
Legionnaire of the Emperor

This is a Sci-Fi based story. About a soldier set in a futuristic war-torn world fighting for his empire, in ancient times their are FOUR nations; The JźH Empire, Kingdom Of Arcadium, Kingdom Of Britannia and Victoriam. For centuries the JźH Empire have conquered half of the planet, but after a while it became just three nations residing to the Planet Gaia(FictionalEarth) 5x larger than real earth, one of the nations left are The Holy Kingdom Of Britannia that became the central religion of the nations, and the second Nation is just a puppet country(Victoriam) they're independent to make laws and control the people but the one who really controls them are The Empire. Some people want some change to this oppressive type of living, especially the people of the Post-Conquered Kingdom of Arcadium, they build a group that will overthrow and fight the empire to give back the lands they have colonized and independence; They call this group Anti-Imperialism Revolutionists the Key members of the group are Politicians, Rich Businessmen, Bureaucrats, High-Ranking Soldiers, the descendants of the Arcadium Royal Family and the shadows behind it all are the ancient group of scientist and philosophers called "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" and of course the "መለኮታዊ አዕምሮ" For 115 years of war between the JźH Empire and the Anti-Imperialism Revolutionaries, after a devastating attack by the A.I.R. The Empire granted the Peace Treaty, make Victoriam a official independent Country and all of the eastern continent that was once belong to the Arcadium Kingdom are given back. He is the commanding officer of the 25th legionnaire regiment A.K.A. "Emperors Iron Fist". The Protagonist of this story is Nicholas Olivoure Leofrançois II son of Nashido Nikorasu Leofrançois and Elisé Olivoure Leofrançois, at his childhood he proves stupendous talents that the empire can use.

DREAGVEAKRAJZH · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Love and War - Guns and Roses


The year is now January 11, 2027 the upcoming War Of Technological Advancement, Because of the upcoming war all imperial army assigned to Spec-Ops mission, Is now returning home.

That means Jeanne Porcia M. McArk and his cohort is returning, Nicholas heard of the news so he quickly go to the Anaximander Major Imperial Army Base where she is going to be drop off by the new I.A.S. Mortem Corvette-class (Imperial Air Ship) the whole media is there to see it, Nicholas now have reached AMIAB Nicholas saw Jeanne's mother Rheanna M. McArk and her younger brother Carlus John M. McArk, Nicholas run towards them then shouted to Jeanne's mother "Oh missus McArk!" and Rheanna saw Nicholas and said "Oh... Nicholas is that you my boy? it's been years, last time I have seen you, you where graduating you're so tall now." Nicholas nervously replied "Yes missus McArk... uhmm have you seen Jeanne yet?" Rheanna replied "Not yet, I believe his in the 3rd infantry battalion, the ones coming out now is the second infantry battalion." then Cj said to Nicholas "Whoa are you big-sis's boyfriend?" Nicholas replied "Uhmm No..." then Rheanna said to Nicholas "Carlus how rude of you, be respectful to a imperial officer... wait a minute why are you even here? aren't you still rivals or something boy or did you have finally have a truce?" Nicholas embarressedly said to her "Uhmm... nothing I've just seen the news and I haven't seen her for a long time, so..." then after another VTOL jet transport landed and Jeanne got out in the transport ship and then first thing she saw is Nicholas they started looking at each other, Jeanne and Nicholas felt like a bliss they run towards each other and after they hold each others hand and suddenly... they romantically kiss each other, this however caught the eyes of the media, Jeanne's Mother is shooked of what they are doing and Cj said "Yup, totally her boyfriend!". Nicholas and Jeanne now stopped kissing and Jeanne says to him "Oh how I've missed that lips of yours, every mission I have done I've use your kiss as my inspiration... I love you, Nicholas." and nicholas replied "I know, I missed you too." before they about to kiss each other again Rheanna stop them and said "What is the meaning of this?! Jeanne!" Jeanne tried to explain "Uhmm... mom, let me explain." then Rheanna interrupted "No need, all those years while in your Academy, I know something is between all that conflict of you two but before you get married there are some conditions for marrying my Daughter." Jeanne replied embarrassingly "What? mom no! there is media and paparazzi everywhere! can we talk about this on our way home?" then Rheanna replied "Fine! come on Carlus take your sister's bag, as for you Nicholas I have plans for you go to our household tomorrow, ok boy?" Nicholas then replied nervously "Yes ma'am!" Rheanna smiled and the family leaves and a last kiss on the cheeks by Jeanne to Nicholas.

A day later the media release the picture of Jeanne and Nicholas, The picture is trending in the empire.

Nicholas is now at the McArk Mansion and he is invited to eat dinner with the whole family "You see Nicholas my daughter is undoubtedly beautiful but don't mistake it as her weakness as you know she is strong like her father and mother but she's still our precious baby girl I will do anything to protect my baby girl." Rheanna said to him then Jeanne embarrassingly replied "Mom! stop it I'm twenty five years old for crying out loud!" then Carlus secretly laughs by covering his mouth "Well anyways, may I ask Nicholas how long is this relationship been happening?" Rheanna said to Nicholas "Uhm... actually we're not in a relationship yet ma'am" then Rheanna angrily said "What!? what do you mean Not in a relationship yet kindly explain this to me!?" then Jeanne said "Mom we are at the dinner table, control your anger!" Rheanna replied "I am sorry my dear, but please kindly explain the happenings between you two." Rheanna said while controling his anger "Well ma'am you see when I was still the imperator magister Jeanne visited my office at my house in JźH capital, she wanted to congratulate me because of how fast I gained a higher rank and then we mocked and teased each other, laugh... then later on Jeanne bring up her mission and how long she is going to be gone... then she leaves I grabbed her hand and we set aside our differences... and we kissed." Nicholas said to them all "Wow that's... I don't know what to say, well that proves it the legion student council's motto is true the more you hate the more you love, but there is some conditions for you to marry my daughter." Rheanna said then Nicholas replied "What is it? I'll do any thing ma'am just for her." then Rheanna said "You have to defeat me at ancient JźH sword Fighting!" then Jeanne shouted "WHAT!? mom Nicholas is not good at that you know!" Rheanna replied "I do not care this are the conditions of our family you know it is our family tradition!" then Jeanne replied "Fine! but go easy on him ok mom?" Rheanna replied sarcastically "Of course my dear, of course." then Nicholas said "It's alright Jeanne, I'll do anything for you... but were should we duel ma'am?" Rheanna replied "On the east wing of our mansion there's a whole section for training ancient JźH sword fighting, you can prepare one of the rooms there." then everybodu goes to the east wing of the mansion to get ready.

While Nicholas is preparing Jeanne knocked on the front door and said "Nich, may I come in?" Nicholas replied "Yes of course Jeanne." then Jeanne come in and said to Nicholas "Are you sure you want to do this, mom's maiden name is Magnatus her family is rank number one expert in Ancient Jz'H Sword Fighting, Plus he has her own fighting style, are you sure? I can still convince her..." Nicholas stopped her to talk and replied "It's ok Jeanne I can take any bullet or jump over a train for you, I'll do everything for you, my love." then they kissed romantically. Then Cj stepped into the room and said "Yow Nicholas, your pic with big-sis is trending everywhere... oh am I interrupting?" Nicholas stopped kissing Jeanne and said to cj "Oh... no... what is trending again?"

After that Nicholas is now prepared and finished warming up, They are now at the personal fighting ring/training room in the mansion; they use real weapons and Metalic body armor and now ready to start "Alright, seems you're the first man my daughter have Kiss maybe. I'll give you five rounds, but if one of us cross the boundary of the ring or subdue your apponent it's a total win ok!" Rheanna said, then Nicholas replied generously "Thank you ma'am." Rheanna replied "Don't thank me yet boy, but first the rules, it's pretty much easy, the one who has the highest point before the third round wins and if Cj saw a hit in the unarmored area he will ring the bell and end the round ok! Easy right now let's get started."

Then Cj start the bell and the first round begins, First Rheanna take a chance to attack him from the leg, Rheanna is fast but beacause of Nicholas's ability he is able to parry it then Rheanna said "Woah, you're fast!" Nicholas replied "Heh... you're welcome ma'am." Rheanna is offended by the words she became serious but Nicholas is so fast, Rheanna didn't notice Nicholas is already at her back "What?" She said and Nicholas take the chance and slash the back armor of Rheanna then she falls out of the ring. The family are in awe, what they saw is unnatural.

Then Cj fastly ringed the bell to end the round thats 1 point to Nicholas, Nicholas then said "Uhm sorry ma'am." She replied angrily "No! don't be sorry, but how did you do that so fast... whatever but now I'll go serious on you boy." She winks at her son then Cj ringed the bell fastly Nicholas is thrown off-guard then Nicholas is subdued Jeanne nervously said "Mom, please I said go easy on him." Rheanna gave a powerful attack using his dagger but Nicholas is able to parry fastly because of his ability "But how?" Rheanna shockingly said "Time to get really serious now!" Rheanna furiously said to him, Rheanna is really angry now at him it's like her whole family is being offended because no one can parry a Magnatus's powerful dagger attack, Because of the rage she throw swift consecutive attacks at him but Nicholas has a ability so he is able to parry all the consecutive attacks; Rheanna is at rage mode now she use the powerful dagger attack aiming at the head that will throw Nicholas off guard again she knows Nicholas is going to parry this so at the right moment she will pull up his right arm that holding the dagger and try to stab him in the stomach But Nicholas use again his ability to parry again the dagger BUT Rheanna's attack is so strong and fast Nicholas can't parry it fastly enough, as a result she penetrated through his helmet armor then destroyed it that also send Nicholas flying out of the ring.

Then Jeanne run immediately to Nicholas and said "Oh my god, are you ok?" Nicholas replied "Yeah... I'm alright it's just a scratch, besides I win." then Jeanne said to him "What no? It's a tie you didn't win yet." Then Nicholas pointed to Rheanna and saw there is a slash in her armor, Cj saw it than ringed the bell; Nicholas has now 2 points it means Nicholas wins the duel, Rheanna is both embarrassed and surprised, than Jeanne shouted happily and hugged Nicholas "Well, well... I'm surprised you've win... you're the very first person defeated me in this duel... though it is very unorthodox fighting style... with a little training you'll be an expert at this in no time." Nicholas replied "Thank you missus McArk, I mean it's an honor to battle one of the Magnatus family." Rheanna replied happily "No, the honor is mine Nicholas, either way if you lose I still going to let you marry my daughter any way." Nicholas, Jeanne and Cj both said "Why?" Rheanna replied "Because I learned by watching Nicholas's behavior that he is a suitable man for you he is the one that will stay by your side and protect you forever. Plus I'm old now I can't protect you forever." Jeanne replied and hugged her "Thank you, mom you're the best mother ever." Rheanna replied while laughing "haha, i know my sweet baby girl now when are you two are going to get married?"

A month later after a lot of wedding preparation, The day of the Wedding February 05, 2027, Leofrancois Family and McArk Family and especially Nicholas's regiment are all their.

Jeanne is now preparing his Traditional Jiapnese Kosode and Nicholas's Formal Jiapnese Kimono, Now everyone is at The Nikorasu Jiapnese Pagoda, Where there are going to be married the pagoda is almost 807 years old it's been build around 1210 it's height is about 54.8 meters, It had been known as the first tallest building in the world. Now the wedding has started "Everybody, stand up!" The Jiapnese Bishop said, and everybody stand up and they see the door is opening, they've see Jeanne Porcia Magnatus McArk walking towards the altar, Walking Next is Nicholas Olivoure Leofrançois II.

Now they sit and take a bow at each other. After the wedding It is now official Jeanne is now part of the Leofrançois Family they changed different room where everyone is going eat and have a good time and the 25th Legionnaire is chatting, Orion notice Ciara is gloomy than he sit right next to her "Hey, Ciara why are you... oh I know." Ciara replied to him "I wish I'm Jeanne, I'm so jealous, where did he find her anyway?" Orion replied "I heared they where classmates at Legion Academy and they fight a lot or something?" Ciara shokingly replied "WHAT!? so they are rivals in the past?" Orion replied to her "I know right, when I was in fourth year in the legion academy the Legion student council conspired them as a couple because of our academy council motto The More You Hate, The More You Love, but they are still freshman back then." Ciara replied "Yeah I know I have a secret crush on him back then" Orion replied "Yeah I remember when we graduated you achieved a cum laude recognition right?" Ciara replied "Yeah, well beats you... mister magna cum laude!" Orion replied laughing "Haha I remember you are the most youngest graduate at the academy, atleast you and her have both incommon after all." Ciara replied "Yeah, my father made me jumped a school year so... *sigh* but i'm still jealous of her, look at them they are so perfect." Orion replied to her "Look Ciara, you're a cute, lovely and a special girl, c'mon there so many other guys out there I hope you find the right man for you." after Ciara was shoked about Orion has said to her, she felt a tightening at her chest, maybe Orion is the right man for her, Maybe.

A minute later while all of them are chatting The door suddenly opened and everyone stopped chatting and Saw Emperor JźH Augustus and Princess Marie Antoinette fixing up his Jiapnese Wedding Attire "Stop it marie, Sorry I'm late Nich... busy day at work you know." The emperor said awkwardly then the two of them walks toward the newlyweds and then The 25th Legionnaire and the Praetor all stand up and kneeled facing to the Emperor and the Princess "At ease Legion!" The Emperor said to them then the Legionnaires came back to their tables then they continue walking towards the newlyweds "Congratulations you two, I am so sorry Nicky we're late, my stupid big bro here suppose to get me at the Palace but no! I was the one who goes to his office and suprisingly..." Princess Marie explaining to them then interrupted by The Emperor "Suprisingly I'm still working and not wearing my Jiapnese wedding suit blah, blah, blah, I know marie now would you stop it!" Said the Emperor to his sister angryly and stare at each other "Well anyway, we came as fast as we could for our troubles my brother will give you this little gifts we bought... ehem augie!" Princess marie said to Nicholas and Jeanne "Oh yes, mister reginald please bring the gifts!" Emperor JźH Augustus shouted at the entrance door and then Reginald Palanx the Royal butler and half of Imperial House Maids come in carrying BIG Gifts and there is a lot "Oh my..." Jeanne said shoked by what she saw "Alright thank you reginald, just leave it beside the other gifts." The Princess shouted to the butler "Wow... I am... not surprise August and marie, somehow I'm used seeing that haha, but thank you anyways!" Nicholas said to them "haha, I too somehow expected to see that stupid face of yours; remember back then at your tenth birthday! You were shocked by my father's gifts haha!" Emperor said to Nicholas then continue laughing together "Anyways congrats on your wedding you two, where is Inuya by the way nicky? It's been a long time since I last saw her?" Princess Marie said to Nicholas and Jeanne "Oh I last saw her, she was going to the bathroom... I told her she was allergic to that food... go check on her will you Marie? I'm worried." Nicholas said to Princess Marie then she goes and leave them "I am truly honor at your side My lord." Jeanne said graciously to The Emperor "Oh the honor is mine milady, you're truly the one for my Hard-headed cousin here." The emperor said to Jeanne then Kissed her hand "Wow, I still can't believe that's Little marie, last time I saw her your father's holding her while crying back then so much has changed, how old is she now? 15? 13?..." Nicholas said to him "She's just 12 actually, her puberty started early... did you see her attitude right now... sheezz, everytime I come home we're always fighting over something but what can I do... for me she's still my sweet Little sister, Now enough with the drama! Let us enjoy this wedding of yours shall we?" Then the Dj turned the music up then everyone started dancing at the center of the Pagoda. For the newlyweds they feel like the night is never going to end.

One month later, after the wedding Jeanne is now living in the Leofrançois Manor at Fra Mauro Island far west to the capital of the empire it's been there since 1913, Now Nicholas has a new mission with his squad, Before he leaves he said to the guards of the mansion to always tighten the security because the E.L.D. might attack anytime. "Look honey, be safe alright this is your first mission of the year so..." Jeanne said concernly, than Nicholas interrupted her "Hey, baby don't you worry, I got this alright, oh and you too." Jeanne replied "Huh? oh yeah... in three weeks my battalion will be assigned again to SpecOps, we won't seeing each other again for a long time." Nicholas replied "Hey, that's just a five week operation, that's not too long honey and when you're finish, a week later this mission is done. Ok now don't be sad *kiss*" he kissed her to the lips and after he sees M.T. Gnarus Septimus L. Solo waiting for him with a VTOL jet shuttle transport and shouted in the distance "Sir, come on four hours before the briefing, it's a three hour flight from here!" Nicholas replied to him by shouting too "Alright one second. Well gotta go hon I'll call you when I'm not busy, ok." Jeanne replied with a concerned tone again "*sigh* Just be always safe alright, I love you." Nicholas replied "I love you too, bye!" Than Nicholas run to the transport jet.

Later they take flight to their new Base of Operations at Anaximander Minor, up far north of the empire the only season their is winter.

After an hour the shuttle transport reached and landed to their new Base of Operations, and after they got out the shuttle all of the squad saluted him and M.B. Gerard T. Francis said to him "Welcome Primus Pilus to our new base, what do you think?" Nicholas replied to him "uhm... it's alright a bit cold though." and M.N. Orion D. Nixon said "Well then sir, let's go in shall we, it's heated inside sir." then all of the squad go inside the base.

Now at the command center of the base they start their briefing mission "Alright, let's start this." Nicholas said to the whole squad "Well sir, this is a direct order of the fifty second emperor, e.l.d. kidnapped one of our best nuclear physicist Dr. Newton A. Nixon, my father." Nicholas replied "What your father? Our second mission is another kidnapping? *sigh*!" Ciara replied "Well sir, we're so rarely to have a mission, that there is no simple mission is given to us only the other regiment gets it!" Nicholas replied to her "Fair enough. Alright Manipulus Navita give us more details." Orion stated to the group "My father is held up from a e.l.d. Secret Nuclear Factory at a little island near Arcadia..." Nicholas interrupted him "Wait! you said this is a secret nuke factory, how did you find it?" Orion replied "Well sir, i didn't find it, it's from your wife's battalion that assigned to SpecOps." Nicholas replied "Huh so that's her mission, i've never ask about it... continue Orion." Orion continued "The senate think that my father was forced to work on arsenals of nuclear warhead, the satellite of the empire captured this it has defences surrounding in its vicinity so our order to go in stealthly and just extract my father safely and the emperor said rigged a explosion to the bombs and make the factory look like it had a accident, but don't worry sir the arsenals seven hundred feet below ground it'll be fine... I hope." After the statement Nicholas says to the team "Alright the we will do this like this, I have a strategy." After Nicholas has said the strategy plan Orion has some following words to the squad "Oh right, before we go to the island, we're going to land first at imperial air ship named legion two." Gerard replied curiously "we're going to land where?" Orion replied "Don't worry, i'm going to tell you that on the way their." After that they all suit up and get ready to fly to the I.A.S. Legion II.

THE END OF CHAPTER 4th: Love And War - Guns And Roses

The wedding scene in this Chapter is purely Fictional Tradition of the jiapnese people It's made up by me but the dresses i use is based on the Japanese.

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