
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · Fantasía
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82 Chs

15.) Enlightened Arrival

As the assembly within the grand hall of Solaris Academy struggled to digest the arrival of the unorthodox newcomer, a hush fell over the crowd. The figure, confidently sauntering towards the front with his unusual companion in tow, seemed oblivious to the mixed reactions his entrance elicited. It was Sakai Jin, whose reputation as a seeker of enlightenment under the aegis of Buddha, The Enlightened One, hadn't yet reached the ears of Solaris Academy's newest intake.

Jin, standing at an impressive six feet with a lean build, carried himself with an air of serene confidence. His long dark blue hair, neatly tied in a man bun, swayed gently with each step, his fair complexion unmarked by battle or strife—a stark contrast to many of his fellow students.

The attire he chose, far from the academy's uniform, spoke volumes of his nonchalant demeanor towards conventional norms; sliders, shorts, and a tank top adorned with a simple "meow" across the chest. Yet, it was the sunglasses perched just below his eyes, tinted in shades of pink and purple, that added a layer of mystery to his already intriguing persona.

With every stride, Jin exuded a sense of calm and indomitable will, attributes befitting his celestial patron, Buddha. In his mouth, a lollipop—a testament to his unyielding sweet tooth—while his hand gripped an 8-foot-long Tathagata staff, a symbol of his journey and the wisdom he had accrued along the way.

Champa, the baby elephant by his side, seemed to mirror Jin's calm, a serene beast seemingly out of place yet perfectly at ease in the grand hall of Solaris Academy. This peculiar pair's entrance not only interrupted the ceremony but also marked the beginning of a series of whispers and speculative glances among students and faculty alike.

Jin's backstory, though unknown to many, was as colorful as his present demeanor suggested. Born into a family whose name was synonymous with wealth and prestige within the Kingdom of Solaris, Jin had forsaken the opulence of his noble birthright in search of a higher calling—enlightenment.

His journey, marked by trials and encounters with beings of various realms, led him to Champa, and together, they traversed the lands, guided by the principles of Buddha. It was during this pilgrimage that he was approached by a recruiter for Solaris Academy, who extended an invitation to join, recognizing his potential despite Jin never applying.

Now, standing before the curious eyes of Solaris Academy's assembly, Jin represented an enigma. His demeanor suggested a man at peace with his path, yet his presence at the academy was as much a surprise to him as to those observing him. Jin, contemplating the recruiter's offer, saw in Solaris Academy not just a place of learning but a new chapter in his quest for enlightenment.

As whispers turned into murmurs, the principal regained control of the assembly, welcoming Jin and Champa with a knowing smile. "Let's welcome Sakai Jin and his companion, Champa, to Solaris Academy," he announced, his voice echoing through the hall.

The students, still processing the unexpected turn of events, clapped, some more enthusiastically than others, intrigued by the confident newcomer and his serene companion.

"Sakai Jin, under special dispensation, is not required to adhere to our uniform policy. It's not just his unique fashion sense that sets him apart; Jin currently stands as the strongest among you, a fact yet unknown to many."

Whispers filled the room, students exchanging speculative glances. Jin's presence, marked by an indomitable will and an unshakeable calm, seemed to embody the essence of his patron constellation, Buddha, The Enlightened One. As the principal concluded his introduction, Jin gave a brief nod to the assembly. His disrespectful attitude towards other deities and ascended humans was well-known.

The drifters along with the rest of the students, couldn't help but be drawn to this enigmatic figure. His confident stride, the peaceful aura that enveloped him, and his disregard for conventional norms set him apart as someone destined to leave a mark on Solaris Academy.

As Jin made his way to take a seat, the hall buzzed with renewed excitement and speculation. His arrival marked a significant moment in the academy's history, a reminder of the diverse and powerful individuals who walked its halls.

With the strongest among them now revealed, the students of Solaris Academy looked forward to the challenges and adventures that lay ahead, their paths intertwined with that of Sakai Jin, the embodiment of Buddha's enlightenment and strength.


As the murmurs of excitement and curiosity began to settle, the principal reclaimed the attention of the assembly with a gentle raise of his hand, signaling the continuation of his speech. His eyes sparkled with the promise of revelations yet to come, focusing on the heart of Solaris Academy's tradition: the four houses that formed the cornerstone of the school's identity and the students' journeys.

"Dear students," he began, his voice resonating with a warmth and gravitas that captured every listener. "As you embark on this journey at Solaris Academy, you will find a second home within one of our four illustrious houses. Each house is a beacon that guides its members towards greatness, embodying values and virtues that have been cherished by our academy since its inception."

He paused for a moment, allowing the significance of his words to sink in before continuing.

"First, we have House Basilisk, emblematic of cunning and adaptability. Members of this house are known for their strategic minds and their ability to thrive in any situation, no matter how dire. House Basilisk stands as a testament to the belief that knowledge and wit are the most potent weapons one can wield. Its symbol, the Basilisk, represents the transformative power of insight and the courage to face the unknown."

A murmur of approval rippled through the students, many of whom had already begun to speculate about their future allegiances.

"Next is House Phoenix, the embodiment of resilience and rebirth. Its members possess a fiery spirit and an indomitable will, allowing them to rise from any adversity stronger than before. The Phoenix symbolizes eternal hope and the unyielding strength to overcome, reminding us that from the ashes of defeat, victory can be reborn."

The students listened, captivated by the imagery of the Phoenix, feeling a kinship with its message of perseverance and renewal.

"House Cerberus, guardians of loyalty and bravery. This house values the power of unity and the strength that comes from standing together in the face of challenges. The Cerberus, a fearsome guardian, represents the unbreakable bonds of friendship and the valor needed to protect what is dear. Members of Cerberus are the shield against the darkness, unwavering in their commitment to their cause and to each other."

Nods of understanding and respect followed the description of House Cerberus, a testament to the deep-seated values of camaraderie and courage within the academy.

"And finally, House Pegasus, the beacon of creativity and freedom. Those who call this house their home are visionaries and dreamers, unafraid to soar to new heights. The Pegasus stands for the limitless potential of the imagination and the boundless skies of innovation. It is a reminder that the wings of possibility can lift us to achieve the extraordinary."

The principal's speech drew to a close, leaving an air of inspiration and anticipation hanging in the ceremony hall. Students exchanged excited glances, already aligning their aspirations with the values and virtues of the houses described.

"As you stand at the threshold of your new lives here at Solaris Academy," the principal concluded, "remember that each house is more than just a group to belong to; it is a family that will guide, challenge, and support you in your quest to uncover your true potential. Let the spirit of your house light your path to greatness."

With a final, encouraging smile, the principal stepped back, allowing the magnitude of his words to resonate with every student in the room. The ceremony had not only introduced them to the wonders of Solaris Academy but also to the journey of self-discovery and growth that lay ahead, within the embrace of House Basilisk, House Phoenix, House Cerberus, and House Pegasus.


Now that all characters have been introduced i will publish a chapter to show their powers

HeavenlyKarmacreators' thoughts