
Let It Burn (Avianna's Story)

Vincent Cheng travels away from home to help support his family. After getting a job with a huge multibillion dollar company. Now working out in the middle of nowhere with a crew of 12 other people he learns just how big family can get whether it's by blood or heart. Working under the curious boss Avianna Alderman Vincent grows closer to her and falls for Avianna. Discovering her past secrets and heartache along the way can he be strong enough to stand with her as she goes back home to fight with all those who have done her wrong. Finally taking her place and everything that comes with it. Can she forgive those hurting her loved ones or will she finally just light the match setting their world on fire. Letting it all burn to the ground. Follow a journey with Vincent and Avianna as they learn to overcome loss, betrayal, love and family. Learning to finally live for yourself.

lilmama881106 · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: Meeting New Friends

"It's a car." Ethan said as they all looked at her retreating figure. "There's three of them." Richard corrected. "They're cars." Ethan quickly corrected himself. They all hurried back in as she stood on the door step not being rude enough to invite herself in. Smiling at them. Theo quickly handing the keys back. "This is too much. We can't accept it." "Isn't rude tradition wise to give back the gift?" She asked looking confused. Grandma smirking to the men. "This is very thoughtful. It's just so much we would feel guilty accepting such a lavish gift." Neilly told her cupping her cheek. "That being said thank you." Neilly took the keys back and welcomed in to the house.

"Ma." Theo said in shock. "What she's right it's rude to decline the gift of the first woman Vincent brought home. Now get inside it's cold out here and the food will spoil." She nagged the men who hurried in. "Most people just bring the snacks or watches. Something for the house. You bring three cars." Ethan still in shocked walking forward to the kitchen. "Ana are you sure that is ok. I mean its appreciative but that's a lot. You know we simple people. Look at our village. I mean hell what did that even run up to?" Vince was getting all worked up.

"You know it wasn't even that bad. Besides we have a bit of a currency situation going on. Our pay is in the United States dollar. So it really didn't cost as much as you are worried about. Plus I'm good with money. Stop stressing this didn't even put a dent in savings. It's not that big of a deal really. Let's drop it. You can't return them anyway. You can trade them or fix them but its not option to return them. If you do I have the money wired to go back to your account. Remember who had to reactivate all of your guys bank cards before we left. Also think about it you can always drive one since the restriction days are different thanks to the plates." She said playfully flicking his nose.

He stood there still shocked. He was at a point where they could all be comfortable for the time being and he had just made the last payment to the hospital before they got into the house in the car ride home. Running his hand down his face he felt just lost for words. He was so touched that someone wanted to take good care of his family and on the other hand how can he pay her back for a gift. You can't pay back a gift. Vince was lost trying to figure how to even top that gift. Walking into the kitchen they ll sat around the table as he took his seat next to her. Ethan and his dad were across the way. Grandma Nel was at one end and Theo was at the other.

Smiling and plating food around Ana noticed it was all her favorites she spoke with Nana Nel before as she like to call her. "How you been Nana?" She asked smiling sweetly. It should feel weird that this was the first time meeting in person. However it's not at the same time. Vince was just really touched how close she already was to his family and also how highly his family thought of her. "I've been up and down I'm not going to lie. These things wouldn't let me anyway." She waved off to her boys as they whined a little bit making the girls smile wider.

"How have you two been?" She smirked. The only thing to really understand about Grandma Neilly was she was in no way, shape or form a 'shy' person. She was a very 'open' person. She got along with Avianna so well because neither one of them had a filter. The men were always embarrassed to no end. No son no matter how old they are wants to hear their mother tell them their problem is they need to get laid. Vince shook his head remembering that video call with them when his uncle was beat red as his grandma told him that.

"We've been good nànà." Vince said putting some more food on Ana plate making her smile with a face full of food at the moment. "You guys are finally done out there. How long were you actually there Vee? I know he was out about four months but how ling did all that actually take you?" Ethan was curious. "A little over two years give or take." She said tilting her hand back and forth as she took a drink. "How has work been here?" She asked looking at the guys. Theo and Richard worked for same place different crews. Ethan worked for a different section all together. "Busy. At least we get the weekends off also get this whole week off unless something likes lines or pipes break than we could go in other wise the guys who live closer to the city are on call." Ethan finished as he smiled as Vee put more of the beef on his plate. Taking his carrot.

It was odd how close she felt to all of them. "You guys going to meet up with any friends this week?" She asked the two as they looked at her. "Yeah we have a small group of friends there is seven of us and I think one is being forced to bring his sister." Ethan said as they both starting laughing shaking their heads. "Is there something wrong with her?" Ana was curious. "She is what you consider a princess type. Like she is so sweet honestly she is. She has a crush on one of the guys since forever. He is just so oblivious. The guy's name is James and he was always the heavier one of the group so to speak. Bella though who is only one year behind us just fell head over heels in love with him when he would tutor her." Ethan told her taking a drink.

"Yeah he is the nicest guy. His luck with women is worse than mine they would try to humiliate him form his weight. We actually met him as a group of guys were beating him up in a corner in an alley on the way home. We took him to work out with us just little things around the village and after a few years he is built really well. The same as me only a little shorter." Vincent told her. "Damn he should be proud of that. It's like a classic he helped her she feel for him but he never noticed things?" She asked him as they all finished eating. "Pretty much. Doesn't stop her from trying poor thing. We all see her as a little sister around here." I look forward to meeting her. Vince looked up and gave Ethan a look that made both of them smile.

"What if I'm going to the festival with you aren't the chances of running into her good?" She asked them. "Yeah they are but I was going to have you meet them tomorrow at the gathering for dinner." Vincent told her with a soft smile. "Are there any plans you have for us that you might want to start filling me in on. I do have to run to head office a few times while I'm here. Just a little heads up would be great." She teased him as they all cleared the dishes around the table. "Vinny man you going to be the envy of all of us there tomorrow. You damn dog." Ethan said with a chuckle.

Vincent looked at him with a glare. He only liked it when his Ana called him Vinny. Everybody else just did it to get to him. "Why is that?" She asked as she was starting to wash dishes. "Don't bother yourself with that." Nana tried to come in. "No it's fine it's kind of ritual with us anyway we normally do dishes together. Besides you were nice enough to cook the least we can do is a few dishes. Besides. I want you to go shower with the things I got you and we can get some masks on and finish our show." She told Nana who's eyes grew wide as she went and hurried to get ready. They loved their dramas. Even far away they kept up together and would text about it.

"Now why is my Vinny the envy bella of the ball?" She asked as she was still washing the dishes as Vince dried and put them away. "Well our Vinny here is the only one who has a girlfriend." "Seriously?" "Yup." "What is wrong with these women here? You know what never mind. I got a friend who works here named Chloe. She loves the Karaoke there in the city and wants me to go see her for a night out the day after tomorrow night have them come with us. I promise you they will have a great time. I'll even have her bring some work friends. Besides the festival is in four days right?" She said as they smiled to her.

"Ana just keeps on giving gifts. Vincent gets a girlfriend and everyone benefits. I love my new sǎozi." Ethan said picking Ana up in a tight hug. "That's enough." Vince told him with a look. "This Chloe you speak of is she nice?" Ethan bugged her. "She is my current best female friend. She is the best. She's almost like another version of me. But prettier ad with different I think her hair right now is Black with like Crimson highlights. Her eyes are green like emerald green." She told him showing him a picture. "Take a pic of us." She said to Ethan as he pulled out his phone and did what she asked.

Taking his phone and sending Chloe a text of the picture and that this was Ethans phone. "I already told her about you a while back. Told her I would give you her number. So here you go your welcome." She said smiling giving him his phone back. "Why send the picture?" Ethan asked. "So she knows I arrived safely and that you are who you say you are." Ana shrugged as the task was now done and heading into the kitchen. It was now dark the sun had set a bit ago. Setting up a mask on her, Nana's and Uncle Richards face. They watched their show.

It wasn't until the third episode they had finished did they feel tired. "You are staying with us right?" Theo asked her. "If that is ok. If not I can go find an Inn. I don't want to put you out or bother you." She told them politely. "You're not no bother dear child. I made up the guest room just for you. Unless you were going to share with Vincent." Nana said as they guys are looked shocked. "Ma." Theo asked her in a shocked voice. Vincent himself looked lost and scared. "I'm good with the guest room thanks you. I think we broke them. They must not be ready for any of that talk yet." Ana said as both women laughed. All the guys were blushing hard.

"Let me help you get settled." The first floor had a room for Nana, Theo, a bathroom, living room kitchen and dinning area. The basement was Richards room. The second floor was for A guest room, Ethans room, a bathroom, Vincents room and the hall was a long wall that had built in closet. The Attic was for storage. Going up the stairs he carried her luggage case. "I swear you and Nana are two peas in a pod. It makes me happy though." He told her softly. "Yeah I really love her she's a lovely woman." Ana smile was ear to ear. Opening the door for her.

"You actually have your own bathroom right through there. I already showered while the show was on. I left some towels for you in there though. It was a long trip and all wanted to make sure you had all you need to be able to relax. Blankets are in the hall. Just come to me if you need anything. My door is on the same side down the hall Ethan is across from me. Bathroom is on the other side of you." She smiled at him softly as she put her stuff down and sat on the bed. "I'm sorry for springing all this on you last minute. I wanted to ask you out before we even go ton the train. I didn't mean to spring the face to face stuff so sudden without your knowledge." Vincent started saying in a rush feeling guilty.

"Hey it's fine. I'm just excited to be apart of all this. I mean it's not like we're all exactly strangers now is it?" Ana told him making him feel better. "Are you sure you're ready for me to meet your friends tomorrow? Do you need to give them a heads up? I saw that look between you too." She asked him nudging him a bit with her shoulder. "No I already told them about you." "Did just everybody know I was you girlfriend before me?" She asked with her hands up in the air in a question making both of them laugh. "Little bit yeah." He told her as she hit him playfully with a pillow.

"The look was just. My friends are. Well they are a mix between loud and playful when we are celebrating. Yet sometimes we can all be shy I guess. You are an amazing woman. Who has absolutely no filter. No shame. You are that one friend all the guys at work used to get scared to put on speaker because even you liked to be surprised by the things that came out of your mouth." Vincent told her simply. "So am I embarrassing to you?" She asked a little nervous. "Hell no. That's not what I was going with this. I like you just the way you are. I just needed to give them a heads up. They will do their best to embarrass me though just warning you now. Hopefully they won't give you to hard a time. They like to be playful and sarcastic you'll blend in well." He said holding her hands in his.

"Maybe we should have code words. Just in case I don't embarrass you." "No. I will never be ashamed of you." He said looking at her. "Besides over the last four months watching you beat men over twice you size both verbally and physically that ship done long sailed. I have never seen more grown men cry than the ones who wanted to fuck around and find out with you." He laughed hard. "You know can I ask you something." "Always." She said playing with his hands.

"You used to come back and forth here a lot over the years. I'm curious why you never picked up Chinese like speak it more. Even Jordan. "Well honestly." Looking into him stopping herself looking down. "We never really got the chance to. It wasn't much of an option any of the times we were here. Like we can a little bit but not to much past ordering food. Getting directions. Basic pleasantries. We know how to ask for help and stuff. That's about s far as any of language skills goes. I can speak and read more Spanish but English is my go to." Nodding his head it made sense of how busy they were as kids. It couldn't have been easy growing always moving around yet still going to the same schools.

"Thank you for today." Vince told her holding her hand up to kiss the back of it. "Thank you for saying yes and being here with me. I can't even expressed how happy I actually am right now." He was trying and failing so hard trying to blush and his wide smile. "Me too. You are definitely worth this shot." She told him. Knowing how he is she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "We'll just keep this at this at your pace. Neither one of us are very good at this so hopefully we can just grow with each other. I may mess up. A lot. I may cross a line. I just need you to come to me and talk it out with me. I want this to work I really like you Vinny." She told him in a shaky voice.

Never had he ever seen her nervous about anything. Except her confession. There was one other time when he jacket fell off her when she was wearing a crop top and she quickly pulled it back on. He was confused when everyone started to whisper to her. She brushed them all off as they turned to look and Vincent and they all let it go. "Me too. I will try my best to communicate well with you. I will mess up too. We will find a balance. Although I like how we are now." He told her as he stood up pulling her up to him hugging her tightly. Looking down he kissed her forehead. "Shower up and get some rest. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight." Walking out the door shutting it behind him he heard her. "Night."

Looking around the room she laid all the way back on the bed and smiled widely. 'I have a boyfriend. Vinny likes me.' Being in a happy moment she suddenly grew a little sad. Shaking it off she grabbed her things and went to the shower. Vincent shut his door. Looking at it he couldn't stop the smile that smile that was now stuck on his face. Turning around and facing his room he looked around remembering every little detail from Ana's confession to her saying yes on the train. The way his family interacts with her. He fisted bumped in the air. Doing a little happy dance. Tripping he flops back on his bed and a book hits his forehead. Not being able to stop the laugh. He just laid there reeling in his happiness until he finally gave in to sleep.

Shooting up out of his bed once he heard some noises going on down stairs. He quickly got dressed went down stairs to see his grandmother and Ana dancing in the kitchen to a some playlist they had going. Breakfast was cooking on the stove. Looking behind them waffles, biscuits and sausage gravy. Scrambled eggs, cut up small fried potatoes, bacon and fresh fruit. It smelt wonderful laying all out on the table. The rest of the men joined him in looking up shocked to see the two woman very into the song. Dancing and singing to their hearts content.

Looking up she smiled widely. "Good morning Cheng family." She said waving to them. "Good morning." Vince said shaking his head it wasn't new to him but to see his grandma getting that far down he was worried about how she would get back up again. Theo and Richard was lost in the moment seeing their mother look so happy and free it was like she went back years in time and got twenty more added to her. They didn't realize how much they probably really needed Ana around. Their mom started to perk up once they started talking more few months back. Maybe another female presence is needed much more than thought. Guilt was getting to them as they thought maybe she just missed her daughters in law as much as they did.

"It smells bomb in here. How did you get the dishes done so quick?" Ethan was looking all over the place. They had a feast in front of them yet the house was spotless. Shaking his head He just sat down and started to pour some orange juice. "This looks great. Thanks girls." Theo said happily sitting in his place. Vincent made a plate and then put it in front of his grandma. A second later Ana handed him one making him smile she knew everything about him food wise by now. She knew a lot about him period he was nothing but an open book with her. He laid his whole life story out on the line to her. Yet there was so much he didn't know about her. They still had plenty of time so he wasn't to worried. He would learn it all in time. He just wanted to enjoy his time now.

"Do you have anyone you need to see today?" Vicent asked her scoping up the first bite. Moans were heard all over the table. She just smiled and listened to the appreciation of the food. "Not today tomorrow though. With Chloe. IS there anything you need to get done today?" "I wanted to show you around a bit if that's ok. It's been a while and I miss being around thought maybe take you around some sights. Maybe let you grab anything you may need." "That sounds great." She said. "How about you guys? Busy morning?" "Nǎinai and I are going to decorate before new years. Then I'm heading out with you two for dinner with the group." Ethan told her with a smile and a wink. "We are meeting with some old friends in Mahjong tournament. Maybe some chess." Theo said as Richard just nodded his head as he looked to be having intimate moment with the food.

"I haven't had biscuits and gravy since we left the states. This is so awesome." Richard told her as everyone else agreed. "Man she was cooking for you guys like this every other day? How are you still fit?" Ethan said scooping the last of his food in his mouth. "I only fed them so well because we had to work ourselves in the ground." Ana said shaking her head with a small laugh. Vincent nodding with her. "She made us work but she also made sure we got some time in the gym. It not only kept us in shape but good for mental therapy it kept us healthy all the way around. She never let us bring stress back off the job with us. I don't think I've ever been this healthy before. I mean mentally, emotionally , physically she really took care of us out there." Vincent said as he looked to her.

It was like he was truly realizing how much of herself she put into them. She gave up her bonus's. She gave up her time. She worked ten hours with them and still cooked with them help them with laundry and other issues. He was suddenly brought to her conversation with Landen. She never took a day off. It must have been exhausting being on all the time all hours of the day. Never complaining once. He didn't think he would be able to do over half the things she did in a day. His heart was swarming appreciation, admiration and a little guilt.

"How do you find strength to pull through so much?" Neilly asked which shocked everyone although grandma was the same way. She was the strongest person they knew until Avianna. "Vinny." She said as she looked around the table they felt lost. "Vinny would sit with me every night in our spot looking up on our little hammocks and just chill with each other every night. That was my time to destress. It was my time to wind down. I looked forward to it everyday no matter what the day was like I knew soon enough it'd be just us in our little area being us." She said looking at nana. Vincent was again trying to hide his blush as his cousin gave him a flirty look.

After she helped clean up she went up and quickly went to her room to get her stuff she was ready. In jeans and a hoodie. Grabbing her sun glasses she never went anywhere without. Quickly going to the door. I thought we would walk." He told her s he wear a nice black jacket and black shirt to match still wearing their wolf necklaces and dark washed jeans. "Sounds great. Need to after breakfast." She told him happily. They were now in the middle part of town and half on the outskirts to the forest.

"That's where we went to high school. See this wall. We must have sprained our ankles, legs, wrists, and arms so many times hopping this wall so we wouldn't get in trouble for being late." He laughed hard. "I got to go the middle of my senior year here with Ethan. It was a little weird since we haven't seen most these kids since like we eight. Ironically. My group of friends were actually with us. Their dads transferred with our dads so we literally grew up together. We even came back at the same time. It was hard for the change in the middle like that. I mean we still just speak English with each other." He chuckled again.

"Was it hard adjusting being back here after so many years?" She asked him as they walked hand in hand around. "I thought it would be but it's not that much different. I mean driving wise it's got differences. Transportation still the same. Food is a bit different. Like most places you have to cook and grill your meat and dinner and it's awesome." He said as he moved his hand to go wrap around her waist making them closer and more relaxed. Wrapping an arm around his back. He was tall. "Do you miss being back at the States?" "Sometimes but this is always home. It's where my family all started." Nodding her head.

"Yeah I miss the States like that too. Well I miss it when my parents were still with me. I had to move around a lot. Like sometimes it felt like every couple months being dragged all over the world. I feel like such a nomad now. I don't really have a home. I have one back in the States but I'm rarely there. Last decade I just stay in Hotels and keep things at Chloes. I don't have a lot of things I need to keep on my person. So I just do like the energizer bunny and keep going and going and going." She teased making him smile. "You had to go that far back make us feel old. Huh?" "You're old. You're going to be 29 I am going to be 28." That's twelve months less old." She pointed out like it was strong facts.

"Oh yeah such huge difference." He told her pulling her closer. The people around staring and whispering. "Are you ears burning?" She joked. "Ears are always burning in small places like this. They probably will have a whole story of our engagement before we even get back home." He whispered low into her ear. Making her smile. "Maybe we should go a little slower we can see where we honey moon too." She teased him making him laugh harder. "My grandpa use to take us out here. He planted special fruite trees and everyone who helped take care of them were welcome to reap the benefits. Grandma Nel always said no one deserved to go hungry. Grandpa didn't want to feel like he was feeding everyone so he came up here to the free forests and made this. It expanded over the years." Vincent came and opened a gated area to expose a garden that looked a good street block long. There was some fruit trees stretched on two sides and small gardens everywhere. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

"This is incredible so just every one comes and takes care of it and takes what they need?" She asked looking around them. "Yup. Come plant what you feel like it. Or take care of the ones here. It rains all year round in this spot water is always has plenty to keep everything going. Theres little canal ways too make sure nothing gets drowned. The ground here is rich of food in the soil. It's perfect to be able to vegetate for a while if no one can get to it for few days. It's the first place I came to when we came back." He said looking around smiling at it.

"It was the project my grandpa did for the village before we left for the States. We lost him before we came back and this is the place I feel him the most." Holding her hand as they walked out. "Down that way is where our job begins. He showed her West of the mountain miles across the way. Way before the lake although it does guide down to some of it. "The mines we are going to use for some of the tunnel ways are there as well there are a few of them. But they all link together after a ways through." She told him as he nodded to her.

"Yeah they are still active mines a lot of the village still goes in there for work. It's extremely dangerous now over the years. We don't have the fancy equipment like we have. Hell they still use birds to go in and come out." Vince told her in a chuckle. "You know I don't mind investing in them. Anything to keep people safe right." She told him as they walked through the forest heading back to the village. "It's fine. We are simple out here. You go bringing in certain type of things we won't have the power or certain other things to supply it. Then it's just going to be a waste and looking like a lawn ornament. Some of the things we don't have enough of the resources to support or power them." He told her holding her hand and walking in to the house.

"Why don't you go get ready and well take off in about thirty minutes." He told her with a kiss to the forehead. Hopping up the stairs she went and did as she was told. "Hey you're back." Ethan said happily looking like he was ready to go. "The place looks good. Nana went all out this year." Vincent looking around at all the pretty red decorations all over the house. "Yeah she did. Got a good work out going up and down chairs all day." Ethan said as he rubbed his calves. "Where's nana now?" "She went and took some soup like stuff to help one of the neighbors husbands and son with their cold." Ethan told him before he added. "She won't be back until some time after we leave. Speaking of. Are you ready? Are we taking one car or two?"

"Are you going to be drinking?" Vincent asked raising an eyebrow. "We can take the subway. It's just a fifteen minute walk." He offered. "Safer bet I don't know if either of us are dinking until we get there either. I know Ana would rather take these routes just to be safe." "Y'all ready?" She asked still in the same outfit just with eyeliner and natural eye shadow that made her eyes stand out. They were already beautiful now they shined through her like the light in the lighthouse. "Yeah just waiting on you. We're going to take the subway." Vincent told her. "Sounds good. Lead the way." She told them as they followed out the door.

After about thirty five minutes they were somewhere between the city and the village in front of a nice looking tavern bar. Walking in the colors were neon blued, reds, greens and purple. The booths and everything else was all black. A group of guys hollered over to them to join them. There were people dancing and playing pool. It was quiet the place to be. More people than she thought there would be. Walking up she finally noticed a happy woman with the worlds hugest smile sitting next to a man like he was someone famous. All the guys mouths dropped when they saw Ana. She looked beautiful even when she was casually dressed.

Vincent helped her in her chair as Ethan sat on the other end. The woman looking at the man next to her face fell when she saw a light up look on his face but tried not to let her smile drop. "Hey man it's been awhile." One man said. "Yeah we missed you bud, who's your friend?" Another said smiling widely as they were smirking to him as if they were teasing. "This is my girlfriend Avianna Alderman." "You guys just call me Ana or Vee." She told them as they nodded. "Ana this is Hunter Huang." He said to the man next to her right. Then pointed cross from him. "This is Ace Lang. Next to him is James Lu. Then our little Isabella. She's Ace's sister." "Please call me Bella." She smiled and waved to Ana.

Nodding to her. Pointing next to Ethan. "That's Ian Zhang. The last one is Christopher or Chris Suen." All the guys smiled and waved. James stopped for a moment. "Avianna is such a unique name." Ace told her as he thought about it. James looked like something in his head finally clicked. "You work for Jamison's company don't you?" All the guys looked at her. "Yeah I do." James mouth hit the floor looking to Ian who was just as equally shocked. "Is that a problem?" She looked at Vincent who looked at her and then to his friends. "This is awkward." Ian mumbled. "What's going on?" Ethan was first to go on the defensive.

"I work for magazine. Every month they pass on the task of trying to get an interview with the higher ups for Jamison company. Stone and Solomon always give them but not the new CEO'S and Presidents only the older generation. Colton has only given them a few times to the news when had to . Jordan has given a few statements before also only to the news when had to. We could never get the main shareholders to give an interview though and they would never released who it is. They only thing the company and stock market could reveal is initials A.A.. After some people got cocky they looked deeper which wasn't all that hard to fine the real name of Avianna. Since than my company has been passing this assignment to everyone to get an interview with someone from the main three companies and if you don't get successful you got demoted." Ian told her.

"Well that sounds like a very stressful job. What do you normally write about?" She asked him. "I write about either finances, celebrity's or other successful people on the rise. I personally like the life hacks to change your life. I learn things to help the modern day joe improve life in simple ways we normally would think about." Ana stopped looked him dead in the eye. "You work for Heyday magazine?" She asked looking at him with a smirk. "You've heard about it?" Ian got a little nervous. "I read your life hacks monthly. It's half the reason I buy it besides the embarrassing confessions and revenge stories they put in every month. The rest I ignore." She said laughing.

"Let's rewind here for a moment. What do you mean the main shareholder of Jamison is Avianna?" Ethan asked confused. Ana got nervous looking around the table. She was not ready to reveal so much about herself to Vincent so far especially to a bunch of strangers she just met. "Well there are a lot of share holders even though it is a family manned operating company I just managed to be the one with the most. I have worked long and hard helping that company get to where it is and I took some payments most of the time by and with some stocks. For each of the main companies. Solomon, Jamison and Stone. I have built a good portfolio over the time period as a teenager. That's it. My job is to help run the company and make sure most of our sights go as smoothly as possible." Taking a drink before she continued.

"I have a small team of six or eight people who controls reports and such for me as I send them all back in the office and I man a twelve person who do field work with me. That's what I do." She shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie that was the main part of her job give or take. It is what she did daily anyways. "You must be smart." Chris said with his eyes in amazement. "Not as smart as I should be by now." She laughed off. "I really do enjoy your articles." She told Ian who was now blushing. "I thought you worked for a newspaper journal?" Vincent asked him as he took his drink as well. "Got transferred and hired on to the magazine the day before you left bro." Ian shrugged.

"Well what do the rest of you guys do?" She asked looking around the table. "Our family is accountants so is Bella there. Always good with numbers. The rest of the guys and I all work with Ethan company just different sectors. Like Chris is the electricity guy. Ian is a writer. Hunter does the water and plumbing. James and I we are the I.T tech guys. We do coding and stuff free lance often help out the cops mainly." Ace shrugged his shoulders. "See that is what I consider smart. "Not as smart as those two." Hunter said pointing to Ethan and Vincent. "They do it all and construction we often go to them for help. Even us." James told her as he smiled to his friends.

"How long have you two been together. You look so adorable." Ana asked Bella and James who turned bright red. Ace just raised his eye brow. "We're not a couple." James stuttered out. "Shame. You'd be a cute one. Sorry. Do you guys come here a lot?" She asked changing the subject. Bella smirking to Ana. "When we all get a chance it's our go to place. You can eat drink, dance, and play billiards." Chris added. "Do you play?" Hunter lifted his eyebrow he was the best of the group played professionally." "A little." She told him with a smile.

"Can I interest you in a game?" He continued. "I think we should eat first." Vincent told them as they agreed. Shaking his head secretly to Hunter who was now curious at this point. After a good dinner and lively conversation. They played a few games where Hunter lost about $100 to Ana in pool they danced the rest of the evening. Ana thought about what Ian said about needing an interview. Her heart hurt for him a bit. He worked hard to get where he was. She loved and enjoyed reading his articles. He was very talented. He never made his guest feel uncomfortable and always only gave facts. He always made the person look and sound good. She went outside and made a call to the easiest person she knew would say yes.

Placing the phone on the send button after she snuck outside first. While the rest of them got their things. She waited three rings before she heard them speak. "Hey are you here in town?" She was so happy to hear from her. "Yes I came yesterday. What are you doing?" "I am just leaving the office going to business dinner. What's up?" "Two things. I need a favor and I did a thing. What do you want first?" She asked her. "I'll do the favor what is it?" She was curious Ana never asked anyone for anything. "I need you to an interview for a new friend of mine. Chloe and some of the work office girls is coming to meet me and some friends at Karaoke place you guys go to. If you do this interview for me I'll make sure Landen and Cici came as well. Please Sienna. You were the first person I thought of." She asked in a sweet voice.

"I would do anything for you. You know that. What's the magazine. Heyday." "Oh the one we read the life hacks from?" "Yup same writer will be doing the interview." "Oh wow really. Sold. I like him. I would love to come out with you guys tomorrow. Are you sure you can bring Landen though I haven't seen him in a while." Sienna asked in a sad voice. "I'm sure. He's curiosity will get the better of him." "What's the other thing you want to tell me?" "The friends I'm bringing I just met tonight. They are my boyfriends friends." She said as the silence stretched for a moment.

"I'm sorry I think I had a small aneurysm because I think you said you had a boyfriend." "Yup officially since yesterday. I have liked hi for a few months and it finally happened. I'm actually staying with him for a bit and his family." "Is this that cute guy I video called you a few times with in the background?" "Yes." "Damn girl get it!" "Dude! Hush I getting anything." "Can I be there when Colton finds out?" She asked in a squeaky voice. "No!" "Please I know damn well you only told Chloe and no on eels knows. Please let me be there when you tell them." She was sounding so amused. "How about you be there for Landen when I tell him after the meeting tomorrow. With you guys." She told her as the humor left the room.

"You really going to tell him tomorrow?" She asked a little worried. "How else do you think I can get him to come out tomorrow for you? Can you think of any other way that won't be as awkward as me fending him off. I have a man now. It would be wrong for him to try. He'll be too curious not to come and you can help him recover right?" She asked her. Sienna was torn she was so happy to know Landen would be single but sad knowing how much he wanted Ana. Never being jealous or holding it against Ana that she was in love with Landen, still always made her feel broken hearted. Ana was such a good friend. Even if she did love Landen back she would never act on it since she cared to much for Sienna and knew how much it would hurt her. Their life was such a mess and it wasn't any of their faults.

"Give Mr. Zhang my number he can meet me tomorrow after 9 a.m. of a place of his choosing. He can bring himself and a photographer for photos if he needs to I can give him until 11. I will see you at the meeting by noon. Love you bunches." She said as she hung up. Smiling down to the phone. She sent a text message to Cici about going out tomorrow. Who already text back excited to go. "There you are. We've been looking all over for you. Everyone else already left." Vincent said with Ethan, Hunter and Ian.

"Sorry about that. I had phone call I wanted to take care of. I wish I got to say goodbye but you guys are coming out tomorrow right?" Ana asked as they all shook their heads. "I have a meeting at noon and I will need to stay there until about five. So we will meet up by six we'll eat there. I hope you don't mind coming to meet me there? It will be under my name the room." She asked Vincent. "Yeah that's fine." Vincent wrapped his arms around her waist holding her to his side as he smiled to her. "Ian can I have your phone please?" Looking confused he handed it over. As she typed away. "Alright all set." Looking confused again.

"See I am such a good loyal fan of your work but I'm no the only one. So I reached out and spoke to my friend who is also a nice big fan of yours and she agreed to meet with you for an interview as well as a photographer from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. since we have a meeting. She cleared her morning for you. Just send a text of where you want to meet her." "Who am I supposed to be interviewing?" Ian played along like it was humorous. Sienna Solomon. Like I said she is a fan so you will need to take a picture so she can share it on her social medias." She said with a smile.

"You're serious? You got the head owner of Solomon. To take an interview with me?" His heart was pounding hard and his face flushed. "Well yeah you said you would get demoted and I can't have that. We need out monthly fix. Plus you've been writing for years. We enjoyed your short stories as well. We still hope you can come out with some novels." She shrugged. "You guys read my short stories? People like you read the random crap I wrote." Ian was about to lose his shit in excitement. "Well yeah dude." She was surprised. "We are people." She added.

Ian hugged her tightly shoving Vincent to the side a little bit. "Bro what the hell." Vincent asked. Ian looked and quickly hugged Vincent just as tightly kissing his cheek. "Love you so much right now dude. I got to go." Ian took off running. "Girl I think you just made his whole year. Nothing we can give him as new year present will top this right now." Hunter told her as they all laughed and watched him run away. "Well than that means his gift is done who's next?" They all laughed and went to the sub way station to get home.

"That was really incredible what you did for Ian tonight. I really hope it didn't put you in an uncomfortable position though." Vincent told her as the whole house was quiet and dim lighting as everyone had gone to bed. "No really it's my pleasure we love helping where we can. We seriously enjoyed his work over the years it's just as special to us as it is to him." She waved him off as they were in the kitchen getting water. "Still it really means a lot. It never ceases to amaze me how big your heart really is." He said as he came up to her putting both hands on each side of her on the counter of the sink.

Staring at her for a moment letting the quiet sink in around them. He leaned in and smashed his lips to hers. After a minute or two she put her arms around his neck and pushed herself further into him. His arms wrapping around her back and keeping her closer. Pulling away before he gets carried away not wanting to go too far yet. They caught their breath for moment. Her phone text message went off looking down she ignored it and placed back down. "You need to get that?"

"No. Its nothing." Taking a long exhale. "I'm just going to grab a bottle of water and we can head up stairs." "Ok." Smiling to her letting her through to what she wanted. As she grabbed one for him too. Smiling to himself blushing hard. Looking down at the counter in happiness until her text went off again and the words were on the screen. From: Landen 'Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.' 'I'm really hoping you can save sometime for me it's been too long and we should talk.' "Ready?" She asked him. "Yeah let's head up." Smiling back down to her. Grabbing her phone and sending her off to the guest room. He was stuck remember the words Killian said of the Jamison, Solomon and Stone tango.

Am I ready for this? Will this be a big mess for her? I know he likes her but he'll respect her wishes. Right? They all need each other to stay sane in this business world. How can I really help her with that? What good could I do? She's done so much for me. My family. My friends. What could I possibly do to make any of this easier for her. Will she tell them about me tomorrow? Will it be a mess? After awhile of thinking and reflecting, not knowing how tomorrow will really go. He was suddenly relieved to know he will have friends and Ethan with him. No matter what would transpire tomorrow night the only thing he knew for sure was he needed to whatever he could because there was no way he could let her go now.