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Kun gulped upon hearing Zain's words.

"I'm guessing they didn't tell you that demons could disguise themselves as humans," Zain asked.

Kun nodded, "They didn't."

"It was quite a disgusting thing. The Creature was wearing human skin, but it looked human-like when it came out. If that's the case, then we need to be more careful with who we interact with from now on. The only information we have is the fact that they come out at night.

"I wonder if that still applies if the Demon wears human skin." Zain laid out his doubts.

Then he went on to tell Kun everything he witnessed in the footage. Honestly, it was a shame that he couldn't just show the video to Kun. Either way, he had gotten the gist of the horror and power of a Demon. In the end, there was only one Demon, but everyone was helpless against it.