
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: Year one to two

Chapter 2

Another day, another adventure. Today we are going to the park, and when I say go to the park, I mean sit in a stroller most of the time. I don't even get to pretend to eat sand after the first time I did it. Well, at least I get to go on the swings for a while until my dad's arms get tired or mom yells at dad for pushing me too hard.

For the last several weeks, my parents have taken me to meet another family with a kid around my age to have playdates with. It's ok; we are both around one year old, and it could be worse. I could be home having to entertain myself, and I don't mind kids; they can do some funny things when not under supervision. Me and my new best buddy were in the living room, and he crawled over to the couch where our parents were and started to try to stand up. Oh no, you don't. I wanted to be the first one to do it, so I crawled over to do the same thing, and yay for wobbly baby leg syndrome! It was harder than it looked. I guess I have to train because I won't have another baby who is better at babying than me.

It's been a few months since then, but I can finally stand and take wobbly baby steps now, and my parents were gushing and cooing the entire time and took photos. There are so many of them, and I don't know if it's intentional or deliberate, but how do they keep finding more and more cuter onesies? They have pictures of me with bears, koalas, lions, cats, and so much more. I am mortified. They are the typical couple who would show everyone their kids' pictures. My dad has several in his wallet. I got to see them when he came home and showed them to my mom.

I have started to learn more Japanese words, and it's really fun because it's something I do want to learn. and having everyone talk and point at things does help me a lot, and I made my mom and dad so very happy the first time I said mom and dad. We were in the living room, and I was sitting on my mom's lap. She pointed to herself going mama over and over, and I wanted to drag it out more, but my dad walked into the room and saw what she was trying to do and joined in on it, and I thought of a most devilish plan. I pointed to him and said, "Papa," and you could see how happy he was that he was the first one, and my mother totally anime pouted at him and me like I broke her trust. I did feel a bit bad, so I pointed at her and said, "Mama," and just like that, she was over the moon. After a lot of hugs and kisses, I pointed to myself and said, "Mama," for fun. My mom and dad chuckled and said "Sora" while pointing at me, and that's how I learned my name. I mean, I heard people say it, but it was in the middle of a conversation, and without any context, how would I know they were speaking about me? But now I know my own name, and I really like it because it's the same name as the Kingdom Hearts character, so it's easy to remember.

It's been another few months, and me and my dad are sitting in the living room, and it's another news story about all might, and I got to say that man is super charismatic. Even over the TV, you can feel that he would keep you safe. I know he is going to get hurt, but I am too young to help, and I can only hope I get an amazing quirk to heal him or in some way help him. I don't like what happened to him in the show, and now that I AM HERE. I have a chance to help. I will be the most heroic hero that has ever heroed before.

Today my parents are in a very festive mood, and I have no idea why it's not like they expect me to understand, but oh well, they have been cleaning and making our home presentable, so I am guessing we are going to have visitors, and it might be someone they want to impress, or maybe it's just a cleaning day? Well, I am helping, and when I say helping, I mean I'm staying out of their way and just throwing my toys around to see how much I can entertain myself. Later that day, just before lunch, our visitor arrived, and I think he is a hero or former hero because I don't think anyone is normally this ripped. The man was very tall with broad shoulders and grey almost white hair that is spiky with red eyes, which kind of makes me think he looks like a villain, but after my parents greeted the man and introduced him to me as Kan Sekijirō and he is a friend of my parents, and he is a new hero by the name of Vlad King. I waved at him and was thinking the name rang a bell, but I just could not place it. It was only later, while we were eating and I was listening to my parents talk to him, that it clicked in my mind that he was the homeroom teacher of 2-B, but he looked so young. Does he not look a lot older? I was thinking to myself, and then it clicked again: he must have just started his hero career. I am so bad at guessing people's ages. For all I know, he was 50 years old at the start of the show. Everyone looks so young in this world; it's unreal.

It's now December, and Christmas is around the corner, and it's so exciting. In my previous life, we did not have the biggest family get-togethers, but it was family time, and if there is something I miss, it's that. On Christmas morning, for breakfast, we would eat bloita, which is three thin, hard breads you place in boiling water with a bouillon cube for about 30 seconds to one minute, then you put them on a plate with butter. It tastes better than it sounds, but it's something we only eat on Christmas because it's a bit unhealthy, and it makes for a really good tradition.

It was finally the new year, so we went to the nearby park and watched the firework show, and I got to say quirk + firework = some amazing pyrotechnics and amazing shapes, but still, being so young, I had to take naps to be up so late, and I quickly fell asleep and got carried home by my parents. I felt like my new life was finally starting to get rolling.

It was soon my birthday again, and now I know my birthday is in April, and I am surprised I got my birthday in the same month as my last life. Is it a coincidence or fate, or am I just looking into it too much? hmm... oh well, nothing I can do about it, and I rather liked it. On the day of my birthday, my parents invited some friends, including some of the children I had been playing with—I don't remember all their names. Japanese names are so much harder for me to remember. I still want that intelligence quirk, but it's going to be so hard when I go to kindergarten or school and can't remember all of their names.

As the party was going on and we kids were playing, my parents surprised us with a real hero coming to visit my birthday party. It was not any of the really famous heroes, but he was one of those that appeared on children's shows. If this were the worm universe, I would say it would be someone like the mouse protector, someone who is goofy but still great with children and has a playful personality. It ended up with all of us children playing tag with the hero, who was way too nimble for us to capture. It was a great birthday party for being meant for children, but I got to take my fun where I could get it.

No computers or gaming to you get older. My parents said when I tried getting a video game system for my birthday, they were so mean. I am two years old now, and I am a big boy. Ok, I can't say that without snickering to myself, but someday I will get to play this world's games, and then I can kick some behinds and take names. And I can't even swear, or I will get an earful from my parents the first time they heard me swear just a few weeks ago. I got the talk, but not that talk. Get your mind out of the gutter. So no swearing to I get older, they said, but stubbing my toe really hurts, and as the mythbusters figured out, swearing helps with dealing with the pain.