
Chapter 12: Voltaic phantom

"You might want to step back" January suggested as it approached a panel in fro of the glass chamber as it began to press several buttons on the control panel causing a sudden alarm to go off as a robotic voice sounded out alerting us to the start of the live examination.


Suddenly a massive set of blast doors opened up behind the glass chamber containing a dead body as the weaver from earlier floated it's way out and towards the dead body.

"Get any weapons you have ready" Morgan spoke a sense of unease washing over him as he cocked his shotgun ready for what came next.

'Time for a shitty boss battle' thought Owen as he pulled out two 9mm pistols from his storage space ready for combat against one of the shittiest enemies in the game.


Suddenly out of nowhere arcs of lighting began shooting off the corpse seemingly at the weavers command as it began to be covered in the same pitch black substance as any other Typhon but with small arcs of electricity and light blue glow coming off of it.

"You go to the left I go to the right and who ever it goes after will distract" Morgan commanded to which Owen followed stepping over the incapacitated january who was taken down by one of the stray arcs of electricity.

It was at that moment Owen noticed the voltaic phantom a phantom that used and manipulated electricity to disable or destroy technology.

'IT'S COMING FOR ME!' Owen screamed mentally as he noticed the voltaic phantom coming his direction and without missing a beat he began to unload both both pistols in the direction of the quickly approaching phantom but instead of the expected damge Owen was met with the sight of the electricity produced from the phantom blocking the bullets he fired.

'well shit' That's all Owen can think as the voltaic phantom disappeared in a bolt of lighting and appeared in front of him as it slammed s large tentacles grew from it's arm.


Health: 78%


To say lossing 22% of your overall health hurts would be a understatement as Owen felt as if he lost the the ability to breath properly as he slammed into a nearby wall unable to defend from the follow up attack of the phantom which stood over him arm raised ready to finish him off.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Luckily Owen was saved by Morgan who unloaded into the side of the in aware phantom which could not put up any defence as it quickly retreated out of the room Morgan not pursing quickly took out a medkit and began to aid Owen using two syringes, which Morgan off handedly explained to be a nutrients solution and healing accelerator


Health: 100%


"I'm good let's go off that bastard" Owen said getting a mod from Morgan as he went down the hallway the hallway the phantom retreated down making sure to keep his shotgun at the ready as Owen followed behind him a emp at the ready something that soon proved usefulas the phantom soon came into sight attacking the science operator he saw earlier which proved to be the perfect chance as Owen threw it at the distracted phantom causing it to release weird noise as the electricity arcing off it become visbly Weaker as Morgan took this chance to charge forward and point black the phantom which proved massively effective as large chicks viable flew off of it as it soon collapsed into 1 solid mass.

"Well that was fun"