
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 Year three to four

Chapter 4

Today we are at a hero museum for kids, and thank God it's for children. There are a lot of pictures because I still can't read Japanese. I'm trying, but I'm more used to the ABCs. There is like an entire room just dedicated to All Might and even a life-sized statue of him, and he is so tall my mom took a picture of me beside the statue with like ten other kids all running around or clinging to the statue. There are statues of some of the other heroes and their deeds, but I think I had the most fun just watching the other kids being star struck by all the hero stuff around. The only thing that would make this trip better is if one of the heroes would visit the museum today, but my dad told me there would be no hero here today, but it was enjoyable anyway. The superhero culture in this world is really something else. In my previous world, there was not much hero stuff unless you went to a theme park. I remember watching a robotic megatron and optimus prime that was controlled by someone. But this hero worship is on another level; people adore heroes like they are the ones to pull the world into its golden age, like right out of a comic book.

Guess where I am... at the store... again! My parents are the type of people who shop a few times a week instead of bulk buying, and I'm dragged along almost every time unless mom or dad stay at home. It's not the worst. I try to get some type of bribe every time, like a small candy or toy. Most of the time, it doesn't work, but I'm working those puppy eyes for all they're worth. Fear me, mortals, for I shall make you give me toys and candy.

Sometimes I wonder if my parents ever noticed any discrepancies from how a normal kid is supposed to act. In my early life, I did not need to fake being a baby; the brain and body were just not ready to do anything, so cooing, crying, and stuff were the norm. But as I got older and could walk, did they ever think, "Huh, my baby is weird?" Or did they just think of it as normal in a quirk/superhero society where stuff that is a bit weird to me is just the new normal? Well, I just want to grow up a bit more. I want my own superpower. It's like every person's fantasy who doesn't want to fly in the clouds, because my mind is up there all the time anyway.

It's around March now, and I caught my parents packing stuff, so I asked them what they were doing, and I was told that we are moving. As an obligatory kid, I must ask the following question: "Why?" I was told my mom got a new job in a new city, so we are moving so she can be closer to work. My mother asked if I wanted to help, and as a future hero in training, it's totally not because I'm bored and want something to do. I said yes and started to bring my parents what they asked for. They only asked for simple things, but it was better than nothing. I wonder where we are going to move. Maybe I get to meet someone from the main cast of the show, but most likely not. It took about a week or so for us to move. On the drive to our new home, I thought about whether I should do the "are we there yet?" but I also did not want to be mean to my parents, and who in their right mind don't give their kids a game or something to keep them quiet. I asked my parents where we were going, and I was told we were going to our new home. I asked where that was, and that's when I got a shock. We are moving to Musutafu, and I know that name because I keep repeating important places and events that I want to remember, and this is the city where Izuku Midoriya lives, the main character of the my hero academia universe. Now, my parents might think I'm excited to see our new home, but I'm hoping to meet Izuku because I want to see if I can derail Izuku from getting bullied, and if not, become his friend because, why not? I don't like watching people suffer needlessly, and I don't know any way to help him with not getting his own superpower, but what I can do is support him as a friend.

It took us a few hours to drive to our new home, and when we pulled into the driveway to our new house and I could see it, my jaw dropped. Are my parents rich? Because I can totally get behind that, or are houses just cheaper in this world? As my dad opened the back door for me to jump out, I took my stuffed animal with me. Yes, you thought I would not keep him. You are totally wrong. Mr. Fluffels is now iconic, and you will show him respect, for one day Mr. Fluffels will be my sidekick as I take over the world! (sounds of evil cackling in my own head) Too bad I am destined to become the world's best hero.

As we walked into the house, I started to run through the house to see what there was to see. We have four bedrooms, two toilets, a kitchen, a living room, etc. This house is a blend between Japanese and modern styles, and I love that it's the best of both worlds. After moving in and settling into my new room, I was excited to see my new city and maybe make some new friends, and then it hit me: it's my birthday soon, but what about my old friends? I mean, they are kids, but I can't really complain; it was fun to play kids games again, and when no one is looking at you funny for playing in the swings, why not relive nostalgic memories?

Guess who is four years old! Yes, it's me! And it's around this time that kids in this universe start to gain their quirks, or powers, as I call them in my head, because powers just sound cooler. And it's my birthday, huzzah. I made some new friends, and I totally forgot that my dad can teleport at times. It's not like he does it often around the house. So I got to meet my old friends and show them my new room, and my birthday party was really fun this year. My parents surprised me with a scavenging hunt to find the candy. All the kids got paired up with someone and got clues, and motivating kids with candy really motivates them. With an adult's mind, it was really simple, so I pretended to have a hard time and let my friend do most of it while I gave hints and stuff because I wanted my candy also. The party was a huge success, and I totally did not get a belly ache from eating too much candy.

It's been a few months now, and I still haven't gained any powers. Some of the other kids in kindergarten have already gotten some of their powers, and no main characters are detected there. What's with my luck? I totally should have met someone by now, but oh well, I can wait. Maybe my power is so cool that it takes extra time? Yup, it must be so because I do not want to think about being born without powers.

It's now almost Christmas, and still no powers! What have I done to deserve this!? Also, YAY Christmas! I love the snow and the cold, and my parents appear to love to decorate with Christmas themes all over the house, and my parents can totally speak fluent English. They have openly spoken about buying me presents and stuff over the years, and they have no idea. I know it spoils the fun, but listening in on them speaking about me is fun, and I will totally find some way to mess with them in the future with it.

The new year's celebration was really fun, but I woke up too early, did not sleep enough, and fell asleep before the new year hit. I've gotten used to waking up in my room when falling asleep in the stroller over the years. Next year I will totally get my powers, or so help me, I will find who ever isekaied me to this world and kick their butt.