

"Are you okay now?" Gerald asked Joy who was sitting still. Having left her alone while he dealt with Lucian after calling the police. He had watched as they dragged the drunk beaten man away.

Not getting any response he knelt in front of her, "Hi, are you okay. You don't have to worry now, the police took him away " he said.

She looked up at him nodding, "Thank you " a weak shaky voice said.

He sighed, "Am glad I helped or it would have been too late "

"I...I don't know what happened to him, he was never like that. But today I saw someone I didn't recognize, scary and cold" she said her eyes tearing up.

"He pretended but now that you know his true intentions, his not holding back anymore, "said Gerald

" He really wanted to kill me if it wasn't for you then I...I...

I.." she cried

Gerald got closer pulling her in for a hug, "I know but now it's over. Don't think about it anymore " he said embracing her.

"Am sorry I got you involved " she cried.

"Don't worry about that I got involved 'cause I wanted to and Liana would kill me if I didn't take care of you " he said.

Her tears kept falling, but her sobs were weak and silent since her throat hurt. He let her cry still holding her.

Slowly she pulled away, her hands moved to grab his hand still stained in blood.

"What about your wounds, you must have got hurt during that fight," she said trying to clean the blood away. Her tears still falling but her concentration was on him now.

He smiled, "Am okay, did you forget who I am " his other hand gently wiped away the falling tears on her face.

Still holding his hand she waited till he dried her tears to say, "Am sorry I keep forgetting about that part, but still, you must feel pain " she said looking down at his knuckles.

"I do, but it doesn't last long. The moment the cuts heal the pain is gone " he explained.

She sighed, "Am still sorry this happened to you "

Gerald's hand moved to her bruised neck, "I should be saying that to you, your neck is so swollen and red "

She flinched upon his touch, "Sorry, you should go rest while the doctor gets here " he said.

"You called one?" she asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, you need to get that check," he said.

"But I feel fine," she said trying to get up but staggered instead. Gerald's arm grabbed her waist, steadying her.

"I guess I was right, you need one. So let's get you to bed " not waiting for her answer he carried her off her feet.

"What are you doing?" she asked holding onto him.

"Moving you to bed, you clearly can't get there by yourself in your condition. right now. So don't gap and show me where I go next " he said.

Joy turned away from his gaze and pointed to where her bedroom. was, he nodded and walked. She hid her blushed face as they moved to her room.