
Leveling with the Puppets

'There is no hope for humanity in this era. But if we can try again! if one of us can try again, then we have a chance. Soma, be the one to carry this burden for us. Be our ray of hope.' The era of humanity ended when the ceiling of the tower was broken and the Rankers saw the 'true' sky for the first time. That led to a fight between humanity and the outer gods in which humanity in which humanity was soundly defeated. But they did not lose hope. Using whatever power humanity had left, they decided to send one of their representatives back in time to prevent the apolitical future from happening. This was how Soma came to the past and he only had one goal in mind - to prevent the future from unfolding the same way as it did last time.

20226 · Fantasía
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75 Chs

Ch 39: You will regret it

Kerin moved toward the flower field to pick up the flowers, not noticing any dangers surrounding the clearing.

Soma kept his strings around Kerin to pull him back whenever needed.

Kerin stepped out from behind the tree and into an open landscape.

At first, nothing seemed unusual, and Kerin could easily reach the flowers. 

He picked up a few flowers, and the atmosphere around him changed.

Soma immediately pulled the string and Kerin back to safety, and his keen instincts stopped Kern from getting crushed by the giant paw.

"W-Where did that giant paw come from? Oh god! Was I about to die because of that giant claw?"

Kerin asked as he looked at the claw and the monster attached to that claw.

[Level 30 Mob boss spotted.]

Soma quickly pulled Kerin out of harm's way while trying his best to make the boss step into the traps.