
Nadia's "M" side

'Is this heaven?' Mathew thought as his eyes moved up, way beyond the natural limits imposed by his skull.

The feeling of his beloved sucking him off mixed with the sight of other people working hard for the sake of furthering his own goals was enough to make any man sink into the feeling.

The physical pleasure mixed with mental satisfaction in Mathew's mind was only accented by how both Daria and Leila quickly started to throw some lustful looks at them.

'I guess seeing this is making the two of them horny,' the young man thought, closing his eyes when Nadia suddenly tensed up her lips and attempted to suck the soul out of his dick.

"Guys," Mathew managed to utter a small call towards the girls.

"What's up?" Leila asked, smiling as she moved up closer and sat down in a position that further blocked any of the survivors from seeing what was going on.