
Lenoir: The Devil Inside Me

We all have something sinister inside us. Some take their demons and flaunt them to the world. Others hide them on the inside, and some believe they are pure, too pure to have a monster inside them. Yet those people are lying, whether it be to themselves or to the ones around them. The world is full of sinners, everywhere you go you'll find them. No one is pure... and no one is safe. Over two hundred fifty years ago, a rock fell from the heavens. Inside that rock was a creature of unknown origin all humanity knew, was that this creature would change the world as they knew it. From the everyday person emerged a new species of man, the Variant. The Variant was one capable of lifting cars and trains as if they were balls of yarn, or flying above the clouds with immense speed, even sending out waves of bright lighting. Variants changed the world forever and were still evolving it now in the present day. Out of the Eight billion on planet earth just about twelve percent of those are of Variant blood but compared to those only a select few shine above. Handsome, rich, and powerful. The three things any man would want to be. But what about when you are all three? Kaine Lenoir; a respected Variant, classmate, and international star. But with almost unlimited power in a world with finite restrictions what happens when that power goes unchecked? And then begins to spiral out of control? Genre- Realistic Fiction Sub-Genres- Psychological Thriller, Action, Superheros, Dark Sci-Fi Age Rating- PG-13 Warning: Mild Profanity, Mild Sexual Content, Gore, and Violence.

im_kalikk · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Not before long the door to the office room they were in flung open.

"Get down now!" Cooper shouted, pointing a rifle at Mr. Nobody.

Maxwell rushed to Kaine with a pair of B.V.A issued power-dampening handcuffs, they wouldn't do much, but they could hope it would let this current Kaine regain control of his body.

Yet before Maxwell could make it to Kaine the boy suddenly sprung up... and in his hand was a shining silver ring which soon clanked down to the floor.

The four agents and Mr. Nobody watched the spectacle in dazed confusion as they simply had no idea just how dire the situation had become. Maxwell fell to his knees in a fit of defeat as he watched the boy with ghost-like pale skin, snow-bound hair, and deep cherry crimson eyes ascend off the floor.

On his face, which for the past two years had either been deadpanned or a slight frown, there was now a wide shark tooth grin as the boy smiled ear to ear.

"Man, oh man... Does it feel good to be back."

With a smug smile Kaine's hands found themselves fit snuggly into his pants pockets as he gracefully landed back on the ground. He looked at Maxwell and the others as a semi-confused look appeared present on his face.

"What? Thought I was going to be berserk or something? I've been conscious the whole time Maxwell... Well at least somewhat conscious. It's weird really, like watching someone play a video game while you hover your hands over theirs on the controller. Emulating their movements but not really offering any input." Kaine said stretching his neck.

"Anyway, can you stop looking so fuckin' scared Luke?" Kaine spoke out noticing the still shock written face Maxwell was wearing. "I've been gone for two years yeah I know but 15 and 17 are a pretty damn big jump Ya' know. I'm a bit more mature now. I'm not just going to beat your ass... Not again at least."

Kaine turned his attention to two men beside Maxwell; Taylor, and Shepard, causing one of the men to visibly jump while aiming his pistol at chest level to Kaine.

"First things first, that gun won't do anything to me." He said with an even larger smile on his face, anymore and it seemed his mouth would spilt.

"But man, who should have been there. Fought the chief one on one, not the new one by the way. The fight lasted like five minutes, yeah, I could've finished it in seconds but whatever, Maxwell sees this and he's like 'I can take this brat' I overhear him and then boom! The old fucker last two seconds against me." Kaine said taking a seat in an old and dusty office chair.

His head popping up, he realized he forgot something. He stood once more, bowing before the six men in front of him.

"Name's Kaine, Kaine Lenoir, now although I said I was awake these past two years I haven't really been paying attention so tell me... Which one of you assholes am I fighting?"

Almost instantly and simultaneously the agents besides Maxwell pointed to the man clad in black, before moving out of the way so Kaine would have a better view.

"Ah shit." Maxwell sighed before he too stepped out of the way lighting a new cigarette.

'This is the guy? The fuckwad who killed Mom and Dad?' Kaine thought to himself looking at the man in the trench coat.

Mr. Nobody seemed taken aback as Kaine's eyes landed on his. It was a primal response that all creatures of the earth had evolved to help keep them alive in precarious situations... Fear, that's all Mr. Nobody felt, real-tried and true fear. A primal response, his gut telling him to run away, telling him to fly away, even leave the planet.

But his pride wouldn't allow that. No, he had to stand up for himself.

"How... I scanned you before, you had no power! Besides a healing factor, you had nothing! But... this, this is impossible! You feel so different, so... This power resembles that of the pri-!" Before he could finish speaking a cold hand grasped his face.

Looking between the fingers that covered his eyes he saw Kaine In front of him, yet they were no longer in the damp, musky abandon office. Now they were flying right above it, soaring through the open sky Kaine began tossing Mr. Nobody throughout the air, sending a barrage of punches each time.

"I'll give it to you. You're damn resilient. And It's nice to know you can fly too. But how fast is the question?" Kaine said before zipping towards Mr. Nobody, grabbing his arm and flinging him into a nearby building.

Watching the spectacle, Agent Taylor spoke up pointing at the two "fighting" which was truly just Kaine slamming Mr. Nobody down.

"Should... Should we stop them? I mean, I get this place and a bomb fallout practically no one leaves within a mile of here but still property damage is going to be a bitch and a half." Taylor said.

Maxwell simply shook his head. Taking a long drag of his cigarette before heaving out a deep sigh.

"Bureaus got a no interference policy. Well at least for the Reaper. As long as innocent's or civilian casualties are kept to a minimum, he can really do whatever he wants." Maxwell explained.

Upon finishing his sentence his face showed a much more serious expression as he huddled his men together.

"But listen, Lenoir... He's an interesting kid, being someone of his strength at such a young age it's rare for him to face real challenges. So, he's often bored, so when he discovers something new, he becomes... Obsessed. Martha and Allen, his parents had a pretty strict no kill rule. So, when Lenoir worked under us, he would try to bring criminals in without even a scratch on them.

But once he watched his parents beat a terrorist to a pulp and from then he had been engorged in violence. The criminals would come to us within an inch of their lives. Kaine doesn't do things he sees, but rather things he feels, if it makes any sense. Had he watched his parents kill a man... well it would be too late. We're here to make sure one thing doesn't happen. Make sure Kaine Lenoir does not directly kill a person."

He said gravely.

Taylor gulped as the others too heard this news.

'Why would the Bureau allow someone-no something as dangerous as him stay alive?' The four, thought in tandem as they glanced at Maxwell.

"I know what you're thinking. Why don't we just take care of him? Well... there's your answer." He said pointing to a figure who had seemingly just appeared before the group.

Taylor and Cooper both physically jumped, while Shepard drew his firearm. Harp and Maxwell stayed calm and even let out a small laugh.

The white-haired boy appeared in front of them with six shopping bags attached to his right arm and a bloody, beaten and bruised man being clutched by his hair in his left. Quickly, he threw the limp man towards the group of agents before pointing at him.

"That's... Thuf guy-oh my god, shit this is shoo good." He said, stuffing his face with what seemed to be cake?

"The hell?" Maxwell said looking at the man which was simply a few moments ago the feared Mr. Nobody, who had now become... well a nobody. Maxwell then walked up to the boy stuffing his mouth, plucking the desert from his mouth before inspecting it.

"Fuck is this? Pound cake?" he asked, taking a corner piece from the uneaten side.

Kaine snatched his desert back before throwing Maxwell a distasteful glance. "No, it's Luzerner Lebkuchen. Got it from Switzerland." He explained.

This garnered even more shock from the quartet of Variant rookies. The fight lasted no more than a few minutes, no doubt less than five. Just where did Lenoir find the time to go to Switzerland?

'Just how fast is this kid?' They thought.

"Anyway... I'm leaving, I need to shower, flew through a cloud of smoke, piss, and other shit over London. So, do whatever you want with this guy." He said before taking off through a hole in the roof.

'I felt it again, whenever I looked down at "Mr. Nobody" there was an overwhelming situation, the same thing I felt when I fucked over Martin. I don't know what it is, but I feel dangerous-lethal even. Just what was that feeling? That pressure? That...Itch?'


"Bleh! Fucker, I told you I don't know shit!" A man shouted being punched in the gut, currently miles underground in a B.V.A holding facility.

A feminine voice chuckled as another swift punch to the gut ensued. "You think I believe that? God, just wait tell we get your partner here." They said before delivering a spinning heel kick directly to the chained-up man's jaw, knocking him out instantly.

"Um... Ma'am. Lenoir is here for you." A guard said to the woman. She stepped from the holding cell wiping the blood from her knuckles with a handkerchief.

"So, you're, Minami? The Chief's kid!" Kaine shouted walking into the light from the shadows of the corner of the cell.

"First off, how the hell did you get in his cell? And second, I am the Chief!" She shouted.

Kaine playfully tossed his head back and forth. "Yeah, yeah. Tomato, potato. Anyway, you are one pretty woman. You couldn't have come from that fight bastards co- Actually... Isn't he infertile? Are you adopted?" Kaine asked with a large smirk on his face.

Minami seemed taken aback as she grunted inwardly. "So, you're just as annoying as maxwell had stated."

She walked away, snapping she ushered the guards present with her to put the man in holding as she spoke with Kaine.

"You do realize you're breaking B.V.A regulation being here right now?" She stated, sitting in a chair and folded her arms.

Kaine snapped and another chair appeared a few feet in front of hers so the two were now facing one another. Taking a seat, he smiled softly.

"No... No, I'm not. I understand you weren't around when the director came into the building often, but I'm untouchable. I mean why wouldn't I be? He told me the government doesn't pay him enough to deal with my bullshit... Whatever that means." He said suddenly, taking a bite of a baguette.

Minami's eyes widened in a sudden fit of shock. "Did you have that in your pocket or something?"

Kaine simply shook his head before taking another bite. "I flew to France."

Her jaw dropped down to the floor as she shook her head rubbing her temples.

"Jesus, just how fast are you kid?" She asked.

"No clue, to be honest. Funny thing is speed isn't my strongest power... But it is one of the best-" And with that in a flash his fist was on course to collide with Minami's skull. In a split section a shining silver shield appeared blocking the blow to her head.

As she crouched down underneath Kaine it seemed as if she was so mad her head would explode.

"What, the fuck asshole!" She shouted as Kaine hopped back a few feet. He had a large smile on his face as he began to repeatedly tap his foot. His actions almost mimicked that of an excited dog.

"Haha... You really are his kid. You're not adopted either-unless." Walking up to the now still crouched lady he lightly pushed her against the cold concrete walls. Grabbing her chin, he pushed his face ever so closer to hers.

Her tiny round face reddened slightly as her cheeks began to give off warmth. Her eyes were locked onto Kaine's, while his were darting back and forth; scanning all her body.

"Same shape ears, the same-not be racist, but same tiny Asian eyes." He stopped for a moment as he scratched his head standing up. "Well, I guess I made it racist." Shaking his head, he continued with a chuckle. "Ear-Check, Eyes-Check, Nose-Check, and even pretty damn close to the same face shape. But of course, the dead giveaway would be the infamous 'Yukiko Bloodline Martial Art', for the last what, two three generations? The Yukiko's have had the power to create substances out of thin air."

Minami sprang up back in defense as she heard Kaine's knowledge of her families' abilities.

A dagger appeared in her hand. It was small, thin, yet drastically sharp. "How do you know this information!" She said pointing the tip towards Kaine.

Laughing he threw his hands up to show surrender. "Listen, you may be older than me...Ten years older to be precise, nine years, eleven months, and fourteen days to be even more precise. But trust me I know your father-perhaps even better than you do."



An air of sour silence developed over the two of them.

"Get out, leave now and I won't tell the director." Minami said still pointing at Kaine.

Biting his lip slightly he nodded and simply began to head towards the stairs.

Minami's heart felt as if it would explode. Although she had just met Kaine, she knew he was different from earlier today.

Something in his eye... She saw something sinister; it was small-not even small. It was as if it was a grain of sand on a distant planet in another galaxy, simply a cosmic speck. But there was something there.

And that speck... Was an itch, an itch for destruction.

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