
Chapter Eight

Jack stabbed the teacher and laughed. "Die die die die die! That's right! Fall like flies! Don't ever touch what's mine!"

Jack breathed in and out while licking the blood off the knife with a small grin. "No one..Touches what's mine without a price.."

He dusted off his hands and pulled the teacher towards the trash can. "Put you back were you belong.."

Once he cleaned up the area Jack went into his house. He walked into the bathroom and took his clothes off. "Gotta clean this off."

Jack started the shower and got into it. "Wash this out.'' He cleaned hair watching as the blood went down the drain. "And just like that...It disappears.."

He grabbed the shampoo and started to wash his hair while humming a small tune. Once he was finished Jack turned off the shower.

Jack grabbed a towel from the bar and wrapped it around himself. He then got dressed before brushing out his hair. "Looking good Jack looking good."

Jack sat down on his bed and tapped his leg with a small whistle. "Snowball!" The cat rushed into the room and jumped onto his legs.

He smiled. "Good girl." Jack started to pet her softly while chuckling. He picked up a book and flipped to a page before continuing to read.

Jack soon fell alseep with the book on his face and Snowball on his stomach.