

A man by the name of Shannon Alexander has never truly felt he belonged on earth. He also itched for an adventure, but alas circumstances held him back on his dreams. What will he do when he finally gets a chance to have an adventure for a lifetime?

UchihaDemon · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 14. Teacher Seng

The battle continued to rage on until noon. The beasts massacre had finished. With master and grandmaster stage fighters joining the fray it became a one-sided battle.

However, although the battle was won, it was not without sacrifice. Those who were unfortunate enough to live in the vincinity or were strolling about suffered a miserable death.

After the hard fought battle Stefen offered Indra and his friends to stay at their manor for a few days while the city get recuperated, which they all accepted.

Indra, his friends, and the vienna family we're just walking back to the manor when a man clad in a black suite and slick black hair stopped them.

"Excuse me for the bother, but can i speak to Indra Uchicha."

Everyone's eyes turned towards Indra and he stepped out.

He asked "Is there something i can help you with?"

"Ah yes, Teacher Seng would like to have a word with you."

"Teacher Seng? Who is he?"

Stefen interjected "Teacher Seng is one of the top teachers in the academy and he is also one of the few Saint class mage's in the city."

"Okay. so? What does this Teacher Seng want with me."

The agent said "He did not give me the details. I was just given the task to escort you to his carriage."

"Ah i see. Well show the way, I'll meet you guys back at the manor."

Stefen replied "No rush, take your time. Teacher Seng is a very honored person in this city, make sure to treat him with respect."

"Alright, see you later then."

The agent in black led Indra to the carriage.

'What does he want me for? Is he going to reward me for destroying nearly half of the beasts in the attack? or is there something else? Ah well no use thinking about it, i'll find out when i get there..'

Reaching the huge black carriage the agent brought Indra into the spacious room where a man also wearing a black suit was sitting on a very comfortable brown couch.

"Teacher Seng i've brought him here"

Teacher Seng said in a deep voice "Thank you, you may leave."

"Yes, sir"

Indra got a good look at teacher seng. He was wearing the same black suit as the agent and is a little tan. Teacher Seng has an oval face with a slightly sharp jawline and narrow eyes. His pupils are a beautiful green and he has no hair on his head.

As Indra was observing him, Teacher Seng was also doing the same. The young man had a lean and sturdy figure, which could be identified through his tattered clothes. He has spiky hair with bangs running down each side of his face rapped in some sort of cloth. His eyes we're a very deep black color which shone with unparalled intelligence and confidence. Teacher Seng smiled contentedly.

He said "Why don't you go ahead and take a seat Mr. Uchiha"

Indra sat on one of the couches in the carriage and enjoyed the comfortable sensation that coursed throughout his whole body.

"What is it that you need Mr. Seng" Indra asked curiously

"Haha no need to act so distant Indra just call me Cruder like everyone else, anyway i'll get straight to business. I think that staying here won't be any benefit for someone of your talents. I think you should attend the Royal Academy in the capital. There, is where talents of your caliber will truly get to shine."

"Excuse me? Mr. Seng i thought you were a teacher for the academy, why are you trying to send somwhere else?"

"Oh right, let me explain. Although i am a teacher of the school i also work as some sort of double agent, I send talent's like you who show immense promise to the royal academy for better tutelage."

"Ah, i see." Indra did not think too deeply as he already knew what his decision the matter was.

'I'll be damned if i go to a school with rich pampered idiots who only know how to flaunt their wealth and power!'

"So what do you say Indra?"

Teacher seng crossed a knee over the other while his face shown with confidence.

'Hah why am i even asking this question? If he is smart he will choose the Royal Academy. After all, it is the better choice.

"I refuse." Indra said without hesitation.

"Alright i'l-wait r-refuse?"

"Yes Mr. Seng i refuse."

'What is wrong with him? Is he mad? Is there something holding him back from leaving? I must find out.'

"Can you tell me the reason Indra? If you're worried about your friends in the city i can arrange them a nice home and have someone personally look after them inside the academy."

"I still refuse, and im staying due to a personal reason." Indra said resolutely.

"Are you sure Indra? You will really be missing a grand opportunity."

'Sigh, what kind of reason can bind a unprecedented talent to a city like this? Is it a lover?.

"I'm sure Mr. Seng, oh actually i need you to help me with something if you don't mind."

"Speak your mind Indra."

"I heard that student's are assigned to dorms in one of the academy, and special students get to make personal requests."

"Yes, thats right. What sort of request would you like to make?"

"Right. I wonder if you guys have dorms larger than the norm that can house two or more people?" Indra asked in anticipation.

"Oh thats all? If that's all that you were worried about you don't need to worry. Elites like you get they're own house that's paid by the academy, everything else including food and furniture will also be provided the academy." He said.

'phew, phase one of the plan complete, now all i have to do is somehow convince Mr. and Mrs. Vienna. If that doesn't work i will have to use force, either way i'll get what i want.'

"I see, then thank you Mr. Seng. I guess i will see you in a couple of days."

Indra slightly bowed to Teacher Seng as he said his goodbyes.

Teacher Seng nodded his head"Right, see you then Indra."

Indra walked back to the Vienna Family Manor in thoughts of Madelyn's situation, and the talk he should have with her parents. Indra is determined to get her away from the clutches of the Vienna family no matter what.

In front of the doors to the Vienna family manor was a young beautiful blonde haired girl in a yellow sleevless dress that reached up to her knees. Noticing the young man who was walking towards the door still in his thoughts seemingly oblivious to her presence; she walked up to him.

Indra halted his steps as he came face to face with Serafine who has a wide smile plastered across her face.

He asked with a slight annoyance in his voice "What is it Serafine?"

"Nothing, i was just here to escort you back home to meet with my father and the rest in the living room. He says that he has some stuff he would like to talk to everyone about." She said.

'Mr.Vienna im not falling for your ploy'

"I see, i'll go take a shower first. You don't have to escort me since i've basically memorised the entire manor by now. Where is madelyn." He said as he continued to walk through the gates.

At the mension of Madelyn's name Serafines smile halted but she regained her spirit a moment later and caught up to Indra.

'Damn that bitch! I must kill her before she seduces my Indra!'

"It's okay i have all the time in the world right now, and madelyn went back to her living quarters."

"Huh? didn't you say everyone was in the living room? Why is Madelyn the only one left out?"

"Oh Ah! I forgot to mention the only one's who are allowed in the meeting are the one's who participated in the extermination."

"I see."

"By the way Indra you looked really cool slashing your way through all those beasts, Your moves we're really entrancing! Where did you even learn techniques like that?" she asked.

"One day i was just walking around and an old lady gave a skill book too me."

'You liar! A technique which could accomplish feets like that would be priceless, I don't even think any family in this city has techniques like that. But since my Indra won't tell me any of his secrets i wont pry.'

Serafine overtook and led Indra all the way to the bathroom, even though he already knew where it was he still followed because he wouldn't be able to shake off this woman anyway.

"Here you are Indra."

She bent down seductively showing her cleavage in all of its glory in an attempt to lure Indra into her trap.

"Thanks." He said.

Indra took a quick shower while still in deep thoughts. He came out twenty minutes later wearing black jeans and a tight fitting white shirt. Coming out of the bathroom with his hair dripping wet, Serafine almost couldn't help herself, and nearly pounced on him.

Indra frowned upon seeing her outside the bathroom door. "What are you still doing here?"

"To escort you to the living room." She replied.

Indra sighed "Alright Serafine i can see your feeling for me are starting to bud so i will put it to you plain and simple okay. So listen closely okay."

Serafine listened attentively afraid she will miss a word.

"I advise you to drown your feelings for me because..I will never EVER.. Look your way, you are just simply not worthy."

"W-what? w-w-why?" She asked as a tear silently slid down her left eye.

"Because you're heart is extremely ugly. That is also the difference between Madelyn and you. Even though Madelyn has lived her whole life suffering in this manor, isolated from the outside world, without anyone whom she can call friend or family, she never let those feelings cloud her heart and remained pure.

You on the other hand have had everything you wanted from childhood. A loving father, a doting mother, brothers whom you can rely on... and yet you let all of this get to your head and started acting arrogantly. Even though you had everything that you could possibly need, you always yearned for more. This led you to destroy other people's lives which in return affected their families."

As Serafine was carefully listening to each and every one of Indra's words she started to break down. Wrapping her hands around her knees she kept sobbing.

'It's not my fault! It's not my fault! They were chasing after ME! I am beautiful and wealthy whoever doesn't listen to me should deserve to have their lives ruined! It's not my fault!'

Unaware of Serafine's Internal break down Indra continued.

"With each action you did, youre heart became cold, calculative, and Manipulative. Of course this isn't all your fault, it was also the influences around you which led you to develop this sort of personality. However, every act you comitted was still done entirely by your own free will, you were not forced..you made a choice. You are very beautiful, and i admit that, however it's not always about what's outside. This is the difference between you and Madelyn, Until you change what you are internally you will continue to be consumed by the evil that plagues you're heart."

Indra left a loudly sobbing Serafine as he went to join the others in the living room.

Entering the living room he walked over to his friends Irina and kein who were seated across the three males of the vienna family, and took his seat.

"Ah Indra you're here. We were just waiting for you, wheres my daughter?" Asked Mr. Vienna inquisitively.

"Which one?"

"Of course Serafine."

'Who else could it be but my darling little girl?'

"She says she has something to take care of, i don't know if she will be back or not." He said

"I see, then let's wait for a bit."

Fifteen minutes later they heard the door creak, and a Serafine with slightly red eyes in a more comfortable and less eye catching black dress came in. She sat by her father and brothers across the trio of three who were conversing about something.

Mr. Stefen coughed to get everyone attention.

"*AHEM* can i have everyone's attention please. Good, I know you guys may have a lot of question about the gate's, but first i'll give you a brief overview on their origins first to make it easier to explain.

A few hundreds of years back there was no such things as mana or qi, there were no magical beasts, this world was as normal as it could be." He paused before he continued.

"Until the gates started appearing that is. These monsters ate animals and evolved, we humans became targets for the mad creatures and many of us died. There used to be around 100 billion people, now there are only 25 billion remaining.

But it seems like the world did not give up hope just yet, One night a plethora amount of energies came crashing and many people gained power beyond their imaginations. People back then used these powers to defend others from the gates. They went around killing monsters and found a new way to increase their strength. That was through absorbing the energies in cores found in the monsters that happened to evolve in a special way.

Fast forward a hundred years in the future, the gates started to reduce. Things were much calmer, and humanity managed to come back from desperate time's. Everything was good..or it should've been. In the 100 years humanity started to recuperate, the gates came back once again.

This time..much more fierce. We started to give the gates ranking based on the color and or the size. The gate wave's this time did not consist of only monsters. There were also humanoid like creatures. These humanoid creatures we're terrifying to say the least. Some of them had powers beyond our wildest imaginations and they spoke a weird language. The closer this monster continued to look human usually the more powerful It was.

However just like before, humans also continued to evolve and get stronger, this is what leads to our current predicament. A couple years ago we have noticed the gates starting to pop out more frequently. We think this is a sign of another war with the gates coming and it is also why there Academies all over the world are starting to recruit and single out genius's so they can nurture them in preparation for this war."

He finished talking and studied everyone expressions. Almost everyone had turned pale with lifeless eyes. A war? Gates? Humanoid Monsters? whats next, an ancient civilization coming to take over the world? They could not take their mind off the words Stefen has just spoke. If a war were really to break out, they would mostly certainly be sent to the front lines. Although Irina and kein we're from a village of warriors that taught to never cower in front of your enemies, the threat of war looming around in the air still scares them. They also don't plan to die anytime soon, so only one thought lingers in their minds.

'I have to get stronger!' They both thought simultaneously.

Indra is sitting there nonchalantly, not bothered at all of the stituation the whole world was currently in. In fact he is kind of excited.

"Mr. Vienna you said something about Teacher Seng being a saint class mage, what does that mean?" Indra Queried

"Ah right, I almost forgot about that. You guys probably know the nine basic stages. They are Beginner, Novice, Student, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Great, Master, and finally Grandmaster. However above those stages are three more stages. They are Saint, Divine, and God. They are all each divided into four substages which are Initial, Middle, High, and Peak."

"So what substage stage is Teacher Seng?"

"As far as i know from rumours, Teacher Seng is a middle saint class mage." He said.

"What set's these three stages apart from the rest?" Irina asked.

"These three stages are different from the rest because they are extremely hard to attain. Take Teacher Seng for example he has been stuck in the Middle stage for fifty years."

"WHAT FIFTY YEARS?!!" Indra yelled in disbelief

"Yes. Fifty years." replied Mr. Vienna with a straight face that implied he is not joking.

"How is that possible?! he doesn't look a day older than thirty."

"Hahaha well breaking into saint class is not as simple as it seems. When we advance stages we also boost our life force and vitality a little bit. But when it comes to saint class, it's a whole different playing field. Breaking through to saint class can increase your life force by twenty to twenty five years, and thats just the Initial stage."

"So then how long has teacher Seng been around?" Indra asked, still taking in all of this information.

"Almost 120 years."