
Let's Imagine: The meaning behind one truth's beginning!

A large mountain overlooks a group of smaller peninsulas covered in lush green grass and wooden-straw houses. Near the top of the mountain, on a wooden red bridge lingering in the air, stood a female with long purple hair whisking in a cool breeze.

She looked down to the lower islands, covered in bright colorful lights with a group of children singing and dancing around a large white and blue flame.

The female sighed and turned around, looking into the bright red sky covered by a few white clouds covering the lowering sun.

"... What're you doing up here all alone?"

The female turns and takes notice of a girl with short auburn locks wearing a teal dress with bronze armored gauntlets stretching up to their upper shoulders. 

"... Taro." The purple-haired female whispers beneath her breath.

Taro strode across the bridge, with each step her slim sword, concealed in a gold and bronze scabbard, wavered left to right.