
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 Year two to three

Chapter 3

Today, my mom and dad took me to a petting zoo for some reason. I never thought of being taken to a zoo, but here we are, and it's so FLUFFY here that it reminds me of my big stuffed teddy bear I got in my bed at home... I mean, my totally cool and not super cute stuffed animal—oh no, now that I'm thinking of it, won't my parents have pictures of me snuggling with Mr. Fluffels in my all-might pyjamas? Hmm, there is a high probability.

Well, so far, I got to pet some bunnies, and I did not want to leave them, but I was too weak, and the monsters I call parents pulled me away. How could they!? And after being all dramatic and pouting and making a token struggle about it, I got ice cream to cheer me up, and lo and behold, it worked, and I think I almost got a brain freeze from eating the ice cream so fast, but my mother stopped me. How rude! I wanted to see if I could eat it all before I got stopped. Why do they have to be so attentive? After that, we continued, and I got to ride a pony. It's the first time in both of my lives I've ever been on a pony. It was weird riding. I'm happy I'm not in some fantasy world with horses. I like my smart toilets and smartphones. Thank you very much.

I found that in my new life, I seem to get excited over the smallest things. I don't know if it's biological or if it's something psychological, but the entire way home I was babbling on and on about how much fun I had at the petting zoo and how cute... I mean, mainly the bunnies where... yes... Anyway, I could see how exacerbated my parents were, but they were also happy and proud that their little kid was having a fun trip. I may have memories of my past life, but I decided to embrace my new chance at experiencing a new childhood and am taking advantage of it. Just getting to act as a child, I know it's going to get tough when I get into the U.A. high school with all the villain attacks and what follows, so I'm going to have as many fun memories and experiences as I can.

I never expected to be in an office this early in my new life, but here I am sitting in my dad's lap as he is talking to a coworker who asked if dad could pop in quickly to help with a customer. Evidently, having the power to teleport yourself and others is a very good power to have in his line of work, and my dad was using his powers to transport VIPs and valuable items at his work. As my dad was talking with the man, I was distracted by looking around the office, trying to see as much as I could, and only half-heartedly following the conversation they had as it was not that interesting.

After a while, I got bored and asked to be let down, and my dad told me to stay in line of sight of him. As I explored around, I found a business card. I could not read most of it, but on the backside, there was the same as the front, but in English, and that's how I found out my dad's company he worked at is called Trades in Tandem Services. I don't know what tandem means, but if you just take the initials, it becomes Tits, and it almost sounds like breasts. I snickered to myself. I don't even think they know about it.

My dad finally got done talking with his co-worker, and it was decided I could come with him. My dad told me that we were going to meet someone who he has worked with before, and I would get to see what my dad does at work. When dad said we were going to meet his client, I screamed out, "YAY FIELD TRIP!" while acting more excited than I actually am. Dad shook his head while chuckling at my antics. After telling me to wave goodbye to his coworker, he teleported us away to meet the elusive client. Oh, it was all mysterious and stuff. Maybe he has an evil minion that looks like a teddy bear.

We appeared at the edge of a hangar at the airport. My dad was holding me in his arms while I was looking around. I could see a private jet parked and a bunch of people of all shapes and sizes running around, moving boxes, and looking over the jet.

My dad walked toward a man who has short stylized cyan hair, an average physique, and dainty hands. I don't think he has ever done his own dishes in his life. He was on the shorter side, only up to my dad's shoulders. I looked over at Dad, but I don't know how tall he is. Normally, I would measure someone from my own height, but I'm tiny now. The man has tanned skin and probably likes to go sunbathing at his luxury pool or something. Maybe he is old money? and he has impeccable posture. He must have had a teacher or something, which must have been hell as a kid, to learn how to stand like that.

As we got close to the guy, who must be the client, I saw a man standing behind him who must be his bodyguard. I guessed. He has long, unkempt auburn hair, burly muscles, unkempt fingernails, is tall like a bear standing on two legs, pale skin covered in scars, and the poor posture of a hunchback. He looks like a bear who walked out of a forest and transformed into a human, and he is pretending he knows what he is doing. I wonder if he talks in grows like a bear? I snickered to myself. My dad looked down at me and must have wondered what I laughed at. I pointed toward the bodyguard and just said, "Look, a bear."

Dad pulled down my hand and told me it's rude to point at people. I looked over to the bear person again and said, "Teddy bear," in an excited tone.

before my dad could say anything about it. The man with the cyan hair turned around and noticed my dad and me. And giving us? Me? A wave I waved back enthusiastically, can't be impolite.

When we got close to the man, he said

"Hello, you must be the transport from Trades in Tandem Services?"

"Yes, it's so nice to meet you in person, James Freeman."

"And who is this little guy?"

"Sora," I said.

"Well, let's get going. There's a lot to do and all that," James said.

Dad told the man now known as James to grab his arm so we could be off to wherever he needed to go. My dad asked where are we going and James gave my dad a card that had the address, which I would assume is for a luxury hotel. I could not understand what it said.

We appeared in a really big, open room with a view over the city. We were on the top floor, I presume. My dad asked James if that was all, and he waved us off, saying that was all and that his services were no longer needed. My dad bowed and told me to wave goodbye, which I did before we left.

It was now April, and it was my birthday again. I am now a whole three years old. Only one more year before I finally get a quirk and can start my rise to become a superhero to outshine Allmight.

This year's birthday party had a few more kids than last year's birthday party. My parents invited some of the parents and their kids from work or something, but I could not complain. I was having fun. I got to play some kids' games and won hands down. It's almost like taking candy from babies wa ha ha ha.

The rest of the year was not that eventful meet some of the kids from my birthday party again some more outings and just watching superheroes every day on the television you know the novelty is starting to die down after watching someone save someone from a burning house for the millionth time tho I try to not down in my head how they do it and if there is anything I might be able to copy and use in the future I might need to start a journal to write down my ideas but I got no way to hide it from my parents and I do not want to tell them that I got memories of another life I don't think they would hate me or anything but I don't gain anything by doing so and I hope it never comes down to it.