
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 19 Travels, rage and popcorn

Chapter 19

After the weekend, it was finally time to go to school again. I had prepared snacks and a recorder from dad. Now you might ask me, Sora, why are you doing all of this and how are you going to record something? Well, the answer is simple, and I wish I had learned of it earlier. I can make a window inside my inventory that functions as a 3rd person perspective and would let anyone inside my inventory watch what is happening outside of my inventory. So before I left for school, I made a room specifically to record the outside. I was going to setup a camera that would record 24/7 and have servers that would keep the footage for up to 30 days, as you never know what you want to show someone in the future.


I told dad about it on Sunday, and I made a quick room for the camera. It's just the recorder, but dad promised that he would help me setup something better in the future, and I think he just wanted to be able to see my adventures himself. And as I am semi-adopted by him, he would like to keep my adventures on record, or he is just paranoid, but meh he can be both, I guess.


I was waiting by the school entrance for Izuku, and some of the other kids greeted me at the gate and wanted to pet Fluffy. Soon afterwards, Izuku came, and together we walked inside the school. He told me they registered his quirk yesterday and it went fine, and the doctor said that this does happen some time and that he got a very good quirk. His mom had also informed the school that Izuku now had a quirk, and the teacher she spoke to would inform the class.


So this was even better than I thought I was going to get to see Bakugo pop a blood vessel when the teacher told the class that he now had a quirk and record the entire thing. I was going to make extra backups of this just in case I lost the original footage.


The class started like normal, with all the kids talking to one another until the teacher walked inside and the kids quieted down.


"Hello class, we have some good news today. Can anyone guess what it is?"


"Are we getting ice cream for lunch?" one of the kids asked, already drooling a bit at the thought.


"No, Aisu, there will be no ice cream."


"Ahh," she was sulking.


"Someone over the weekend awakened their quirk!"


At first it was quiet and it took two beats before the enter class went EHHH and all turned to look at Izuku as he was the only one without a quirk, and Izuku hunched down a bit and went red in the face when everyone watched him, but there was another one in class that was also red in the face, and that was Bakugo. I might have sneakily pulled out my popcorn at this point and started eating, and right on time, the firecracker himself burst a blood vessel and shouted.




The entire class went quiet at Bakugo's outburst, and for a few quiet moments, you could hear a pin drop as the rest of the class watched their very unhinged classmate shout and some of the kids closest to him lean away from him. It's been normal for Bakugo to declare that he would be the number one hero and that all the shitty extras in class would never be as good as him. He only recognized me as not a rival but… a stepping stone on his road to becoming the top hero. So now that someone he thought would never amount to anything and would only be that damn deku that he left behind in school comes out as a potential threat that would not stand… or so I assume.


"BAKUGO KATSUKI SIT DOWN!" He had jumped up on his chair and put his foot on top of his desk while pointing at Izuku like some jojo villain.


"EXPLAIN YOU, SHITTY NERD!" bakugo shouted


At this point, the teacher finally told him to sit down or she would have to call his parents and... Well, you can guess what happened: more shouting, and soon he had to be dragged out of the room as he had tried to lunge himself at Izuku while she was standing right beside him. You could hear him shout up and down the corridor as he was dragged away to the principal's office.


Izuku noticed me eating popcorn with a smile on my face and pointed it out to me. He told me that it was not heroic to eat popcorn and using a classmate as entertainment, but when I offered him some popcorn, he reluctantly agreed. Through this entire thing, Fluffy had been lying on the table, ignoring Bakugo.


The teacher came back a while later, and the class resumed. Izuku got to show off his powers to the class, and the kids all thought his power was super cool and maybe they could be friends now. Kids can be real jerks, but well, everyone here is only 6 years old, so I can't really fault them for being assholes; they don't know any better.


The rest of the day was normal; the only difference was that Bakugo never came back, and I saw his parents come and get him, so it was quiet for the rest of the day.


Now that my plan to get Izuku a power is complete, I have to prepare for the future, and the first thing on the list of things to do is to get a superhero suit. I know I can wait, but I am traveling to other worlds, and I would need my own hero suit, a superhero name, and a superhero suit for Fluffy. So where would you go if you wanted a superhero suit? If you said Edna from the Incredibles, you would be right.


When I got home, I ran to my room to switch out of my school clothing and look through some of the drawings I had made to find the best ones to show her. When that was done, I went to find my parents. My mom was in the kitchen putting on coffee, and my dad was in the living room watching TV and most likely waiting for mom. I thought of who to ask, but Fluffy reminded me I should ask mom, as she was the one who would punish me otherwise. It's because of her that I learned how to use my cleaning power from my feet, and I got so good at it that I can do it automatically.






"Can I get a superhero suit?"


"You have to wait until you go to U.A."


"But mom, I found a world where I can buy a superhero suit," and now to use my final Trump card.


"The super suits in that world are bulletproof, waterproof, fireproof, and so on, and they could save my life when I travel to other worlds. Don't you want me to be safe?" I said the last part with puppy eyes.


My mother looked at me, and she knew I was manipulating her, but a suit to protect myself when traveling would set her mind… slightly at ease. So she gave out a sigh.


"Fine, but tell me about the world."


"In this world, superheroes and villains existed but stopped after some incidents, and they made laws to make superheroes illegal. However, the woman who makes the suits can still create them and stuff; it's just superheroing that is illegal."


"And there are no villains?"


"Erm, there is only one villain that is killing heroes in secret, but nothing more than that."


"Would he go after you?"


"No? He only goes after the top heroes of the world before it became illegal to be a hero. He would not even know I was there. I will just buy a suit in and out."


"Hmm well… Fine, you can go, but as always, be safe, please."


"Hai mom!" We saluted, and it made her smile.


I opened a rift on the floor behind me and jumped through, shouting byeeeeee until it closed. I focused on going to Edna some time before the start of the show, but I have no idea when or where I will appear. So when I flew out of my rift, I was surprised when I landed on a couch, and I got a deja vu. From when I landed on Tony Stark's couch, I really needed to check back on that one I had forgotten.


Before I had a chance to look around, I heard a robotic voice say, INTRUDER ALERT! The ceiling opened up, and one very big, very scary turret pointed towards me and Fluffy, and then a laser pointed right in between my eyes, and I froze with an eep.


While frozen on the couch, I heard shoes clicking and clacking from somewhere as it got closer. It took an agonizingly long time before I heard someone speak.


"Well, well, well, what do we have here, darling, a child and... his dog?"


"I- '' as soon as Fluffy tried to speak, the turret moved closer, more menacingly.


"Ahh, give me a second, darling, and I will fix this." I heard her walk away, then some beeps, and then finally the turret retracted back into the ceiling.


"I am NOT a dog! I am a fox!" Fluffy finally said


"Child, do you have a talking dog? That is fantastic. Now let me see you," she said as she walked closer to me and looked me over. And ignoring Fluffy's angry growling.


"Hmm, you will do."


"So why are you here, boy?"


"Oh, well, my name is Leo, and this FOX is Fluffy, and I came from another world looking for someone to make me a superhero suit."


"And you came here to me? At least you have some class."


"So, can you make a superhero suit for me? I can pay."


"Child a superhero suit is not cheap; it would cost more than some pocket change."


I finally sat up and walked a bit away from the sofa, and this looked like a good spot, so I took out a gold cube and put it down, and now there was a big, one square meter, pure gold cube in her living room.


"You think my pocket change is not enough, huh? I guess this pure gold block is not enough then?" I said smugly as I saw her jaw drop at my display.


"I… oh my," she said, getting herself under control.


"Ahh, what are you standing around for? Let's go. We have a superhero suit to design, she said" as she started to walk away, and I followed her.


"My name is Edna Mode, the best fashion and hero suit designer in the world, and I will make a superhero suit to surpass all my other works."


"Now, kid, tell me your powers so I know what I have to work with."


"I have the power to open rifts; to other words, I am physically immortal, so I can't grow; I got super strength, speed, durability, and senses; Fluffy here is part of my powers; he is twice as strong as me; I have an inventory like a video game and I can enter it; I can turn into a ghost that gives me ghost powers; I can turn invisible, intangible and I got Technopathy, I can control electronics… Oh, I could have turned off your turret… I forgot…"


She stopped for a bit and looked at me, then mumbled about overpowered kids with too much power and too few brain cells.


"That's… quite a set of powers, darling," she said with a thoughtful expression.


"Ehh, I am still getting more powers with time, so I will become even stronger in the future." She only sighed and massaged her head at that statement.


We went down some stairs, and I saw a big door, and on both sides of the hallway were mannequins with superhero suits. We went to the door, and she put in a code, scanned her hand, then her eyes, and lastly, spoke into a microphone. This time, when the turret appeared, I just turned intangible, but it disappeared as soon as it appeared. And we walked into a very futuristic lab.


"Now, darling, have you got any idea of what you want for your suit?"


"NO. Spandex." I said to be very clear.


"Ahh, you are no fun, darling; spandex is all the rage." I crossed my arms and glared.


"Here are some of my drawings." I said pulling out a big stack of like 50 drawings


She took the stack, walked over to a table, and started to look through them. No, bad, ugh, why? And so it went on as she went through the stack, throwing my drawings all around her on the floor. I don't know what I expected, but I should have known that her eccentric personality would do something like this. Now I would have to go and pick up all of my drawings.


Finally, she settled on three drawings and asked me to pick one of them. I picked the middle one. I like the extra belts, and it had a single armguard on the left arm with shoulder pads. It was made mostly in black with orange highlights, so it would fit with my idea of being heroic while still looking good. Orange for the warm and heroic colors, and black because it looks good and would fit with the black batsuit theme.


"Hmm, the suit will look good, and kids nowadays want belts and straps. Ugh, why not just stay with the classics? There is nothing wrong with spandex… However, I will NOT make a cape like in your drawing." Then she explained how it can get caught and get the hero killed.


"Well, look at this," I said, activating my cape power. It was black on the outside but a warm, orange color on the inside. It was fluttering like there was a gentle wind, and the cape works like a hologram, so it won't snag on anything.


"What's this, hmm?'' she said as she tried to grab the cape, and her hand went through.


"A hologram cape would solve the cape problem. Why have I never thought of that myself."


"Ok, darling, I will make you this suit. Come back in a month, and I will have it done."


"Hehe Edna I can travel through time. I can appear here in a month's time, and it won't even have been a minute for me."


"Well, what are you waiting for, then shop shop" she waved me away.


"I opened a rift and jumped into it."


When I next appeared in the room, my drawings that were left on the floor were now gone, and some of the machinery in the room had been moved around. I did not see Edna anywhere when I heard something from behind me.




If someone asks, I did not jump and float by the ceiling in fright.


"At least you got good reflexes, child. Now come down here."


I sheepishly flew down as Fluffy snickered in my arms. I know he jumped too; if I was not holding him so tightly, he would have gone through the ceiling.


"So? Was I late by a few days?"


"You don't know?"


"No. My rift works more on intent. If I want to appear in a world, I will appear there, but it's not always accurate, or I am not accurate, I don't know yet."


"That sounds like something you should learn, then, darling. Anyway, follow me."


She leads me to an armor stand, and on the mannequin is my suit. It looks just like my drawing, but you know... Not 2D and actually professionally made.


"This hero suit is a month worth of blood, sweat, and copious amounts of coffee."




I went up and started to test the material. It felt sturdy and thin. I have no idea how something like this might be bulletproof or whatever she put into it, but I was already happy and wanted to try it on.


"This suit is made out of a new material I have been developing for the last few years. It's bulletproof, explosion proof, fireproof, machine washable, and resistant to cutting and piercing attacks. The suit will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It can be used all year around."


She says bulletproof, but I bet that is just normal human weapons. but anything to exotic will eat through the suit, but I am still not bulletproof, so I take it.


She showed me how to get inside the suit, and it was like winter overalls—a one piece suit. There was no zipper; instead, it was her own version. It would open up in the back and use some type of magnetic lock, but after you put it on, it would seal over and would look like one solid piece, as I have an inventory. I did not need pouches, but she did add pockets. She also made gloves that could regulate their temperature and would protect my hands if I was gripping something like barbed wire, bullets, or walking through thorny bushes. She also added a helmet that was retractable. It could filter the air and would be used in cases of fire and other hazards.


My eyes sparked as she went on with the show-and-tell.


"Can I test it now?"


"You already paid me, darling; go ahead and test it. I have a dressing room over there." As she pointed toward the doorway. She was about to help take off the suit, but I just put the suit and mannequin in my inventory, then took out only the mannequin and raced to the door.


From behind me, I heard her snort and say, Inpatient kid… but he pays well.


As soon as I was inside the dressing room, I used my ghost power to phase out of my clothing and into the suit. I found that if I went tangable while inside something, I get pushed out, so I started to use it to put on my clothing faster. I threw my clothing inside my inventory and walked out with my cape power on, and felt great.


"You look very good; I did a great job," she said as she walked around me, checking that everything was perfect and up to her standard.


"If you ever have any problems or want to commission any new suits, you know where to find me. The gold block you gave me is enough for many more suits, and if you find any exotic materials, please come back with them. I hope the suit is everything you wanted, darling."


"I love the suit; it's super comfortable, and I will brag about you to all my friends. I might even bring Izuku here before we go to U.A."


"What is this U.A.?"


"U.A. is a hero school. When you turn 15, you can join the school if you get through the entrance test."


"Hmm interesting"


"Anyway, I got a ton of stuff to do, darling. I will see you soon. I have no doubt now... shoo shoo go and play in a sandbox or something with your dog." Fluffy growled at her.


"I am not a baby... I am seven years old." She did not look impressed, but I had to say it.


I then made a rift behind me, waved goodbye, and jumped through in my new superhero suit. I soon flew out of the rift and landed on my face… Again, I was too distracted watching my cape fluttering behind me to notice when the exit appeared.


I took a look around and noticed I was NOT in my room. Oh, no, another misfire. I checked my bookmarks, and yupp I am... in the parallel universe where I helped with the USJ. That's when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I slowly turn around, and I see Nedzu sitting at his desk, looking at me with his ever present smile.


"Well, hello there, young man. I... remember you; your name is Leo, correct?"


"Yes, principle Fluffy," I said with a cheeky smile.


"Ahh, now that nickname has been going around since we last met."


"So why are you here, young Leo?"


"I, ehh, my rift miss fired again, and I appeared here. I was going home after getting my new superhero suit. You like it?" I asked as I did a spin.


"Ah, your suit is very elegant, with both warm and inviting oranges while having some darker colors. And I like the cape."


"I, eh, well... I got to get back. I want to show my parents my suit and Izuku."


"You know Izuku Midoriya?"


"Ya, we go to the same school together."


"And how old are you?"


"I am 7 years old, but that was because I was stuck for a year in another world, so I was held back, and on paper, I am 6 years old."


"Hmm, so your world would be about 20 years behind this one."


"Wahh, how did you know I was not from this world?"


"I am the principal of U.A. I had you looked up after the incident, and there is no kid with your likeness, and when every solution is exhausted, then the improbability becomes the truth."


"I am sorry I lied," I said, shuffling my feet. Fluffy just watched and was not interested in our conversation.


"No worries; it gave me great fun scouring through the files to find you. However… I have a request for you."


"Ohh? What?"


"Your world seems to be behind us, and I would like you to take this drive to the version of me in your world... You do have a version of me, right?"


"Of course!"


"Ahh, perfect here. Take this drive and give it to me. It will be of great help." He handed me the drive and then sat back in his chair, drinking some tea.


"I, eh, well, I guess this is goodbye then."


"Yes, have a safe trip, young Leo, and tell the other version of me to upgrade the system."


"The system?"


"He will understand now, bye-bye," he waved.


"Eh bye"


I opened the rift, and soon appeared in my bedroom. I will deliver the drive later, but first I need to brag to my mother.


"MOM! DAD!" I shouted as I ran towards the kitchen and met my mom.


"OH MY GOD! My darling got his own superhero suit."


My mother walked and started to fuss over my new superhero suit, and she loved the cape. While she was fussing, my dad had heard us and had come over to check what the commotion was about.


"Is that a superhero costume?" My dad asked me, as he did not know I went to get one, so his surprise was genuine.


"Yupp you like it?"


"You look like a proper hero now, and I love your cloak."


"Darling, look," my mother said as she put her hand through the cape.


"It's a hologram."


"It's not a hologram; it's my power. I wanted to surprise you when I got my suit and does it not fit perfectly."


"Sora! Did you lie and not tell us?"


"I ehh wanted to surprise you. I got it while I got my other powers, but it's only cosmetic."


"Hmm, I guess you got off lucky this time."


For the next while, my parents looked over the suit, and I got glowing remarks. It was both stylish and comfortable, and my mother loved how much safer I would be. I really wanted to wear it to school, but I had to have the school clothing on, so I would just invite Izuku over and show him then.


"Oh, right, Mom."


"Yes, my little superhero."


"Mom, stop it, you are embarrassing me." I said as I blushed. I was weak to my parents' praise.


"Ahh, you are so cute!" she said as she pinched my cheeks.


"Anyway, on the way back, my rift misfired, and I met Nedzu from the USJ incident from that time, and it was 20 years into the future there, and he told me to deliver a driver to this world's version of him. What should I do?"


"Well, we can just call him and schedule a meeting."


"Oh, yeah, let's do that."


My mother got on the phone, and after surfing the web, she found the number she was looking for and scheduled a meeting with this world's Nedzu, as I did not want to use my powers as there would be repercussions in my own world.


We were lucky and got a meeting with the principal for tomorrow.


After getting to school the following day, I took Izuku to the side.


"Hey, guess what!"


"Ehh What?"


"I got a superhero suit yesterday."




"Shhh," I said, looking around.


"Show me, show me, show me," he practically bounced in anticipation.


"I can't got to meet Nedzu later today, but you can come over this weekend."


"WHA-" I muffled his mouth.


"Shh, stop screaming every time."


"But you are meeting Nedzu like THE Nedzu, the principle of U.A." he said in awe.




"Can I come with you, PLEASE?" He tried puppy eyes and failed. Only I get to do the puppy eyes.


"Nope, mom and dad are taking me, and you can meet him when we go to U.A."


"Fine," Izuku said reluctantly, looking like a kicked puppy.


The rest of the day went well, and soon my parents came to pick me up, and we drove to the U.A. school of my world. I wonder if there would be differences. When we got to the school, my parents parked the car, and together we walked to the entrance, only like nine years earlier than I expected. One of the staff members met us at the entrance and escorted us to the principal office. The first time I was in the school, I did not have much time to look around, but now I took my chance to do so. There was not much to see, mostly corridors and more corridors. I saw some classrooms, and the doorways into the classrooms are huge compared to me at the size of one meter tall.


While we walked, the staff would give us some information about the school. It was like a small guided tour through the school. We soon got to the principal office, where the staff said their goodbyes and left us as the doors to Nedzu's office opened up. And there sat the principal behind his desk as we all walked in together.


"Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? No, I am the principal Nedzu of U.A." he said, his iconic line


"Hello, principle Fluffy," I said, giving him a wave. I knew he would not understand the inside joke, but I did it anyway.


"Sora!" My mother scolded me… oops I forgot about them.


"It's ok. What is your name, young man?"


"My name is Sora Nakamura. I am six years old, and this is Fluffy," I said, holding him up.


"Hello!" Fluffy waved his paw.


"A talking fox, how fascinating."


"He is my quirk; you can't have him," I said, holding Fluffy closer to myself defensively. I might be playing up the child side of me because sometimes I just want to be a little shit.


"Sora," my mother said with a sigh.


"It's alright, little Sora, you can keep Fluffy," he said with a smile.


"So you said you had something important to give me, correct?" He said, looking towards my parents.


"Well, I would assume so, Sora, please give the nice principle the thing, ok?"


"Hai mom"


I said as I put my hand inside my inventory and watched as the principle eyes widen in shock as I pull out the driver and walk over to his office, but I am not tall enough to easily put it on the desk, so I fly up and put it on the table within reach of Nedzu and fly backwards, and land beside my parents. The whole time watching Nedzu try to puzzle out what is happening and how some kid seem to have so many quirks.


"Well… that was… interesting."


"Tell me, young man, how do you have so many quirks?"


"Hehe. Would you not like to know, but would it not be more fun to figure it out yourself?"


"Oh ho ho, you are right, it will be a wonderful puzzle to solve. Thank you, young man."


"Oh, I also got a message from you. Eh, what was it? Hmm, oh, upgrade the system."


"From… me? You are a curious enigma, young man."


"Thanks… ehh mom… What's an enigma?"


"It means something hard to understand."


"Ohh like math."


We talked for a bit more before we left with some goodbyes. I am guessing that I will be on Principle Fluffy's radar now. The rest of the day was rather uneventful, so I took a nap after coming home.


The next day, I wanted to complete two small goals. The first was to finally visit Marvel and check up on that world so I did not accidentally change that world's future, or I would have to fix it, or I would feel bad if I was the result of trillions of people dying.


The next day after school, I put on my superhero suit and found my parents sitting in the living room. They were talking, and when I walked in, they were kissing and cuddling up together. With my best impression of a kid walking in on their parents, I scrunched up my face, and in my most disgusted voice, I went


"EWWW!!!!" My parents only chuckled and kissed a few more times to screw with me as they laughed. I covered Fluffy's eyes like I was protecting him from something horrible, and that made my parents just laugh harder.


"It's not funny!" I said sticking my tongue out, but I had fun playing it up, and the reason I cover Fluffy's eyes is because he was rolling his eyes at my antics and being snarky over the mind link.


"Anyway, what did you want, Sora? My dad asked me as he got himself under control first."




"Magical… beans?" My dad said it with disbelief and ridicule.


"Yes! They can heal someone from anything short of death."


"Wait really?" My mom asked


"Yupp, I wanted to ask the magic cat if I could get one or two urns of them."


"Wait, are you serious?" My dad asked me


"Yupp, as serious as God is green," I almost giggled at their expression.


"Is this world dangerous?" My mom asked me first.


"Erm, well, there are beings who can blow up planets by themselves, but they are not on the planet I wanted to go to, so the strongest they have is around All Might strong… I think."


"Do you think or do you know?"


"Hmm, I say low, All Might."


"But I won't be even close to him, so I will be safe, and I have my hero suit."


"Hmm, well, fine, but as always, be safe and come back afterwards."


I opened a rift, jumped through, and soon appeared in the sky. I started to fall before I started to fly. Wow, I am really far up. I looked around and could not see Korin's tower well. Damn, there went the easy way. I picked a direction and started to fly, and after about two hours of flying, I found the tower and flew over there. When I got closer to the tower, I saw Korin standing and watching me approach. 


"Hello there, child, How are you flying?"


"Hello, Master Korin, my name is Leo, and I am from another world. I came asking for senzu beans, and in exchange, I could give you some information, and for flying, I got ghost powers."


Master Korin is a white cat who walks with a staff, and his eyes are always closed. I remember him being very old. He is a martial arts master and could beat me with ease if I did not have powers.


"Hmm, very interesting. What is this information about?"


"Threats to the future. Have you ever met a kid with a tail?"


"No, should I have?"


"Well, sometime in the future, a kid with a tail is going to come here and later train with Kami on the lookout."


"Is this kid important?"


"Well, yes, but I am afraid to say too much and change the future. The thing I wanted to tell you was that your senzu beans are going to become very important to saving this world several times in the future. So hide all of them and do not show them to the fat samurai; only take out one or two beans at a time. He ate all of them at one point that could have been used to help in the future."


"So a kid with a tail is important, and do not let the fat samurai eat my beans, and the future will be safe?"


"Well, technically, if I can, I will come back and visit and help if I can, but at this stage of my life, I am too weak."


"Well, child, come over here and let me test you, and then I will let you have one jar of beans. Is that okay?"




I put Fluffy down by the side as Korin went over and put a water jug on his staff, and then asked me to get it from him to test my combat capabilities. At this point, I have been training with dad on and off, but I am nowhere near skilled enough but might be able to overpower him with raw power. I first rush at him with full power and flight, and he is already on the backfoot, but he is always just slightly out of reach, so I turn up the difficulty for him. I turn invisible and start up my assault. He can sense me, but it's not quick enough, and I quickly get the jug.


"Hehe, I got it," I say, holding the jug as I become visible.


"You are a very scary opponent, kid, and an invisible opponent is not easy to fight."




"But you need to train to move. There is a lot of wasted energy and unnecessary movement."


"I know, but dad can only train me so much, and I got school and stuff. I don't get to go to hero school officially until I am 15. And I don't have enough flight control to move as I like."


"It's good you are learning. If you ever want to train, you can come to my tower. You seem to be a nice kid. I don't sense any darkness from you, so here you go, one jar of senzu beans.




I took the jar and put it in my inventory. I thanked Korin and asked if it was okay to take a picture. He said it was ok, so I took a picture of the tower, and Korin then waved goodbye as I flew away. While opening the rift and jumping through this time towards Marvel,.


I appeared in an alley and turned off my cloak to make sure I didn't look to suspicious as I made my way to any electronics store to see what I could find. But I kind of forgot that I looked like a five-year-old child walking around alone in a big city, and it was not long before an adult stopped me to ask where my parents were, and I made up some lie and made him look away. I quickly slipped away by turning invisible and intangible, and I continued that way until I found a coffee shop where a girl had put her phone on the table. I touched and activated my technopathy and quickly found... that the internet in this time period is garbage, but I did find some info about Tony Stark's capture, so I must have appeared here after he was captured. I had been too nervous to come back here and check, and I am happy I did not screw up. I erased any tracks I made and flew away to go home.


I was finally home and told my parents that before taking a nap.