
Legionnaire of the Emperor

This is a Sci-Fi based story. About a soldier set in a futuristic war-torn world fighting for his empire, in ancient times their are FOUR nations; The JźH Empire, Kingdom Of Arcadium, Kingdom Of Britannia and Victoriam. For centuries the JźH Empire have conquered half of the planet, but after a while it became just three nations residing to the Planet Gaia(FictionalEarth) 5x larger than real earth, one of the nations left are The Holy Kingdom Of Britannia that became the central religion of the nations, and the second Nation is just a puppet country(Victoriam) they're independent to make laws and control the people but the one who really controls them are The Empire. Some people want some change to this oppressive type of living, especially the people of the Post-Conquered Kingdom of Arcadium, they build a group that will overthrow and fight the empire to give back the lands they have colonized and independence; They call this group Anti-Imperialism Revolutionists the Key members of the group are Politicians, Rich Businessmen, Bureaucrats, High-Ranking Soldiers, the descendants of the Arcadium Royal Family and the shadows behind it all are the ancient group of scientist and philosophers called "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" and of course the "መለኮታዊ አዕምሮ" For 115 years of war between the JźH Empire and the Anti-Imperialism Revolutionaries, after a devastating attack by the A.I.R. The Empire granted the Peace Treaty, make Victoriam a official independent Country and all of the eastern continent that was once belong to the Arcadium Kingdom are given back. He is the commanding officer of the 25th legionnaire regiment A.K.A. "Emperors Iron Fist". The Protagonist of this story is Nicholas Olivoure Leofrançois II son of Nashido Nikorasu Leofrançois and Elisé Olivoure Leofrançois, at his childhood he proves stupendous talents that the empire can use.

DREAGVEAKRAJZH · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


-This is a fictional world with fictional cities, Countries. But the Goverment, institution and other type of governance is pretty much based in real life.

This is insight to the lore of the cities/countries/world of L.O.T.E.


• JźH Empire (Cities/State)

Form & System of Government: Absolute Monarchy/Autocracy/Oligarchy/Constitutional Liberalism

Population: 6,412,459,726

I.) JźH (Capital)

Founded: Year 1133 B.E. (Before Empire) it is founded by the grandfather of the first emperor, King Leonardus Olivoure who has 5 children; 3 sons, 2 daughters. But before that Leonardus is just a ordinary pioneer under the rule of a ancient forgotten kingdom called "Divine Minds" or in ancient Jz'H Literature "Divina Mens".

II.) Anaximander Major

Founded: Year 1610 by The 20th Emperor JźH Anaximander and name it after him with his "Imperialis Eques Expeditio" or in modern language Imperial Knights Expedition Battalion.

III.) Anaximander Minor

Founded: Year 1612 by The 20th Emperor with his Imperialis Eques Expeditio, second island east from Anax. Maj. Continued the name and the because of its size, It is named Anaximander Minor.

IV.) Aerania City

Founded: Year 1550 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion before the colonization of Native Jiapnese People in that area.

V.) Cinncinatus City

Founded: Year 1410 by the 12th Emperor and after five months of unnatural battles with the Native Jiapnese Swordsmen who consist of Three Families; Shikodai/Nikorasu/Hirohito who called them in the Jiapnese language "浪人" or "Roninus" a army full of master swordsmen, but after the last twenty knights was left in the town they've attack, the Emperor showed up and use the "Imperator Ictus" or "Emperors Smite" They succesfully conquered them.

VI.) Dacrimae

Founded: Year 1410 by the 12th Emperor with his Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion.

VII.) Fra Mauro

Founded: Year 1250 by the 8th Emperor, a day after his coronation he created the Imperialis Eques Expeditio or the Expedition battalion of The imperial knights and the first place they voyage to is Fra Mauro Island.

VIII.) Italium Dactylus City

Founded: Year 1448 after the Imperial Knights suppresed the last remaining Arcadium soldiers

IX.) Konoharai

Founded: Year 1412 after conquering Cinncinatus and after some Native Jiapnese swordsmen "浪人" or "Roninus" survived the "Emperors Smite" they were left with one family (Nikorasu) with TEN warriors they've fall back to the last city of the jiapnese, the colonization went southwest and founded the last city konoharai a small city and at the center of it is a tall pagoda and high fortress-like walls surrounding the whole city. For years multiple emperors try to capture it but in 1723 after 311 years of sieges and after countless unnatural deaths of imperial knights, unnatural because when the knights is about to attack the city, the soldiers heads will be cut off mysteriously. So after that the 30th emperor make a Last Stand he gathered 500+ imperial knights to siege the place for the last time, but 10 nikorasu warriors; red eyed jiapnese warriors show up and again half of the emperors army knights was vanquish in just seconds, for the first time in history a emperor granted a Peace Treaty to the Native Jiapnese People and agreed to stop the slavery.

X.) Leon

Founded: Year 1440 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion.

XI.) Macedonicus

Founded: Year 1439 by the 23rd Emperor and it's Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion, after the war between the Kingdom of Arcadium.

XII.) Marina City

Founded: Year 1439 23rd Emperor and it's Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion after the war between the Kingdom of Arcadium.

XIII.) Romanus

Founded: Year 1417 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio after they have been defeated by "Roninus" warriors for the fifth time.


•Holy Kingdom of Britannia (States/Cities)

Form & System of Government: Monarchy/Theocracy

Population: 2,347,081,818

I.) Londonium (Capital)

Founded: Year 1335 by the first king of Britannia, King Flavius D. Wilson and created a city. But in 1381 The JźH Empire invaded their city.

II.) Aer

Founded: Year 1384 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio three years after invading the capital.

III.) Burford

Founded: Year 1399 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio.

IV.) Gothicum City

Founded: Year 1510 by a Britannian Explorer, Herald O. Marinus. Who helped the indigenous people their and come back and make the place a Metropolitan District.

V.) Hareshire City

Founded: Year 1400 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio.

VI.) Metropolinatus

Founded: Year 1503 by the 7th Monarch of Britannia. After granting independacy by the hands of The JźH Empire in March 10, 1503.

VII.) Minster City

Founded: Year 1422 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio and after 20 years it became the most Largest city in the world.

VIII.) Portus

Founded: Year 1421 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio.


• Eastern Land of Democracy


Form & System of Government: Democracy/Federation/Liberalism/Stratocracy/Presidential System

Population: 508,745,538

I.) Arcadia (Capital)

Founded: Year 1201 It is the motherland of the Ancient Arcadium Kingdom. But in 1500 after a devastating lost, all of the land of Arcadium was surrendered to the JźH Empire.

II.) Avtomat City

Founded: Year 1254 by the Arcadium Kingdom.

III.) Azkhavan

Founded: Year 1233 by the Arcadium Kingdom after they've genocide all of the Native Tribes.

IV.) Baiux City

Founded: Year 1501 by the Jz'H Imperialis Eques Expeditio after colonizing the Kingdom.

V.) Carleóne City

Founded: Year 1345 by the Arcadium Kingdom, but when it is first discovered corleóne is not the first given name, it was named Mattiaci, it was named after the Arcadium General: Tiovannio Mattiaci Rocher and in the era of colonization of the kingdom; 1503 it is named after the emperor of that time Jz'H Carleóne L. Olivoure.

VI.) Curris City

Founded: Year 1400 by by the Arcadium Kingdom.

VII.) Ignis City

Founded: Year 1515 by the Jz'H empire's Imperialis Eques Expeditio, Ignis translate to Fire/Scorch because the JźH Imperialis Eques Expeditio almost died of the staggering climate heat and vast deserts.

VIII.) Khazan

Founded: Year 1515 by the JźH Imperialis Eques Expeditio. After surviving the last place they've discovered (Ignis City).

IX.) Libriy

Founded: Year 1519 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio.

X.) Nizhny Novrogod City

Founded: Year 1989 by the Anti-Imperialism Revolutionist a.k.a. Eastern Land of Democracy named after the 23rd Supreme Leader and later the first President of E.L.D.; Nihzny Feralium Novrogod.

XI.) Persia

Founded: Year 1350 by the Victoriam Republic.

XII.) Piscis

Founded: Year 1403 by the Arcadium Kingdom after a strife between the Victoriam Republic.

XIII.) Stella

Founded: Year 1515 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio and named after the leading general of the expedition group; General Stella Honoré.


•Republic Of Victoriam (States/Cities)

Form & System of Government: Republic/Presidential System/Federation

Population: 105,969,781

I.) Kalashnikova (Capital)

Founded: Year 1133 B.E. by a group of ancient philosophers, pioneers called in amharic literature "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" or Democratic People the one who lead them is Cleisthenes Kalashnikova the founding father of democracy himself and the first Supreme Chancellor of Victoriam.

II.) Gavrilovich City

Founded: Year 1135 B.E. after building a small city in the capital, the pioneers plan to expand their democratic influence and teach the tribes they've found and later the tribes joined their cause and the expansion continues.

III.) Iens City

Founded: Year 1136 B.E. by the "ዲሞክራሲያዊ ህዝቦች" Pioneers.

IV.) Ilium

Founded: Year 1238 by the first batch of Imperialis Eques Expeditio battalion and this place were the first war happened between the Ancient Victoriam and the Empire.

V.) Mikhail City

Founded: Year 1239 after the Victoriam Soldier lose and fall back to the capital, the Imperial Knights Expedition Group named the place after the emperor of that time; Emperor JźH Mikhail Olivoure VII.

VI.) Xiphiae City

Founded: Year 1241 by the JźH Imperialis Eques Expeditio, the ancient JźHian word "Xiphiae" means Swordfish in modern literature because this place where the swordfish was founded and provided food for the Knights.

VII.) Xylon City

Founded: Year 1240 by the Imperialis Eques Expeditio.

P.s. Do not confused the B.E.(before empire) or A.D.(after death of the 49th emperor) with it's real counterpart the julian calendar and gregorian calendar, i've put it their kinda' chronologically when the fictional planet first have people gaining supernatural abilities after a radioactive meteorite has fallen, for example; "Its been 2027 years since the divine meteor have fallen." like that hope you get what i mean.