
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
46 Chs

Volume 25 Chapter (1-6)

Chapter 1, A Talk with Peach

All five women had successfully manifested the power of the blessing, and Kousuke had already returned to the administrative floor.

He was not going to immediately start something new in the management of the Tower, but was going to continue what he had been trying to do when he was an adventurer.

Kousuke was back on the administrative floor, and Nana was still making the same rounds with the wolves on each floor.

So, he first went to look for Nana.

Most of the wolves were on the 81st Floor.

Kousuke went to the 81st Floor with Sylvia and Peach.

He thought he might need Sylvia's help for something he wanted to try.

He brought Peach because there was something he wanted to talk to her about.

When they went to the 81st Floor, Nana was there, as they had expected.

She immediately ran up to Kousuke, jumped on him, and licked his cheek.

Of course, Nana had shrunk down for this.

While playing with this Nana, he decided to talk to Peach first.

"I'll have a talk with Peach first before I start the experiment."

"Okay, I understand."


The two nodded at Kousuke's statement.

They both realized that it would make sense why he had to go to the trouble of calling them and talking to them in a remote location.

Incidentally, at the Management Floor, Kousuke asked them to follow him, saying it was to keep him company in his experiments.

That was not a lie, and there were some things he wanted Peach to do as well.

"Well, I think it would be faster if you take a look at this first, so I'll give it to you."

Saying so, Kousuke offered Peach a Crown Card.

"I suppose, I don't have to tell you, but Peach has evolved as well."

Sylvia and Peach looked at each other after hearing the way Kousuke phrased it.

"I'm surprised to know that I have evolved. Is there a reason why you're going out of your way to say it here~?"

"Yeah. Well, of course there is. I want you to decide if it's better if I don't have to tell the other members. That's why Sylvia is with me."

The reason why Sylvia was with them was because of Sylvia's abilities.

"Well, if you put it that way, I kind of get it…"

"Well, yeah. Oh, and later, of course, maybe you'd like me to keep quiet about the whole evolution thing until the end? Like Sylvia did with the power of the blessings."

It would make no sense to ask Sylvia because he already said it here, Kousuke continued.

"I see~"

It was Kousuke's consideration to avoid making the others who had not evolved become impatient.

"But I doubt that would actually mean much~."

"That's true."

"? Why?"

"Because there is someone who is not in a hurry to evolve."

Regarding who that person was, that would be Collete.

Both Sylvia and Peach had a vague sense of Collete's situation.

The topic everyone was concerned about before was the possibility of having a child.

Even without evolution, elves had long life spans.

If Kousuke had been a normal human instead of a living god, they might have wanted to have a child soon because of the difference in life expectancy, but now, that concern was no longer an issue.

However, as a living god, Kousuke was not sure how long he would be alive, but he would probably live longer than a normal elf, regardless of how Kousuke thought about it.

Sylvia heard about this from Eris when she was thinking about having a child, so there was no doubt about it.

They knew that the others have a long life expectancy, so they aren't in much of a hurry.

"I guess you could say she's considering the rest of us."

Sylvia said this, which was precisely what Kousuke was about to do.

Rather than quickly evolving, Collete said that she was thinking that it would be good for her to be the last one.

These were just their speculations, but they were not far off the mark.

"Ha~. I see. So, that's why."

Kousuke nodded in agreement after hearing what they had to say.

Kousuke did not notice it at all, partly because he had been away from the management floor.

However, since it was Kousuke's matter, it would be a questionable thing to say whether he could have noticed it if he had been with me all the time or not.

"That's just the way it is, so there's no point in going on about it. There are differences in species involved to begin with, too."

"That's right! I mean, it doesn't make sense when I'm talking about this kind of thing with Sylvia here."

"That's right. Actually, I was also a bit on edge until the power of the blessing manifested itself, but now, not so much."

"I see."

"Yes. I can see a steady path. Besides, I have a feeling that it won't take as long as I thought it would."

Kousuke shared the same opinion.

However, although Kousuke thought it was just him, it was apparently the same for Sylvia.

Kousuke did not know whether it was her power as a priestess or her intuition as a woman.


"Well, let's not talk about that, let's talk about the changes in Peach after evolution."

"Please do!"

After a long discussion, they finally decided to get down to business.

"I don't have a problem with Peach's evolution, but I do have a concern about her race."

"Race, what do you mean?"

"Yes. Well, the name of the race is called <Phantom Dream Demon>."

At Kousuke's words, the two of them took on a thoughtful expression.

"… I've never heard of that race name before."

"Me neither~."

Kousuke nodded at their impressions.

[That's to be expected. After all, Peach is the first of that race.]


"So technically, Peach became the first of her kind."

Kousuke heard about this directly from Asura.

Kousuke also didn't mention it, but was revealed by Eris.

As far as new species were concerned, even the gods could not ignore them.

It would be a different story if it were an unintelligent, instinct-driven being, but Peach was a being with a firm grasp of wisdom and knowledge.

"I see, so that's why you wanted to talk to her out here."

Sylvia nodded as she agreed.

The very first being of a species could, in some cases, be revered as a deity.

It was said that most species have such a deity.

"That's the case. But they don't know if Peach is actually going to be included as a deity yet."

"You mean?"

" Peach's children, if she did have children of her own, it isn't yet known if they would be of the same race."

Simply put, there was no way for them to confirm if there would be enough of them to form a single race.

There have actually been many newly established races in the past as well, but which had disappeared without increasing in number.

"I see! It seems that we don't have to worry too much about it for now."

Hearing that she didn't have to become a god, Peach looked overtly relieved.

"Even if Peach did become a deity, it would be after the number of her race increased, and she was recognized by the world as a pioneer species, and that would still be a long way to go."

"I see that's true. But, because of the circumstances, I'm uncertain if I should talk about this with other people."

When Kousuke said this, Sylvia pondered for a while.

There was no doubt in her mind that she was indeed a new race, since it was acknowledged by Gods other than Kousuke.

If her existence were to come to light, she could get caught up in the commotion in many ways.

However, as long as they remained on the administrative floor, they would be fine.

Nevertheless, the fewer people who knew about her existence, the less worry there would be about the information getting out.

Kousuke did not think that the other members would talk about it lightly, but he also understood that there were some things that were better left unknown.

"… It's complicated. It might be better to just tell them that you have evolved and make it clear that you can't say anything about your race because of the circumstances."

Sylvia thought it would be better to say that they are hiding it due to circumstances rather than hiding it in a strange way.

"But since it's those people, I'm sure they would notice to some extent~"

"If that's the case, it can't be helped."

To Peach's opinion, Sylvia replied with a wry smile.

"Hmm. I see. Let's leave it that way."

No matter which method was taken, some kind of problem would come up.

In which case, Kousuke thought Sylvia's opinion seemed like the best option and decided to accept it.





Chapter 2, Changes to Nana

After deciding what to do about the evolution of Peach, they decided to accomplish their original goal.

The original goal was to see if it was possible to "see" the weak points of monsters, something Kousuke tried to do when he was working with Cecil and Arisa as adventurers.

When he had tried this before, Nana's power was too strong and he was unable to get a proper confirmation.

However, monsters were not too weak when it came to the 81st Floor.

Even Nana could not defeat a monster of the 81st Floor in a single blow.

Of course, the reason he brought Sylvia and Peach with him was because he was interested in testing their blessings.

For Peach, it was to see if it could be confirmed using divination, and for Sylvia, it was to see if she could see it in the status.

Of course, Kousuke would check it as well.

He came up with this idea when he was working as an adventurer because he had the feeling that this was something he could do.

It was not like there was a status display or something easy to see with the eye.

It was just a feeling that he knew which part of the monster to strike…

Or perhaps one could call it intuition.

He had come to confirm that feeling, which he was not sure about.

First, he asked Nana to take down the monsters without giving any instructions.

As expected, she was unable to defeat the monster instantly as she had done during their adventuring activities, but she was able to defeat the monster without a problem.

"…It felt like Nana was getting stronger than before?"

"…It's not just my imagination."

"It's wonderful~"

When Nana was hunting monsters on this 81st Floor before, it took a little more time for her to defeat the monsters.

Obviously, the efficiency was higher than back then.

When Kousuke was active as an adventurer, he didn't notice it because all the monsters were of a lower rank than the ones in this place.

"At this rate, I'm sure Nana alone will be able to go to a floor further up."

Mitsuki, who had come along as Kousuke's escort, gave the three of them a somewhat stunned look.

"By the way, how far up?"

The floor from the 81st floor up was lumped together as the floor where advanced monsters appeared, but there were different levels of strength within that group.

Naturally, the higher you go, the more troublesome they become.

"Well, it depends on the compatibility between the two. But I think going up two or three Floors is okay."

Come to think of it, the wolves on this floor were hunting well enough to sustain the pack without Nana.

There was no way that Nana, who was even stronger than them, would not be able to manage with only one Floor above them.


"Huh. Oh well…I suppose it should be fine to only put Nana up on the upper floor. I'll think about that later. For now, let's just accomplish what we originally set out to do."

He already told Sylvia and Peach about the purpose of the plan.

This time, Kousuke decided to give instructions to Nana.

The target was the same monster that Nana defeated.

Since this was just an experiment, they were going to target similar monsters so that they would avoid a series of battles.

Kousuke found a suitable target and gave Nana instructions as he had before.

Nana seemed to know what she had to do and was listening to Kousuke's instructions carefully.

The instructions were not very long.

Kousuke simply told Nana to attack by aiming at specific areas.

However, the points to aim at were different for each individual, so the instructions were somewhat drawn out.

When Kousuke finished his instructions, Nana attacked the same monster again.

"Is it getting a little better?"

"Well~? I don't think it has changed much."

"I don't feel much changed either."

That's how they felt watching Nana finish taking down the monster.

"Hmmm. Was it just my imagination after all?"

Mitsuki waited for Kousuke, who tilted his head.

"…No, I don't think so. If possible, could you try the same thing again?"

He asked, as if he sensed some difference compared to the previous battle.

"Hmm. Okay, Nana, are you okay?"


Nana, who had already returned to Kousuke's side, answered while waving her tail.

Incidentally, the monster's body had already been collected in Mitsuki's item box after being drained of blood.

The materials harvested in this floor's monsters were expensive.

They did not collect the monster materials when they were on the hunt, but to Kousuke and the others, they simply couldn't leave what was in front of them.


"She is getting better."

"Yes, indeed…"

"It's obviously taking her less time."

In the next verification, as Sylvia said, the time for Nana to defeat the monsters became shorter

"It seems that during the previous battle, she took a bit of time to move according to Kousuke-sama's instructions. She must have gotten used to it by now."

Mitsuki said that Nana had her own way of defeating the enemy, but Kousuke's instructions had disrupted her rhythm.

However, Nana was still a high spec animal, so she was able to follow the instructions well.

This time, she had become accustomed to the instructions, so the improvement was recognizable.

"Kousuke-sama was right about the weak point, but it took a lot of time to exploit it at first."

"I see. It seems that one must gradually get used to it."

"That, it seems."

If possible, he would like to check with the next target right away, but he can't let her fight continuously.

He wouldn't hold back if something approached for a fight, but there was no need to risk it.

"What about you two? Did you find anything?"

Kousuke, who had returned to the base for a break, checked in with Sylvia and Peach.

"I didn't really understand…"

Peach said, tilting her head.

To begin with, Peach's current power was related to dreams, so it might not manifest when she was awake.

If possible, he had hoped to be able to manifest it even when she was awake, like fortune-telling, but unfortunately, it did not work out so conveniently.

"Well, what about Sylvia?"

"I… I couldn't tell."

When asked by Kousuke, Sylvia gave a strange response.

In fact, it seemed as if she might know something, but if asked specifically what it was, her answer seemed vague.

"I see. Nana and I will continue to try it out on a few more targets, so please let me know if you find anything at that time. I might be able to answer some of your questions."


"I'll try a few more things, as well~"

Seeing Sylvia nodding her head, Peach also came over to mention such a thing.

Peach had been thinking about the dream when she was told that it was related to the power of the blessings, but then she remembered that it had seemed more like divination to begin with.

If that was the case, she thought that there might be something else she could do.

"Alright. That would be great."

Kousuke agreed, as that was what he was aiming for as well.

Kousuke also believed that in the case of Peach, it would not be good to focus solely on the power of dreams.

Naturally, this also applied to the other members.

It was just Kousuke's intuition, but he felt that there were many other possibilities.

That being said, he did not mean to deny the possibility of holding only one power.

That would be left to their own judgment.

If Kousuke were to guide them with words, as he was doing now, it might end up meaningless.

Kousuke would be happy if they could learn to use it in various ways as they experiment with it.





Chapter 3, Directed by Floria

The weak points of monsters that Kousuke sensed varied slightly from one individual to another.

Even if the same species of monster had a weakness in the eyes, there would be a difference in whether it was the eyes themselves or the area around the eyes.

The details of the weak spot were communicated to Nana, and she would attack the weak spot.

Nana's attacks varied from simply hitting the spot with her body, to sticking her fangs into it, to using magic, and so on.

The method was left up to Nana.

If Kousuke were to interfere, she might not be able to move properly.

As Mitsuki predicted, Nana became accustomed to the technique after repeating it a few times, and was able to hit the exact spot that Kousuke had instructed her to hit.

What was the result?

"Oh. Another critical hit."

Nana bit into the monster's flank, and with that single blow alone, the monster fell.

The attack was like a critical hit in a game.

"How should I say this… It's astonishing."

"I'm speechless~."

Sylvia and Peach were surprised to see the result.

Needless to say, the monster that Nana was dealing with was a monster that would normally require a large number of people to attack it with a massive force while designating it as dangerous.

It was only natural that they would be surprised that Nana was able to defeat this monster with a single blow with her fangs.

The reason they were surprised to this degree was because they had seen the results of their work to this point.

In fact, Floria, who had just arrived at this location and seen Nana's battle, exclaimed…

"What was that?!"

She was astonished.

The reason why Floria was here was because Kousuke and the others, who had returned to the Administration Floor, showed interest when she heard about this verification.

She also wanted to come and see how things were going, and since there was no particular reason to refuse, Kousuke brought her along.

The result was her reaction just now.

Floria, who had shown her astonishment, let out a sigh of exasperation.

"There's a big difference between hearing about it and actually seeing it in front of my eyes."

In the first place, knowing Kousuke, she should expect something ridiculous when it came to hearing about the experiment on the Administration Floor.

It also couldn't be helped that what they were talking about on the Administration Floor was that it was only sometimes possible to take the target down with a single blow.

"Is it really that strange?"

"Oh. I've witnessed something similar to this with adventurers… Only as an example. But it would not be to this extent, you know?"

Sylvia shook her head vigorously, as if imagining the scene.

Having been an adventurer herself, Sylvia knew some of the details of the situation.

On the other hand, Kousuke, who had only been an adventurer for a short time, had no idea what she was referring to.

To begin with, Kousuke's very first battle after coming to this world was with Kouhi and Mitsuki.

"So that's how it is."

As a result, it couldn't be helped for him to have this impression.

Now that Nana could defeat a monster with a single blow, Kousuke's objective was achieved.

All that remained was to improve the accuracy of the technique by doing it a number of times.

At first, he was sticking to his intuition, but now he could see the spot perfectly well.

Although Kousuke could "see", it did not mean that any part of the monster's body was glowing.

Kousuke himself was not sure whether he was seeing with his right eye or his left eye.

When Kousuke himself used it, he felt like it was an extension of his left eye's ability.

Or it could be a different ability.

Kousuke was not thinking too much about it, thinking that he would find out more about it later.


Now that they had some idea of Kousuke's abilities, they decided to investigate the other members of the group.

Floria, who had just witnessed the scene, seemed to be thinking about something, or perhaps she was thinking about many things.

However, Kousuke did not think that the power of Floria's blessing would be useful in this case.

If this was a trigger and led to something else, that would be a good result.

"Well, who would like to try first?"

At Kousuke's words, the three of them looked at each other.

Among them, Sylvia and Peach were shaking their heads.

Floria saw this and stepped forward.

"Well, would you be okay with me?"

"Oh? Yes, of course."

Surprisingly, it was Floria who was the first one to show interest.

She must have something on her mind.

She immediately asked.

"Well, I was wondering if I could borrow some of your wolves?"

"Wolves? Of course, but… What are you going to do?"

"I'm wondering if I could use my powers of blessings to give directions."

"Directing? I see. Oh, I see."

The point was, she wondered if she could use the power of her blessing to give instructions for coordination.

"However, the wolves might end up working together to defeat monsters, right?"

"Well, I think I'll start out by gradually giving them some input into their hunting methods."

"So that's your plan. Then you can ask Nana to do the rest."

As long as Nana agreed, there was no way the wolves would refuse.

Kousuke thought so, and there was no way that Nana, who was listening to what they were saying, would refuse.


Instead of suddenly giving instructions from the start, Floria started by checking what kind of hunting the wolves were doing in the pack.

"My. It's a magnificent display."

"It is indeed."

Naturally, their fighting style was not like Nana's.

Nevertheless, their way of fighting was to pursue in packs and finish the target dependably.

From Kousuke's point of view, their coordination was nothing short of brilliant, so it seemed impossible for him to interfere.

"Then, next try, let me give them instructions."

The coordination that seemed to Kousuke to have no gaps was different for Floria, and she said that she would give instructions herself next round.

Floria's direction was not the kind of thing that always directly instructed the wolves.

She was giving focused instructions at key points.

But that alone seemed to have a considerable effect, and the wolves were moving in a different way than before.

The wolves did not seem to be confused by the instructions.

"How should I put it… It's wonderful."

Kousuke was the one who said this, but Sylvia and Peach, who were watching from the side, had a similar expression on their faces.

What Floria was doing now was not so much giving instructions with the power of a blessing, but rather with the power within her.

It was clearly done in the sense of a military commander.

Kousuke decided not to ask too deeply why the former princess had such abilities.

"So this is the result."

Floria, who had finished defeating the monsters with impressive results, let out a single sigh.

Incidentally, the wolves did not just kill one monster.

They had successfully hunted multiple monsters.

Obviously, their efficiency was thoroughly different from what it would have been without Floria's direction.

Perhaps realizing this, the wolves who had joined the battle were approaching Floria's feet.

"Oh, oh…? Hey, don't be so excited. I am not Kousuke, remember?"

Kousuke was about to say, "What do you mean by that, Floria-san?" but he held back and asked something else.

"Well, it was brilliant, but did you use the power of your blessings?"

It didn't matter if she didn't use the power of the blessings, but since she didn't notice, he dared to ask her that.

"I used it, I think? When I was giving you instructions."

"Giving instructions…? Oh, I see."

The authority of a Champion could be used not only to intimidate an opponent, but also to strongly convey one's intentions.

This time, Floria used it for that purpose.

Kousuke finally realized this when Floria told him.





Chapter 4, Sometimes, Flirting

Kousuke was surprised by Floria's command skills, but Sylvia was not so surprised.

Sylvia was the member of the administrative floor with whom Floria usually talked the most, so she had already heard about her abilities.

Of course, she was educated as a princess, but she was also well-educated because of her talent for tactical aspects.

The Kingdom of Flores was a peaceful country with no wars with neighboring countries, so her talents were never put to use.

She was highly regarded not only by her teachers but also by those around her, as she would have been the figurehead in a war if the world had been in a different era.

Floria herself had thought that her talents would be increasingly buried once she came to the Tower, but they proved to be useful in a surprising way.

"Come to think of it, the main summons in the southwestern Tower are goblins, right?"

Kousuke suddenly remembered and asked Floria.

"That's right."

"Then I think you could make use of their power, right?"


Floria's mouth dropped open, as if she had only just realized it when Kousuke told her so.

The more goblins evolved, the more intelligent they became.

The Ogre-kin in the 15thFloor of Amamiya Tower served completely as the head of the group.

Unfortunately, there were no goblins in the southwestern Tower, but there were those who evolved.

In some cases, it might be interesting to take the large ogres in Amamiya Tower to the southwest Tower and teach them how to coordinate in battle.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Floria's shoulders slumped in disappointment as she thought about this.

Sylvia and Peach were tilting their necks, wondering if there was anything they could do to help Floria.

"Well, I don't think it's something you can suddenly come up with unless someone gives you the idea."

Kousuke said, while reflecting on whether he had been a little too hasty.

Kousuke believed that image was important in using the power of the blessings, although it was only a matter of intuition.

If he could see what Floria did or what Kousuke felt when he saw what she was doing, it would lead to a new power.

"Everyone doesn't have to stick to what I have been doing, like Floria, if you can do something like this, that's fine too."

As they listened to Kousuke's words, Sylvia thought about the power of the blessing she had been given.

The power that Sylvia was currently manifesting was the power to see status.

It was simple, but she thought that she could use the same ability as Kousuke because she was Kousuke's priestess.

The goal of priestesses and priests was to imbue themselves with the power of the gods, and with that result, they fulfilled their role well.

If so, it would not be surprising to think that some of the abilities available to Kousuke could also be used for similar things.

That Kousuke had already shown them the results right before their eyes.

That said, it would be too naive to think that one would be able to use it right away.

Perhaps it was this thought that was reflected in her expression, but Kousuke looked at Sylvia with concern.

"Ah, sorry. I told you not to rush, and I guess I ended up causing you to be in a hurry. That's enough for today, let's go back."

Kousuke said as he reflected.

It wasn't that he wanted them to come up with something right now, but as a result, they did.

He assumed that each of them could do the same thing and come up with something on their own.

This was a complete failure on Kousuke's part.

As a result, Kousuke decided to go back to the management floor with everyone and reconsider.

Thinking of this, Kousuke returned to the management floor with everyone in tow.


Kousuke came back to the administrative floor, but he was not doing anything in particular, just relaxing in the relaxation area.

It was not that he was still thinking about what had just happened, but he wanted to spend some time without thinking about anything.

Collete sat down next to Kousuke and linked her arm with his.

"? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing? Nothing in particular happened?"

"No? But I thought we weren't allowed to flirt here?"

Kousuke was unsure whether linking their arms together constituted flirting.

But there seemed to be a rule between the ladies.

"That's right, though. Today is special."


"Yes, that's right."

Kousuke tilted his head, and this time Sylvia came up to him and took his other arm.

Kousuke was puzzled by the sudden action of these two.

The other members also approached Kousuke.

"I thought it would be nice to relax together like this once in a while."

"It's been a while since we've all been together like this."

"It's a good opportunity."

Floria said, and to his surprise, she was serving drinks.

It was rare for the ladies to offer him a drink.

Kousuke looked more and more puzzled, and Shrein pecked him on the cheek.

"Don't look at us like that. There really is nothing behind the scenes. If I had to say so, it was also a celebration since all of us were able to manifest the power of the blessings."

Hearing this, Kousuke finally broke into a smile.

Thinking about it, he had only congratulated them, but had not done anything special.

It was a favor from the ladies.

He decided to enjoy a drink for the first time in a while.


In Kousuke's case, even if he drank, he rarely got drunk even when he drank heavily.

If the other members around him were the same way, he might have drunk a lot as well, but since none of the women drink that way, he refrained from doing so.

They simply enjoyed the aroma and taste of the liquor.

In a sense, this may be the true way to enjoy liquor, but unfortunately, Kousuke did not have profound knowledge of liquor.

That was enough for this group, as they were not going to be asked to hear any booze nonsense.

The rest of the party consisted of the food prepared by Mitsuki.

All the ladies except Peach were enjoying the food.

They also sipped some alcohol.

"By the way~, Kousuke-san, is there something you want us to do now that we have manifested our blessings?"

Peach, who was becoming more sensual than usual with alcohol, inquired.

"Anything? Well, I didn't really think of anything in particular."

Kousuke replied, then thought about it.

He was thinking about the evolution of the ladies in the first place, and the power of the blessings was simply a part of it.

Kousuke himself had never wanted them to do anything with the power of the blessings.

Except for the possibility of having children, of course.

Some members have already evolved, so there was no need to focus only on the power of the blessings.

Kousuke thought that he was feeling impatient with himself again, even though he had reflected on it a lot in the divine realm before.

The women must have subtly sensed this, too, which was why they had this gathering.

Kousuke decided not to mention it, but was grateful to be allowed to join in the celebration.

After that, there was no big talk, just the usual conversation.

The only unusual thing was that Haku, who had never been to a small party like this one, was unusually excited.

The rest of the time passed peacefully.

The ladies, of course, had Kousuke to think about, but it was also a good opportunity for them to refresh themselves.

After the event, they still had a good feeling, in more ways than one.

In the end, the day was spent peacefully with nothing to do.





Chapter 5, Peach's Dream

Kousuke, refreshed by the women's arrangement, was working on the development of magic tools.

Thanks to Nana, he had proven that he could "see" a monster's weak points, so he did not feel the need to pursue this further.

Thanks to his two protectors, Kousuke rarely had to face monsters himself.

He also wanted to help the women, but he had learned that if he made a bad move, it would end up as a waste of his time, so he decided to leave it up to each of them individually.

As a result, he returned to making magic tools.

Kousuke's current goal was to develop a communication tool that could be used without wasting expensive materials.

If he could develop such a tool, it would surely become the centerpiece of Crown's products.

He felt the need for it during his adventuring activities.

Although there were many other things he wanted to develop, he decided to start with a communication device.

However, just because he had decided on this did not mean that the first product to be developed would be a communication tool.

It often happened that while he was developing a certain tool, he came up with another tool.

That was fine with him, since it would lead to the creation of a new tool.

So Kousuke was working on the development of a magical tool when Peach came into the development room, which was unusual.

Usually, the women rarely came to the development room.

If they do, it usually happens when something is wrong.

"Peach, is everything okay?"

"Yes. I'm sorry to have disturbed you."

"No, that's okay, did something happen?"

Kousuke checked again with Peach, who apologized..

It was not like he was already at a climax in terms of work, so it didn't really matter to him.

"Well~. I was wondering if I should tell you…"

Peach prefaced this in a way that seemed to be perplexing even to herself, and then cut to the chase.

"I had a strange dream…"

"A dream?"

There was no way Peach would come to talk to him about this if it was just a simple dream.

Of course, it must be due to the power of the blessing that has just been manifested.

…or so, Kousuke thought to himself.

"Yes~. I just don't know for sure if what I saw was simply a dream or if it was caused by the blessing."

"…Hmm. I see."

Hearing that, Kousuke also understood why Peach was puzzled.

"By the way, do you remember what it was about?"

"Some parts are vague, but generally speaking…"

"Can you tell me?"

"Of course."

Peach answered, telling Kousuke as much as she could remember.


One day, several days after Peach told Kousuke about her dream.

Alec came to visit him at the administration floor.

When Kousuke was called over to see Alec, he had a somewhat puzzled and complicated expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

"Oh, no. I apologize for calling you out."

"Is there something wrong?"

Alec took a few moments to speak to Kousuke.

"A few days ago, we had a guest in the government office."

Kousuke tilted his head inwardly as Alec began to speak.

Alec was usually the type of person who would not make such a deliberate preamble, but instead would start right into the main topic of conversation.

"A guest?"

Trying not to let such thoughts show on his face, Kousuke also tapped his head.

"Yes. He claims to be the Tower administrator, and he's threatening me with trouble if I don't let him see you."

Hearing Alec's explanation, Kousuke was somewhat convinced.

If he had been asked to meet with Kousuke under normal circumstances, he would have been turned away at the door.

However, if it was the Tower manager, the situation would be different.

After all, there were many things about the Towers that even Alec didn't understand.

If they refuse to accept it, there might be a possibility that it might really become a problem.

"Is it a hassle? Well, I can't imagine what they will do, but…"

As for Kousuke, he only knew about the Tower on this continent.

And, considering that, he couldn't think of anything that would be troublesome.

"I see."

But the fact that they told this to him indicated that they knew what they were talking about, in a way.

"Well, that's the point. But I could not confirm whether it is genuine or not. No, I should say that there is no way to confirm."

According to Alec's story, the man who came claimed to be Karl-Bachem.

And indeed, Karl-Bachem was the administrator of <Bachem's Tower> in the Kingdom of Gates on the northern continent, as Alec said.

The reason why this fact was known was because it was a famous story in the northern continent that the Bachem family had managed the Tower of Bachem from generation to generation.

It was also true that the Kingdom of Gates, which was one of the largest kingdoms in the northern continent, grew with resources from the Tower of Bachem.

The close relationship between the kingdom and the Tower was also known to neighboring countries, or rather, not hidden from them.

The Bachem family, which managed the Tower, was one of the most privileged families in the Kingdom of Gates.

The relationship between them had been going on for a long time, or rather, they were inseparable, since the founding of the Kingdom of Gates was closely related to the Tower of Bachem.

"Kousuke, by any chance…?"

Peach was about to say something when Alec told her about them, but Kousuke stopped her.

"So, what did this Karl guy say?"

He knew what Peach wanted to say, but he figured he would hear it first.

"Whatever he says. First, he's all about meeting you, and I haven't heard anything at all."

"That's all? He just wants me to meet him?"

Kousuke tilted his head in wonder.

Alec was not so naive as to go out of his way to get Kousuke to meet with him just for this reason.

The fact that Kousuke had been able to stay away from the Fifth Floor until now was definitely Alec's achievement.

There was no way Alec would let him meet with Kousuke just for this reason.

"Oh, of course, that's not all. There's also the fact that it is believed that the Gates Kingdom is behind the pirate ruckus, but that's not the only reason."

After a pause, Alec continues.

"Karl and others say that if you ignore them, you can't call yourself a god. I was trying to tell him that's not true…"

Alec would like to say, "That's absurd," but he had no idea what was going on in God's Realm.

He had nothing to deny, so he decided to take the story with him.

It was not hard to see why.

"As a god, you know."

To put it bluntly, Kousuke couldn't care less about such things, but the people around him would no longer allow it.

Especially the two guards.

Hearing exactly what he had just said, their eyes were becoming increasingly hostile.

Suppressing it with just a glance, Kousuke confirmed something.

"If I may ask, were there priests here with them?"

"Yes, they were there, I think? If there weren't, I could have brushed it off as impossible to talk about."

The other party seemed to have thought this through.

The presence of the clergymen made the story more convincing.

"Well, they did go all this way, so I guess I'll meet with them."

"I see."

Alec's expression became complicated when Kousuke agreed to meet.

"Didn't you want me to meet them?"

Seeing Alec like that, Kousuke said with a wry smile.

"No, I did. If I set a precedent like this, you know."

He was concerned that someone would use the same trick again, this time to request a meeting with Kousuke.

In addition, he was also afraid of the two people behind Kousuke's back glaring at him.

"Oh, that's okay. It's definitely just this one time."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. But still, those people have done some stupid things, haven't they?"

Alec tilted his head as Kousuke said this, but both Kouhi and Mitsuki looked aghast.

Obviously, their expressions were different from their earlier intimidating expressions.

Alec did not know why this change had occurred.

Kousuke, the cause of the change, simply smiled mildly.

"I don't want to think too much about this… Can I leave it to you, then?"

"Yes. But I'm going to ask Alec to be present as well, okay?"

"Of course."

Alec nodded in agreement with Kousuke's confirmation.

If he was asked to do something similar in the future, he would be the one to deal with it next time.

He was also interested in knowing exactly how he would do it.

Alec had no idea what Kousuke's "stupid thing" was, but he guessed that there was something going on, given the change in Kouhi and Mitsuki's behavior.





Chapter 6, Admin of other Towers

Tower and the nations were inseparable.

After all, the Tower was a treasure trove of resources, namely materials, that sprang up on their own.

That was why those who rule the Tower should work for the good of the nation, not for a single individual.

The Bachem family had come to cooperate with the state based on such a philosophy since the founding of the Kingdom of Gates.

With this philosophy in mind, they enjoyed teaching others how to manage the Tower, which they were doing very well.

It would be no loss to others.

Because they had all the know-how on how to deal with the state.

They could pass that know-how on to others.

They were thinking this was something that they had to teach the owner of Amamiya Tower, who would probably become the owner of a country in the future.

This would be a great opportunity for them to establish a good relationship with Bachem.

Is what they thought.


Kousuke was thinking about the magical tool he was developing while listening to the man's voice, who kept on talking.

He had been listening to the conversation up to the halfway point, but he realized that there was no point in listening to it because it was all bragging.

He had hoped that since they had met, they would have something more substantial to talk about, but it seems that things didn't work out that way.

At the same time, he was deeply grateful to Spica for bringing him to meet Alec.

He looked at the person in front of him and thought, "You have certainly brought such a wonderful person to me, you know?".

However, if Alec had heard of this, he would have protested.

He would definitely tell Kousuke that he was not such a person at all.

Of course, this was just a thought in Kousuke's mind, so he would never say it out loud.

While thinking about such unimportant things, Kousuke was struggling to think about what components he would be using for his magical tools.


The members present at the discussion were Kousuke, Peach, Sylvia, and Floria, with Kousuke in the forefront.

Mitsuki was standing right behind Kousuke, as to be expected.

Realizing that no one on the Tower management side was listening to Karl any longer, Alec finally stopped him.

"Um… It's getting to be a good time, so can we just cut to the chase?"

Depending on how you look at it, it may sound rather rude, but no one cared about that, except for the man himself.

The Gates Kingdom side had a similar reaction, probably because they were in the same mood as the Amamiya side.

"This is why I have a problem with common snobs. Two rulers of the Tower are talking. Shut up with your mere deputy-like behavior."

Kousuke finally responded to these words.

"I'm the one who trusts that deputy-like person, and you want me to keep him silent? Shall I remain silent as well?"

"What are you talking about? If it were you, you would listen to me, wouldn't you?"

Karl finally started to talk to Kousuke, who smiled broadly at him.

Unfortunately, the smile meant nothing to Kousuke.

"Ah. I was not listening to your long and meaningless talk. If possible, could you talk to me again? In the same words, word for word."

Of course, this was Kousuke's joke.

There was no way that man could speak the same words he had spoken up to that point, word for word.

It was an easy provocation, but Karl, who had an easy personality to understand, took me up on the challenge.

"What…? I couldn't possibly do that…."

"Well, that's strange. According to your words, the Tower's administrator said that time is precious. Since you used that precious time to talk at such length, this must be significant to you, right?"

"And this is not…"

"Then you have been wasting your precious time up to now talking about it. Can you return my precious time?"

Of course, there was no way he could do that.

Kousuke wanted him to be clear and definitive that his time had been wasted, and it seemed that Karl had managed to understand.

"…You mean to tell me that all my talk up to now has been a waste of time?"

"You finally understood? Yes, I do. It was clearly a waste of time."

Karl's expression of anger was plain to see in front of Kousuke's face as he said this with a smile.

"Shut up and listen, you newbie!"

"Well, who is it that is lowering their head down to this newbie?"

"I'm lowering my head to you…?"

Finally, Karl's address to Kousuke changed to "you", but Kousuke did not seem to mind at all.

He thought that it was silly to react to such matters all the time.

He had dared to continue the provocation so that this would happen.

It turned out that Karl finally revealed his true nature, just as Kousuke had planned.


What Karl was trying to say, in essence, could be summed up in one word: Let us discuss how to manage a Tower.

It was no different from the messages that had been sent to the management tool that Kousuke had ignored until now.

He did not even check to see if any of those messages were from Karl.

Anyway, Karl must have been annoyed that Kousuke did not respond to him at all, so he came all the way to see him in person.

As for Kousuke, he did not feel the need to answer each one of those.

If he told someone, he would probably be confronted by other administrators, who would demand the same thing from him.

He did not want to go through that trouble.

"What else would it be? You want me to tell you how to manage the Tower, don't you?"

"Yes! So in exchange, I want to teach you how to deal with the country…"

"Nope, I don't need anything like that. I already have someone you may call my representative in the Tower."

Kousuke quickly pointed to Alec, interrupting Karl's words, which seemed to be becoming longer and longer.

If he didn't do this, he would start talking again.

"To put it bluntly, what you are offering me does not appeal to me at all. It's not even a negotiation, so I'd appreciate it if you don't come back again. It's not worth the trouble."

Deciding that it was no longer worth talking to him, Kousuke concluded unequivocally.

Alec, who was standing next to him, laughed at this, but he could not retract his words now.

Kousuke also had no intention of retracting his words.

Karl looked at Kousuke with a piercing gaze.

He had probably never been treated like this before.

"You think you can get away with this for free, don't you?"

Kousuke was about to argue with Karl, but Floria, who had remained silent up to this point, stopped him.

"Let me return that line exactly as it was. Do you really think you can get away with that kind of talk to Kousuke-sama, a God present in this world, for free?"

Karl only sniffed.

"What does it matter to you?"

"What does it matter to me? Do you even know who I am?"

"What…? What are you doing?"

Suddenly, Karl's expression turned bitter.

Karl was the only one who looked distressed, and nothing was happening to the other people around him.

They looked curiously at Karl, who appeared to have changed.

"Can't talk? Or what? Are you intimidated by the gaze of a little girl like me?"

Of course, it would be a lie to say that she did nothing, and only used her ability on Karl with very little pressure.

For Floria, who wanted to know what would happen if she used it on a human opponent, it was a good test for her to learn how to go easy on humans.

Kousuke noticed this and watched the scene with a wry smile on his face.