.


"Yup, and I have the target with me."

"Hoho~! Nice work!"

"Sorry, it seems I have to find my way out-"

"Don't bother, step back and get down."


Mitsuru gets back up and moves away, feeling something dangerous coming my way, I pull him down and lie on the floor.


With a single clean-cut, a huge square is cut open from above and more light enters. Her huge silhouette comes to view and she gives me a hand saying:

"Grab on."


(Did she just cut the wall? Why didn't I think of that? And wait, you can cut the walls!?)

I hold him and disperse my weapon before accepting her offer. She pulls me up easily and I was greeted with our soldiers surrounding the area scavenging the monster's body and picking up the remnants of my battle. When I stand properly, I look at her asking:

"Wait, when did you get here? Or how did you know where to find me?"

Mitsuru points behind her replying:

"Well, you can thank her."

She moves away and lo behold, Saya appears with her helmet open and a smile on her face. Seeing people I recognize and happy, I can't help but smile as well. Saya's ear twitches in delight saying:

"I can't help but say good job surviving so far. I'm impressed."

I scratch the back of my head replying:

"Thanks... So how did you-"

Saya pats my back before approaching the sleeping templar replying:

"You're one of the most important people in the Sector, plus the records of you getting lost, of course, it makes sense for Yuwei to have a tracker latch on to you."

"Oh... Wait, what?"

(A tracker? What's that?)

Saya brushes away that question and crouches down to look at him closely saying:

"We can talk about that later, so this is our target? Isn't there suppose to be 5 people?"

"Ah, that's..."

Saya seeing my hesitation stops me from speaking. She turns around and points at me with her tail saying:

"Seems you have a lot to report and explain. Let's return to the HQ first to clean and rest."


(Finally, I better ask for a washroom as well).

Thank you so much for reading so far! I really do! Well if there's something I wanted to say its...

Dear Father in Heaven, hear my prayer, please listen to the subject of those under your kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you for the food and blessings for our daily lives and thank you the future you have blessed us with. That's why I wish to say, forgive us for... I have simp.

I have fallen for to the temptation and I know I will enter the Vtuber hell... Please bless me in this cursed journey, Amen.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts