
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

inverted · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 4

Chae-Yoon processed Gyeong-Eun's words in an instant, her reaction swift and visceral.

With a sudden jolt, Chae-Yoon shot up from her seat, her voice ringing out with frustration. "Damn it, I completely forgot! Today's the day he's being discharged!" Her hands collided with the table, the force of her exclamation reverberating through the air.

In a whirlwind of motion, Chae-Yoon's eyes darted to her phone lying nearby, its screen ablaze with notifications.

"8 Missed Calls from Seok-Woo," she murmured, her complexion draining of color as she absorbed the reality of her oversight. With a sense of urgency coursing through her veins, she hastily made her way to her room, fingers flying across the screen as she dialed Seok-Woo's number.

Lost in her agitated state, she paid little heed to the bewildered expressions of her friends as she disappeared into the house, her mind consumed with the singular goal of reaching Seok-Woo before it was too late.

Meanwhile, in the taxi en route to his home, Seok-Woo's phone buzzed in his hand, drawing his attention away from the passing scenery. With a swipe, he accepted the incoming call, bringing the device to his ear.

"Seok-Woo, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. Just hold tight—I'll be there in half an hour," Chae-Yoon's voice crackled through the line, thick with urgency and regret. Seok-Woo couldn't help but chuckle softly at her flustered tone, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Looks like she finally remembered," he mused to himself, shaking his head in mild amusement. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he found himself unfazed by Chae-Yoon's forgetfulness, knowing that her intentions were genuine.

"No need to come to me; I'm already on route home," Seok-Woo's voice echoed through the phone, halting Chae-Yoon in her tracks. She froze midway through changing, her undergarments still on display—a momentary lapse that she found embarrassing.

Appalled by Seok-Woo's words, regret flooded Chae-Yoon's mind. "If only I hadn't been so focused on my friends, I wouldn't have forgotten," she lamented silently, disappointed in herself for letting such an important event slip her mind.

The realization that her forgetfulness had further strained her relationship with Seok-Woo only fueled her frustration. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion, a moment for mother and son to reunite, yet she had allowed herself to be preoccupied with trivial matters.

Summoning her resolve, Chae-Yoon spoke up, her tone laced with sincerity. "Seok-Woo, I'm truly sorry for forgetting that today was your discharge from the military. I got caught up with my friends here at home," she explained, hoping to convey the depth of her remorse and reconcile with her son.

"I promise to make it up to you. Anything you ask," she added, the weight of her words not fully registering in her mind as she made the pledge.

Seok-Woo was taken aback by what she said, not expecting such a heartfelt response. Nevertheless, he accepted her offer, his stomach rumbling with hunger after the long journey home.

"Sure, and please make me some warm food to eat. The ride has left me famished," Seok-Woo requested, his request tinged with a hint of gratitude.

Chae-Yoon nodded, her determination renewed. "Of course, I'll prepare your favorite dishes," she assured him, eager to fulfill her promise and mend their strained bond.

"Thank you," Seok-Woo responded before ending the call, his voice gentle and calm—a stark contrast to Chae-Yoon's anxious thoughts.

As Chae-Yoon heard the call disconnect, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at her. Despite Seok-Woo's composed demeanor, she couldn't help but imagine him harboring resentment towards her.

Quickly changing into her home clothes, Chae-Yoon made her way downstairs to the kitchen, intent on preparing a meal for her son.

As she descended, she was met by her three friends waiting outside, their curious gazes prompting Na-Yeon to speak up. "So, are you heading out or not?" she inquired, noticing Chae-Yoon's attire suggesting otherwise.

"My son is already en route home, so he asked me to cook for him. Yu-Mi, could you help me with this?" Chae-Yoon's tone was urgent, her impatience evident as she turned to Yu-Mi, not wanting to waste any time in preparing for Seok-Woo's arrival.

"Of course, I'll be glad to help," Yu-Mi responded with a cheerful smile, eager to assist her friend in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Gyeong-Eun stood nearby, her arms crossed as she spoke up. "I was just about to leave, but since your son is on his way here, I think I'll stick around to greet him in person," she declared, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of meeting Chae-Yoon's son face-to-face.

"I'll wait too, then," Na-Yeon chimed in, her casual demeanor contrasting with Gyeong-Eun's poised stance. She made herself comfortable on the couch, lounging without inhibition, inadvertently revealing more than intended.

Chae-Yoon nodded in agreement, grateful for her friends' support and understanding. She too was eager to reunite with her son, hoping for a smooth and joyful encounter.

With the decision made to wait for Seok-Woo's arrival, the four women descended the stairs, Chae-Yoon leading the way with a sense of anticipation.

In the kitchen, Chae-Yoon wasted no time, swiftly gathering ingredients and preparing them with Yu-Mi's assistance. Their synchronized efforts made the cooking process fast and efficient, ensuring that Seok-Woo would have a warm meal waiting for him upon his arrival.

Meanwhile, Gyeong-Eun and Na-Yeon made themselves comfortable in the living room. Gyeong-Eun maintained a composed posture, her arms and legs crossed as she sat on the couch, while Na-Yeon adopted a more relaxed pose, sprawled out with her legs and arms in various positions, inadvertently revealing a glimpse of her cleavage and panties.

As they waited, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of expectation and nervous anticipation, each woman eager to see what the reunion with Seok-Woo would be for Chae-Yoon.

The two girls poured their hearts into preparing a welcoming meal for Seok-Woo, their hands moving with purpose and determination as they chopped, seasoned, and cooked with care. Their goal was clear: to satisfy Seok-Woo's appetite and make his homecoming from military service even more special.

As time ticked by, a taxi approached Seok-Woo's home, its tires crunching on the gravel driveway as it came to a halt outside the familiar gates. Inside the vehicle, Seok-Woo mentally prepared himself for his return, envisioning the moment he would step foot into his home after many months away.

With no cash on hand, Seok-Woo improvised, pretending to retrieve money from his pocket while secretly accessing the funds in his inventory. 

The taxi driver, though momentarily perplexed by the sight of Seok-Woo apparently conjuring money from thin air, chose not to dwell on the peculiar encounter.

"How much do I owe you?" Seok-Woo inquired, breaking the brief silence as he sought to settle the fare.

"It's 150,000 KRW, sir," the taxi driver responded courteously, prompting a nod of acknowledgment from Seok-Woo.

Counting out the money to pay, Seok-Woo settled his bill with the taxi driver. Stepping out of the taxi, he smoothly retrieved his belongings from the trunk, his movements practiced and efficient. With a decisive click, he shut the trunk, a sense of satisfaction settling over him.

Turning to the driver, Seok-Woo offered a grateful nod and a polite smile, bidding farewell as the taxi pulled away. He watched the vehicle disappear into the distance, a solitary figure left standing outside his home, poised at the threshold of a new chapter in his journey.

Seok-Woo stood before his home, struck by the unchanged scene before him. "It's like I never left," he murmured, a sense of familiarity washing over him.

Entering, he felt a weariness that belied his physical inactivity during the taxi ride. Setting down his belongings, he headed towards the entrance, absently removing his hat and running his fingers through his overgrown hair. "Definitely need a haircut soon," he mused to himself.

Pausing at the door, he took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the upcoming reunion with his mother. "It's been so long," he thought, scratching his head as he struggled to find the right words. The situation added an awkward edge to the encounter, leaving Seok-Woo uncertain of what to say.

As he pondered, Seok-Woo recalled Chae-Yoon's mention of her friends. "Didn't she say they'd be here?" The thought of her companions crossed his mind.

"Probably those three," he surmised, considering the possibility that they had already departed. With a shrug, he decided to ring the doorbell.

Inside, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, prompting an anxious reaction from Chae-Yoon, who was in the midst of cooking. Not all the dishes were ready, some still bubbling away on the stove.

"He's already here?" she exclaimed with a panicked state, while Na-Yeon, quick to act, declared, "I'll get it," as she smoothed down her clothes. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she purposely loosened her shirt, showing her cleavage. Teasing him subtly as she made her way to the door.

Anticipating Seok-Woo's bashful reaction, Na-Yeon deliberately showcased her cleavage, hoping to elicit a playful response from him and perhaps alleviate some pent-up sexual frustration.

Approaching the door, she swung it open, and a brief silence hung in the air as Seok-Woo and Na-Yeon locked eyes.

Na-Yeon's initial impression of Seok-Woo was one of surprise. "Is this really Chae-Yoon's son?" she couldn't help but wonder, studying him as if he were a stranger. The image she had in mind, based on Chae-Yoon's descriptions, seemed a world away from the person standing before her now.

Seok-Woo, too, was taken aback by Na-Yeon's presence at the door. He had expected Chae-Yoon to be the one greeting him. As his gaze subtly drifted to her cleavage, he couldn't help but notice her ample bosom, prompting a wry thought: "Well, that's quite the welcome," he mused inwardly.

Unbeknownst to Na-Yeon, Seok-Woo's fleeting glance at her cleavage went unnoticed as she was preoccupied with determining whether he truly was Chae-Yoon's son.

"Are you one of my mother's friends?" Seok-Woo initiated the conversation, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

Na-Yeon snapped back to reality upon hearing his words, her attention fully on him now.

"Yes, I'm one of her friends. Are you Seok-Woo?" she replied, returning the question to him.

Seok-Woo affirmed his identity. "Yes, I am. Sorry, but could you let me inside?" he asked politely, indicating the weight of the items he was carrying.

Realizing she had inadvertently kept him waiting, Na-Yeon quickly stepped aside to allow him entry.

As Seok-Woo stepped into the familiar surroundings of his home, he made his way toward the living room. There, he locked eyes with Gyeong-Eun for a brief moment before a familiar voice rang out.

"Seok-Woo!" Chae-Yoon's exclamation cut through the air, prompting her and Yu-Mi to hurriedly remove their aprons. 

The two walked quickly to the entrance door, wanting to see Seok-Woo. 

Upon spotting Seok-Woo, Chae-Yoon dashed toward him, enveloping him in a tight embrace. Caught off guard by her sudden embrace, Seok-Woo didn't even have time to turn his head in response to her voice.

Seok-Woo's sturdy frame prevented him from being knocked off balance by Chae-Yoon's tight embrace, though he couldn't ignore the sensation of her hands gripping him firmly.

Feeling her chest pressed against him, Seok-Woo hastily attempted to shift his focus, hoping to avoid any awkward physical responses. Yet, amidst his efforts, he found himself more surprised by her affectionate gesture than anything else.

As they hugged, Chae-Yoon's gaze softened as she took in the changes in his appearance, reaffirming to herself that he was still her son.

"Sorry for not picking you up," Chae-Yoon's apology was met with Seok-Woo's reassuring reply, "It's alright, not a big deal."

As Seok-Woo found himself enveloped in Chae-Yoon's embrace, he wrestled with the words he longed to express to her. Despite the warmth of her hug, a lingering awkwardness held him back, reminding him of the distance that had been still between them. Summoning a surge of courage from within, he steeled himself to voice his thoughts, pushing past the barriers of hesitation that clouded his mind.

"I'm home, Mother," Seok-Woo forced the words out, a mental wince accompanying the sentiment. Were it not for his finely honed acting skills, he might have visibly recoiled.

Chae-Yoon released her embrace, a smile lighting up her face. "Yes, welcome back," she responded cheerfully, relieved to sense no trace of anger or resentment from him. At that moment, she felt a sense of progress in their relationship.