
Li Aizhe, Ah Si - A Brand New Day ♡

Li Aizhe is a beautiful and optimistic girl. She always looks on the bright side of whatever she does. Departed from the warmth of her parents from a young age, she had learned how to be independent and took care of her beloved grandfather while working shifts by shifts. But her life turns upside down on one evening and the beautiful, sweet girl is left alone on nowhere to escape to. She promises to never seek anyone's help and starts to see the harsh reality of the actual world. Ah Si, the first son of the Ah family and the president of the Ah Corporation. He is an aloof guy with a cold personality. He likes to stay away from women and doesn't like to talk a lot. But his heart trembles and his cold facade cracks when he sees Li Aizhe, and without him knowing, he falls in love. Will Ah Si be able to mend Li Aizhe and make her fall for him? Will he be able to protect and shower her with the missing love in her world? -------------------------------♡------------------------------- Book: Li Aizhe, Ah Si - A Brand New Day ♡ Chapter: Confession ♡ Volume no: 2 Aizhe took a deep breath and blushed away when she realized what just happened. Her hands were still holding into his suit and he took it away gently and raised it to kiss it. He smiled at her and wiped the tears which were getting dry on her cheeks. "Aizhe, does it matter that life is filled with difficulties? Does it matter that we are all on the same boat yet can't help each other and does it matter if we are different? Because all that matters to me is you are next to me in this journey.." He looked into her eyes deeply as he poured his heart out one by one for her... "Aizhe, you are my only friend and it is not because of your beauty, but because of your heart. I look at you, not towards your eyes but towards the purity that is hidden in those eyes and I like you not because you are different but because I realized how deep my heart and world yearns for you.." °•The book cover is not mine. All rightful credits to the owner. (I don't know the name, or else I would have credited them respectfully). °• Chapters drop out once on weekdays ✧*。

sincerelyurs · Ciudad
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82 Chs

Flowers Were Blooming!

Resting on the backseat, Aizhe remembered that she was looking for some work and luckily she found a café in the center City Mall today. It had beautiful decorations and was modern yet cosy.

It was just like the one back at her village..

Finding something to her liking, she decided to ask around, but she was immediately offered to the job due to the café being new and lacking employees.

She was surprised and shocked! She got a nice job and a nice payment.. but after thinking for a while, she turned it down. She somehow felt reluctant and uneasy with how her life was going.

She wanted to make her own future. She didn't want to rely on her uncle or his luxury. She wanted to try something new. Something that she enjoyed! And working on a café was not her life goal or her initial dream.

She felt that now that her grandfather's wish were completed and her uncle also thought of her highly, she certainly needed to repay their favor and not let them down.

After a while of wandering on her thoughts, she looked around and realized that she was a block a way from the Li Mansion. She sat properly and looked beside her to see that Ai was fast asleep. She must have been too tired. Aizhe's eyes softened and she wrapped the blanket from the armrest on her whole body.

The car soon came into a halt and seeing the mansion infront of her, Aizhe pulled the door handle to get out.

Knowing in the café that she was living with her uncle, Ah Si was not that surprised to see the mansion. He saw her figure outside of his car and the familiar smile on her face that reached till her eyes, alongside her small and thin eyes that disappeared with it.

Her dimples were displaying fully on the two sides of her cheeks and her pearl like teeth were also shown. She was mesmerizingly perfect.

Running a hand through his hair, Ah Si couldn't believe he was captivated by a woman's beauty so much. He felt like a giddy highschool boy who was experiencing a turmoil of emotions all at once.

Looking at her standing next to his car, he noticed her pure and gentle outlook. Her long brown hair was trumbling down her back, few droplets of rain falling from it.

It was going to pour soon and Aizhe was getting drenched. He looked ahead and tried to compose his out of place feelings and slowly calmed himself down.

"Miss Li, the weather is quite cold," He tried to reply indifferently, but his eyes betrayed him.

Aizhe smiled, while looking up. Noticing the pouring sky, she waved at him and turned around towards the gate to enter through the main door.

Ah Si kept looking at her retreating figure and slowly took out his phone out from his pants pockets.

Under the yellow streetlight, the car was not moving. The moon was shining brightly and it's ray reflected on the figure that was relaxed back on the front of the car.

Ah Si looked at his sleeping sister and called a number dazedly. The call dialed for a while before it got connected.

"Brother Si, did you finally missed your one and only friend?," A clear question came out immediately.

"I want you to dig up some information for me. The name is Li Aizhe and she lives in Li Mansion. Remember to place the details infront of my front desk by tomorrow."

Before the other side could speak, the phone was hunged up immediately.

On the beautiful, dashing face of Ah Si, you could see straight thinned lips curved upwards. He stood there for a while, and only turned around to drift of like the wind in the sky, when he saw the lights turning on in a certain room.

Certainly, without knowing, Ah Si's garden were blooming with beautiful flowers. And the owner of that garden was Aizhe!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

sincerelyurscreators' thoughts