
Legionnaire of the Emperor

This is a Sci-Fi based story. About a soldier set in a futuristic war-torn world fighting for his empire, in ancient times their are FOUR nations; The JźH Empire, Kingdom Of Arcadium, Kingdom Of Britannia and Victoriam. For centuries the JźH Empire have conquered half of the planet, but after a while it became just three nations residing to the Planet Gaia(FictionalEarth) 5x larger than real earth, one of the nations left are The Holy Kingdom Of Britannia that became the central religion of the nations, and the second Nation is just a puppet country(Victoriam) they're independent to make laws and control the people but the one who really controls them are The Empire. Some people want some change to this oppressive type of living, especially the people of the Post-Conquered Kingdom of Arcadium, they build a group that will overthrow and fight the empire to give back the lands they have colonized and independence; They call this group Anti-Imperialism Revolutionists the Key members of the group are Politicians, Rich Businessmen, Bureaucrats, High-Ranking Soldiers, the descendants of the Arcadium Royal Family and the shadows behind it all are the ancient group of scientist and philosophers called "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" and of course the "መለኮታዊ አዕምሮ" For 115 years of war between the JźH Empire and the Anti-Imperialism Revolutionaries, after a devastating attack by the A.I.R. The Empire granted the Peace Treaty, make Victoriam a official independent Country and all of the eastern continent that was once belong to the Arcadium Kingdom are given back. He is the commanding officer of the 25th legionnaire regiment A.K.A. "Emperors Iron Fist". The Protagonist of this story is Nicholas Olivoure Leofrançois II son of Nashido Nikorasu Leofrançois and Elisé Olivoure Leofrançois, at his childhood he proves stupendous talents that the empire can use.

DREAGVEAKRAJZH · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Legionarius De Domino Imperator

Ten years has passed, 2027 Nicholas is now 25 years old and still devastated by the past, but now he is assigned to 25th Legionnaire Regiment also known as the "Emperors Iron Fist" in it is the most strongest and powerful soldiers in all of the imperial army.

Year 2027 the brink of The War Of Technological Advancement, When the first Nuclear Bomb A.K.A. IMPERIUM MORTEM BOMB was dropped in Konoharai that contains 90 Megatons Of T.N.T. that incinirated half of Konoharai and Washington. The young Emperor JźH Olivoure LII is one year in his reign as the newly apointed emperor, he is eager to test his new technology and army's capabilities the empire send 100 Million Imperial Soldiers ready to invade at all time to Democracy Bay, Undetected in the I.A.S. Legion the very first enormous Air Battleship and Aircraft Carrier of the Imperial Navy capable of air and land bombardment and stealth capabilities technology that can stay undetected in the air for a long time, having this in the imperial arsenal E.L.D. don't know what hit them.

Five years before the start of W.T.A. Nicholas finish his Training and Curriculum activities at The Legion Academy a school dedicated for the military of the empire, March 31, 2022 the graduation of soon to be Legionnaires or Imperial Soldier. The Emperor is there to greet all the successful graduates, Having the highest distinction of the academy Nicholas became the Summa cum laude and soon be serving his empire and become a Legionnaire of the Emperor. He gained instantly the rank of a Primus Pilus; a Primus Pilus is a commander/leader of a legionnaire regiment, At age of 20 years old, He is the most youngest man who earned this rank even though he trained successfully for Four years he is still a newbie in his career so he's been assigned to the 134th Legionnaire Regiment, The regiment is called the "Velites" basically it translate to light soldiers. This regiment they never goes to battle only if necessary, Even though they are in the lowest they are still a force to be reckoned with. They only served as the sole guardians of The Olivoure Imperial Palace to protect the home of the emperor and the Emperor's family.

After 3 months serving as Primus Pilus of the Velites "What a lovely night." Nicholas confidently said, A dull night at the imperial palace Nicholas is looking outside at the window and noticed the main entrance guard is nowhere to be found, worried because the break shift of the guards are 12:00am and it's only 10:50pm, Worried Nicholas made a call to the emperors bedroom "My lord, lock your door there's something..." Nicholas worriedly said, Then a shout and some gunshots has been heard outside the door of his office, Interrupted the emperor heard a hard kick on the door at the call "E.L.D. assassins?!" Nicholas shouted and dropped the phone "WHAT? how do you know?" The emperor curiously said, Then Nicholas quickly grabbed the telephone again "At the left chest of there black suit there's an eld coat of arms but don't you worry my lord i'll handle this, activate the defence mode of your room and it's going to be alright it's just a sword fight anyway." confident about the odds Nicholas get his grandmother's old katana that has been passed to him as a heirloom. Being in his very first battle the adrenaline in him increase abnormally just when he is about to unsheathe the katana something triggered in him everything around him is in slow motion and the first assassin lunges to him and one by one he slashes them all and decapitated all three assassins and Nicholas said after "What the hell just happened? Weird? My heart is beating so fast." Weirded out nicholas heard another barrage of gunfire, Confuse after the battle Nicholas saw the hallway towards the emperor's bedroom a lot of his soldier is killed and he run towards the emperor's room "Oh no my soldiers! this is a bloodshed." Nicholas sadly said and then someone answers "Looks like you and the emperor are the only one left, after we kill you we're going to open that bloody door open." Nicholas is suprised 10 E.L.D. Assassins ambush him at the front door of the emperor's bedroom "Yeah good luck opening this you need a high ranking imperial officer to open this up!" Nicholas provokingly said to them "We expected you're going to say that, but we're going to make you open that for US right!? Haha." The E.L.D. Assassin sarcastically said, Then the E.L.D. Assassins lunges to him to attack one by one and when Nicholas just about to unsheathe his katana, It triggered again, His heart is beating rapidly and his Eyes are dilated, Nicholas's mind is so fast his perception of time seems to be slow and Nicholas use this as a advantage and one by one he kills all of the E.L.D. assassins "Woah, this is kinda awesome?" Nicholas said excitingly and another wave of E.L.D. Assassins ambush him but this time Fifthteen assassins showed up "I don't know how you did that, but know there are fifthteen of us you are once again outnumbered mate!" An E.L.D. Assassin said nervouslya.

Now Nicholas is outnumbered out of options he have to use it again, Just at the right moment the emperor opened the door and use the "Emperor Smite" The Emperor Smite is a ancient ability of the Olivoure Family it is passed on generation by generations of Emperors, Only few people in history have seen this used and at the same time how and when did they gain this kind of Powerful ability.

Nicholas is blinded temporarily by the Emperor Smite, Shortly after he gained again his vision Nicholas saw all the E.L.D Assassins incinirated all what's left of them are ashes, then he looked to the door and saw the emperor standing there and holding the little princess Marie Antoinette in his arms "Wha.. what happened my lord? marie are you all alright?" Nicholas said "Yes, she is alright a girl at her age she is strong like her mother, she'll be fine... you have many much to learn my boy, come on now my sweet sunflower stop crying the bad guys are gone." The emperor said while comforting the 5 years old little princess, Now at the palace entrance "Alright use this special distress signal it is only activated when i'm under attacked." The emperor said and he handed the device to Nicholas.

While waiting for the rescuers The emperor explained what he experienced tonight "Look, Nich... only few people in all history, had witness the Emperor Smite." The emperor said "The Emperor Smite, my lord?" Nicholas said to The emperor curiously "It's alright you can call me uncle no one's around, but yes it is an ancient power use by emperors before me, and before I end my reign I will teach this to my son or marie heck! now I remembered even the first monarch Hirotashi Olivoure anyways, look nicholas are you aware of your ancestry?" The emperor said and questioned Nicholas "Huh? what do you mean uncle? You mean...?" Nicholas curiously said "*sigh* I guess it's time to tell you this, though I prefer your father will talk about this too you... but judging what you've experience in this events... yes." The emperor said "Yes! this recently just happened I can somehow slow time by using my mind or something?" Nicholas enthusiastically said to The emperor "You're quite right my boy, but the truth is... it comes from your bloodline your Nikorasu family gene specifically, as you know it's an ancient ability use by the warriors of the clan; in fact you're one of the descendants of the Ten warriors who protected the last jiapnese city by the hands of my ancestors but your people's ability are much more different than ours, it gives you advance mental strength and superior physical agility, so that's why your perception of time seems to be slowed." The emperor explained to him "I know this the clan elders always tell stories about it... but there is no explanation HOW! They did it But I think I know now, I must tell..." Nicholas said, then interrupted by The emperor "Hey easy now nich, I will tell you something more... have you heard about the Nikorasu Myth snooping around your family? It isn't a Myth boy! You are using it all this time." The emperor said "Oh, when I was ten years old when dad is invited in a military ball or something, I've always hear a man saying this myth all over again... but he always say he don't wanna talk about it, But now I know the whole truth." Nicholas intrigued reply to The emperor "Your father is right to keep this a secret, he doesn't wanna talk about it because it's a highly confidential information like the emperors smite, because in the year seventeen-twenty three when my ancestor the thirty second Emperor that reigned for twenty eight years! Invaded the final town of the remaining native jiapnese people the Nikorasu family protected the town, ten Nikorasu Warriors versus five hundred and sixty eight imperial knights guess who is the victor? ofcourse the warriors, not soon after the thirty second emperor grant a peace treaty and agreement, the natives get too keep the land and keep that battle a secret for millennia." The emperor said to Nicholas "But wait though uncle? How did I not get incinirated too? And there is no burnmarks in the hallway?" Nicholas said to The emperor "Well... to save you from the long science behind it I'll explain it easily, I just think who I'm going to incinirate like some targeting system in my brain... then I raise my hand and boom a massive light surrounds you." The emperor explained "Well thats one way to explain it... thank you my lo... I mean Uncle."

A minute later a horde of imperial soldiers and paramedics have arrived and the Prince JźH Olivoure LII arrived too "Big-brother augie is here!" Said marie then princess marie stand up and run to his brother joyfully and hugged him "whose my little sister? Yes you are, Are you alright my beautiful sister... ehem... Dad, Nich are you all ok?" The prince said akwardly "We're fine my son, thank you." The emperor said to his son "Well alright, paramedics see if anyone have survived... thank you Nich... for protecting my Father, I owe you a beer." The prince said "Yeah, i'll remember that hahaha!" Nicholas happily said and everyone just laugh it off and then a imperial soldier come and said "Sir, my lord I'm sorry but no one survived this attack even the mansion maids and the butler." sudden sadness of The emperor, The prince and Nicholas "Oh no! Terrence, I have to notify the Palanx family... There's a lot of men have fallen today... There death will be avenge!" The emperor grievingly said.

A few weeks after the palace tragedy, Nicholas had gained another rank, The Rank Of Imperator Magister by the 51st Emperor. A Imperator Magister "Emperors Guardian" is the personal Guardian of the Emperor, It is a one of a kind rank it is rare because only the elite of the elites are chosen. Because of how fast Nicholas gained a rank, his face is all over the media, T.V., newspaper etc. everyone is calling him in the Empire Magazine "Emperor's Shield", "Most Youngest Commander in the history of the empire", "The Imperial Armys Model" because of his good looking charm and perfect physique body, he became the "Ideal Man For Any Woman Who Want To Marry A Soldier.", he become one of the most famous celebrity all over the Empire and the Holy Kingdom.

Now The Emperor is at the funeral of the fallen soldiers and gave a speech for the families of the fallen soldiers and news media "Know the day, the day that gave us all Pain and Sorrow, because if it wasn't for the sacrifice of The Brave one hundred-thirty forth Legionnaire, I'll be dead right now. But one survive." The emperor said emotionally "I brought you Nicholas Leofrançois the second, the one that save me and my daughter Marie from eld assassins from reaching our quarters, I present to you all... my new Imperator Magister" The emperor proudly said, Then Nicholas gave a small speech too "Thank you my lord, who really deserve this is my regiment, because of their courage and loyalty towards the end, because of them we've shown that we are still a force to be reckon with, may you rest in peace my brothers." After the speechment of the emperor and Nicholas, Nicholas is greeted by his Sister and Father "Wow, I can't believe my son is the first I.M. in millennia." Nashido said "Thank you dad I... I wish mother could see me now." Nicholas sadly said "Chin up my son, she is proud of what you've achieved today she want you to be happy if she sees you like that." The emperor talk to them and said "Alright, my trusted leaders and my beautiful niece after this let us make haste to the ball shall we." The Emperor arranged a grand ball to honor the deaths of the regiment and announce this day to be a holiday for The Brave 134th Legionnaire Regiment and the family of the fallen 134th are invited and Nicholas too and all of the Leofrançois Family and friends are there and Prince JźH Olivoure LII was there too ofcourse. While everyone is celebrating the prince walk close to Nicholas and says "Here's your beer nich" "Oh nice, now where even augie." Nicholas said sarcastically "What even? oh I get it now, so you still remember when we were fifteen when You defeated me in Ancient jiapnese sword duel tournament this is not being even bro! Even though I'm your friend and Cousin I am still the next emperor!" The prince furiously said "Alright, Alright... jeez that was like Five years ago." Nicholas said "Fine, but remember I am the next emperor." The prince said.

After the emperor make a toast "Alright everybody listen, know this day to be a brand new holiday in honor of the one hundred-thirty-forth regiment, I know some of you is still grieving but let us truly honor them by having fun and enjoying this party alright." After the ball, Everyone leave the palace some is happy some is still mourning.

Two years later September 25, 2024 the celebration of the birth of the first emperor JźH Olivoure I, and everyone in the empire is celebrating this day even The Holy Kingdom Of Britannia are celebrating this too. JźH Empire and the H.K. Have a strong alliance, In other words the H.K. and the empire are like twin brothers.

Secretly the empire had created there first nuclear arsenal built, Coincidentally it was named after the first emperor's fullname "JźH Caelum Gausalos Olivoure I" It is called the "Caelum J-17 Bomb" Caelum basically translate to Heaven, 2x powerful than PROJECT:IMPERIUM-MORTEM it contains 120 megatons of T.N.T. that kind of weapon can destroy a nation.

Days have passed Nicholas is finishing some paperworks inside his office at the Olivoure Imperial Palace then he heard a knock at the door, "Open" Nicholas said, Then he sees his legion academy classmate Jeanne Porcia M. McArk, Jeanne is both Nicholas's friend and foe, Majority of the students in the academy conspired them a couple because they always fight and compete with each other some believe that "The more you hate, The more you love" one of the motto of the Academy student Council but they always deny it, Most of there academy years they both challenging themselves to Basic Legionnaire Fighting, melee practice, martial arts, the ancient jiapnese sword duel, Gun Shooting But one thing Jeanne can defeat him Is by Ancient JźH Sword Fighting, The one thing Nicholas is bad at. After the graduation Jeanne only top the title Salutatorian in the academy so she just granted a "Pilus Prior" rank; a Pilus Prior is the commanding officer of a Imperial Marine Battalion.

Even though she just top Salutatorian it's still a highest rank she gained.

Then Jeanne opened the door and sees Nicholas in his office sitting "Umm... Sir?" Jeanne said nervously "Oh! Jeanne... uhm how are you? pilus prior?" Nicholas said "Really nich? *sigh* can we just skip the formalities it's kinda weird?" Jeanne said "Well alright, but as you know in imperial hiearchy I'm the high ranking officer." Nicholas confidently said to her "Oh... don't give me that nerd crap!" she said angrily "Alright, alright Jeanne what do you came here for? mock me?" he said curiously "Nothing, Just here to congratulate you because you gained a high rank so fast, Plus I haven't seen you in thousand of years!! I've read you in the health magazine it said that you are a ideal man for a woman who wants to marry a soldier? that is totally bullshit... huh a nerd like YOU?!" Jeanne provokingly reply "Nah, You're just jealous because i'm the first Imperator Magister in centuries!" Nicholas boastly said to Jeanne "God! I hate it when you're right... this is just a time waster anyway, I just want to say goodbye before I go." Jeanne said to Nicholas "Oh yeah your cohort is assigned to spec-ops I will not see you again for... I don't know? Ten years or more?" Nicholas said to Jeanne "Well... by you saying that... that's really a long... long time..." Than a sudden silent in the office of the I.M. then Jeanne said "Well... I should get going then" then a simple reply from Nicholas "Yes...", Just before Jeanne is going to open the door, nicholas suddenly grabbed her hand and hug her tight then kiss Jeanne to the lips.

Then after Jeanne is shock and she is in awe "Uhmm... that was... I'm very sorry!" Nicholas hesitately said, Then Jeanne lovingly whispered to his ear "No... continue." then Jeanne put her arm around Nicholas and an intense kiss from jeanne. After the turn of events Jeanne leave the office and just smiled to Nicholas then leave.

A Simple Smile Of Her Contains Thousands of Meaning.

Two years jump after a peaceful era, as if it seems the two rival countries set aside their differences. Or is it?

March 01, 2026 The 51st Emperor had died because of lung cancer, The Emperor hide this to Marie, the prince and his people for five years, He secretly go to the hospital every weekend in his reign, When he is caught by his family or his soldiers he instantly responded: "I'm going to run some errands!" by the help of his trusted butler and friend Reginald Intraeus Palanx the grandson of Terrence Briton Palanx, who died in the palace tragedy years ago, and some other trusted senators. they keep this secret for 13 years of his reign.

The Palanx Family has been the butler of the emperor since 1900's, The first was Lancelot Palanx a best friend of the 41st Emperor; but don't get fooled even though they are just a family of Butlers they are the family ranked 2nd that expert on Ancient JźH Sword Fighting. But know the time has come the death of another Great Emperor.

THE END OF CHAPTER 2ND: Legionarius De Domino Imperator