
Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC - OmegaLul1234

This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel if you don't know what MT is about and read just to comment hate on characters like Rudy and Paul please don't read One day in the six-faced world, a newborn child, completely conscious of his surroundings, is taken in by a certain party of adventurers... the Fangs of the Black Wolf. But not two years later, the party splits, and our main character, Leon, is greeted with the pleasant surprise of a younger brother, in the form of Rudeus Greyrat. Embark on a riveting journey alongside Leon as he navigates the uncharted territories of a world brimming with magic, swords, and imminent danger. In the face of tumultuous times, Leon strives to carve out his identity and grapple with the enigmatic memories that haunt his consciousness. As destinies intertwine and fates are reshaped, witness the unfolding of a divergent narrative in this tale teeming with action, romance, and adventure. Join Leon in unravelling the mysteries that lie ahead and shaping the course of his destiny in this enthralling saga. This is not my work. This belongs to OmegaLul1234 and is being shared on Webnovel #action #adventure,anime #fanfiction #fantasy #harem #joblessreincarnation #magic #mushokutensei #ocxeris #ocxroxy #ocxsylphiette #originalcharacter #polyamory #reincarnation #romance #rudeusxsara #sliceoflife #sword #swordsmanship

DBoblivion · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 19 - A Battle and Sword Saint

—-- Leon Greyrat —--

I form three stone bullets, changing the shape to be conical and sharp, and with a blast of compressed air, they are sent flying toward an assailant each as I run forward.

The air blowing my hair back, I bring my sword to my side, letting the Touki infuse into the blade as I strike forward, the tip tracing through the air faster than the speed of sound.

The assassins all cut down the stone bullets, but before they could react, my blade dug into the left swordsman's side.

Remembering the feeling of when I killed the monsters, the way skin and flesh felt being cut, I continued the path of my swing, bisecting the man and creating a curtain of blood.

The momentum of my swing carries my sword toward the leader, weaving through the air as the edge approaches his neck.


Only to be blocked by his sword.

Sensing an incoming attack, I crouch my body as I let the leader's sword slide harmlessly above my head before sending out my blade to stop another attack. 

But instead of blocking a weapon, I'm surprised to feel my blade run through embedding itself into an assassin's stomach.


What? Why would he do that?

In my state of momentary confusion, the assassin grabs onto my sword with one hand and brings down his dagger toward my neck, forcing me to leap back.

Damn… it was a trap.

That's the North God for you. Not only were they unconventional, but with the wide range of styles and dojos, there was no way to know all of the possible techniques.

Now in front of Eris, I stomp my left foot, transforming the ground under their feet into mud that quickly buries them up to their knees.

"Fucking shit!" the leader shouts. "You think this is the end!?"

The leader then rips out my sword from his comrade, killing him in the process, before throwing it toward me.

Right. He was a North God swordsman, after all. 

And considering our quick exchange… likely Advanced rank.

But while I was a good swordsman, rank-wise, I was an even better magician.

Forming a physical barrier with my hand, the sword shatters on impact, harmlessly bursting into a shower of metal. With my left hand, I form a small fireball, the regularly red flames burning bright purple from the power.

According to Roxy, one of the first lessons they teach you in Ranoa is to never use fire magic in a city, as with the lack of control once you launch the spell, it could quickly lead to disaster in such an enclosed and populated space. Not even mention how most houses were built of wood.

Too bad I didn't go to Ranoa.


Flicking my wrist, the fireball launches forward like a bullet, and just before the leader can cut the spell in half with his sword, I will the magic to explode.


After the echoing blast, no death cries nor whimpers were heard. Only the sound of quietly smouldering flames as the charred corpse of the leader smacks into the wall with a sickening squelch.

Releasing a small sigh, I turn back to Eris, ignoring my still-racing heartbeat.

"You okay?" I ask.

That seems to break her out of her daze, as she looks up at me with the same eyes she had after I killed those monsters. Though I could see a hint of relief there too.

"O-Of course I am! I was just… surprised, is all. Hmph. Needing to use dirty tricks like that… No wonder you beat them so easily," she huffs, turning to face away from me.

Smiling, I lightly pat her head as I go to sheathe my sword-

Oh… right, it broke.

I… hope Paul doesn't mind too much. I still had the smaller one in my bag, after all.

Hmm… I should probably start wearing that as a backup plan, huh?

Anyway, while it may have looked easy, it was still a fairly close battle.

Not in the technique nor the stamina sense, but just one misstep… one small mistake and I'd be dead. And Eris would be carted off to who knows where.

I wonder… without that 'enlightenment' from my spar I had against Paul… would I have died today?

Maybe… either way, I needed to get stronger.

"Eris!" Ghislaine yells, landing in front of us with her sword drawn.

Looking back at the signs of battle in the alley, and the three corpses that were strewn about, the tension leaves her body as she sheaths her sword.

"Well done, Leon. Did you get cut anywhere?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No. I was careful about poisoned blades as they were North God swordsmen."

"I see… the alarm was a malfunction, but considering this… it was likely intentional. Anyway, let's head back. You can report to me there."

Along the way, with my heartbeat returning to normal and the adrenaline draining from my system, I found myself with a realization.

I had just killed people. Two directly, and one indirectly, as he was finished off by his comrade.

And… I didn't care at all.

"Ghislaine… am I a bad person?" I ask.

Eris turns toward me, "What? What are you talking about?"

Ghislaine, meanwhile, simply raises her eyebrow, urging me to continue.

"I killed today. For the first time. And… I don't feel any different. Is that wrong?" I ask.

Ghislaine simply shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, and I don't think it matters. You did your job in protecting Miss Eris, and you would do the same for those you love, so you should be proud."

"Right… be proud, huh?" I mutter.

Eris, meanwhile, decides to come close and grab my arm, "Don't make such a pathetic face. You… saved me, right? Isn't that all that matters?"

Smirking at her childish words, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

Right. I saved her, so I should just put these thoughts behind me.

Not like bearing guilt would change much anyway.

"Thanks, Eris," I say.


Although she acted so dismissive, she continued to hold my arm as we made our way toward the castle. 

I think her little vacation was quite beneficial, for more than just her swordsmanship.

Entering the manor, Ghislaine then went to report the incident to Sauros and Philip as Eris and I went to our respective rooms, and not a minute after organizing my things, I was called down by a maid to Philips office.

Haa… I needed a nap.

—-- Leon Greyrat —--

"-And that's the basics of it," I say, finalizing my explanation of my fight.

Philip leans back in his chair, bringing his hand to his chin, "So it was a kidnapping attempt… and probably not for ransom either."

"Those damn ingrates! Trying to lay a hand on my granddaughter! How dare they!" Sauros seethes. "Philip! Who is this scoundrel!"

So loud…

"Someone tripped the alarm while knowing that Ghislaine was escorting the two and setting up a trap at the precise moment… the leader of the operation, or at least a cornerstone of it, was definitely an employee of the manor," Philip says.

"What!?" Sauros shouts, "Then find them and execute them for their crimes! No, execute their entire family!"

"It's not so simple, Father," Philip answers smoothly. "Not only would we need to find who is the insider, but also the mastermind behind them. There's no use in someone from the manor taking Eris unless they were under someone's employ. But I wonder who… and what for…"

"Hmph! So weak-minded! But I suppose I'll let you play these stupid games!" Sauros then turns to me. "Boy! You saved my Eri! I thank you for that!"

I simply bow my head, "No need, Lord Sauros. It is in my job description after all."

"Indeed. But it is still admirable to stand tall in such a situation! You said your sword was destroyed, yes? I shall buy you a new one as a reward!" Sauros shouts.

"I thank you for your kindness," I say with a smile.

Giving me one last approving huff, the man then stomps out of the room.

Shaking his head, Philip then looks toward me, "Leon. We have next to no information on this new enemy. And an enemy like that is the most dangerous."

I nod at his words.

They were right, after all. An opponent is much more dangerous when you least expect them and know nothing of their motives and abilities.

Well… unless it was one of the Seven Great Powers.

In that case, you were screwed even if you knew.

"It will have to wait for the situation to cool down, as it would be too obvious if it was done right after this, but we'll have to set up a trap to see who's behind this in the estate, and catch whoever is backing them as well. I will be using you for this if that is alright," he says.

"As long as it doesn't bring harm to my family and I am not being sacrificed, I am fine with anything," I answer.

This was my job, after all.

It's about time I actually perform some duties befitting a guard.

"Good. I'll keep that in mind," Philip says cheerfully. "You can be excused now."

Motioning for me to leave, I'm about to get up before stopping myself.

"Master Philip… what exactly is the 'alarm' that you were talking about?" I ask.

"Ah. They are simply these," he then pulls out a rod from his pocket.

"By blowing into it, it creates a sound that only beastfolk can hear. And at large distances at that. This is also one of the reasons we employ primarily beastfolk, other than Father holding a fondness for the race," he explains.

So… a dog whistle?

"...I see. Why doesn't Eris have one, if I may ask?"

"Ah. She used to, but she would blow it whenever she wanted Ghislaine to be with her rather than being used only for emergencies, so we had to take it away from her," he says with a shrug.

…I see. That certainly fits the Young Miss.

—-- Information on the Six-Faced World —--

Ancient History

Until 20,000 years ago, the world was split into seven smaller worlds, each with its own god ruling over it. This was called the Ancient Age of the Gods. These worlds were separated by barriers, and only the gods and those strong enough to cross these barriers knew of the other worlds. The seven worlds and their respective gods were:

The World of Humans - Human God

The World of Demons - Demon God

The World of Dragons - Dragon God

The World of Beasts - Beast God

The Ocean World - Sea God

The Sky World - Sky God

The Barren World - Barren God

—-- Leon Greyrat —--

"Keep up the pace, Leon!"

Side-stepping Ghislaine's strike, I twirl on my feet, flashing my sword out for a counterattack.

We exchange a flurry of strikes, with each clash sending a shock down my arm as I attempt to parry her attacks to the side.

I feel the pace of the exchange slowly shifting to Ghislaine's advantage as the pressure becomes too much to handle. 

Thus, I leap back to reset.

"Did you forget the point of the Sword God Style? It's to end the fight in one movement, not an exchange of blows," she instructs.

Right. A single movement…

Crouching down, I bring my sword to my side as I let the Touki flow across my body, like a blanket of unbridled power.

In the few months since reaching my enlightenment, I had noticed something about Touki. Something that was there in front of me the whole time.

You couldn't control it.

Or at least, not yet.

Unlike mana, which danced to my will as long as I had sufficient understanding, focus, and image, Touki, on the other hand, needed to be guided.

Guided by focus, will, and determination. Truly fitting the definition of 'Fighting Spirit'.

My grip tightening on the handle, I press my feet deeper into the ground, letting the cool air flow into my lungs.

The tension in my body gathers like a compressed spring, and with the edge of the sword angling to better cut through the air… I release.

Shooting forward, I swing my sword with as much speed as possible for an ultimate strike.

Time seems to slow, and colour warps in an undulating spectrum before my vision… fades.

But in the next moment, it returns, and I find myself sprawled across the snowy training ground, my wooden sword reduced to splinters as only the handle remained held in my hand.

"Leon. Are you okay?" Ghislaine asks from above, crouching over me.

Blinking the stars out of my eyes, I quickly cast some healing magic on my wrist, where there was a throbbing pain, before slowly getting to my feet.

"No, I'm… fine. What happened?" I ask.

Ghislaine smirks, "You did not perform the Longsword of Silence just now."

I didn't?

"While not fully mastered, that was the Longsword of Light ," she continues.


The Longsword of Light . The ultimate technique of the Sword God Style.

It is said that when performed properly, the tip of the sword could reach the speed of light.

I had my reservations about that, knowing the physics behind such speeds.

If I had to guess, I think the sword reaching the speed of light was reserved for when the first Sword God created the style, if at all.

It was still pretty fast though.

But for Ghislaine to say I used that technique rather than the Longsword of Silence 

Does that mean-?

"Congratulations, Leon," she says, placing a hand on my head, "You are now a Sword Saint. And last time I checked, the youngest one to ever exist."

"Sword Saint…?" I say breathlessly.

I then look down at my hand, which had grown much bigger since arriving here.

What used to be the soft and squishy hands of a boy were now covered in callouses and scars from healed scrapes and blisters. Clenching my fist, I watch as my hands show their muscle definition. They looked almost like Paul's. 

The hands of a man… Or at least those of someone strong.

Getting up, I then walk over to the side and take my sword from under my towel before unsheathing it, revealing the silver blade as it glints under the sunlight.

Sauros, true to his word, got me another sword not two days after the one Paul gave me broke. It was a one-handed, single-edged sabre. Making it more similar to Ghislaine's sword than my old one, which was more of an arming sword.

Setting my stance, I unleash a flurry of strikes, letting my feet dance across the ground as my blade cuts through the air.

Stopping my movement, I then look back down at my sword.

"I'm a Sword Saint, huh?" I say to Ghislaine. "I don't feel that much different though."

She shakes her head, "Perhaps for now it may seem that way. But the difference between a complete Longsword of Light and a Longsword of Silence is night and day. With some more training, you'll quickly come to understand your new level of strength."

"Right… I still have a long way to go," I say.

Placing my sword back in its sheath, I then walk toward the barracks to get another practice sword.

"We're done for today," Ghislaine says, grabbing my shoulder. "But Leon… what do you think of going to the Sword Sanctum?"

"...The Sword Sanctum?" I say.

The Sword Sanctum, or the Holy Land of Swords, is a town located in the northwest of the Central Continent, and as its name might imply, it's where the home of the Sword God Style is located.

It was a harsh place to live, and it was said to be covered in snow all year round. A fact that Ghislaine vehemently hated about the place. While the people there were mostly uneducated, every single person living in the Sword Sanctum, even the townsfolk, were skilled swordsmen.

There were many dojos in the town, but for the main Sword God Style dojo, which was the centrepiece of the land, only those at the rank of Sword Saint and above were allowed to enter. Hence Ghislaine's offer.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I don't want to go there. At least not yet."

"Why?" she asks. Not in an aggressive or demanding tone, but simply out of curiosity.

"It takes nearly a season just to get there, right? And that's not even counting the time I would be training… I don't want to be so far away from my family for so long," I answer. "Plus, I want to make a good impression on my cute sisters."

"I see… I'm sure you would be accepted, though. My teacher may even take you personally under his wing, considering your potential," she says.

While being trained by a Sword God was surely a tantalizing offer, I still didn't feel like accepting the offer.

"No. Besides, from what you've told me, the ranks after Saint are fairly meaningless. Mostly about prestige than strength," I say.

"I agree. But staying at the Sanctum would still grow your skills," she says.

"Yeah, but then, what would Eris do without me? You too, for that matter," I tease.

Eris was currently doing her etiquette class with her teacher, Edna. But she was sure to be excited about my new rank.

Or maybe she'd be pissed.

You couldn't tell with that girl, but at least she had been acting much closer to me since her kidnapping attempt, so I was hoping it was the former.

"Hmph. How cheeky."

Ghislaine then lightly pinches my cheek.

As we begin walking back inside, I then ask Ghislaine a question I've had since hearing about the ranks of the Sword God Style.

"Big Sis? The title of Sword God is taken by beating the current Sword God in a fight, right?" I ask.

"Yes," she nods, "what of it?"

"What would happen if someone duelled the Sword God and won, but they were worse at the Sword God Style and used magic or other styles? Like if the Water God beat him. What would happen then?" I ask.

She shrugs, "That has happened before. The Sword Sanctum was taken by the Water God style after the leader won a duel a hundred years ago or so, before being taken back by the Sword God style years later. But neither of those swordsmen called themselves both the Water and Sword God. As for your question, my teacher likely wouldn't care, but anyone not dedicated to the style wouldn't want to be the leader of the style, so they would probably refuse the title."

I guess that's true… but then, was the title of 'Sword God' that important?

I mean, even if I was strong enough to take over the style, I wouldn't want to bother with the trouble, just like Ghislaine said.

So yeah… while ranks were cool and all, that was all they were. A name. A title.

I would have to remember that, and not let my new title as a Sword Saint get to my head.

There were many dangerous people in this world, after all. And even as a Sword Saint, I would be useless if someone stabbed me in my sleep.

—-- Leon Greyrat —--

It has been a few months since becoming a Sword Saint, and with the coming of a new year, I was now nine years old.

In my pursuit of strength, I had begun practicing with moulding magic into my swordsmanship and general fighting style during this time to… some success.

I had been able to coat my blade in fire for increased power, as well as generating wind magic for aid in maneuvering, but keeping up with magic, swordsmanship, Touki, and the general flow of battle was a bit too much for me right now.

It sometimes felt like I was back to sparring for the first time against Paul, where every battle ended up with me being quickly overwhelmed. But due to that feeling, I also knew that I would be able to improve with constant practice, so I just had to keep pushing on.

I had also become an Advanced rank North God swordsman, according to Ghislaine.

This happened due to a mix of my constant training in the style, my increased understanding of Touki, as well as my experience against those North God kidnappers.

Anyway, while the new rank didn't come with any special techniques like the Longsword of Silence , it did open up a world of adaptability in my fighting style. Acting almost like a glue that held all my abilities together.

Speaking of other abilities… I wonder what spearmanship would look like with Touki, and what techniques could be used.

In the past, spears were used alongside swords in battle, but ever since the Laplace War, they've gone out of style, now being seen as a taboo due to the Superd tribe and their reputation.

While I wasn't planning on becoming a spearman by any means, it was always good to widen your worldview, so I wouldn't exactly be averse to trying it. Though I don't know where I would be able to find a teacher…


"Keep going, Eris!"

Anyway, I wasn't the only one growing stronger as time passed.

While she was still a long way from reaching the Advanced rank, Eris was steadily getting stronger. 

It seemed that the kidnapping scare had sparked her passion for the sword, as before it was simply something interesting, now, she was training seriously. Aiming to get stronger with a fire in her heart.

"That's enough!"

As Ghislaine then began to lecture Eris about her mistakes and ways to improve, I made my way over to the edge of the training ground and put on my leather jacket, which had a white fur trim.

This jacket was a sign that one had reached the Saint rank in the Sword God style and was to be given to the pupil by their teacher. Which in my case was Ghislaine.

It was similar to how an apprentice magician would receive a wand from their master after casting their first spell and becoming a Beginner rank magician.

Speaking of… I needed to pick that up today too.

"Make sure you two clean up, okay?" I say to them. "We're going into the city for today's lessons."

Eris' lips curl into a wide smile as she quickly gets to her feet.

—-- Eris Boreas Greyrat —--

"What are we going?" I ask.

"To check if there are any interesting books," Leon responds.

Entering the store, the stuffy smell that reminded me of the library enters my nose.

I used to hate such a smell, but recently… I found that it wasn't too bad. If anything it just reminded me of… no, never mind.

As he leisurely perused the shelves, Leon eventually spoke to me, "Are you planning on getting anything today? I only planned on having you guys navigate through the city with written directions, so until your etiquette lessons, it's free time for you. Though… I do want to stop somewhere before going back."

He then takes a book off the shelf and lightly flips through it, before placing it back on the shelf.

"You have quite a bit of money saved up by now, right? Unless you've been spending it without me looking," he says.

"Hmph! I'm not that stupid! A-Anyway, is there not anything interesting here?" I ask.

I knew from how much he visited the library in his downtime that Leon loved books. And I knew he wanted to buy some for his siblings. But weirdly, he had yet to buy one the entire time he was here.

Was there really nothing interesting?

But he was looking through that last one quite eagerly…

"Hmm? No, there are a few interesting ones. Like this one on the monsters of the Milis Continent. It's just a tad over my budget, is all," he shrugs.

"Over your budget? What does that mean?"

I always hated it when he used complicated words.

"It's too expensive. I'm sending money back to my family, remember? Five gold coins… I would have to save for a few months to get this," he says.

Five gold coins? That was nothing!

"Why is that-!?" I shout.

"Shh," he says, putting his finger on my lips.

To my embarrassment, I don't snap back at him and instead relay my question in a quieter tone. "Why is that out of your budget?"

"I send home around eight silver coins per month, so it will take a while to save up enough, even with my current savings," he explains.

"Wait, how much do you earn?" I ask.

He was always quite secretive when it came to money, so despite teaching me for a year, I still didn't know how much he made.

Well, maybe not secretive. I just never asked.

"One gold coin per month," he answers.

One gold coin!?

But Father gave me two gold coins per month! And I didn't even do anything!

"That's too little!" I exclaim.

He shakes his head, "No. It's actually quite fair. Well, at least when I agreed to it. Big Sis, how much do you make?"

"Five gold coins per month," Ghislaine answers.

"See? She is a Sword King, and acts as both the manor's guard and our swordsmanship instructor," he says. "Considering I was only an Advanced-rank swordsman when I came here, a young boy, and also receiving her teaching on top of that, one gold coin is more than fair."

Grr… I didn't really understand what he was saying, but I knew that I still didn't like it!

I would definitely ask for Grandfather to increase his pay when we got home!

"T-Then let me pay for it! I have money saved up, after all!" I say.

I had only bought a few small things, like meat skewers, and all of those were with Leon.

I didn't really like spending money with him, though, since every time I did he would turn it into an annoying lesson.

He turns to me with a smirk, "And did you bring it with you?"

My face turns red as I feel in my pockets.

No… I forgot to bring my money with me.

"Besides, I wouldn't have accepted anyway. That money should be used for you. As for the book… well, Rudeus doesn't need it. And as a gift, part of the importance is that it's from me. Do you understand?" he says.

"No! I don't!" I exclaim.

"Hmm… you said that your mother gave you a stuffed animal a while ago, right?"

I nod my head.

Of course, I remember. I treasure that gift dearly, both as a gift from Mother and from Leon.

"Right. And it's important to you, no? I know you brought it to my house, at least," he teases.

"W-Why are you sneaking into my things!" I shout, punching his arm.

Catching my fist, he brings his finger to my lips again.

"Quiet. We're in a small shop, so don't be annoying," I nod my head with a glare. "Anyway, how would you feel about that stuffed animal if one of the maids got it for you? Or some random noble? You wouldn't care about it as much, would you?"

I shake my head.

No. I really only cared about it because it was from… Oh. I see.

"It's like that. It holds value as a gift because it's from me rather than the gift itself," he says, turning back to the shelf.

As he continues, I keep thinking about how he sent most of his money home.

Why did he do that? His family had a nice house, all things considered.

So, my curiosity growing, I decided to ask him, "Why are you working so hard anyway? Isn't your family comfortable?"

He nods his head, "Indeed. Our family is probably fine to continue living as is, and they even have enough savings to send Rudy to Ranoa. But… I want my sisters to have that chance too. Not necessarily having a life of luxury like a noble, but a comfortable life where they aren't constrained by money."

To let them live comfortably… that does sound like a Leon thing to say.

He really loved his family, huh? Even though he wasn't birthed from Zenith, that didn't affect how close they were at all.

But if he, who was not related to them by blood, could treat them as family… does that mean he could do the same with me as well?

It must be nice… to have him as family…

"And," he continues, "I like teaching you too, of course."

My eyes meet his, and inexplicably, I feel myself wanting to run away.

Not because it was boring, but rather, an intense wave of annoyance, mixed with something else I didn't know.

But luckily, I was able to keep myself in line, just barely, and instead turn around with a huff.

Anyway… he said that gifts were meant to have meaning, right? 

I suppose I would get him something nice for his next birthday.

"Anyway, I have a few ideas for things to get here. It's just a matter of saving up for a few months," closing the book he was reading through, he then motions for us to leave. "Here, I want to take you two somewhere."

He then leads us down the street toward an old shop, or at least, the front of it, before he tells us to wait.

I hated waiting. But considering he asked so politely, I decided to abide by his request.

"Sorry for the wait. I had to put the final touches on them," Leon says as he leaves the store.

In his hand were two sticks with a red gem at the tip.

What the heck?

"According to my magic teacher, it is a custom to present the apprentice a wand after they cast their first spell," he then hands them to Ghislaine and me. "I know you two are swordswomen before magicians, so just think of it as a gift holding sentimental value rather than practical."

Holding the wand in my hand with care, I'm surprised when Ghislaine drops to her knee beside me.

"I humbly accept, Leon."

S-Should I do the same?

No! That would be way too embarrassing! And improper too!

Leon, meanwhile, just made a sour face, "Don't do that, Big Sis. You don't make me act like that under you with swordsmanship."

She stands back up, "You're right. But still… I thank you for this."

Seeing how much she seemed to appreciate the gesture, I held the wand closer to my chest.

"Yeah. Anyway, sorry it's a little late, I wanted it to have something from me rather than me buying everything," he says with a shrug.

Both Ghislaine and I look at him, confused.

"Huh? Oh, right. Eris, do you recognize the magic stone on yours?" he asks.

Magic stone?

I know the maids often handled them to refill the few magical implements we have at the manor, but the only other magic stone I've seen in person was…

"Yep. That's from the Terminator Boar back in Buena Village. I, uh, hope you like it," he says, scratching behind his ear.

I wanted to turn away on reflex to vent out these annoying feelings that were bubbling to the surface, but I was able to hold myself back. 

Just barely.

Even if I was stupid and arrogant to emotions… I knew I shouldn't act that way.

"I-I like it… thanks, Leon," I mumble.

His lips curl into a beaming smile, "Good! Now let's head back to the manor."

Leon… he made me feel annoyed, but weirdly, most of the time the annoyance felt good.

It was confusing. And because of that, annoying.

But, oddly enough… I felt the urge to make him feel these same things with me.

Yes… that's right.

While I didn't know many things, I did know one thing.

I wanted to annoy Leon.