
Legionnaire of the Emperor

This is a Sci-Fi based story. About a soldier set in a futuristic war-torn world fighting for his empire, in ancient times their are FOUR nations; The JźH Empire, Kingdom Of Arcadium, Kingdom Of Britannia and Victoriam. For centuries the JźH Empire have conquered half of the planet, but after a while it became just three nations residing to the Planet Gaia(FictionalEarth) 5x larger than real earth, one of the nations left are The Holy Kingdom Of Britannia that became the central religion of the nations, and the second Nation is just a puppet country(Victoriam) they're independent to make laws and control the people but the one who really controls them are The Empire. Some people want some change to this oppressive type of living, especially the people of the Post-Conquered Kingdom of Arcadium, they build a group that will overthrow and fight the empire to give back the lands they have colonized and independence; They call this group Anti-Imperialism Revolutionists the Key members of the group are Politicians, Rich Businessmen, Bureaucrats, High-Ranking Soldiers, the descendants of the Arcadium Royal Family and the shadows behind it all are the ancient group of scientist and philosophers called "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" and of course the "መለኮታዊ አዕምሮ" For 115 years of war between the JźH Empire and the Anti-Imperialism Revolutionaries, after a devastating attack by the A.I.R. The Empire granted the Peace Treaty, make Victoriam a official independent Country and all of the eastern continent that was once belong to the Arcadium Kingdom are given back. He is the commanding officer of the 25th legionnaire regiment A.K.A. "Emperors Iron Fist". The Protagonist of this story is Nicholas Olivoure Leofrançois II son of Nashido Nikorasu Leofrançois and Elisé Olivoure Leofrançois, at his childhood he proves stupendous talents that the empire can use.

DREAGVEAKRAJZH · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Legion Killers

30 Minutes after they suit up and they've board a shuttle transport to go to I.A.S. Legion II the second battle airship of the Imperial Navy and the personal transport base and new base of operations of 113 legionnaire regiments.

While aboard the transport Orion explains the I.A.S. Legion II "The i.a.s legion two was under construction for nearly eleven years from the year of the death of the forty ninth emperor to two thousand twelve, it's a frigate class ships and commisioned in the year twenty-twenty, right now it holds One Hundred and Thirteen legionnaire regiments, for now... damn all in one place." Ciara replied scaredly "If ever get caught... hope not." Gerard replied scaredly too "It's like hitting two birds in one stone." Nicholas interrupted them and said "Woah... squad don't think like that... be positive everyone, besides I've heard the airship is built to withstand a nuclear blast, but It's not officially tested though."

Hours later, Now aboard the I.A.S. Legion II they were greeted by the Admiral of the ship, Admiral Hitorashi Akira "Welcome Legionnaires to the imperial airship legion two, I am Admiral Akira you don't know how honored I am to finally meet the Emperors Iron Fist." Nicholas replied graciously "No admiral the honor is ours, so let's begin our mission then." Now at the bridge they plan the missions strategy and tactic.

After they plan the strategy the I.A.S. Legion II is now traveling to The island, And activated the Stealth Mode of the ship.

Not soon after, A shady E.L.D. spy working inside the airship engine facility contacted The Legion Killers to ready their attack.

This new elite army of the Eastern Land Of Democracy is almost the equivalent of the L.O.T.E. it has 800+ soldiers recruited for now;

The High Ranking Soldiers are:

High Commander Irish Hemmings Supreme Commander and Leader of The LEGION KILLER Army

Chief Captain Mark P. Socrateas the leader of the Six Captains Division under the command of Irish and the First Captain

Captain Joemark R. McCallum the second captain

Captain Dave G. Kojima the third captain

Captain Joed R. McCallum the fourth captain

Captain Reiven G. Armiteus the fifth captain

Captain Kenneth S. Parthenon

the sixth captain.

Each captain have TWO Divisions of Infantry Battalion under their command, but ofcourse the orders are coming from the commander.

Legionnaires and the I.A.S. Legion II believe they are the ambusher, but their the ones are going to be ambush, by the Legion Killers.

While two miles to the island, Nicholas and his regiment is waiting at their barracks inside the ship patiently "Don't you worry Orion, your father will be fine and the mission will go smoothly, and the twenty first legionnaire regiment and sixty third Legionnaire regiment one of the elites will accompany us, have trust ok!" Nicholas said to Orion to ease him "I know... but something... I'm having a bad feeling about this mission!" Orion said terrifyingly "Don't worry Orion this mission will go smoothly, you know why? Because the twenty first and sixty third regiment two of the most respected and high honoured regiment will be our support, the odds are with us." Nicholas said confidently "Well, I sure hope you're right sir."

As nicholas said the "odds" are with them but that's not the case Nicholas has tempted therefore they are into some bad situation.

After the discussion the 25th, 21st, 63rd Regiment suit themselves and get aboard to a shuttle to transport them down the island. A hour later now they are in the top of the island, The three Manipulus Navita joined together and stay at the airship to monitor the mission of all the squad, While monotoring the three M.N. notice in the satellite map that the mortar defenses all over the facility are not activated and the guards are nowhere to be found, Curious and nervous one of the M.N. run to the bridge to warn The Admiral and the squads that something is not right, After reaching the bridge the M.N. said to The admiral nervously "Admiral, be advised all of the defence mortars are not operational be cautious and ready yo..." The M.N. was interrupted by a explosion, Five missile has hit the airships hull and after a full Red Alert has triggered all over the ship and the admiral shouted to the bridge crew "ACTIVATE THE SHIELDS!!" Seven missile shots to the legion later an ominous shadow at the cloud has been seen at the bridge of the I.A.S Legion II; An Airship has been revealed the very first battle airship of the Eastern Land Of Democracy, The Democratic Navy Ship named: "CRATUS" Dreadnought-class, The enemy keep continuing bombarding the I.A.S. Legion II, soon after while at the transport bay inside the airship Nicholas called the bridge and curiously said "Hello, admiral what the hell is happening, is it ELD??" The Admiral shouted "Yes! Primus pilus, it looks like we the ambusher, just been ambushed." Nicholas replied to Akira "What? How? this kind of firepower?!" Admiral replied "The senate and the emperor has been talking about this..." another interruption but now it's a explosion coming at the engineering room "Hello admiral... what? the senate?" Admiral Akira replied "The Shields is down!! look like we've got a spy inside my ship, sorry Primus pilus I have to focus on this!" Nicholas curiously replied "Wait Admira... " and the connection has been terminated "Shit... alright listen up twenty first and sixty third regiments looks like we are being attack by something, and I ain't standing here to be a dead man so go to their respected shuttle, Move Out!!" Nicholas said to the regiments and the Primus pilus of the 21st regiment Richardson Bellinicus grabbed his shoulder and said to Nicholas "Wait! Nicholas I've overheard you talking at the admiral... I need to tell you this, the ones who are attacking us is the d.n.s. Cratus it's a Dreadnought class ship, it's two times bigger than the legion it's also the very first battle capable airship of the eld." Nicholas replied shockingly "How do you know this?!" Richardson replied "Well my father is a senator and..." And another powerful explosion interrupted their conversation "We have to continue this next time Richardson, We need to go Now!"

Soon after they got in the Shuttle and some of the ships crew and Legionnaires evacuated and land in the island, while the 25th Legionnaire's shuttle is in mid-air a missile is about to hit them, They've evaded it but the engine of the shuttle is seems to be malfunctioning.

They are now crash landing fast, The I.A.S. Legion II has sustained a lot of damage and it's now about to crash on the island.

The Legion Killers landed their ships and are now killing some of the airship's crew that landed on the island and some of the Legionnaire's are trying to fight back at them, Some are hiding inside the forest and some are having a crossfire with the L.K.

The three Legionnaire regiment's shuttle and some others have crash landed at the beach, Nicholas had gone unconscious from the crash good thing the 21st, 63rd and 50th, 14th, Regiments are their to help them, Now Nicholas had gain consciousness and being aided by Ciara "Primus Pilus... Wake up we have to go!!" Ciara said, then Nicholas get up then he was greeted by the other regiments and the 50th primus pilus said to Nicholas "You alright, primus pilus I am Theodosius Rorschach I'm the primus pilus of the fiftieth legionnaire regiment... look nicholas, I'm out of ideas... how are we going to plan this! we keep hearing multiple gunshots inside THE forest..." he was interrupted by a huge explosion at the sky, they see the I.A.S. Legion II falling down at the sky.

Not soon after A bunch of VTOL-aircraft gunship surrounded the Legionnaires and greeted by The High Commander of the Legion Killer and the six captains as they land their ship "Well hello legionnaires, as you know there have been a change of plans." a legionnaire soldier shouted to her "And who the fuck are you!?" then a L.K. soldier shot him directly at the head, Then Commander hemmings continued "As I was saying, There have been a change of plans! you guys think that you will attack the e.l.d. that EASILY!! You may had been the powerful army in the world, but the tides have changed we have a spy hidden inside your airship, that led to me knowing that ya'll going to ambush our Nuclear Facility! well we've got your stupid asses... but first I have to meet the leader of the Emperors Iron Fist c'mon NICHOLAS!!" Nicholas reveal himself while the other legionnaires are preventing him and then said to her "Wait it's alright, But first who are you really?" Hemmings replied seductively and walked closer to Nicholas "Oh! How rude of me, I am Irish Hemmings high commander of All the soldier you see surrounding you and pointing there guns at you, we call ourselves... LEGION KILLERS, the president created our group of elite soldiers to equal you guys, yes we are your equal and we are all responsible of ALL the chaos you all seeing right now, Now let me really experience that you're truly THE IDEAL MAN? If the magazines right, let me see those crimson eyes upclose." Then after commander Hemmings straps Nicholas's hand from behind and kiss him intensively that is so intense, Irish bit the lips of Nicholas "What the hell?!!" Nicholas said angrily "Wow, The magazine is true... But it's not enough for me, men tranquilize them all and send them to the holding cell at HQ and recall ALL the LK that is active right now and send them back at our battleship! NOW MOVE OUT!" Irish said, then after the L.K. shoot them all with the tranquilizer that made them unconscious, Chief Captain Socrates approached her then said "Commander how about the remaining survivors out there?" Hemmings replied "Let them live for now, let them tell the empire what happened here today, because today is the beginning of my revenge of their precious emperor, NOW GO!"

An hour later after the Legion Killers fall back for now, some of the remaining survivors send a distress signal to the empire, And hopefully the empire rescue them in time to witness what had happen to I.A.S. LEGION II and the "Emperors Iron Fist" and some other regiment that have been captured by the LEGION KILLERS.

END OF CHAPTER 5TH: Legion Killers