
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 20 Time, change and naps

Chapter 20

After waking up from my nap, I went to find my parents and found them in the kitchen. My mom was baking, and my dad was working on his laptop.


"Goodmorning." My mom sighed and did not correct me, as I always say that after waking up from a nap.


"So, how did your trip go?" My dad asked me


"It went well. I had to fly for two hours to find the tower. It was super boring."


"So, did you get your magic beans?" My mom asked me, while taking a quick break from baking, to come closer.


"Yupp, look!" I showed them one of the beans.


"Wow, that's one green bean," my dad said jokingly.


"Yeah, it's called a Senzu bean, and if you eat it, you can recover from anything short of death, and it will fill your stomach for a week or so, but they are super rare and hard to make, so they are only for emergencies."


"Well, put it back then and keep it safe then, my little hero," my mom said as she pinched my cheek.


"I also took a picture; look!" I showed them the picture of Korin Tower.


"There is only sky in the background. How high up is that tower?"


"Uhh, super high up?"


"I didn't expect you to know," Dad said while ruffling my hair.


"Nooo!" I squirmed away.


"Now my head is messy instead of organized messy" my mom snorted at my logic.


"Anyway, can I go to Alfred tomorrow after school?"


"If you do your homework,"


"But I finished it in school."


"Show me it."


My mother proceeded to check over my homework and then gave it back before turning to my dad with a smug look and her hands out as he gave her some money. I was confused. Did they bet on me doing my homework or if it was all correct or what?


"What was that?"


"Oh nothing… Just telling your dad you are more like your mother."


before she strutted back into the kitchen, swaying her hips as someone who just won. I think she means to say that I inherit her genes instead of dad's, and that's why my homework is done so easily. Well, I won't correct her, or she might take it out on me, so yeah, no.


I took my homework from the kitchen table and left to go and watch TV and cuddle with Fluffy for the rest of the day.


The next day after school, I ran to my room and changed into my superhero suit before jumping through the rift. I soon appear in the lobby, right side up, and not on the floor. HAHA SUCK IT FLOOR! I thought to myself as I went to find anyone. Alfred was not in the kitchen, so I sank through the floor to check the batcave and found dad sitting by the bat computer typing.


"Hi dad," I said, floating down from the ceiling.


"Welcome home, Leo," dad said as he finished typing on the computer and turned around to see me in my costume. With a quirked eyebrow, he waited for me to land in front of him.


"You like my hero costume, dad?"


"It looks very good, come here."


He beckoned me over and started to check every part of the costume, asking me some questions. I told him I got it from the world's best superhero suit designer in another world and that it would protect me from gunfire, explosives, fire, and so much more. The look on his face was that of someone who wanted to tear it apart and figure out how it works, but I would seriously kick his shin if he tried. After giving me praise about the suit, he asked if he could scan it, and I agreed. That's how we spent the next half an hour going through them one by one.


After he was satisfied, I asked him about the recording equipment he was supposed to get me for my inventory. He walked me over to a wooden crate, and inside was all the equipment. I stored it in the recording room, where we would assemble it, and when I say we, I mean dad. That took another two hours to setup, but now it could record up to five years worth of footage before it would be full.


Dad took the basic camera, as I now had a much more advanced one, and took the old camera stand as well. He started to check the footage as I stood beside him, watching. It was the first time he saw a recording of my parents. He smiled while watching the last few days and saw Bakugo's outburst. He told me I handled it well, but I should not have eaten the popcorn in class. I just stuck my tongue out at him.


That's when I remembered the Senzu beans and handed three of them to dad, as I thought he would get a kick from analyzing them. I told him of the properties and that they could save his life in an emergency, but if he could figure out how to grow them himself, he would never have to wait to heal. He thanked me for them before putting them in a secure box.


I am now at a point in my life where I feel I have a solid foundation. I have a superhero suit and a way to heal in emergencies, and the only thing I could think of to do now was, well… wait. I needed points to spend so I could travel to more dangerous worlds and get closer to the start of U.A. and as Korin said, I needed to work on using my powers and not waste movement. I also needed to learn how to fight stronger opponents right now; even Izuku could beat me with just raw power.


I spent the next three years working with dad and Korin on how to fight and get more points. I did travel to Minecraft from time to time to build on my base and to get even more gold. The entire underground area under my base is a big hollowed-out area now. The worst were the lava and monsters. I have never been so thankful for my hero suit, like when a Creeper came up from behind and scared the crap out of me. Fluffy was topside hunting and collecting surface material, so he was not here to warn me, and I had been too in the zone to notice. After that, I took a break from Minecraft for a while, as I had to eat one of the beans or my mother would have found out and killed me.


I saved up all three years worth of points to use them all at the same time to minimize the pain. The only power I got as soon as I could was Combat Regeneration to heal from wounds and save on the senzu beans. For the past three years, I have been working on my list of powers to get the day after my birthday. I was now ten years old, and All Might had come back to Japan and later fought with All for One. Even with the changes I made, they still came to blows, and All Might became injured, or so I assumed when he started to appear a bit less on TV than normal.


Izuku wanted to drag me to meet All Might directly after he learned that All Might was probably hurt, but I told him to wait for a while longer and let the doctors try healing him. The next month after that, Izuku was insufferable and would not stop pestering me to help All Might. I wanted to wait, as what hero would trust someone who was on paper only nine years old? It has been ten years since I reincarnated. I really hate time travel and the math being off.


Bakugo was the same angry kid in school, but he seems to have started to train more after seeing just how much he is falling behind Izuku. After he got pulled out of class that day, he was taken home, and what I heard through the grapevine is that he got a talking to by his parents, and I think they got him a therapist as he is… slightly more chill nowadays, or he has gained a bit more sense since then. He still calls me an extra and says he will be the number one, but it's not as viement anymore.


All For One had been quiet, but I am sure he had observed me over the years, and I told Izuku about All For One and that if he ever met someone who fit the descriptions, he should run away. By flying, as he was very dangerous.


As for the members of the League of Villains, Nedzu had used the information his future self had given him, and now most of them were in jail or had gotten the help they needed to never become villains.


Techonpathy was the best when you wanted to hack into the police and other organizations without ever getting noticed. And with my help, Nedzu might or might not have gotten some help from an anonymous helper called Mr. White. Nedzu never contacted me, but when I snooped through his computer, I noticed he had a substantial folder on me and the school incident. I almost threw up when I opened one of the pictures in the folder, and it was the picture from that room I never wanted to remember.


The best thing that happened over this period of time is that my parents finally lifted their ban on tech, and I now have my own phone, computer, and tablet. and with my technopathic powers, they are kitted out with their own operating system, which I created for my own use. I call it the Fluffy System, and it has my own homemade Fluffy icon when you lunch it.


As for DC Tim and Jason have started to patrol with dad. They bragged that they were already heroes and that my parents had forbidden me to go on patrol with dad when they came to visit him.


My parents had finally met with dad in person when I brought them over to the DC universe. My mom got some of Alfred's recipes after tasting his food. She finally learned why I would not lie and say her cooking was better, even when she threatened me with doing more chores at home. They spent a week there and saw how much darker and unfriendly Gotham was compared to the MHA universe. They almost got mugged when we went out to eat and were not happy when I subdued the criminal. They are not used to the different laws in this world, and they expected the police to show up and arrest me or something, but they never showed up. It was Gotham.


It was Saturday, and I had collected my parents to tell them I was going to buy powers, and I told Fluffy to keep them safe just in case. My parents were sitting on the couch after clearing out an area around the living room. They remember the last time I got powers and how much pain I went through, but as the saying goes, no pain, no gain.


These are all the powers I bought.


Enhanced Physical Mastery: (Advanced)

Cost: 300 points

Description: This advanced version of enhanced physical strength, speed, durability, and agility combines all these traits, elevating the user's physical prowess to new heights.


Combat Regeneration (Basic):

Cost: 31 points

Description: The basic version of combat regeneration allows the user to heal injuries during combat, ensuring a swifter recovery compared to normal healing rates. While not as rapid as the advanced version, it provides a valuable edge in sustained combat scenarios.


Combat Regeneration (Advanced):

Cost: 200 points

Description: Building upon the basic combat regeneration, the advanced version further accelerates the healing process during combat. The user can recover from injuries at an impressive pace, allowing them to withstand prolonged battles. In addition, the advanced version includes the ability to regrow lost limbs, although this still requires some time.


Basic: Augmented Awareness Interface

Cost: 30 points

Description: This basic user interface system enhances the user's awareness by providing an overlay that displays essential information about the world and individuals around them. Forgetful moments become a thing of the past as the interface helps in recalling names, details, and relevant data. It offers a valuable edge in social interactions and situational awareness.


Automated Pain Control (Basic):

Cost: 30 points

Description: The basic version of Automated Pain Control provides a simplified automated feature, allowing the user to instinctively manage pain intensity based on the user's situation. While not as nuanced as the advanced version, this basic automation helps balance combat awareness and pain tolerance without requiring conscious input.


Allspeak (Basic):

Cost: 15 points

Description: This basic power grants the ability to comprehend and communicate in any language, whether spoken or written. The user effortlessly understands and speaks any language encountered, breaking down language barriers and facilitating seamless communication. This power enhances diplomatic, social, and investigative capabilities.


Second Wind (Basic):

Cost: 50 points

Description: With this basic version of Second Wind, the user gains the ability to recover half of their health when faced with imminent death. Activating automatically in critical situations, this power provides a vital burst of recovery, allowing the user to endure and continue the fight.


Worldsight (Basic):

Cost: 10 points

Description: With the basic version of Worldsight, the user gains the ability to perceive the interconnected multiverse as a colossal world tree. The trunk represents the primary, protected universe, known as the Cannon Universe. Branching out from the trunk are myriad parallel universes, each representing a different possibility. The user can navigate and observe these branch worlds, gaining insights into various alternate realities.


Gold Shaping (Basic):

Cost: 10 points

Description: This utility power grants the ability to manipulate and shape gold effortlessly. The user can mold gold into various forms, such as coins, jewelry, or intricate sculptures, with precision and eventually speed. The power allows for artistic creations or practical applications, offering a unique skill for working with this precious metal.


Basic Energetic Infusion

Cost: 20 points

Description: Energetic Infusion is a basic power that enables the user to imbue any edible item(s) with their own energy. When consuming these energized foods, individuals experience a profound boost in vitality, equivalent to a full night's rest. This rejuvenating effect lasts for 8 hours, ensuring that the user remains fully energized and refreshed after consuming items infused with this power. This ability provides a convenient and efficient means of maintaining energy levels.


Basic Anchor Resilience

Cost: 30 points

Description: "Anchor Resilience" is a fundamental power that renders the user resistant to teleportation and other attempts to move them against their will. This ability establishes a stable and unyielding connection to the current location, making it difficult for external forces to manipulate the user's position without their consent. This power enhances the user's control over their own movement and spatial autonomy.


Basic Power: Structural Stabilization

Cost: 200 points

Description: The Structural Stabilization power grants the user the ability to stabilize and protect objects they interact with, preventing them from sustaining damage or collapsing while protected. While not as extensive as the full biofield, this power enhances the structural integrity of objects and spreads out the user's point of contact over a larger area. This would let the user hold a plane from its wing without it breaking.


Basic Power: Mass-Limited Shape-Shifting

Cost: 120 points

Description: Mass-Limited Shape-Shifting gives the user the ability to transform into various shapes and forms, allowing them to take on the appearance of different creatures, objects, or people. However, this power is limited by the character's current mass, meaning they cannot increase in size or mass beyond their original form. This also gives the user a very limited ability to transform their clothing to fit their new transformation. If the clothing is removed, it reverts to its original form.


At first nothing happened, then the pain hit, my muscles were rippling, my spine tingled, and a migraine hit me like a truck, but then all of a sudden all of it went muted. I only had a chance to cry out in pain and then stopped. I stood still. I then opened my eyes and looked in confusion. I could feel what was happening, like pins and needles all over my body, like when you sit too long and lose your sensation in your legs, but I was too afraid to move, and it might have shown on my face.


"Sweety, what's happening?" My mother asked, looking like she was ready to bolt out of the couch and run over to me.


"His new powers are making his body compatible, and this is a painful transformation, but Sora has a power that automatically regulates his pain sensation, so no more crying over a scraped knee," Fluffy said. I wanted to retort. I have not cried over a scraped knee for a long time.


"Fluffy, is Sora Okej?"


"Yes, but it will take a few minutes. He got a lot of quirks at the same time, but from now on, no more intense pain when he gets new quirks."


I stood still in the living room, feeling sensation after sensation, and I can say feeling pins and needles in your brain is the most unnerving sensation I have ever felt in my life so far. But gradually, it decreased until I felt it was safe to move. I opened and closed my hand, then started to stretch. My mother got up from the couch and pulled me into a hug and then started to look me over to see if I was hurt, but after not seeing anything wrong with me, she finally pulled me into a hug and peppered my face with kisses, telling me to never worry her like this again. I just chuckled and squirmed… It was ticklish.


"So what new quirks did you get, Sora?" my dad asked while still sitting on the couch with Fluffy in his lap.


"I have a power to enhance my physical powers. I might be able to catch a bullet with my hands now… I think… I would have to test it."


"NO! No testing to catch bullets."


"Buuut mom…" I said it in my best whiny voice.


"No. catching. anything. Dangerous." She said it with finality and a glare.


"But mom, I am like, totally... maybe… slightly bulletproof now?" glare…


Ok fine I relented, and my mom huffed but had a slight upturned smile at her victory.


"I can now have self-healing, so no more scraped knees... For long. And my body can regenerate from lost limbs."


"NO testing that either."


"Oh, I got the power to have an UI like in video games."


I heard my mom mumbling about kids and their video games. She never really likes them, but she can watch TV for hours with dad… the hypocrite. And she forgets I have enhanced hearing at times and whispers something sexy to dad, and then she hears EWWWWW from down the hallway from me. Those are the times she is reminded that I do, in fact, hear everything in the house except when I zone out or daydream.


"So what do you see?" dad asked with curiosity, as he sometimes plays co-op games with me.


"Ehh, I see floating text above you and mom, and it says your name, and within these squiggly lines," I show them by making two C's pointing towards one another, as I have forgotten right now what they are called.


"Do you mean brackets?"


"Ehh maybe?"


I say this before taking out my phone, and with my power, I quickly find that it's indeed brackets, and then it hits me… I can just show them with my phone.


"Oh, wait, I can show you, and I turn around to the TV, as it's bigger than my phone, and make a mental picture of what I saw." On the TV, you can see my parents, and above their heads is some basic information.


Name: Maria Dubois (mom)

Title: The Fluffy Hugger

Name: Robin Williams (dad)

Title: The Mediation Sage


"Look, honey, I am a sage," dad said with a bright smile.


"Well, clearly, I am the better hugger," she says while holding her hands and beckoning me to come and take my price. I run over, and she pulls me in for a hug. It makes me feel warm and safe, and the title is definitely earned.


"Well, I guess I can show off the next power then." Fluffy says as he jumps down from the couch.


"Oh yeah, you never done a show and tell. Fluffy, go for it!" I cheered him on.


"Wait here for a second."


He walked away for a while, and we all talked as my mom was hugging me and rubbing our chins together while dad rolled his eyes at her with a warm smile, but then we heard a cough from the hallway.


A man with white hair and green eyes walks into the room; he looks to be around 6 feet (182 cm) tall. He is wearing a three piece white suit with gold trimmings and golden cufflinks that have a fox imprint on them. His skin is almost sickly pale white, but his overall look comes off as high nobility as he tugs on his white gloves.


"Fluffy, is that really you?" I ask with a hint of jealousy in my voice.


"Yes, Sora, behold the majesty that is me," he says while doing a jojo pose and flipping his hair.


"Yupp, it's him." He looks reminds me of Sebastian from Black Butler


My parents stare with their jaws dropped at Fluffy. The small, cute fox that I carry around is now standing in their room as a fully grown man and very good looking to boot. I would not expect him to be even younger than me technically. My mom puts me to the side of her as she stands up and proceeds to expect Fluffy before giving Fluffy a hug.


"Oh my poor little Fluffy, why won't you stay small and cute and cuddly forever? You're going to make your mama cry." I think she is laying it on a little too thickly.


"So did you use our transformation power?"


"Yes, I can already change my mass, so there was no real drawback."


"Oh, I want to try no peeking."


I said that and ran out of the room. I wanted to make my mom happy, and I thought it would be really funny to see her reaction. With how much I use my inventory to create stuff, I get really good at it, so the new power feels like an old pair of gloves. I quickly transformed, and I used the kitchen mirror to take a quick look, and it was super good. I ran back to the staircase and walked into the room. Fluffy was standing by the TV talking to dad, and my mother was looking between Fluffy and the door, but when she noticed me, she tapped dad, and they both had their jaws dropped again.


In the doorway, they saw a girl with snow-white hair down to her shoulders and a dress as white as her hair walking inside the room. I had made my skin as fair and delicate as I could and a bit more rounded eyes to make myself look cuter. I know my mom really wanted a girl, so I thought I might as well fulfill her dream for a bit. There was not much I could do about body figure, as kids don't really differ too much at a younger age.


"Hi mom and dad, do you like this?" I said, giving a spin.


"Oh… my goodness! YOU ARE SO CUTE!"


My mother ran up and hugged me.


"Sora, you would make for such a cute daughter. Can you stay like this forever for mommy?"


"But, moooom, I am a boy," I whined.


"Not right now, you aren't, and Mama is loving every moment of it."


I tried pleading with my dad, but he was having a shit eating grin as he was holding his phone pointed at me, probably recording and taking photos. I felt betrayed as I saw Fluffy looking at me and mom while smiling in that way only Fluffy can, as he gave me a thumbs up. But then Fluffy seemed to have thought of something as he walked closer to us, and I knew nothing he was going to say would bode well for me.


"Ahh, you look so cute, Sora, but you know something is missing. Hmm, what could that be? Ahh, I know," he said, pulling out a red ribbon from my inventory and handing it to mom as she lights up.


"Oh, that's a wonderful idea. Fluffy, thank you so much. Now let me put this on you, Sora." she said, and now I had a very cute red ribbon thanks to Fluffy. This was supposed to just be something to make mom happy for a bit, not for everyone to gang up on me. 


Both mom and dad took pictures, and even Fluffy took some with MY phone, and if I see him send any of them to Izuku, I will buy a power to screw with Fluffy. I gave them a few more minutes before I turned ghost and flew to the kitchen, and turned back. And only then did I walk back into the living room. Mom was prone on the living room carpet and was fake crying that her darling daughter was gone while hitting the carpet. Then she turned her eyes to dad, and... I think I might be getting a sister soon.


While my dad was calming down, my mother Fluffy went to get the next show-and-tell item, and soon he came back and sent me a mental message that it was done.


"Ok, time for the next power."


I put my hand into the inventory and pulled out a gold bar. Then I proceeded to shape it into several gold coins. On one side was me, and on the other side was Fluffy. I finally have the power to turn my gold cubes into gold coins. I could make my own version of Scrooge McDuck's Money Vault. Then I took out two bars and turned them into statues of mom and dad.


"And that ends my show, and tell the rest of the powers they are not really that showy." So I gave my parents a quick overview of them.


Allspeak: I based this power on Thor and their ability to speak any language.


Second Wind: This power is another way to keep me safe and would let me explore more dangerous stuff.


WorldSight: I have been saying for a while that I have seen other people's worlds, and that's why I know stuff, but now I really can do it. With this power, I can finally look for specific worlds, parallel worlds, or use it as a reality TV show. I get bored, and this could be a fun way to pass the time in class. However, the advanced version scares me because it talks about the root worlds and it would be equivalent to DC/Marvel's dark universes, so I am never getting that power.


Energy Infusion: This power I got specifically for Aizawa no more sleepy teacher. I wonder how he will act then.


Anchor Resilience: This power is my way to fight people like Kurogiri, who can teleport someone. I am preparing for the future, and getting my basic resistance to different dangers is a must.


Structural Stabilization: This is a weaker version of Superman's power. This power would let me lift an entire building or anything else without the entire thing falling apart.


After that, I went back to my room and laid down on my bed to take a nap when someone opened the door. It was fluffy, still in his adult form.


"Hi fluffy, come here to nap?"


"Like I would miss a chance to take a nap," he scoffed at me and jumped on my bed. I panicked and yelped when Fluffy landed beside me on my bed, still in his adult form.


"Waa, why are you not transforming back Fluffy?"


"Well, I am always sleeping on you, and this is the first time I have been able to be in my adult form indoors, so I wanted to take the chance to stay like this for today, so now you can be the little spoon" he said with a foxy grin


He used the transformation power to change his clothing into an adult version of my all might onesie. Then he proceeded to manhandle me, and pulled me up on his stomach, and pulled the cover up before wrapping his hands around me in a tight embrace. This was both super embarrassing and oddly comforting. I always felt better when I was holding Fluffy, so having him holding me gave me the same feeling. He started to stroke my back like he was comforting a child, but I was always been weak to soft massages, and I quickly fell asleep.